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Created June 19, 2014 23:22
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Ideas for merged extension generator

An initial dump of ideas for a php generator

  1. use composer and symfony console tools for cli manipulation
  2. pluggable architecture

components needed - configuration parsing scanning? (helper for generating definitions) templating

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jgmdev commented Jun 20, 2014

Generator Architecture/Analysis from its usage Perspective

This is an analysis on how the generator should work by visualizing its usage on the shell (command line). I will be using the word "generator" referring to the application name followed by a command and options as follows:

 generator [command] [options]

A first idea of basic commands that should be implemented:

  • help
  • init
  • parse
  • generate

The next sections briefly describe the commands usage as result of running them.

1. Help command

The help command is basically the same tool we have on git or svn where you can get inline documentation of available commands as how to use them. Example usage:

generator help (would list available commands)
generator help command (would show how to use a specific command)

2. Initializer command

The initializer (init) is in charge of taking an empty directory and populating it with a list of files that will serve as the skeleton of the php extension to generate. This files should be customizable in order to adapt the generated code to the needs of the library to wrap/bind. The process to initialize a directory would be:

mkdir my_extension
cd my_extension
generator init --name my_extension --authors "John, Gonzalo"

The init command should have the following options:

  • -a --authors: A comma separated list of main authors going to be working on the extension.
  • -c --contributors: A comma separated list of contributors.
  • -n --name: A name for the extension
  • -i --initial-version: Set the extension version. Default: 0.1.

Initial files created by the init command

The files and directories generated should be something like:

  • definitions - Directory that will store definitions in json format generated by the parse command.
  • templates - Directory that holds the php template files that are going to be used when generating the extension source code.
  • plugins - Empty directory with a README file telling the user that he can put plugin files on this directory to modify the default behavior of the generator as link to documentation on how to write them.
  • CHANGES - Store changes made to the extension.
  • CREDITS - People involved with the development of extension (this file is read by php when compiling the extension)
  • LICENSE - Initial license file with the PHP license by default
  • generator.conf - A configuration file which can be tweaked to modify the generator behavior (it would also help the generator identify if a directory was initialized by itself)

Definition files

The definition files should be stored on different json files for easy editing. Initial idea of files would be:

  • includes.json
  • classes.json
  • classes_variables.json
  • classes_enumerations.json
  • functions.json
  • resources.json
  • type_definitions.json
  • constants.json
  • global_variables.json
  • enumerations.json
  • ifdef_components.json (file that could be manually tweaked so the generator can automatically add #ifdef THIS include_that)

Template files

A default skeleton should be written that provides template files for different php engines, in this case ZendPHP and HHVM. The templates directory should be something like:

- templates
    - zend_php
        - classes
            - header.php
            - constructor.php
            - destructor.php 
            - get.php
            - set.php
            - method.php
            - virtual_method.php
            - custom_methods
        - config
            - config.m4.php
            - config.w32.php
        - custom_source
        - functions
            - function.php
            - custom_functions
        - source
            - common.h.php
            - php_extension.h.php
            - extension.c.php
            - functions.h.php
            - functions.c.php
            - references.h.php
            - references.cpp.php

We should have the ability to override the classes and functions template files by using some name conventions. Lets say I want to write custom code for class MyDog method Feed() or MyDog::Feed(). We should be able to create a file as follows:

 templates -> zend_php -> classes -> custom_methods -> mydog_feed.php

The same principle would apply for functions, if I have a function named print_my_dog_name(), it would go as follows:

 templates -> zend_php -> functions -> custom_functions -> print_my_dog_name.php

Also we could apply the same technique for the other template files that should be overrideable.

Plugin files

This files should be loaded automatically from the plugins directory each time the generator is invoked, Some interface or abstract class should be written to serve as a base for the plugins. An example would be:

my_extension -> plugins -> gccxml_parser.php
my_extension -> plugins -> custom_tweaks.php

3. Parser command

The parse command is in charge of reading a specific set of files to extract the C/C++ definitions required to generate the PHP extension source code. When the parse command is invoked the json definition files are generated. The process to invoke the parse command should be something as follows:

generator parse --input-format doxygen --source /home/user/somedir

The parse command should have the following options:

  • -f --input-format: The kind of input to parse.
  • -s --source: The path were resides the input to parse.
  • -h --headers: The path were resides the header files of the library in order to correctly solve headers include path.
  • -v --verbose: Turns verbosity on to troubleshoot parsing.

The parse command should provide an base class interface to facilitate the writing of parsers which read different input formats. Also a plugin interface to modify the behavior of existing parsers.

4. Generate command

The generate command is the last piece of the puzzle and most difficult to implement. The generator would read the json files on the definitions directory and proceed to generate the extension source code by using the template files. Invoking this command would be something like:

generator generate

To keep the extension root directory clean I suggest for .c/.cpp files to be generated on a directory named src and .h files on a directory named includes

Notes: initial reference implementations and

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I think the init is superfluous - building a skeleton should be part of the generate (and generate probably needs another name - like output)

I'd argue for

generator output --skeleton if a person wants just a skeleton

generator output --overwrite to take an existing directory and overwrite anything in it with new defs

generator output --update to take an existing directory and ADD missing items from generation

We should use a specific format in our output in comments to identify certain blocks so we can parse EXISTING generated code and update by adding new functionality without the need for any override nonsense (people can actually manually edit the generated files and know stuff won't be overwritten)

we should allow people to pass in a configuration file as an option for anything to get all the more complex stuff set (and configuration files should be pluggable - .ini .php .xml .json) and just detect via file extension for the plugin ;)

I'd also argue for pluggable scanners - like gir or your doxygen or whatever

and we'll no doubt need a way to validate conf files ;) and possibly validate

We should let the user set all paths via config - and all this other stuff

  1. where is the output directory
  2. what template do they want to use (templates will probably include gtkforphp, PHP5, HHVM-HNI, you probably have one for wxwidgets, etc)
  3. where is the input directory
  4. what parser is being used
  5. are we generating docs? in docbook? in doxygen?
  6. are we generating tests?

IN the more boring things - Let's name this thing

I'm really really tempted to name it phwg (PHP wrapper generator) which is a play on the "swig" name and pretty hilarious (pronounced fwig)

I'd vote for make a github organization for it, etc

If you're ok with the name ;)

Far future fun would be things like web, gtk or wxwidgets wrapper apps for it, etc ;)

so I think we should make the generator flexible enough so it's a library (generator) and then generator-cli for the cli interface for it (which is why as much as possible in conf files makes sense)

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jgmdev commented Jun 20, 2014

Project Name

First the easy part, the project name. I think peg is a good name which makes sense and easy to remember, I put up a logo some time ago with the help of my wife which can be improved. PEG stands for php extension generator and also peg is the word used for those wooden clips used to stick clothe on a cable and dry it on the sun (you know old times - So somehow the idea of a binding/wrapper generator is similar to a peg in concept since you are sticking things together. Also 3 letters is like a trend, cvs, svn, git, etc... so peg is nice in my opinion :D I thought a lot about that name lol.

Init command

I think you are missing the point of the init command, it is like a shortcut to rapidly initialize a directory and start working on the templates of your extension, think of it as "git init". Instead of adding a lot of sub-commands or options as you said: output --skeleton, output --this, output --that, I think the generator would be easier to use if everything that needs to do some major work has its own command name.

So instead of generator output --update I would go for generator update

Ability to modify generated code

I think it is a good idea, but it will also make the project more complex to implement and maintain, In any case I think we should have both options, ability to generate code and to override template files. After all, template files will need customizations depending on the library to bind/wrap.

In my experience with wxphp, when there's a bug on the code I just adjust the templates and the code generator takes care of handling the almost 1 million lines of code for me, if an extension is too big and only 1 person is maintaining it I think is preferable to override certain template files or write a plugin that modifies the code generator behavior instead of having to deal with such huge codebase.


Why so much formats for the configuration file? I think we should focus on 1 first and proceed to the important parts of the project, so we don't get stuck implementing a lot of stuff that at the end may create fragmentation internally.

Quotes and Responses

We should let the user set all paths via config - and all this other stuff

  1. where is the output directory

Think of the code generator in the same sense of a source control system like svn, git, etc... we should not hide the fact that a generator is being used to develop an extension, instead, everything needed to work with the extension in combination with the generator should be distributed by its developer on the same repository, eg: definitions, templates, configurations, etc...

  1. what template do they want to use (templates will probably include gtkforphp, PHP5, HHVM-HNI, you probably have one for wxwidgets, etc)

Specific templates should not be part of the generator project it self, we would provide a generic set of templates that would work in most cases, but the extension developer is responsible of modifying the templates to meet his project needs.

  1. where is the input directory

Once the "generator parse --source|input /somedir" is executed the definitions should be stored on the extension root directory inside a directory named "definitions" or whatever, this would be the input directory by default, but optional parameters can be added to override this.

  1. what parser is being used

See the Auto command section

  1. are we generating docs? in docbook? in doxygen?
  2. are we generating tests?

Yes but this should be the last part of the puzzle, first we should focus on, skeleton, templates, parser, generator.

Auto command

Maybe we should create some auto command which reads the generator.conf and do any custom stuff needed to generate the code. If json syntax was used it could be something like:

auto_command: [
    "command one",
    "command two",

We would also need a config command to modify the generator.conf with some guidance.

Variable templates

I forgot to mention I have this idea of creating templates for variable types. Usually a PHP_METHOD or PHP_FUNCTION first initializes a zval to represent a variable, but depending on the variable type the behavior could be different. For quick idea here is how template files would look:

- templates
    - variables
        - declaration.php (all declarations needed to work with the variable at a function body)
        - parse.php (which code to generate for parse parameters)
        - return.php (code to generate when returning a variable)

Other templates will be needed but this is an initial idea. This templates should also be overrideable, for example, if I want to handle a c++ std::string the templates for this could be:

  • declaration_std_string.php
  • parse_std_string.php
  • return_std_string.php

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My only caveat with using the name "peg" is that you rename your existing project if you intend to keep dev'ing on it - otherwise users will get confused. I'm kind of "meh" in general for naming.

Init Command

I still don't see a point to this - other than syntatic sugar for skeleton generation - which is fine if you want to add that but in terms of ease of use for people - but no matter how you slice it generating a skeleton is a type of generated output, not something on it's own

General use

I think in general we have some different ideas for the use case for the generator - I intended it to generate files once, that you would then commit to a repo and work on if necessary. If you needed to do a change on one thing to fix a bug in your template or definition, then you would run update and it would change the code where needed. But otherwise it would simply be code, but the initial work is done for you.

I would think that a user MIGHT put their specific template overrides, their def files, and their config file in a sub-directory of the repo, but I would NEVER want to make any development dependent on the generator. It makes life hell for people trying to contribute. And I wouldn't want the generator to manage anything!!!

I see it as a tool for eliminating what would be "copy and paste" otherwise, not a source control system and not a dependency for any extension in and of itself. Closer to the old "Pecl_gen" package in PEAR than the generator hacked up for PHP, or even the one for wxwidgets.

You DEFINITELY wouldn't have to have people run the generator before building, or even have to run the generator before packaging, people could simply checkout and dev normally to help out, and you'd have real, viewable, searchable code for a project.

I also think that there WILL be far more configuration than someone EVER wants to do on the command line. As for "formats" the trick is not to "ship a bunch of formats" but to design the API internally so that formats can be "plug and play"

Something I've learned though is any time you create a pluggable something - configuration files, parser, whatnot - you should implement a minimum of 3 versions of the adapter for it. That allows you to make the apis configurable enough for almost all use cases.

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jgmdev commented Jun 23, 2014

My only caveat with using the name "peg" is that you rename your existing project if you intend to keep dev'ing on it - otherwise users will get confused. I'm kind of "meh" in general for naming.

If we are able to get a clear view on how we are going to collaborate, as synchronize our ideas, plus reach a happy medium in how the project should move forward to reach our goals, then I don't see a problem with creating a organization and me removing the peg code and forking from instead :) in any case I could store my actual code locally on a fossil repo, so no issues with that.

Init Command

I still don't see a point to this - other than syntatic sugar for skeleton generation - which is fine if you want to add that but in terms of ease of use for people - but no matter how you slice it generating a skeleton is a type of generated output, not something on it's own

The init command will not generate any code, just predefined template files, generator.conf and everything needed for a developer to start working on his binding.

In the other hand, once a developer modifies the template files to meet his needs (as write plugins if needed) he can proceed to run "peg generate|output|produce" to generate the source code. By the way I liked this generate definition: In Computer Science, To produce (a program) by instructing a computer to follow given parameters with a skeleton program. (which is what we are trying to accomplish)

General use

I think in general we have some different ideas for the use case for the generator - I intended it to generate files once, that you would then commit to a repo and work on if necessary. If you needed to do a change on one thing to fix a bug in your template or definition, then you would run update and it would change the code where needed. But otherwise it would simply be code, but the initial work is done for you.

I still think we can have both functionalities, a template only approach + template/manual editing. I think of templates as patches, instead of patching the source code directly we create template patches (with changes that are easy to differentiate), so a re-generation of source code takes care of fixing everything for you, also future updates are easier.

Do you have a draft or example on how the updater will work? I'm interested in understanding your ideas to implement a source updater.

I would think that a user MIGHT put their specific template overrides, their def files, and their config file in a sub-directory of the repo, but I would NEVER want to make any development dependent on the generator. It makes life hell for people trying to contribute. And I wouldn't want the generator to manage anything!!!

You could take that maintenance approach if you think potential contributors could get upset working with template files instead that directly with the source. But I would also like the ability to only work from template files and plugins to modify generator behavior in order to maintain the php extension source.

I see it as a tool for eliminating what would be "copy and paste" otherwise, not a source control system and not a dependency for any extension in and of itself. Closer to the old "Pecl_gen" package in PEAR than the generator hacked up for PHP, or even the one for wxwidgets.

You DEFINITELY wouldn't have to have people run the generator before building, or even have to run the generator before packaging, people could simply checkout and dev normally to help out, and you'd have real, viewable, searchable code for a project.

I think you misunderstood me, as you mention my idea is for the generator to work as wxwidgets one as you point out, not some dictator over the source which is required to compile your extension or use it. Once the source is generated you could upload all that to a repository so the generator isn't a requirement to build the extension, but a tool to facilitate the developers life. Lets go again to the directory structure of the extension after you run peg init:

mkdir my_extension
cd my_extension
peg init

This would results on a directory tree as follows:

  • peg.conf
  • CHANGES (Some initial changelog saying peg was used to generate the initial directory tree)
  • CREDITS (This could be updated with peg update)
  • LICENSE (PHP license as default)
  • package.xml (maybe this should be generated by peg generate|output)
  • definitions (empty directory with a useful readme file)
    • README
  • plugins (empty directory with a useful readme file)
    • README
  • templates (directory that stores all templates)
    • zend_php (directory with zendengine templates, another one would be needed for hhvm)
      • classes (directory for class templates)
        • header.php
        • constructor.php
        • destructor.php
        • get.php
        • set.php
        • method.php
        • virtual_method.php
        • custom_methods (directory with overrides of method.php)
      • config (directory for config.m4/w32 templates)
        • config.m4.php
        • config.w32.php
      • custom_source (directory where you can put custom source files that should also get compiled and automatically added to config.m4/w32)
      • functions (directory with function templates)
        • function.php
        • custom_functions (directory with overrides of function.php)
      • source (directory with main source templates)
        • common.h.php
        • php_my_extension.h.php
        • my_extension.c.php
        • functions.h.php
        • functions.c.php
        • references.h.php
        • references.cpp.php
      • variables (directory for variables manipulation templates)
        • declaration.php
        • parse.php
        • return.php

So thats everything you get when initializing a directory, now if you proceed to peg parse --source C:\some\doxygen|whatever the definitions directory will be populated with json files as I said before, which are:

  • includes.json
  • classes.json
  • classes_variables.json
  • classes_enumerations.json
  • functions.json
  • resources.json
  • type_definitions.json
  • constants.json
  • global_variables.json
  • enumerations.json
  • ifdef_components.json

These files can also be safely stored on a source repository.

Now if you run peg generate|output|whatever your source tree would look as follows:

  • php_my_extension.h
  • my_extension.c
  • config.m4
  • config.w32
  • peg.conf
  • package.xml
  • includes
    • someheader1.h
    • someheader2.h
    • etc..
  • src
    • somesource1.c/cpp
    • somesource2.c/cpp
    • etc..
  • definitions
    • classes.json
    • etc....
  • plugins
    • README
  • templates
    • zend_php
      • classes
        • header.php
        • constructor.php
        • destructor.php
        • get.php
        • set.php
        • method.php
        • virtual_method.php
        • custom_methods
      • config
        • config.m4.php
        • config.w32.php
      • custom_source
      • functions
        • function.php
        • custom_functions
      • source
        • common.h.php
        • php_my_extension.h.php
        • my_extension.c.php
        • functions.h.php
        • functions.c.php
        • references.h.php
        • references.cpp.php
      • variables
        • declaration.php
        • parse.php
        • return.php

Now you are ready to commit your changes to a github|whatever repo :D and people will not need the generator to compile your extension, but they will also have the ability to use the generator if they need to contribute.

Also the root directory of the extension with directories collapsed would look pretty clean:

- includes
- src
- definitions
- plugins
- templates
- php_my_extension.h
- my_extension.c
- config.m4
- config.w32
- peg.conf
- package.xml

I also think that there WILL be far more configuration than someone EVER wants to do on the command line. As for "formats" the trick is not to "ship a bunch of formats" but to design the API internally so that formats can be "plug and play"

Something I've learned though is any time you create a pluggable something - configuration files, parser, whatnot - you should implement a minimum of 3 versions of the adapter for it. That allows you to make the apis configurable enough for almost all use cases.

I think I'm not getting your idea about configuration files, I will write here the idea I have about the usage of a configuration file:

    "name": "my_extension", //Added on some generated files
    "authors": "John, Jean", //Added on some generated files
    "contributors": "Jay, Maria", //Added on some generated files
    "version": 1.0, //Added on some generated files
    "auto_command": [ //Previous idea
        "update --blah"
    "definitions_dir": "", //could be used to override default
    "templates_dir": "", //could be used to override default
    "engine": "zend_php|hhvm"

Thats what I think about configuration, so maybe I'm mistaking your idea.

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Hmmm - nitpick - we need to call it a "scanner" for generating your json definitions files from source

a "parser" is something different in computer science ;)

I think your idea of a "template" and mine are different

This is how gtk/gen is designed to work currently - in very stereotypical lexer/parser style

  1. it reads in the definition file using the designated lexer class (say json or GIR xml) and creates "tokens" (actually PHP objects) filled with data describing each thing, class has a name, maybe a comment, method has return value, arguments, etc.
  2. The resulting objects are fed into the parser - the parser says "I have a class, include the class template and pass it this data as variables to interpolate" "I have a method, include the method template and give it these variables to interpolate" - so as little logic is used in the templates as possible (maybe a foreach or some if/else)

Both the lexer (what is the format of my definitions and how do I change it to an internal representation the parser understands) and possibly even the parser (how do I handle each object with it's data) can be pluggable in this situation - the parser could possibly even only be partially pluggable, but there would be a default implementation of this, with default template files

as for configuration - the storage mechanism shouldn't matter, as long as what the actual configuration class expectations are properly documented, an ini version, for example, would look like



create = true

no_windows=true # maybe the extension doesn't support windows
generate_pickle= true

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jgmdev commented Jun 23, 2014

Hmmm - nitpick - we need to call it a "scanner" for generating your json definitions files from source
a "parser" is something different in computer science ;)

Then lets call it scan xD, I used the term parser, because in doxygen's case there are lots of xml files that contain the whole structure of a library. So I wrote an xml parser? to extract all definitions and store them in a easy to read json format with an established format to feed the code generator (with easy to read I also mean json -> php array with json_decode)

I think your idea of a "template" and mine are different
This is how gtk/gen is designed to work currently - in very stereotypical lexer/parser style

it reads in the definition file using the designated lexer class (say json or GIR xml) and creates "tokens" (actually PHP objects) filled with data describing each thing, class has a name, maybe a comment, method has return value, arguments, etc.

Instead of lexer I call it the parser :D

wxphp generator works the same except that instead of creating PHP objects it creates an associative array for classes, constants, enumerations, etc... But we should definitely use PHP objects to traverse the definitions|tokens once loaded in memory.

Also I established a format for the json definition files so it doesn't matters if the original definitions are in GIR, doxygen, etc... So I called parser the process of extracting definitions from doxygen|GIR and storing it on an established json format that can be read by the code generator and distributed as part of your source repository (so the usage of the definitions directory is to store those json files with an established format).

This way, any one is able to work-with/regenerate the source code without the need of having original GIR, doxygen definition files, and without leaving the extensions directory.

The resulting objects are fed into the parser - the parser says "I have a class, include the class template and pass it this data as variables to interpolate" "I have a method, include the method template and give it these variables to interpolate" - so as little logic is used in the templates as possible (maybe a foreach or some if/else)

Same on wxphp, but instead of parser I called it the generator xD (so it seems I'm using wrong terms). In my sucky english dictionary I used generator as the word referring to the process of reading the json definitions and creating the c/c++ source code, config.m4/w32 of the extension.

so peg generate would do something like this:

$class_definitions = json_decode(file_get_contents("definitions/classes.json"));
$classes = new ClassSymbols($class_definitions); //Helper class to easily traverse the definitions

foreach($classes as $class)
    $authors = get_authors(); //Can be used from header.php

    $classes_header_code .= ob_get_contents();

    $generated_code .= $classes_header_code;


    file_put_contents("src/header1.h", $generated_code);

Obviously more code is required, but it is just a sample so I can better transmit my spaghetti ideas.

Both the lexer (what is the format of my definitions and how do I change it to an internal representation the parser understands) and possibly even the parser (how do I handle each object with it's data) can be pluggable in this situation - the parser could possibly even only be partially pluggable, but there would be a default implementation of this, with default template files

Exactly :)

as for configuration - the storage mechanism shouldn't matter, as long as what the actual configuration class expectations are properly documented, an ini version, for example, would look like

Ahhh nice ideas the [build] and deps options, we can surely make a great team xD

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So you're basically using json as an intermediate "cached" format? That's... not a good format for it

the json parser is OK in PHP, but it's not as nice as other formats and escaping might be problematic (oy, the charset issues you could discover)

If you want to have an easy to use intermediate format (as you're using json) you should use something more accessible and less prone memory eating

Might I suggest perhaps using sqlite as an intermediate cached format instead if you want to have that functionality? - it would be a single file and easily query-able, which would make updating WAY faster (you could store hashes of the original defs files in any format and check if they've changed since the last lexer pass with one query - tada, incremental lexing and parsing for free)

Another option would be to even just write out PHP files with the definitions of the classes/methods embedded right in, then you could totally skip any kind of json_decode or anything else and just include the intermediate files to get the definitions

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jgmdev commented Jun 24, 2014

I love sqlite the problem with sqlite is that i cant use a text editor in case i want to manually modify or fix something on the definitions/cache.

Before using json the original wxphp developer used serialize/unserialize but if editing was required it was almost impossible.

Php format sounds good, but parsing a huge php file would surely take some time and memory too.

In my experience json hasnt been bad and wxWidgets is a huge library check

Anyways if we choose php I would be happy, everything would PHP xd even template files :D it would just require a little bit more of work at first.

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jgmdev commented Jun 24, 2014

An example of definitions/classes.php could be:

$class = new ClassSymbol("SomeClassName");

        "static" => false,
        "const" => true,
        "virtual" => true,
        "pure_virtual" => false,
        "protected" => false,
        "return_type" => "const int*",
        "description" => "This method does this and that",
        "parameters" => new Parameters() //Will think on this later



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I actually have quite a bit of that already done in one fashion - see - - we'll need to set up the proper hierarchy - module -> package (actually this is namespace but namespace is a reserved word - we'll have similar issues with clas) -> class -> method but also namespace -> function or just package->function - then for both return values and parameters they are subclasses of args - and we should probably do a "documentation" type with info to fill in docblocks, etc

Also I didn't mention it much but we should make this with a pluggable front-end
So we can have peg-cli and peg-gtk adn peg-web versions for people to play with ;)

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jgmdev commented Dec 1, 2015

TODO (Reminder)

  • Use CastXML to parse C/C++ header files directly and convert them to an easy to parse xml file.
  • Add GIR support in order to parse GTK documentation.
  • Finish codegenerator for PHP version 5 (generate classes)
  • Use PHP version 5 codegenerator as base to start writing a PHP 7 code generator.
  • Also add HHVM code generation support.
  • Implement C++ templates support
  • Write a webui that could be launched from command line (eg: peg ui) in order to graphically modify definition files and enable/disable classes, methods, functions, etc...

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