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Clojure, ClojureScript, JavaScript and one day...Jai

Thomas Mattacchione athomasoriginal

Clojure, ClojureScript, JavaScript and one day...Jai
View GitHub Profile
;; Example state
;; -----------------------------------
(def stocks-db
{1 {:id 1 :type :asset :parent-id 2}
2 {:id 2 :type :group :parent-id nil}
3 {:id 3 :type :asset :parent-id 2}})
;; Exammple db state -> tree transform

I'm experimenting with different ways to organize a Clojure/ClojureScript Monorepo using the Clojure CLI Tools.

NOTE: My monorepo contains CLJ and CLJS projects

I started with [Monorepo Version 1]. Everything worked perfectly. I had to move off this because extra-paths no longer allows paths to specify files outside of the project. Why was I adding :extra-paths from outside my project? My Clojure project in a Clojure webserver. The other project is a CLJS front end app. During dev, I need my compiled CLJS (JS) to be served by my web server (app-server). That's why it had :extra-path of resources and target.

This document now explores the different approaches I found of tackling this issue:

  • [Monorepo Version 1]
  • [Monorepo Version 2]
athomasoriginal /
Last active April 14, 2021 16:48
Example of configuring a ClojureScript project
{:closure-defines { "some-dev-value" "some-dev-value"}}
;; API Design Question - Do you like V1 or V2 convenience functions?
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
;; http clients canbe structured in the following way. There is a
;; base layer performing low level tasks. In this example, we pretend
;; its the `request` function below. Then there are conveniences like
;; `get` and `post` (and so on for the rest of the HTTP methods). The
;; question is, do people like the callsite of `option 1` or
;; `option 2`?
(defn request
athomasoriginal / .clj
Last active September 8, 2020 23:45
Example cljs test helpers
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; app.debug_tools.cljs
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ns app.debug-tools
(defmacro with-fake-log
"Stub console.log to prevent console noise. console.logs will be saved to the
atom provided as the first argument"
[fake-log & body]
`(let [original-log# js/console.log
athomasoriginal / reitit-backend-spa.cljs
Last active September 22, 2021 16:25
SPA Route Fallback
(ns app
[ring.util.response :as response]
(defn secret-route
["/secret" {#_ ...stuff}])
(require '[reitit.ring :as reitit])
(require '[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty])
(defn health-check-route []
(fn [_]
{:status 200

How was the :bundle target intended to be used? I have run into some interesting scenarios when interacting with the npm ecosystem and the :bundle target (as have others in the community) so to help myself, and others like me, i'm looking for a little more info into the :bundle target's intended use.

  • [Background]
  • [Questions]
  • [CommonJS Import Tips]


I successfully followed [official cljs webpack guide] and used the [new :bundle target]. Everything worked perfectly.

athomasoriginal / reitit-routing.cljs
Created April 15, 2020 01:50
reitit routing clojurescript
(ns ^:figwheel-hooks reitit-routing
[reagent.core :as r]
[reagent.dom :as r.dom]
[reitit.frontend :as rf]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
[reitit.coercion.spec :as rss]
[fipp.edn :as fedn]))
;; State
athomasoriginal / .block
Last active August 28, 2017 20:47
D3 - Selection + Data
license: mit