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Unison abilities - unofficial alternative tutorial

This tutorial explains how Unison handles 'effectful' computations, like storing state or performing I/O, using abilities. It assumes you haven't come across abilities before, and covers everything from the ground up.

This is an unofficial tutorial, written before the one on The approach taken here is slow and methodical. Your first stop should be the official tutorial, if you haven't seen it already.

This doc is a Unison transcript - the source is here.

Terminology note: other languages with ability systems typically call them 'effect handlers' or 'algebraic effects', but many of the ideas are the same.

Introducing abilities

Let's start with a whistlestop tour of how abilities work. The subsequent sections of this tutorial will then unpack this all in more detail.

Here's an ability declaration.

ability SystemTime where
  -- Number of seconds since the start of 1970.
  systemTime : Nat

It defines one operation, systemTime, which returns the system clock reading.

Now let's write some code that uses that operation.

tomorrow = '(SystemTime.systemTime + 24 * 60 * 60)

We'll come back to this function later (including explaining the use of '), in Using abilities.

If we add this function to the codebase we see that its requirement to have the SystemTime ability available is tracked in the type system.

.> add

  ⍟ I've added these definitions:
    tomorrow : βˆ€ (). () ->{SystemTime} Nat

Notice the mention of SystemTime in the type signature.

We can combine operations from different abilities in the same function. For example...

-- We'll explain the usage of ' and ! in the
-- section 'Using abilities'.
printTomorrow : '{IO, SystemTime} ()
printTomorrow = '(printLine (Nat.toText !tomorrow))

IO is a special ability, built in to Unison. It's through IO that effectful Unison programs can actually interact with the outside world - writing to the console, reading from files and sockets, and any other behavior that goes beyond simply evaluating Unison expressions to a result. When you run your program (for example using ucm's run command), operations from the IO ability are handled by the Unison runtime system.

We'll learn more about IO, and other interesting abilities, in Examples of abilities.

Any abilities other than IO need to be handled by your code. We can't ask run to run our printTomorrow : '{IO, SystemTime} () function - run only accepts functions of type '{IO} ()

Here's how we can eliminate the SystemTime ability, in order to be able to run our code.

systemTimeToIO : Request SystemTime a ->{IO} a
systemTimeToIO r =
  case r of
    { SystemTime.systemTime -> k } ->
      let epochTimeToNat e = case e of EpochTime.EpochTime n -> n
          -- call through to
          handle k (epochTimeToNat !systemTime) with systemTimeToIO
    { a } -> a
-- This function is accepted by the 'run' ucm command.
printTomorrow' : '{IO} ()
printTomorrow' = '(handle !printTomorrow with systemTimeToIO)

Here we've formed a handle expression, invoking a handler called systemTimeToIO, which converts our original printTomorrow function into one which doesn't require the SystemTime ability.

We'll see more in the section Invoking handlers.

Here's how that handler looks - it's converting the SystemTime.systemTime request into a raw IO request which is understood directly by the Unison runtime. (Why not just use IO directly? Because it's too low-level, and 'too powerful'. Full reasoning is given in Using abilities.)

.> view systemTimeToIO

  systemTimeToIO : Request SystemTime a ->{IO} a
  systemTimeToIO r =
    case r of
      {SystemTime.systemTime -> k} ->
        epochTimeToNat e = case e of EpochTime n -> n
        handle k (epochTimeToNat !io.systemTime)
        with systemTimeToIO
      { a } -> a

The handler is pattern matching on the request, handling each operation declared by the ability, plus the 'pure case' (the last line). It's using a continuation (k) to control how the remainder of the code continues after the request.

We'll unpack all the details in the section Writing handlers.

Finally, note that there are suggestions for exercises to accompany this tutorial β€” see the conclusion.

Before we get stuck into the details of actually using abilities, we'll first take a detour to consider why they're part of the Unison language at all.


Why does Unison have abilities, when so many languages get by without them?

1. Making effectful behaviors visible in type signatures

One important reason is that when our functions have effectful behaviors like storing state or doing disk I/O, we want to make that visible in their type signatures. Here's an example of why this is useful.

Suppose we're faced with this code:

f x = 2 * (g x)

Then later we come back and we find that a well-intentioned friend has changed our code to the following.

f x = writeLog (g x)
      2 * (g x)

Now, aside from the logging, is the new code equivalent to the old code? Well, only if g didn't have any effectful behaviours. If it made a request to a network server, or opened a file on disk, then the code is not equivalent β€” it produces different network or filesystem traffic, and depending on external factors (like what the server returns), might yield a different return value.

So, in this example, it's important to know whether g is effectful. In Unison, we can tell by its type: we might end up with a type something like Nat ->{Network} Nat (we'll look harder at that syntax soon). That's super useful! We, and our well-intentioned friend, can see at a glance what effects a function might have, without having to read its code (and all the code it calls.) That makes it much easier to be sure that we're only allowing effects to take place in contexts where they are appropriate.

2. Decoupling interface from implementation

An ability declaration presents an abstract interface representing the effectful operations we'd like access to. For example, the declaration of a Network ability might include sendPacket or addPortListener. These operations are not bound directly to a specific implementation β€” they don't just directly call into the OS's sockets API. Instead, we do that binding later, when we specify a handler for the ability. Any specialization to OS sockets happens within the handler. That gives us the flexibility to instead use a testing-specific handler, say one that records the packets sent and allows us to verify their contents. Or we could take our 'live' handler, and stack it together with another handler that intercepts the packet contents and writes them to a log.

Most languages have facilities to allow separation of interface from implementation. But applying this principle to effectful APIs turns out to be a powerful way of structuring programs for modularity and testability.

3. Customizable control flow

An ability's operations have control over how the continuation of the calling function is invoked. For example, the continuation might not be invoked at all, which means that the operation aborts the computation. This lets us write abilities like Exception, which provides the same kind of exception-handling facility as is found in other languages. An example of other possible variations is an ability that helps with back-tracking solution search. Putting control flow in the hands of programmers opens up plenty of possibilities for powerful library design, for example around concurrency and parallelism, without depending on case-by-case language features.

4. Recent research

The design of Unison's ability system comes out of recent research in the theory of programming languages β€” beginning in the 2000s. It's only recently that we've learned how to build programming languages that combine the advantages listed above, in a user-friendly fashion.

Using abilities

OK, let's get started. We're going to return to the example from the Introduction, but step through it more thoroughly.

Here's the declaration of the SystemTime ability, which lets us write code that can read the system clock.

ability SystemTime where
  -- Number of seconds since the start of 1970.
  systemTime : Nat

It defines one operation, systemTime, which returns the clock reading. An operation is a function that can be used from code which has this ability available (as described in the next section). Let's use this operation to write some code.

tomorrow = '(SystemTime.systemTime + 24 * 60 * 60)

This code is making a request using the SystemTime.systemTime operation. Notice also the delay, that is, the use of the '.

🐘 Remember that when an expression e has type t, 'e has type () -> e β€” that is, a function which takes an argument of the unit type, and returns an e. See delayed computations for more detail.

We're using the ' to turn tomorrow into a function rather than just a regular value. That's because it's only in the process of a function doing some computation that it makes sense to make a request using an ability. A value can't do it β€” it's just sitting there, with no more computation to do.

So the following wouldn't make sense:

-- wrong
tomorrow = SystemTime.systemTime + 24 * 60 * 60

  The expression in red needs the {SystemTime} ability, but this location does not have access to any abilities.
      2 | tomorrow = SystemTime.systemTime + 24 * 60 * 60

On the one hand, this code would be saying we just want tomorrow to be a computed value, just a Nat we've got in the bag. But on the other it's saying we want to compute it with the help of the system clock. When do we want that computation to happen β€” when we first add it to the codebase? That wouldn't make sense.

So we need add the ' delay, to turn tomorrow into function, so we can force the computation at the right moment (and with the help of a handler, which we'll come to later).

Here's the key point to remember:

πŸ‘‰ Only functions can make requests.

Unison is a 'purely functional' language. That means that evaluation of terms cannot in itself be effectful. Having to add the ' delay to effectfully-computed values is a consequence of that. Any effectful code needs to pull its punches β€” it's not causing effects to happen during evaluation, but rather it's evaluating to a function which can then explain to a handler what effects it would like to be performed. We'll see how that handler in turn can only either (a) turn the requested effects into pure computations, ready for evaluation, or (b) pass the buck, by translating them to requests in another ability, yielding another function. If there are abilities like network or disk I/O, then the buck gets passed all the way to the very outside of the program, and into the Unison runtime system, using the IO ability. At no point does a Unison term's evaluation ever directly generate an effect.

Type signatures of functions using abilities

If we add tomorrow to the codebase, Unison tells us it's inferred the following signature:

.> find tomorrow

  1. tomorrow : βˆ€ (). () ->{SystemTime} Nat

🐞 The βˆ€ in the signature is due to Unison issue #689 - ideally it would be shown as '{SystemTime} Nat.

The {SystemTime} is an ability list β€” in this case a list of just one ability. It's saying that tomorrow requires the SystemTime ability β€” that ability needs to be available in functions that call tomorrow. And it's also saying that the SystemTime ability is available for use within the definition of tomorrow itself. If a function of type 'Nat tried to make a SystemTime.systemTime request, Unison would reject it with an 'ability check failure': the ability required for that request is not in the set of ambient abilities (which is empty in this case).

Suppose you're writing a function foo which should call tomorrow. There are two ways of making the SystemTime ability available:

  1. Put an ability list containing SystemTime in the signature of foo, the same as with the signature of tomorrow. Indeed, if you leave the signature of foo unspecified, this ability list will be inferred again. In this way the SystemTime requirement propagates up the function call graph.
  2. Use a handler. This is how we stop that propagation. We'll get on to handlers later.

So now we've seen another key point about abilities:

πŸ‘‰ The requirement for an ability propagates from one function's signature to all its callers' signatures (until terminated by a handler).

This propagation is supported through the ability type inference mechanism as we've seen. It's also enforced by the type-checker β€” you can't get away with omitting one of these abilities if it's in fact required in your function (or a function it calls). The typechecker makes sure that our ability lists faithfully reflect what's going on.

Type signatures in ability declarations

Let's revisit the ability declaration we started with.

ability SystemTime where
  systemTime : Nat

There's a significant piece of information that's been elided here for brevity. The full and unabridged version of this declaration would be the following.

ability SystemTime where
  systemTime : {SystemTime} Nat

Note the ability list that's appeared in the operation signature. Just as tomorrow has this ability in its signature, which therefore propagates to up to foo (in the example from the previous section), so systemTime did even beforehand, and it was this which propagated to tomorrow in the first place.

The reason we can omit the name of the ability being defined from its operations' signatures is that, logically, it always needs to be there β€” using an ability's operation requires that ability. So as far as Unison is concerned, this bit of an ability's type signature 'goes without saying'. You can write it either way.

πŸ€” An ability declaration is the only place you'll see an ability list in a signature that doesn't follow the rule that 'only functions can make requests' β€” i.e. the only place you can have a {SystemTime} not following a -> or a '.

Examples of abilities


The following ability lets us write programs that have access to mutable state.

ability Store v where
  get : v
  put : v -> ()

πŸ’‘ Notice that this ability has a type parameter, v. Abilities can have these, just like type declarations can.

The Store ability can be implemented using handlers, even though Unison does not offer mutable state as a language primitive β€” we'll see the implementation later.

Here's an example, using Store to help label a binary tree with numerical indices, in left-to-right ascending order.

type Tree a = Branch (Tree a) a (Tree a) | Leaf

labelTree : Tree a ->{Store Nat} Tree (a, Nat)
labelTree t =
  use Tree Branch Leaf
  case t of
    Branch l v r ->
      use .base.Nat +
      l' = labelTree l
      n = Store.get
      Store.put (n + 1)
      r' = labelTree r
      Branch l' (v, n) r'
    Leaf -> Leaf

πŸ’‘ Observe how the first branch of the case statement includes four side-effecting statements β€” the two lines with recursive calls to labelTree, and the lines in between. Unison supports these blocks of statements, and handles the statements in sequence, because order of execution is important when running side-effecting code. Note that the last line is in this case a non-side-effecting expression β€” the value of the block is just the value of this final expression.

Note, the ' in the identifiers l' and r' here are just part of the names β€” nothing to do with delay syntax this time.


The main reason for having abilities is to give our programs a way of having an effect on the world outside the program. There is a special ability, called IO (for 'Input/Output'), which lets us do this. It's built into the language and runtime, so it's not defined and implemented in the normal way, but we can take a look at its ability declaration.> view IO

  ability IO where
    getFileSize_ : FilePath ->{IO} Either Error Nat
    kill_ : ThreadId ->{IO} Either Error ()
    send_ : Socket -> Bytes ->{IO} Either Error ()
    bracket_ :
      '{IO} a
      -> (a ->{IO} b)
      -> (a ->{IO} c)
      ->{IO} Either Error c
    getLine_ : Handle ->{IO} Either Error Text
    getText_ : Handle ->{IO} Either Error Text
    getFileTimestamp_ : FilePath ->{IO} Either Error EpochTime
    closeFile_ : Handle ->{IO} Either Error ()
    getTemporaryDirectory_ : {IO} (Either Error FilePath)
    getCurrentDirectory_ : {IO} (Either Error FilePath)
    renameDirectory_ :
      FilePath -> FilePath ->{IO} Either Error ()
    renameFile_ : FilePath -> FilePath ->{IO} Either Error ()
    receive_ :
      Socket -> Nat ->{IO} Either Error (Optional Bytes)
    fileExists_ : FilePath ->{IO} Either Error Boolean
    isDirectory_ : FilePath ->{IO} Either Error Boolean
    directoryContents_ : FilePath ->{IO} Either Error [FilePath]
    listen_ : Socket ->{IO} Either Error ()
    closeSocket_ : Socket ->{IO} Either Error ()
    clientSocket_ :
      HostName -> ServiceName ->{IO} Either Error Socket
    delay_ : Nat ->{IO} Either Error ()
    seek_ : Handle -> SeekMode -> Int ->{IO} Either Error ()
    serverSocket_ :
      Optional HostName
      -> ServiceName
      ->{IO} Either Error Socket
    accept_ : Socket ->{IO} Either Error Socket
    setBuffering_ :
      Handle -> Optional BufferMode ->{IO} Either Error ()
    openFile_ : FilePath -> Mode ->{IO} Either Error Handle
    throw : Error ->{IO} a
    fork_ : '{IO} a ->{IO} Either Error ThreadId
    getBuffering_ :
      Handle ->{IO} Either Error (Optional BufferMode)
    position_ : Handle ->{IO} Either Error Int
    setCurrentDirectory_ : FilePath ->{IO} Either Error ()
    createDirectory_ : FilePath ->{IO} Either Error ()
    removeDirectory_ : FilePath ->{IO} Either Error ()
    removeFile_ : FilePath ->{IO} Either Error ()
    systemTime_ : {IO} (Either Error EpochTime)
    isFileEOF_ : Handle ->{IO} Either Error Boolean
    isFileOpen_ : Handle ->{IO} Either Error Boolean
    isSeekable_ : Handle ->{IO} Either Error Boolean
    putText_ : Handle -> Text ->{IO} Either Error ()

The IO ability spans many different types of I/O β€” we can see sockets, files, exceptions, and threads, as well as the system clock.

Typically you access these operations via the helper functions in the namespace, e.g. .base.IO.systemTime : '{IO} EpochTime.

So, since all the ways in which we can interact with the world are captured in the IO ability, why do we ever need any other abilities? There are several reasons.

  1. We don't want to write all our code in terms of low-level concepts like files and threads. We want higher-level abstractions, for example persistent distributed stores for typed data, and stream-based concurrency. The low-level stuff is what we're used to from traditional programming environments, but we want to hide it behind powerful libraries, written in Unison, that expose better abstractions.

  2. We don't want {IO} to feature too often in the type signatures of the functions we write, because it doesn't tell us much. Since IO contains so many different types of I/O, it leaves the behavior of our functions very unconstrained. We want to use our type signatures to document and enforce the ability requirements of our functions in a more fine-grained way. For instance, it's useful that we know, just by looking at its signature, that tomorrow : '{SystemTime} Nat isn't going to write to file or open a socket. If we instead had tomorrow : '{IO} Nat, then we'd have no such guarantee, without going and inspecting the code.

  3. Some things can be expressed well using abilities, but don't require interaction with the outside world. Store is an example.

This leads us to a common pattern:

πŸ‘‰ Typically, one ability is implemented by building on top of another. And often, when we get down to the bottom of the pile, we'll find IO.

For example, the handler for our SystemTime ability is going to require the IO ability, and it's going to call

In terms of the architecture of our programs, this typically means that the top level entry points for our 'business logic' are annotated with all the fine-grained abilities our program can use, like this:

Order : Order ->{Database, Log, TimeService, AuthService} OrderConfirmation

And then we have one or more functions to wrap that logic, invoking handlers to collapse the signature down to one using only IO, like this:

Server : ServerConfig ->{IO} ()


Here's an example of an ability to let us append text to a log β€” for example a log file kept on disk.

ability Log where
  log : Text -> ()

You could imagine the handler decorating the text with timestamps and other useful contextual information.

The Log ability is typical of the class of abilities which let the program emit a sequence of data or commands. The information flow is purely out of the computation using the ability. Contrast this with the Store and IO abilities, in which the flow of information is two-way, both in and out of the computation.

Most abilities are concerned with emitting and/or receiving data from/to the program. However, abilities can do more than that: they can affect the program's control flow in ways that a regular function can't, as shown in the next example.

Abort and Exception

The Abort ability lets us write programs which can terminate early.

ability Abort where
  abort : a

Here's Abort in action:

getName : Input ->{Abort} Text
getName i = name = if not (valid i)
                   then Abort.abort
                   else extract "name" i
            canonicalName name

handleInput : Input ->{Abort} ()
handleInput i = name = getName i
                handleRequest name i

Suppose we're running handleInput, and we hit the not (valid i) error case inside getName: then we call Abort.abort and exit immediately. Execution resumes from after the first enclosing Abort handler. So, in this case, we exit both getName and handleInput immediately, since there's no handler in between the two.

Note that the abort operation has polymorphic type, abort : a. This means it can be used in any context, and still typecheck. It doesn't actually need to be able to return an a, because computation is not going to continue after the call to abort. In getName, abort is being used where a Text is required, so a is instantiated to Text.

There's a variant of Abort, which lets you provide a value to describe what's happened β€” this is analogous to the exception handling provided in some other languages.

ability Exception e where
  throw : e -> a

The ability mechanism is sufficiently general and powerful that what might otherwise be a whole separate single-purpose language feature, exception handling, instead becomes a few lines of library code. Isn't that cool?!


Here's another example β€” shown here to demonstrate further the idea of an ability affecting control flow.

ability Choice where
  choose : Boolean

There's a handler for this ability (which we'll see later), which gives the program not just one Boolean value after a call to choose, but both. It then tries continuing the program under both conditions. Each successive call to choose is a fork in the tree of possibilities. The handler collects all the results from all the possible execution paths.

This trick can be neat for exhaustively exploring a space of possibilities, for example to optimize some decision.

That's the end of our tour of interesting example abilities. Now let's dive deeper into the ability lists that can appear in type signatures, and what they mean.

More on abilities in type signatures

Pure functions vs inferred abilities

You can use an empty ability list to declare a pure function β€” that is, one that doesn't require any abilities. For example:

: Matrix ->{} Matrix

The typechecker then enforces that inverse does not require any abilities.

πŸ‘‰ Telling Unison a signature A ->{} B is different from telling it A -> B.

The former is how you input the type of a pure function. When you write the latter, you're asking for the ability list to be inferred by the Unison type-checker.

πŸ‘‰ On code that you write, the signature A -> B doesn't mean 'no abilities', but rather that Unison will determine the ability list itself.

This is an important distinction, and easy to forget, because the signature A -> B doesn't contain any visual cues to think about abilities.

We'll learn more about the ability inference mechanism shortly, in ability inference and generalization.

Ability lists can appear before each function argument

So far we've seen functions whose types include one ability list, like so:

Server : ServerConfig ->{IO} ()

But the following is also possible:

Server' : ServerConfig ->{Log} '{IO} ()

🐘 This type signature is equivalent to ServerConfig ->{Log} () ->{IO} ().

orderserver' is a function which, when partially applied to its first (ServerConfig) argument, can produce log messages, before finally yielding a function of type '{IO} (). That second function can then be forced, i.e. applied to (), to actually carry out some IO.

The first application requires (only) the Log ability, and the second requires (only) the IO ability. This is a useful distinction. In this case, it tells us we can set up an order server, involving inspecting some configuration, in a computation that does some logging but is otherwise pure. Only the second stage might do unrestricted IO.

See Defining functions with different ability lists on different arguments for how to define a function like orderServer'.

It's useful to keep the following in mind when reading type signatures.

πŸ‘‰ Every -> and ' has an ability list {…} logically attached to it, describing the abilities required for applying the function to the preceding argument.

'Logically', because as we've seen, the {…} can be left unspecified when writing code, to ask Unison to infer what it should say. This process is described in the next section.

Ability inference and generalization

Unison can do two levels of type inference for you. The first is to infer the complete signature of your definition.

retries = 3

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
      retries : Nat
  Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
  `>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.

The second is to infer ability lists, wherever you have left them unspecified.

incrementP : Nat -> Nat
incrementP x = io.printLine "incrementP"
               x + 1

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
      incrementP : Nat ->{IO} Nat
  Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
  `>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.

Unison can see, from the use of io.printLine, that incrementP requires the IO ability.

🚧 It's arguably surprising that Unison may infer a concrete ability for a function for which you provided a Nat -> Nat signature. In future Unison will emit a message to say that it's done this. (#717)

When you do add incrementP, Unison will report the actual inferred type, Nat ->{io.IO} Nat.

So what does a plain -> or ' mean, when you see it after doing an add? In this context it does mean a pure function β€” it's equivalent to ->{} or '{}.

πŸ‘‰ When you give Unison a plain -> or ' (with no {…}) you're asking it to infer some abilities. When Unison gives you a plain -> or ', it means ->{} or '{}.

So in particular, this means that

  • if you type ->{}, Unison can render it back to you as just ->
  • if you want Unison to enforce that the function you are writing is pure, then specify a signature for it that uses a ->{} or a '{}.

🚧 This dual meaning of a plan -> arrow ('infer' or 'pure' depending on context) is a bit confusing. The pure case may get its own style of arrow notation in future, to address this β€” Unison issue #738.

🐞 Note, Unison can currently sometimes fail to output its inferred abilities when you do view or edit (although it does correctly output them at the ucm command line when you typecheck your code or do add/update.) This is due to Unison issue #703. However, it will re-run its inference again when you next add the code.

Higher-order functions and ability polymorphism

Here's how Unison infers the type of, a higher-order function:

.> find

  1. : (a ->{𝕖} b) -> [a] ->{𝕖} [b]

It's added ability lists including a type variable, 𝕖, in a process called ability generalization. This is saying that, whatever the required abilities of the input function, the overall invocation of map will have the same requirements.

So for example, '( ["Hello", "world!"]) has type '{IO} [()] β€” it requires IO, because it calls printLine which requires IO.

We say that is ability polymorphic: even though the function itself is in a sense pure, it can be used in a side-effecting way, depending on the ability requirements of its argument.

The generalization process can work in tandem with inferring concrete abilities β€” for example:

applyP f x = printLine "applyP"
             f x
-- inferred type:
--   (i ->{𝕖, IO} o) -> i ->{𝕖, IO} o

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
      applyP : (i ->{𝕖, IO} o) -> i ->{𝕖, IO} o
  Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
  `>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.

This is saying that applyP requires IO, combined with whatever other abilities (𝕖) are required by its first argument. (The combination process is a set union, so if 𝕖 also includes IO, then IO still only appears once in the resulting type.)

Abilities are only relevant in computation signatures

Not all type signatures are sensitive to abilities. For example:

nowIfPast : Nat ->{SystemTime} Nat
nowIfPast t = now : Nat
              now = SystemTime.systemTime
              if t < now then now else t

The outer signature, on the top-level binding for nowIfPast, is what we'd expect. But the signature on the inner binding for now is surprising. Why doesn't it have to be something like '{SystemTime} Nat? After all, the definition of now uses the SystemTime ability.

The answer is that functions and lambdas define computations, and it is computations that can involve abilities. The body of now involves a computation, but that computation is happening in the context of the outer function binding (which is where the SystemTime ability is mentioned). The type signature on now is just talking about the value that results from the computation β€” a plain Nat.

So, the signatures where abilities are relevant are just those for functions and lambdas. Let's see what that looks like.

-- doesn't compile
nowIfPast' : [Nat] ->{SystemTime} [Nat]
nowIfPast' ts = f : Nat ->{} Nat
                f = t -> if t < SystemTime.systemTime
                         then SystemTime.systemTime
                         else t
       f ts
-- also note that we're checking the system clock up
-- to (2 * List.size ts) times in this example!

  The expression in red needs the {SystemTime} ability, but this location does not have access to any abilities.
      4 |                 f = t -> if t < SystemTime.systemTime

In nowIfPast', we've defined an inner lambda, f. But we've made a mistake: the computation inside f involves the SystemTime ability, but f's signature claims that f is pure (the empty braces {}). Unison only accepts this function once we've removed the {} (to get ability inference) or replaced it with {SystemTime}.

πŸ‘‰ Note that it's the innermost enclosing lambda that specifies the available abilities.

So just because the signature on the top-level binding for nowIfPast'mentions SystemTime, that's not enough for Unison to accept f.

Ability subtyping

There's one last gotcha to be aware of when interpreting abilities in signatures. Let's take a look at a better (if still slightly verbose) version of nowIfPast'.

nowIfPast'' : [Nat] ->{SystemTime} [Nat]
nowIfPast'' ts = now : Nat
                 now = SystemTime.systemTime
                 f : Nat ->{} Nat
                 f = t -> if t < now then now else t
        f ts
-- this time we check the system clock exactly
-- once β€” much better! (unless `ts` was empty...)

f is now pure, which is nice β€” even though it's captured the value now which was produced in an effectful computation.

The gotcha is that Unison will accept other signatures for now and f than those given above.

  • For f, for example, it will accept f : Nat ->{SystemTime} Nat, saying that f is allowed to use SystemTime even though it doesn't.
  • For now, it will accept now : {SystemTime} Nat, since (in the underlying type theory) Nat is a subtype of {SystemTime} Nat. (🐞 This unhelpful permissiveness is Unison issue #665.)

Defining functions with different ability lists on different arguments

In an earlier section, we saw the following function signature:

Server' : ServerConfig ->{Log} '{IO} ()

This sort of signature can be useful, to control exactly when different effects take place.

But we didn't see how to define such a function! Here's a first, unsuccessful attempt.

-- doesn't compile
orderServer' : ServerConfig ->{Log} '{IO} ()
-- remember this signature is equivalent to
-- ServerConfig ->{Log} () -> {IO} ()
orderServer' sc unit =
  Log.log (ServerConfig.toText sc)
  startServer sc
  -- so this supposes we have a function
  -- startServer : ServerConfig ->{IO} ()

  The expression in red needs the {Log} ability, but this location only has access to the {} ability,
      6 |   Log.log (ServerConfig.toText sc)

The problem with this is that by the time we've given orderServer' that unit argument, we've got on to the second arrow β€” the one that only allows us the IO ability. So we can't use log in the function definition. (If Unison allowed this, then partially applying orderServer' would yield a function of type '{IO} () that uses the Log ability.)

To define this function, we need to process one argument at a time, and at each stage only use the abilities that argument's arrow (the one on its right) gives us. Here's a correct definition:

orderServer'' : ServerConfig ->{Log} '{IO} ()
orderServer'' sc =
  Log.log (ServerConfig.toText sc)
  '(startServer sc)

Note how we're just consuming the first argument, doing some logging, and then returning a lambda of type '{IO} ().

Invoking handlers

Now it's time to take a look at handle expressions. These are the things that actually let us run code that uses abilities.

They do this by allowing us to eliminate an ability from a type signature, including by converting it to another ability, which might be IO.

Our first handle expression

First let's see what the type signature of a handler looks like. We'll see some implementations in Writing handlers.

TimeToIO : Request SystemTime a ->{IO} a

First observation: we can treat a handler just like a regular function. The only magic in its signature is the fact that Request is a special built-in type. We'll unpack the signature more later, but for now we can just read it as a function that takes SystemTime requests, and handles them using IO.

Now let's remember our simple function from earlier, which uses SystemTime.

.> view tomorrow

  tomorrow : βˆ€ (). () ->{SystemTime} Nat
  tomorrow =
    use Nat * +
    '(SystemTime.systemTime + 24 * 60 * 60)

And now suppose we want to print the result to the console. How can we do that? Here's a good start:

printTomorrow : '{IO, SystemTime} ()
printTomorrow = '(printLine (Nat.toText !tomorrow))

Notice we've already introduced some IO, before even eliminating SystemTime, to print the result to the console.

We can't run printTomorrow yet.

.> run printTomorrow

  I looked for a function `printTomorrow` in the most recently
  typechecked file and codebase but couldn't find one. It has to
  have the type:
    printTomorrow : '{} ()

run can only help us eliminate IO β€” any other ability we need to handle ourselves. Here's how...

printTomorrow' : '{IO} ()
printTomorrow' = '(handle !printTomorrow with systemTimeToIO)

That works! πŸ‘

.> run printTomorrow'

Notice in the function definition, we needed to force printTomorrow, turning it into {IO, SystemTime} (), then delay the result again to get a '{IO} (). The intuition here is that you need to make printTomorrow actually do its stuff, in order to handle the SystemTime requests it throws out β€” but that you need to delay the result because you can't have printTomorrow' doing IO requests except under a delay.

❔ Would it be better for handle to take a delayed function, so you could just write printTomorrow' = handle printTomorrow with systemTimeToIO? Feedback welcome... πŸ“¨

So now we can use a handler to execute code that uses abilities!

There's something slightly unsatisfying about our definition of printTomorrow β€” its signature '{IO, SystemTime} () tells us it needs both abilities, but we wanted to swap out SystemTime and replace it with IO. We can smarten it up a bit by splicing the definition of printTomorrow into printTomorrow'.

printTomorrow'' : '{IO} ()
printTomorrow'' = '(handle printLine (Nat.toText !tomorrow)
                    with systemTimeToIO)

Or, we can also do:

printTomorrow'' : '{IO} ()
printTomorrow'' = '(printLine (Nat.toText
  (handle !tomorrow with systemTimeToIO)))

Trying out a test handler

We started this tutorial by singing the praises of handlers, and how the decouple the ability interface from a specific implementation. Let's see that in action, and use a test handler to test our tomorrow function.

Suppose we have a handler like this:

TimeToPure : [Nat] -> Request SystemTime a -> a

We can feed this handler a list of values we'd like it to return to each successive systemTime request. And the resultant handled expression is pure β€” it doesn't need to map through to

Let's test tomorrow:


test> tests.square.ex1 = run (expect ((handle
	    (systemTimeToPure [0]) in !tomorrow) == 86400))

Awesome! πŸ’₯

Stacking handlers

Suppose our labelTree function from earlier reported its progress to a log.

Tree : Tree a ->{Store Nat, Log} Tree (a, Nat)

And suppose we have the following.

-- Handlers for each ability.
logHandler : [Text] -> Request Log a -> (a, [Text])
storeHandler : v -> Request (Store v) a -> a
-- The first arguments to each of these are the initial
-- values of the log and the store, respectively.

-- Some data to work on.
tree : Tree Text
tree = Branch Leaf "Hi!" Leaf

-- A helper function.
fst : (a, b) -> a

Then here's how we use labelTree, eliminating both abilities. We just need two nested handle expressions.

labelledTree : Tree Text -> Tree (Text, Nat)
labelledTree tree = fst (handle
                          (handle (labelTree tree)
                           with storeHandler 0)
                         with logHandler [])
-- The call to fst just discards the log output.

Note that we could equally well have swapped the order we handle the two abilities.

Writing handlers

We now know how to use and handle abilities. The last piece of the puzzle is writing our own handlers.

Here's an example. We'll unpack this piece by piece.

systemTimeToIO : Request SystemTime a ->{IO} a
systemTimeToIO r =
  case r of
    { SystemTime.systemTime -> k } ->
      handle (k !( with systemTimeToIO
    { a } -> a

-- We've switched here to having SystemTime.systemTime
-- return an EpochTime, to match what
-- the builtin io.systemTime returns and so make things
-- convenient.

What's going on here? Let's start with a recap of the type signature.

  • A Request A T is a value representing a computation that requires ability A and has return type T. Request is a built-in type constructor that ties in to Unison's handle mechanism: handle k with h is taking the computation k which has type T and uses ability A, building a Request A T for it, and passing that to h.

  • A handler is a function Request A T -> R β€” it takes the computation and boils it down into some return value. Common cases:

    • Typically the signature is Request A t -> R, where t is a type variable β€” i.e. forall t. Request A t -> R. Usually the handler doesn't care what the computation's return type is, and we want to be able to apply it at any type.

    • Sometimes the handler takes extra arguments β€” for example we saw storeHandler : v -> Request (Store v) a -> a, where the first argument is the initial value of the store. The Request is always the last argument, so we can partially apply the handler to get a function whose type is of the above form, which a handle expression will accept.

    • Often, the result type R of the handled computation is the same as T, i.e. Request A T -> T. We saw an exception with logHandler : [Text] -> Request Log a -> (a, [Text]) β€” we wanted a way to get at the log that was written!

Let's pause and introduce the key idea behind handlers. This is a bit subtle so take a deep breath!

πŸ‘‰ A handler handles one step in a computation, and then specifies what to do with the rest of the steps.

We think of the computation as divided up into steps, punctuated by requests using the ability in question, and culminating in a final step which returns a result. The handler specifies how to deal with each possible kind of step: each of the operations declared by the ability, plus the final step to get the return value.

Once a handler has dealt with one step, it then specifies what to do with the continuation of the computation β€” that is, all the rest of the steps, treated as one unit. Typically it does this by recursively calling itself, via handle. So each invocation of the handler unwraps one step of the computation and deals with it.

Make sense? πŸ€” It should do once we've worked through some more examples.

Let's start by unpacking the body of systemTimeToIO.

  • It's doing a pattern match on the Request SystemTime a, but the patterns are using a special syntax β€” here we're seeing { SystemTime.systemTime -> k }. This means, 'inspect the first step in the computation, and if it's a call out to SystemTime.systemTime, then match this branch, and take the remainder of the computation and call it k'. k has type EpochTime -> a. The argument of k is the return type of the ability request β€” i.e. the return type of SystemTime.systemTime. This makes sense: if the ability is being used to retrieve some information, then probably the rest of the computation wants to use that information! (If the operation had returned (), then k would have had type () -> a β€” there's no information being passed in, but still k is delayed.)

  • It's handling this case first by evaluating k !systemTime. This is the sharp end of the handler. The point of the whole business was to consult the system clock by mapping down to the appropriate IO call. That's what we do here. Note the ! to force that call, and how we pass the result straight into k, as input for the rest of the computation. This part uses the IO ability, hence the ->{IO} in the signature of the handler.

  • But we're not done yet! We've only handled one step of the computation. k !systemTime is all of the rest of the steps. The handler does specify how to handle all these: recursively, with the handle ... with systemTimeToIO. That converts our effectful computation of return type T (in this case type a), into a computation of type R (in this case also type a), which does not use the SystemTime ability.

  • The last case of the pattern match, ('the pure case'), { a } -> a is easy. It's saying 'and when we get to the last step of the computation, take the a it returns, and just pass that back directly as the result of the handle expression.'

Once we've covered all the cases, we've explained to Unison how to handle all the steps of a SystemTime computation, by translating it into an IO computation, in which the use of the SystemTime ability has been eliminated.

And that's it! So now let's take a look at some more examples.

Example handlers

Feeding in information via a pure handler

Let's revisit the systemTimeToPure handler which we were using for testing back in Trying out a test handler. Here's the implementation:

systemTimeToPure : [EpochTime] -> Request SystemTime a -> a
systemTimeToPure xs r = case r of
  { SystemTime.systemTime -> k } -> case xs of
    x +: rest -> handle (k x) with (systemTimeToPure rest)
  { a } -> a

The interesting thing here is that the handler is taking a [Nat] argument, to give it a list of values to feed out each time there's a call to systemTime. Note how the handler is partially applied in the handle expression, (systemTimeToPure rest).

Note how the case statement fails to handle receiving an empty list xs. Perhaps a better choice would be for the handler to use Abort to cover this case β€” see the exercises.

Handling Log

Now let's see a handler for our ability, ability Log where log : Text -> (), which we met back here. This one doesn't try to map it down to file I/O β€” it's just collecting the log lines and returning them in the handle expression's return value.

logHandler : [Text] -> Request Log a -> (a, [Text])
logHandler ts r =
  case r of
    { Log.log t -> k } ->
      handle !k with (logHandler (t +: ts))
    { a } -> (a, ts)

Again, logHandler is being partially applied in the handle expression, for the same reason as with systemTimeToPure. The new things we see in this handler are...

  • the return type β€” it's not just a. The only case branch where that's visible is the one for the pure case.
  • the Log.log operation takes an argument. That works how you'd expect β€” you just match on it (the t in the pattern.)
  • the !k: because log just returns (), we only need to pass () when we call the continuation. !k is another way of writing k ().

Handling Store

Remember the Store ability from here:

ability Store v where
  get : v
  put : v -> ()

Here's the handler for it.

storeHandler : v -> Request (Store v) a -> a
storeHandler storedValue s = case s of
  { Store.get -> k } ->
    handle k storedValue with storeHandler storedValue
  { Store.put v -> k } -> handle !k with storeHandler v
  { a } -> a

This is all made up of pieces we've seen before. Notice the trick in the put case: instead of passing through the old storedValue to the recursive call, we're passing the new value v.

It's good to dwell for a moment on where the stored state actually 'lives'. It lives in the arguments passed on each call to the handler, and nowhere else. The evolution of the state during the computation is captured by the changing successive values passed on each new recursive call.

Now let's take a look at a couple of handlers for abilities that affect the program's control flow in ways that a regular function can't β€” the key here is whether and when they choose to call k.

Handling Abort

Here's the handler for ability Abort where abort : a, which we met in Abort and Exception:

abortToPure : Request Abort a -> Optional a
abortToPure r = case r of
  { Abort.abort -> k } -> None
  { a } -> Some a

The key point here is that the case for abort does not use k. Whatever the remainder of the computation after the call to abort, it won't be evaluated, because the continuation k is discarded.

Handling Choice

So if that was a handler calling the continuation 0 times, what about 2 times? Let's see a handler for ability Choice where choose : Boolean, which we met here. This handler runs through a whole tree of possible evolutions of the computation, with a fork at each choose, and collects the results in a list.

choiceToPure : Request Choice a -> [a]
choiceToPure r = case r of
  { Choice.choose -> k } ->
    (handle k false with choiceToPure) ++
    (handle k true with choiceToPure)
  { a } -> [a]

This is the first handler we've seen where the call to handle is not in tail position β€” i.e. where the return value of handle still needs some further processing (with ++) before returning. Recursive calls in tail position can be made any number of times in sequence, while still using constant space (because the function's stack frame can be reused from call to call). choiceToPure does not have this property. In this case that's probably fine β€” if you're handling a computation that makes a long sequence of calls to choose, you're likely to run into the exponential growth of the [a] list before the linear growth of the handler stack troubles you. (See the exercises to try writing a handler that does random sampling instead of accumulating all possible results.)

The proxy handler pattern

Sometimes, you want to handle an ability without eliminating it β€” so, passing through the requests, perhaps with some modifications, and perhaps 'teeing off' some information as it goes through.

For example, suppose we want a handler that logs the values that a Store computation puts.

storeProxyLog :
  (v -> Text) -> Request (Store v) a ->{Store v, Log} a
storeProxyLog print r = case r of
  { Store.get -> k } ->
    v = Store.get
    handle k v with storeProxyLog print
  { Store.put v -> k } ->
    Log.log ("Put: " ++ print v)
    Store.put v
    handle !k with storeProxyLog print
  { a } -> a

This Store handler is itself using Store! And Log too.

Take a look at the stack of handlers we end up with in result below.

computation : '{Store Nat} Nat
computation = 'let
                Store.put 42

result : (Nat, [Text])
result = handle
             (handle !computation
             with storeProxyLog Nat.toText)
           with storeHandler 0)
         with logHandler []
> result

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
      computation : '{Store Nat} Nat
      result      : (Nat, [Text])
  Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
  `>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.

    13 | > result
           (42, ["Put: 42"])

So the abilities used by the computation are being transformed step-by-step as follows: {Store Nat}, then {Store Nat, Log}, then {Log}, then {}.

Note we can't just say handle k Store.get with storeProxyLog print in the get branch: then the Store.get would end up being handled by storeProxyLog, instead of passed out to the next Store handler.

Note how, if we wanted it to, storeProxyLog would be able to change the v value that storeHandler stores on a put, and the value that gets given to the computation on a get.

βš™οΈ Interestingly, you can define your own handler for IO! One application for this would be to write a proxy handler to record all the input a program receives from the outside world. You could then write another handler to replay the information into the program later β€” which is a pure computation, and so easier for debugging. (🍭 This would be a great pair of Unison library functions for someone to write!)


You now know all about Unison abilities! You can...

  • write effectful code that calls out to abilities like Log, Abort, and Store
  • run effectful computations using handle expressions
  • write handlers (functions of type Request r a -> o) to translate one ability into another (possibly IO), including handlers that
    • send information in to the computation, or receive information coming out, or both
    • influence program control flow in ways regular functions can't (like Abort and Choice)
  • understand ability lists in subtle type signatures like ServerConfig ->{Log} '{IO} ()
  • understand Unison's ability generalization and inference, and when it lets you
    • omit ability lists in type signatures, letting Unison infer them
    • pass effectful functions into higher-order functions like map
  • structure a program into a core part which uses fine-grained abilities, and then transform that using outer layers of handlers to yield a program of type '{IO} ().

Great work! πŸ‘

What next?

  • Try working through some of the exercises below!
  • We'd love you to get in touch with us to let us know what you found difficult, or if you have any ideas for improving Unison's ability support, or even if you just think it's cool.


Here are some ideas for exercises to get you fluent in working with abilities. In each case, be sure to actually try running your code!

  1. Write an ability ConsoleIO, and a handler for it of type Request ConsoleIO a ->{IO} a that uses getLine and putLine. Write a program of type '{ConsoleIO} Text.

  2. Write a handler for Log that writes to file. Write a program of type '{Log} () and try running it first with your handler, and then with the logHandler from Handling Log.

  3. Write a handler for the Exception ability shown in Abort and Exception.

  4. Change the systemTimeToPure handler from Feeding in information via a pure handler so that it uses Abort to handle the case where it runs out of data to pass to the computation.

  5. Change the choiceToPure handler from Handling Choice to return a value of type Choices a = Choice (Choices a) (Choices a) | Result a, so you can see what choices led to each result. Try using it in a program that counts 'tails' in a sequence of coin tosses.

  6. Write an ability Random that lets a program ask for a random Nat. Write a handler that acts as a pseudo-random number generator. (You get a simple PRNG by iterating the function seed -> (6364136223846793005 * seed + 1442695040888963407)) [reference]

  7. Write a handler for Choice which instead of enumerating all possible variants of the computation instead takes a random sample of them.

  8. Start with ability Send a where send : a -> () and ability Receive a where receive : a. Write a 'multihandler', pipe : Request (Send m) () -> Request (Receive m) a ->{Abort} a, to feed the messages m sent by one argument in as inputs to be received by the other. You may find it useful to write a function step : '{e} a -> Request e a first. Then use your handler to define a function of type ('{Send m} ()) -> ('{Receive m} a) ->{Abort} a.

  9. Write a proxy handler for IO that records the input received by the program, at least for some IO operations. Write another IO handler to play it back into the program later. Write a function `recordReplay : ('{IO} ()) ->{IO} () that runs its argument twice β€” once 'for real' with recording, and once as a replay. (Don't bother saving off the record to disk β€” that will get easier when Unison gets support for typed data persistence.)

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err0r500 commented Feb 16, 2020

Thanks for this great tutorial !
If I may suggest a small thing : in the very first systemTimeToIO code block, an explicit reference to io.systemTime or even (as resolved automatically by Unison in the next code block) may clarify things for newcomers. ie :

systemTimeToIO : Request SystemTime a ->{IO} a
systemTimeToIO r =
  case r of
    { SystemTime.systemTime -> k } ->
      let epochTimeToNat e = case e of EpochTime.EpochTime n -> n
          handle k (epochTimeToNat ! with systemTimeToIO
    { a } -> a

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