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atacratic / async-test-handler.u
Created August 10, 2021 23:37
Attempt at a sketch of a pure handler for Unison's Async
-- Aim is to make a handler for
-- that works for tests and docs, so, a pure scheduler.
-- Key problem is how to make the types work in scheduleHandler.
-- - the awaitCompletion case is producing a 'resume' value - the continuation for
-- how some task will resume after its call to tryAwait completes
-- - the completeTask case is producing a 'result' value - the output of some task,
-- let's say one that another task is waiting on.
-- The latter has type 'Either Failure a', for some type a matching the return type
-- of the task. The former wants to consume an 'Either Failure a'. So it's 'just'
atacratic / cell.u
Created July 19, 2021 21:22
Playing with the Unison distributed API - a `Cell` type: state sharing between tasks
-- Contains a piece of state which can be written and read from different tasks.
type Cell a = Cell (Channel (CellProto a))
type CellProto a = Read (Channel a) | Write a
example = 'let
c = 1
f = 'let
Cell.write 2 c
g = 'let
atacratic / laws-testing.u
Created May 3, 2020 10:38
Sketch of algebraic laws property testing, using explicit encoding for typeclass instances
-- Sketch of algebraic laws property testing, using explicit encoding for typeclass instances (Unison language)
type base.Monoid a = {
mempty : a,
mplus : a -> a -> a
type base.Monoid.Laws a = {
leftIdentity : Monoid a -> a -> Boolean,
rightIdentity : Monoid a -> a -> Boolean,
atacratic / pipe.u
Created January 29, 2020 00:39
example multihandler in Unison
-- An example multihandler.
-- Pipe messages out of the first argument computation into the second.
pipe : Request (Send m) () -> Request (Receive m) a ->{Abort} a
pipe sender receiver =
case receiver of
{ Receive.receive -> kr } ->
case sender of
{ Send.send m -> ks } -> pipe (step ks) (step '(kr m))
{ _ } -> Abort.abort
{ a } -> a
atacratic /
Last active July 3, 2024 14:57
Unison abilities - unofficial alternative tutorial

This tutorial explains how Unison handles 'effectful' computations, like storing state or performing I/O, using abilities. It assumes you haven't come across abilities before, and covers everything from the ground up.

This is an unofficial tutorial, written before the one on The approach taken here is slow and methodical. Your first stop should be the official tutorial, if you haven't seen it already.

This doc is a Unison transcript - the source is here.

Terminology note: other languages with ability systems typically call them 'effect handlers' or 'algebraic effects', but many of the ideas are the same.

Introducing abilities

atacratic /
Last active October 28, 2019 14:03
Running `git difftool` for the first time and installing meld - on linux

chris@chris-ubuntu:~/unison$ git difftool HEAD HEAD^1

This message is displayed because 'diff.tool' is not configured.
See 'git difftool --tool-help' or 'git help config' for more details.
'git difftool' will now attempt to use one of the following tools:
meld opendiff kdiff3 tkdiff xxdiff kompare gvimdiff diffuse diffmerge ecmerge p4merge araxis bc codecompare emerge vimdiff

Viewing (1/1): 'parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Codebase/TranscriptParser.hs'
Launch 'bc' [Y/n]? Y
The diff tool bc is not available as 'bcompare'
atacratic /
Last active September 26, 2019 21:17
A motivator for supporting ability sets where multiple abilities share the same head type constructor

This is a case that might help motivate support in Unison for ability sets where multiple abilities share the same head type constructor.

In a nutshell the point is that ability sets like {Exception Foo, Exception Bar} arise naturally when composing functions. So weak support for those ability sets bakes a barrier to compositionality into the language.

Let's suppose we're using the Exception ability.

ability Exception e where
  throw : e -> a
atacratic / IO-record-replay.u
Created August 31, 2019 22:50
Prototype IO proxy handler for record/replay in Unison
-- This gist demonstrates a prototype IO proxy handler for record/replay.
-- The hope is to get some version of this into unisonbase someday.
-- More motivation and explanation is at
-- It currently only handles a few IO primitives - there's a bunch of boilerplate code
-- needed to handle the rest. And see 'Limitations' below for issues coming out of this
-- prototyping.
-- The aim is to provide the following:
atacratic /
Last active August 1, 2019 20:24
comments on the language reference

reviewing Unison's master@81b65b, i.e. this


  • This doc is awesome: nicely written, thorough, not trying to be too formal, nice use of examples.
  • It needs a table of contents to give the reader an overview.

In ‘type signature’:

  • say that Nat means natural number, and that that means whole numbers starting at zero
  • ‘meets’->’matches’?

Here's a question on using the Unison language.

I wanted to play around with defining APIs for data sources/sinks/feeds etc, but I hit a wall. I don't know how I should define an API in unison without tying down the underlying datatype used to implement it.

As a example, consider the following bit of Haskell.

-- let's ignore for the purposes of this discussion whether this is a wise definition of a stream...
class StreamT s where
 get :: s a -> (a, s a)