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Forked from colinmegill/english.js
Last active October 23, 2021 14:09
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Polis strings
var s = {};
s.agree = "Agree";
s.disagree = "Disagree";
s.pass = "Pass / Unsure";
s.x_wrote = "wrote:";
s.x_tweeted = "tweeted:";
s.group_123 = "Group:";
s.majorityOpinion = "Majority Opinion";
s.majorityOpinionShort = "Majority"; = "Info";
s.addPolisToYourSite = "<img style='height: 20px; margin: 0px 4px;' src=';format=png&amp;w=600&amp;h=208'/>";
s.privacy = "Privacy";
s.TOS = "TOS";
s.writePrompt = "Share your perspective...";
s.anonPerson = "Anonymous";
s.helpWhatAmISeeingTitle = "What am I seeing?";
s.helpWhatAmISeeing = "People who vote similarly are grouped. Click a group to see which viewpoints they share.";
s.helpWhatDoIDoTitle = " What do I do?";
s.helpWhatDoIDo = "Vote on other people's comments by clicking 'agree' or 'disagree'. Write a comment (keep each to a single idea). Invite your friends to the discussion!";
s.writeCommentHelpText = "If your perspective isn't already represented, <strong>write</strong> a comment!</i>"
s.heresHowGroupVoted = "Here's how Group {{GROUP_NUMBER}} voted:";
s.one_person = "{{x}} person";
s.x_people = "{{x}} people";
s.acrossAllPtpts = "Across all participants:";
s.xPtptsSawThisComment = "participants saw this comment.";
s.xOfThoseAgreed = "of those participants agreed";
s.xOfthoseDisagreed = "of those participants disagreed";
s.pctAgreed = "{{pct}}% Agreed";
s.pctDisagreed = "{{pct}}% Disagreed";
s.pctAgreedOfGroup = "{{pct}}% of Group {{group}} Agreed";
s.pctDisagreedOfGroup = "{{pct}}% of Group {{group}} Disagreed";
s.commentSent = "Comment Sent!";
s.connectFacebook = "Connect Facebook";
s.connectTwitter = "Connect Twitter";
s.connectToPostPrompt = "Connect an identity to comment. We will not post to your timeline.";
s.tip = "Tip:";
s.tipCommentsRandom = "Comments are displayed randomly. You are not directly replying to anyone.";
s.tipOneIdea = "Break up long comments that contain multiple ideas. This makes it easier for others to vote on your comment.";
s.tipNoQuestions = "Comments should make statements rather than ask questions. Participants will agree or disagree with the statements you make.";
s.notSentSinceDemo = "(not really, this is a demo)";
s.submitComment = "Submit";
s.tipStarred = "Marked as important.";
s.participantHelpWelcomeText = "Welcome to a new kind of discussion - <span style='font-weight: 700;'>vote</span> on people's opinions and <span style='font-weight: 700;'>contribute</span> your own.";
s.participantHelpGroupsText = "People who vote similarly <span style='font-weight: 700;'>are grouped.</span> Click a group <img src='http://localhost:5000/localFile/finger_group.svg'/> to see which viewpoints they share <a style='font-weight: 700; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline' id='helpTextGroupsExpand'>...</a>";
s.helpWhatAreGroupsDetail = "<p>You've probably seen 'recommended products' on Amazon, or 'recommended movies' on Netflix. Each of those services uses statistics to group you with people who buy and watch similar things, then show you things that those people bought or watched.</p> <p> When you cast a vote on a comment, you are grouped with people who voted like you did! You can see those groups above. Each is made up of people who have similar opinions. There are fascinating insights to discover in each conversation. Go ahead - click a group to see what brought them together and what makes them unique! </p>";
s.socialConnectPrompt = "Connect to see friends and people you follow in the visualization.";
s.connectFbButton = "Connect with Facebook";
s.connectTwButton = "Connect with Twitter";
module.exports = s;
var s = {};
s.agree = "贊成";
s.disagree = "反對";
s.pass = "略過 / 不確定";
s.x_wrote = "表示:";
s.x_tweeted = "推文:";
s.group_123 = "群組:";
s.majorityOpinion = "共同意見";
s.majorityOpinionShort = "共識"; = "說明";
s.addPolisToYourSite = "<img style='height: 20px; margin: 0px 4px;' src=';format=png&amp;w=600&amp;h=208'/>";
s.privacy = "隱私";
s.TOS = "使用條款";
s.writePrompt = "分享您的觀點...";
s.anonPerson = "匿名人士";
s.helpWhatAmISeeingTitle = "這是什麼?";
s.helpWhatAmISeeing = "立場相近的人,會自動歸類到同一個群組。點擊群組,就可以看到這些人的共同意見。";
s.helpWhatDoIDoTitle = " 我可以做什麼?";
s.helpWhatDoIDo = "針對其他人的意見,按下「贊成」或「反對」。你也可以寫下您的觀點(每個意見單獨一則)。邀請朋友來一起討論!";
s.writeCommentHelpText = "如果您的觀點沒有人寫過,請務必將它<strong>寫下來</strong>!</i>"
s.heresHowGroupVoted = "這是群組 {{GROUP_NUMBER}} 的看法:";
s.one_person = "{{x}} 人";
s.x_people = "{{x}} 人";
s.acrossAllPtpts = "所有參與者:";
s.xPtptsSawThisComment = "位參與者看過這個意見。";
s.xOfThoseAgreed = "位參與者表示贊成。";
s.xOfthoseDisagreed = "位參與者表示反對。";
s.pctAgreed = "{{pct}}% 贊成";
s.pctDisagreed = "{{pct}}% 反對";
s.pctAgreedOfGroup = "群組 {{group}} 裡,有 {{pct}}% 的人贊成";
s.pctDisagreedOfGroup = "群組 {{group}} 裡,有 {{pct}}% 的人反對";
s.commentSent = "意見已送出!";
s.connectFacebook = "連結 Facebook";
s.connectTwitter = "連結 Twitter";
s.connectToPostPrompt = "發表意見前,請先連結登入帳號。我們不會貼文在您的牆上。";
s.tip = "祕訣:";
s.tipCommentsRandom = "意見會隨機顯示。您不需要回覆別人的看法。";
s.tipOneIdea = "有多個意見請分開來寫,一次一個,好讓其他人表達贊成或反對。";
s.tipNoQuestions = "請直接陳述您的感受或觀點,不要使用問句。";
s.notSentSinceDemo = "(純屬測試,並未送出)";
s.submitComment = "送出";
s.tipStarred = "已經標記為重點。";
s.participantHelpWelcomeText = "歡迎來到一種嶄新的討論方式 - 對眾人的意見<span style='font-weight: 700;'>投票</span>,並且<span style='font-weight: 700;'>貢獻</span>您的觀點。";
s.participantHelpGroupsText = "立場相近的人,會<span style='font-weight: 700;'>自動歸類到同一個群組。</span>點擊群組,<img src='http://localhost:5000/localFile/finger_group.svg'/>就可以看到這些人的共同意見<a style='font-weight: 700; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline' id='helpTextGroupsExpand'>...</a>";
s.helpWhatAreGroupsDetail = "<p>您可能在其他網站上看過「推薦產品」或「推薦電影」的服務。這些服務使用統計資訊,找出和您品味相近的人,然後用那些人的紀錄來向您推薦。</p> <p>當您在這裡按下「贊成」或「反對」時,您就會自動將您的頭像移動到相近的群組裡!每個群組都是由立場相近的人組成的。這樣的公開討論,每次都能展現出令人意外的洞見。請點擊一個群組 - 看看他們共同的意見、發現某個群組的獨特之處!"
s.socialConnectPrompt = "連結帳號,就可以看到您的朋友、追蹤的人的立場如何。";
s.connectFbButton = "與 Facebook 連結";
s.connectTwButton = "與 Twitter 連結";
module.exports = s;
var s = {};
s.agree = "赞成";
s.disagree = "反对";
s.pass = "略过 / 不确定";
s.x_wrote = "表示:";
s.x_tweeted = "推文:";
s.group_123 = "群组:";
s.majorityOpinion = "共同意见";
s.majorityOpinionShort = "共识"; = "说明";
s.addPolisToYourSite = "<img style='height: 20px; margin: 0px 4px;' src=';format=png&amp;w=600&amp;h=208'/>";
s.privacy = "隐私";
s.TOS = "使用条款";
s.writePrompt = "分享您的观点...";
s.anonPerson = "匿名人士";
s.helpWhatAmISeeingTitle = "这是什么?";
s.helpWhatAmISeeing = "立场相近的人,会自动归类到同一个群组。点击群组,就可以看到这些人的共同意见。";
s.helpWhatDoIDoTitle = " 我可以做什么?";
s.helpWhatDoIDo = "针对其他人的意见,按下「赞成」或「反对」。你也可以写下您的观点(每个意见单独一则)。邀请朋友来一起讨论!";
s.writeCommentHelpText = "如果您的观点没有人写过,请务必将它<strong>写下来</strong>!</i>"
s.heresHowGroupVoted = "这是群组 {{GROUP_NUMBER}} 的看法:";
s.one_person = "{{x}} 人";
s.x_people = "{{x}} 人";
s.acrossAllPtpts = "所有参与者:";
s.xPtptsSawThisComment = "位参与者看过这个意见。";
s.xOfThoseAgreed = "位参与者表示赞成。";
s.xOfthoseDisagreed = "位参与者表示反对。";
s.pctAgreed = "{{pct}}% 赞成";
s.pctDisagreed = "{{pct}}% 反对";
s.pctAgreedOfGroup = "群组 {{group}} 里,有 {{pct}}% 的人赞成";
s.pctDisagreedOfGroup = "群组 {{group}} 里,有 {{pct}}% 的人反对";
s.commentSent = "意见已送出!";
s.connectFacebook = "链接 Facebook";
s.connectTwitter = "链接 Twitter";
s.connectToPostPrompt = "发表意见前,请先链接登录帐号。我们不会贴文在您的墙上。";
s.tip = "秘诀:";
s.tipCommentsRandom = "意见会随机显示。您不需要回复别人的看法。";
s.tipOneIdea = "有多个意见请分开来写,一次一个,好让其他人表达赞成或反对。";
s.tipNoQuestions = "请直接陈述您的感受或观点,不要使用问句。";
s.notSentSinceDemo = "(纯属测试,并未送出)";
s.submitComment = "送出";
s.tipStarred = "已经标记为重点。";
s.participantHelpWelcomeText = "欢迎来到一种崭新的讨论方式 - 对众人的意见<span style='font-weight: 700;'>投票</span>,并且<span style='font-weight: 700;'>贡献</span>您的观点。";
s.participantHelpGroupsText = "立场相近的人,会<span style='font-weight: 700;'>自动归类到同一个群组。</span>点击群组,<img src='http://localhost:5000/localFile/finger_group.svg'/>就可以看到这些人的共同意见<a style='font-weight: 700; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline' id='helpTextGroupsExpand'>...</a>";
s.helpWhatAreGroupsDetail = "<p>您可能在其他网站上看过「推荐产品」或「推荐电影」的服务。这些服务使用统计信息,找出和您品味相近的人,然后用那些人的纪录来向您推荐。</p> <p>当您在这里按下「赞成」或「反对」时,您就会自动将您的头像移动到相近的群组里!每个群组都是由立场相近的人组成的。这样的公开讨论,每次都能展现出令人意外的洞见。请点击一个群组 - 看看他们共同的意见、发现某个群组的独特之处!"
s.socialConnectPrompt = "链接帐号,就可以看到您的朋友、追踪的人的立场如何。";
s.connectFbButton = "与 Facebook 链接";
s.connectTwButton = "与 Twitter 链接";
module.exports = s;
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