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Last active September 8, 2020 23:45
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Example cljs test helpers
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; app.debug_tools.cljs
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ns app.debug-tools
(defmacro with-fake-log
"Stub console.log to prevent console noise. console.logs will be saved to the
atom provided as the first argument"
[fake-log & body]
`(let [original-log# js/console.log
new-log# (fn [n#] (reset! ~fake-log n#))]
(set! js/console.log new-log#)
(set! js/console.log original-log#)))
(defmacro p
"Print and return native JavaScript argument."
`(let [res# ~x]
(.log js/console res#)
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; app.debug_tools_test.cljs
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ns app.debug-tools-test
[cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is]])
[app.debug-tools-test :refer [p with-fake-log]]))
(def fake-log (atom nil))
(deftest debugging-tools
(is (= "my name is what?" (p "my name is what?")))
(is (= "my name is what?" @fake-log))))
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