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Created September 21, 2011 13:23
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DEBUG = false
class Parser
( @receiver = new Receiver
, @throwOnError = true
, @partial = false
, @wrap = @receiver.wrap
, @input = ""
, @buffer = ""
, @position = 0
, @debug = DEBUG
) ->
parse: (@input, startRule) ->
throw "Usage: parse(input, [startRule]" unless @input
throw "No 'grammar', can't parse" unless @grammar
throw "No 'receiver', can't parse" unless @receiver
@input = if typeof @input is 'string'
@buffer =
@grammar = eval("new #{@grammar}") if typeof @grammar is 'string'
@receiver = eval("new #{@receiver}") if typeof @receiver is 'string'
startRule ||= (
@grammar.tree['+top'] or
(if @grammar.tree.TOP then 'TOP' else null)
throw "No starting rule for Pegex::Parser::parse" unless startRule
@receiver.parser = @
# TODO: require('weakref').weaken(@receiver.parser)
# Do the parse
match = @match(startRule)
return unless match
# Parse was successful!
return ? match
match: (rule) ->
match = @matchNext('.ref': rule)
if not match or @position < @buffer.length
@throwError("Parse document failed for some reason")
return; # In case @throw_on_error is off
match = match[0]
match = @receiver.finalize?(match, rule)
unless match
match = {}
match[rule] = []
if rule is 'TOP'
match = match.TOP || match
return match
matchNext: (next) ->
return @matchNextWithSep(next) if next['.sep']
quantity = next['+qty'] || 1
assertion = $next['+asr'] || false
for key in ["ref", "rgx", "all", "any", "err"]
rule = next[".#{key}"]
continue unless rule
kind = key
throw "Cannot find a key: #{next}" unless kind
[match, position, count, method] = [
[], @position, 0, "match#{kind}"
while ret = @[method](rule, next)
position = @position unless assertion
match.push.apply(match, ret)
break if /^[1?]$/.test(quantity)
if /^[+*]$/.test(quantity)
match = [match]
@position = position
result = if count or /^[?*]$/.test(quantity) then true else false
result = not result if assertion is -1
@position = position if (not result) or assertion
match = [] if next['-skip']
return (if result then match else false)
matchNextWithSep = (next) ->
quantity = next['+qty'] || '1'
for key in ["ref", "rgx", "all", "any", "err"]
rule = next[".#{key}"]
continue unless rule
kind = key
throw "Cannot find a key: #{next}" unless kind
separator = next['.sep']
for key in ["ref", "rgx", "all", "any", "err"]
sepRule = separator[".#{key}"]
continue unless sepRule
sepKind = key
throw "Cannot find a separator key: #{separator}" unless sepKind
[match, position, count, sepCount, method, sepMethod] = [
[], @position, 0, 0, "match_#{kind}", "match_#{sepKind}"
while ret = @[method](rule, next)
position = @position
match.push.apply(match, ret)
ret = @[sepMethod](sepRule, separator)
break unless ret
match.push.apply(match, ret)
return (if quantity is '?' then [match] else false) unless count
@position = position if count is sepCount
match = [] if next['-skip']
return [match]
match_ref = (ref, parent) ->
rule = @grammar.tree[ref]
throw "\n\n*** No grammar support for '#{ref}'\n\n" unless rule
trace = (not rule['+asr'] and @debug and @trace)
match = @matchNext(rule)
if not match
return false
# Call receiver callbacks
if not rule['+asr'] and not parent['-skip']
callback = "got_#{ref}"
if sub = @receiver[callback]
match = [, match[0]) ]
else if (if @wrap then (not parent['-pass']) else parent['-wrap'])
if match.length
matched = match[0]
match = {}
match[ref] = matched
match = [match]
match = []
return match
match_rgx = (regexp, parent) ->
unless regexp.hasOwnProperty('lastIndex')
@regexpCache[regexp] ||= new RegExp(regexp, 'g')
regexp = @regexpCache[regexp]
start = regexp.lastIndex = @position
if start >= @buffer.length and @terminater++ > 1000
throw "Your grammar seems to not terminate at end of stream"
captures = regexp.exec(@buffer)
finish = regexp.lastIndex
numCaptures = captures.length - 1
match = (captures[i] for i in [1..numCaptures])
match = [ match ] if numCaptures > 1
@position = finish
match_all = (list, parent) ->
pos = @position
set = []
len = 0
for elem in list
if match = @matchNext(elem)
continue if elem['+asr'] or elem['-skip']
set.push.apply(set, ret)
@position = $pos
return false
set = [ set ] if len > 1
return set
match_any = (list) ->
for elem in list
if match = @matchNext(elem)
return match
return false
match_err = (error) ->
@throwError error
trace = (action) ->
indent = /^try_/.test(action)
@indent ||= 0
@indent-- unless indent
out = ''
out += ' ' for [1..@indent]
@indent++ if indent
snippet = @buffer.substr(@position)
snippet = snippet.substr(0, 30) + "..." if snippet.length > 30
snippet = snippet.replace(/\n/g, "\\n")
out += action
out += ' ' for [action.length..30]
out += if indent then " >#{snippet}<\n" else "\n"
console.log out
throwError = (msg) ->
line = @buffer.substr(0, @position).match(/\n/g).length + 1
column = @position - @buffer.lastIndexOf("\n", @position)
context = @buffer.substr(@position, 50).replace(/\n/g, "\\n")
position = @position;
error = """
Error parsing Pegex document:
msg: #{msg}
line: #{line}
column: #{column}
context: "#{context}"
position: #{position}
throw error if @throwOnError
console.log error
return false
use Pegex::Parser;
This is the Pegex module that provides the parsing engine runtime. It has a
C<parse()> method that applies a grammar to a text that supposedly matches
that grammar. It also calls the callback methods of its Receiver object.
Generally this module is not used directly, but is called upon via a
L<Pegex::Grammar> object.
DEBUG = false
class Parser
( @receiver = new Receiver
, @throwOnError = true
, @partial = false
, @wrap = @receiver.wrap
, @input = ""
, @buffer = ""
, @position = 0
, @debug = DEBUG
) ->
parse: (@input, startRule) ->
throw "Usage: parse(input, [startRule]" unless @input
throw "No 'grammar', can't parse" unless @grammar
throw "No 'receiver', can't parse" unless @receiver
@input = if typeof @input is 'string'
@buffer =
@grammar = eval("new #{@grammar}") if typeof @grammar is 'string'
@receiver = eval("new #{@receiver}") if typeof @receiver is 'string'
startRule ||= (
@grammar.tree['+top'] or
(if @grammar.tree.TOP then 'TOP' else null)
throw "No starting rule for Pegex::Parser::parse" unless startRule
@receiver.parser = @
# TODO: require('weakref').weaken(@receiver.parser)
# Do the parse
match = @match(startRule)
return unless match
# Parse was successful!
return ? match
match: (rule) ->
match = @matchNext('.ref': rule)
if not match or @position < @buffer.length
@throwError("Parse document failed for some reason")
return; # In case @throwOnError is off
match = match[0]
match = @receiver.finalize?(match, rule)
unless match
match = {}
match[rule] = []
if rule is 'TOP'
match = match.TOP || match
return match
matchNext: (next) ->
return @matchNextWithSep(next) if next['.sep']
quantity = next['+qty'] || 1
assertion = $next['+asr'] || false
for key in ["ref", "rgx", "all", "any", "err"]
rule = next[".#{key}"]
continue unless rule
kind = key
throw "Cannot find a key: #{next}" unless kind
[match, position, count, method] = [
[], @position, 0, "match_#{kind}"
while ret = @[method](rule, next)
position = @position unless assertion
match.push.apply(match, ret)
break if /^[1?]$/.test(quantity)
if /^[+*]$/.test(quantity)
match = [match]
@position = position
result = if count or /^[?*]$/.test(quantity) then true else false
result = not result if assertion is -1
@position = position if (not result) or assertion
match = [] if next['-skip']
return (if result then match else false)
matchNextWithSep = (next) ->
quantity = next['+qty'] || '1'
for key in ["ref", "rgx", "all", "any", "err"]
rule = next[".#{key}"]
continue unless rule
kind = key
throw "Cannot find a key: #{next}" unless kind
separator = next['.sep']
for key in ["ref", "rgx", "all", "any", "err"]
sepRule = separator[".#{key}"]
continue unless sepRule
sepKind = key
throw "Cannot find a separator key: #{separator}" unless sepKind
[match, position, count, sepCount, method, sepMethod] = [
[], @position, 0, 0, "match_#{kind}", "match_#{sepKind}"
while ret = @[method](rule, next)
position = @position
match.push.apply(match, ret)
ret = @[sepMethod](sepRule, separator)
break unless ret
match.push.apply(match, ret)
return (if quantity is '?' then [match] else false) unless count
@position = position if count is sepCount
match = [] if next['-skip']
return [match]
match_ref = (ref, parent) ->
rule = @grammar.tree[ref]
throw "\n\n*** No grammar support for '#{ref}'\n\n" unless rule
trace = (not rule['+asr'] and @debug and @trace)
match = @matchNext(rule)
if not match
return false
# Call receiver callbacks
if not rule['+asr'] and not parent['-skip']
callback = "got_#{ref}"
if sub = @receiver[callback]
match = [, match[0]) ]
else if (if @wrap then (not parent['-pass']) else parent['-wrap'])
if match.length
matched = match[0]
match = {}
match[ref] = matched
match = [match]
match = []
return match
match_rgx = (regexp, parent) ->
unless regexp.hasOwnProperty('lastIndex')
@regexpCache[regexp] ||= new RegExp(regexp, 'g')
regexp = @regexpCache[regexp]
start = regexp.lastIndex = @position
if start >= @buffer.length and @terminater++ > 1000
throw "Your grammar seems to not terminate at end of stream"
captures = regexp.exec(@buffer)
finish = regexp.lastIndex
numCaptures = captures.length - 1
match = (captures[i] for i in [1..numCaptures])
match = [ match ] if numCaptures > 1
@position = finish
match_all = (list, parent) ->
pos = @position
set = []
len = 0
for elem in list
if match = @matchNext(elem)
continue if elem['+asr'] or elem['-skip']
set.push.apply(set, ret)
@position = $pos
return false
set = [ set ] if len > 1
return set
match_any = (list) ->
for elem in list
if match = @matchNext(elem)
return match
return false
match_err = (error) ->
@throwError error
trace = (action) ->
indent = /^try_/.test(action)
@indent ||= 0
@indent-- unless indent
out = ''
out += ' ' for [1..@indent]
@indent++ if indent
snippet = @buffer.substr(@position)
snippet = snippet.substr(0, 30) + "..." if snippet.length > 30
snippet = snippet.replace(/\n/g, "\\n")
out += action
out += ' ' for [action.length..30]
out += if indent then " >#{snippet}<\n" else "\n"
console.log out
throwError = (msg) ->
line = @buffer.substr(0, @position).match(/\n/g).length + 1
column = @position - @buffer.lastIndexOf("\n", @position)
context = @buffer.substr(@position, 50).replace(/\n/g, "\\n")
position = @position;
error = """
Error parsing Pegex document:
msg: #{msg}
line: #{line}
column: #{column}
context: "#{context}"
position: #{position}
throw error if @throwOnError
console.log error
return false
use Pegex::Parser;
This is the Pegex module that provides the parsing engine runtime. It has a
C<parse()> method that applies a grammar to a text that supposedly matches
that grammar. It also calls the callback methods of its Receiver object.
Generally this module is not used directly, but is called upon via a
L<Pegex::Grammar> object.
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