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Created March 6, 2013 06:11
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  • Save austinzheng/5097110 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save austinzheng/5097110 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A very simple min-stack implementation using arrays to store signed integers. The stack is created with a user-specified size. Supports a pop, push, and current-minimum operation, all of which run in O(1) time. The tradeoff is that twice as much space is required as an equivalent implementation supporting a current-minimum operation running in O…
// min_stack.c
// Austin Zheng
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct min_stack {
int* v; // This array represents the main stack, and contains actual values.
int* m; // This array represents the min stack, and contains an index into the v array.
unsigned int v_ptr; // This is a pointer to the next free main stack slot.
unsigned int m_ptr; // This is a pointer to the next free min stack slot.
unsigned int size; // How big the stack is.
struct min_stack* create_stack(unsigned int size) {
// Create a new min stack. Returns a pointer to the newly allocated stack,
// or a null pointer (if malloc fails).
struct min_stack* new_stack = malloc(sizeof(struct min_stack));
if (!new_stack) return NULL;
// Allocate the main array.
int* v = malloc(size*sizeof(int));
if (!v) {
return NULL;
// Allocate the min array.
int* m = malloc(size*sizeof(int));
if (!m) {
return NULL;
new_stack->v = v;
new_stack->m = m;
new_stack->v_ptr = 0;
new_stack->m_ptr = 0;
new_stack->size = size;
return new_stack;
void destroy_stack(struct min_stack* s) {
// Properly deallocate memory for the min stack s.
int push(struct min_stack* s, int val) {
// Push the value val onto the min stack s. Returns 0 if successful, 1
// otherwise.
if (!s) return 1;
if (s->v_ptr >= s->size) {
printf("Error! Cannot push: stack is full.\n");
return 1;
// Push the value onto the stack.
s->v[s->v_ptr] = val;
// Update the min stack, if necessary.
// Update if this is the first item being pushed onto the stack, or the new
// value is smaller than the value at the top of the min stack.
if (s->m_ptr == 0 || val < s->v[s->m[s->m_ptr-1]]) {
s->m[s->m_ptr] = s->v_ptr;
// Increment the main stack pointer.
return 0;
int pop(struct min_stack* s, int* status) {
// Pop and return the value at the top of the min stack s. If successful,
// status is 0.
*status = 1;
if (!s) return 0;
if (s->v_ptr == 0) {
printf("Error! Cannot pop: the stack is empty.\n");
return 0;
// Pop the value off the stack.
int ret_val = s->v[s->v_ptr];
// Update the min stack, if necessary.
// If the currently popped value is at the top of the min stack, pop the
// min stack as well.
if (s->m[s->m_ptr-1] == s->v_ptr) {
*status = 0;
return ret_val;
int get_min(struct min_stack* s, int* status) {
// Return the current minimum value in the min stack s. If successful,
// status is 0.
*status = 1;
if (!s) return 0;
if (s->m_ptr == 0) {
return 0;
// Return the item in v pointed to by the top entry in m.
*status = 0;
return (s->v[s->m[s->m_ptr-1]]);
int main() {
#define NUM_ELEMENTS 50
// Test framework.
printf("Creating min stack with %d elements...\n\n", NUM_ELEMENTS);
struct min_stack* s = create_stack(NUM_ELEMENTS);
if (!s) {
printf("Unable to create min stack! Aborting...\n");
return 1;
// Push a few values.
int status;
printf("Pushing 10...\n");
push(s, 10);
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Pushing 7...\n");
push(s, 7);
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Pushing 3...\n");
push(s, 3);
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Pushing 12...\n");
push(s, 12);
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Pushing 14...\n");
push(s, 14);
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Pushing 1...\n");
push(s, 1);
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Pushing 8...\n");
push(s, 8);
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Pushing 2...\n");
push(s, 2);
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
// Pop values a few times.
printf("Popped %d...\n", pop(s, &status));
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Popped %d...\n", pop(s, &status));
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Popped %d...\n", pop(s, &status));
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Popped %d...\n", pop(s, &status));
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Popped %d...\n", pop(s, &status));
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Popped %d...\n", pop(s, &status));
printf("Min value is %d.\n\n", get_min(s, &status));
printf("Destroying stack...\n");
return 0;
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