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Created August 31, 2019 22:50
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Prototype IO proxy handler for record/replay in Unison
-- This gist demonstrates a prototype IO proxy handler for record/replay.
-- The hope is to get some version of this into unisonbase someday.
-- More motivation and explanation is at
-- It currently only handles a few IO primitives - there's a bunch of boilerplate code
-- needed to handle the rest. And see 'Limitations' below for issues coming out of this
-- prototyping.
-- The aim is to provide the following:
-- recordIO : Request IO t ->{IO} (t, IORecord)
-- replayIO : IORecord -> Request IO t ->{Exception (IOReplayException t)} IOResult t
-- So, record all the input/output done by your IO computation, then feed it back into your
-- code later, running as a pure computation, to play about with either in some kind of debugger, or
-- as you tweak the code by adding logging.
-- *** USAGE ***
-- Given a program : '{IO} Nat
-- case (handle recordIO in !program) of
-- (nat, recording) -> ...
-- Given a recording, record : IORecord
-- case (handle exceptionToEither in (handle replayIO record in !program)) of
-- Either.Right (IOResult.Completed nat) -> ...
-- One way to get a window into the program being replayed is to instrument it. You could write:
-- ability Log where
-- log : Text -> ()
-- program : '{IO, Log} Nat
-- replay : IORecord -> ('{IO, Log} a) ->{Log} a
-- *** LIMITATIONS ***
-- This is not very useful yet because Unison doesn't yet have:
-- - convenient typed data persistence, so you can't store your recordings to examine later
-- - Universal.toText (or similar), so you can't view a print-out of the recordings
-- It's also not complete:
-- - it needs all the boilerplate code writing for the various IO primitives: it currently only
-- covers getLine_, putText_, and a handful of others
-- - although fork is exposed in, other concurrency primitives are not, so there's
-- no way to get a hold of any recordings made in forked child threads
-- - there are some issues around recording calls to bracket, which need a bit of experiment/
-- prototyping (see IOReplayException.BracketUnsupported below), and which anyway might
-- point to deeper snags around recording computations that hit exceptions (especially
-- asynchronous exceptions as described at
use .base
-- the following bit of preamble to go in .base
ability Exception e where
raise : e -> a
exceptionToEither : Request (Exception e) a -> Either e a
exceptionToEither r = case r of
{ Exception.raise e -> k } -> Either.Left e
{ a } -> Either.Right a
-- the following to go in
-- A recording of the IO performed during execution of an IO computation.
-- We store the list of calls made to IO primitives. (There is actually some tree-like structure
-- here, or will be in future, see IORecord'.fork_).
type IORecord = IORecord [IORecord']
-- To replay computations we only need to store the return values from each IO primitive, i.e.
-- the inputs to the program. But we store the arguments to the IO primitives as well (which are
-- outputs from the program) to check the program is making the same IO calls on replay as it did
-- during recording.
type IORecord' =
getLine_ (.base.Either .base.Text)
| putText_ .base.Text (.base.Either ())
-- TODO insert lots more formulaic stuff here
-- ...
-- and finally these are the special cases:
| throw
-- When IO supports enough stuff to build a simple future on, there will be an extra
-- (Future IORecord) giving the IORecord from the forked child thread.
| fork_ ('{} ()) (.base.Either -- Future IORecord
-- (Need to use existentials to capture the args and return value of bracket.)
| bracket_ (.base.Either ())
-- Just the arguments to each IO primitive - used by IOReplayException.RequestMismatch.
type IORequest =
| putText_ .base.Text
-- insert lots more formulaic stuff here
-- ...
-- and finally these are the special cases:
| throw
| fork_ ('{} ())
| bracket_
-- A wrapper around the result of an '{IO} t computation, capturing cases where it calls to
-- TODO more general issues around exceptions need more thought. Ideally we want our recording
-- to still be produced in cases of exceptions, especially since those cases are ones where
-- examining and replaying a recording might be particularly useful.
type IOResult t =
Completed t
-- The computation did a
| Throw
-- We want to allow new code to be run against a recording produced by old code, as long as the IO
-- that is happening is the same. IOReplayException describes mismatches between the IO done by the
-- old code, and the IO requested by the new code.
-- Ideally the IORecord elements would be replaced by indices (or zippers) into the overall IORecord, showing which
-- thread you're in, rather than just records of the remaining computation at the point there was a mismatch.
type IOReplayException a =
-- The computation completed without performing all the requests in the record.
-- args: the expected remaining record; result of actual computation
EarlyCompletion IORecord (IOResult a)
-- The computation made a request that doesn't match the recording (either in the type of the
-- request or the value of an argument passed to it).
-- This includes the case where the computation makes more requests than are in the recording, in
-- which case the recording returned here will be empty.
-- Note that the matching-argument-values check skips function values.
-- args: expected remaining requests according to recording; actual next request from current computation
| RequestMismatch IORecord IORequest
-- TODO recordIO cannot currently record IO performed in child threads created by, so
-- computation in those threads cannot be replayed. We flag this by raising an exception from the
-- parent thread when it tries to replay a fork_ call.
| ForkUnsupported
-- TODO recordIO cannot currently record computations which use bracket_, due to difficulties coming from
-- (a) its return value not being of a fixed type, (b) inability to retrieve the recording from the
-- 'release' step.
| BracketUnsupported
recordIO : Request IO t ->{IO} (t, IORecord)
recordIO req = case recordIO_ (IORecord []) req of
(IOResult.Completed t, record) -> (t, record)
(IOResult.Throw e, record) -> IO.throw e
recordIO_ : IORecord -> Request IO t ->{IO} (IOResult t, IORecord)
recordIO_ record request = case request of
{ IO.getLine_ a -> k } ->
r = IO.getLine_ a
case record of
IORecord.IORecord record' ->
handle recordIO_ (IORecord.IORecord (record' :+ IORecord'.getLine_ a r)) in k r
{ IO.putText_ a b -> k } ->
r = IO.putText_ a b
case record of
IORecord.IORecord record' ->
handle recordIO_ (IORecord.IORecord (record' :+ IORecord'.putText_ a b r)) in k r
-- insert lots more formulaic stuff here
-- ...
-- and finally deal with the special cases:
{ IO.throw a -> k } ->
case record of
IORecord.IORecord record' -> (IOResult.Throw a, (IORecord.IORecord (record' :+ IORecord'.throw a)))
{ IO.fork_ a -> k } ->
-- When IO supports enough stuff to build a simple future on, wrapChild will:
-- - wrap the computation in a "handle recordIO_"
-- - get the child record fed back into a future in the parent record.
-- See IOReplayException.ForkUnsupported.
wrapChild : '{} q -> '{} q
wrapChild = id
r = IO.fork_ (wrapChild a)
case record of
IORecord.IORecord record' ->
handle recordIO_ (IORecord.IORecord (record' :+ IORecord'.fork_ a r)) in k r
{ IO.bracket_ a b c -> k } ->
-- This is incomplete - see IOReplayException.BracketUnsupported
r = IO.bracket_ a b c
case record of
IORecord.IORecord record' ->
handle recordIO_ (IORecord.IORecord (record' :+ IORecord'.bracket_ r)) in k r
{ t } -> (IOResult.Completed t, record)
replayIO : IORecord -> Request IO t ->{Exception (IOReplayException t)} IOResult t
replayIO record request =
and' a b = and a b
case request of
{ IO.getLine_ a -> k } ->
case record of
IORecord.IORecord ((IORecord'.getLine_ a' r) +: rest) | a == a' -> handle replayIO (IORecord.IORecord rest) in k r
_ -> Exception.raise (IOReplayException.RequestMismatch record (IORequest.getLine_ a))
{ IO.putText_ a b -> k } ->
case record of
IORecord.IORecord ((IORecord'.putText_ a' b' r) +: rest) | and' (a == a') (b == b') -> handle replayIO (IORecord.IORecord rest) in k r
_ -> Exception.raise (IOReplayException.RequestMismatch record (IORequest.putText_ a b))
-- insert lots more formulaic stuff here
-- ...
-- and finally deal with the special cases:
{ IO.throw a -> k } ->
case record of
IORecord.IORecord ((IORecord'.throw a') +: rest) | a == a' ->
if size rest == 0
then IOResult.Throw a
else Exception.raise (IOReplayException.EarlyCompletion (IORecord.IORecord rest) (IOResult.Throw a))
_ -> Exception.raise (IOReplayException.RequestMismatch record (IORequest.throw a))
{ IO.fork_ a -> k } -> Exception.raise IOReplayException.ForkUnsupported
{ IO.bracket_ a b c -> k } -> Exception.raise IOReplayException.BracketUnsupported
{ t } ->
case record of
IORecord.IORecord l | size l == 0 -> IOResult.Completed t
_ -> Exception.raise (IOReplayException.EarlyCompletion record (IOResult.Completed t))
-- the following just to show it working, not for inclusion in unisonbase
eg : '{IO} Text
eg = 'let
l = getLine stdin
egRecorded : '{IO} ()
egRecorded = 'let
case (handle recordIO in !eg) of
(line, IORecord.IORecord l) ->
case l of
(IORecord'.getLine_ _ (Either.Right line')) +: rest ->
printLine ("You said " ++ line ++ " and I recorded " ++ line')
egRecordedReplayed : '{IO} ()
egRecordedReplayed = 'let
case (handle recordIO in !eg) of
(line, record) ->
case (handle exceptionToEither in (handle replayIO record in !eg)) of
Either.Right (IOResult.Completed line') -> printLine ("First I got " ++ line ++ " then on the replay I got " ++ line')
thrower : '{IO} Text
thrower = '(IO.throw (Error.Error ErrorType.IllegalOperation "bad!"))
throwerRecorded : '{IO} (IOResult Text, IORecord)
throwerRecorded = '(handle recordIO_ (IORecord []) in !thrower)
throwerRecordedReplayed : '{IO} ()
throwerRecordedReplayed = 'let
case !throwerRecorded of
(IOResult.Throw e, record) ->
case (handle exceptionToEither in (handle replayIO record in !thrower)) of
Either.Right (IOResult.Throw (Error.Error _ text)) -> printLine text
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