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avdg/engine.js Secret

Last active February 2, 2024 20:26
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var global = self;
var Reflect = {
global: global
! function a(b, c, d) {
function e(g, h) {
if (!c[g]) {
if (!b[g]) {
var i = "function" == typeof require && require;
if (!h && i) return i(g, !0);
if (f) return f(g, !0);
var j = new Error("Cannot find module '" + g + "'");
throw j.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", j
var k = c[g] = {
exports: {}
b[g][0].call(k.exports, function(a) {
var c = b[g][1][a];
return e(c ? c : a)
}, k, k.exports, a, b, c, d)
return c[g].exports
for (var f = "function" == typeof require && require, g = 0; g < d.length; g++) e(d[g]);
return e
1: [function(a, b) {
! function() {
"use strict";
var c = (a("q"), a("./local-storage"), a("lodash")),
d = a("./message-mux");
return b.exports = function() {
var a = [],
b = [],
e = [];
return {
update: function(b, d) {
c.isObject(b) && (c.merge(b, d), b = b._id), a.push({
_id: b,
data: d
insert: function(a) {
remove: function(a) {
execute: function() {
return d.sendMessage({
type: "bulk",
updates: a,
inserts: b,
removes: e
}, {}
}, {
"./local-storage": 4,
"./message-mux": 5,
lodash: 6,
q: 7
2: [function(a, b) {
! function() {
"use strict";
return b.exports = {
localStorage: {
PENDING_QUEUE: "pendingQueue_",
PROCESSING_QUEUE: "processingQueue_",
USERS: "users",
USERS_CODE: "users.code",
ROOMS: "rooms",
ROOMS_OBJECTS: "rooms.objects",
ROOMS_TERRAIN: "rooms.terrain",
ROOMS_INTENTS: "rooms.intents",
GAME_TIME: "gametime"
}, {}
}, {}],
3: [function(a, b, c) {
! function() {
"use strict";
var b = a("lodash"),
d = a("q"),
e = a("./config"),
f = a("./local-storage"),
g = a("./bulk"),
h = a("./workers"),
i = a("./message-mux"),
j = {
0: [],
1: [],
2: []
k = d.defer();
return self.onmessage = function(a) {
"setTickPeriod" == ? k.resolve( : "worker" == ? h.handleMessage( : ? j[].push( : i.handleMessage(
}, c.queue = a("./queue"), c.getTickPeriod = function() {
return k.promise
}, c.connect = function() {
return d.all([f.initArray(e.localStorage.USERS), f.initArray(e.localStorage.ROOMS, [{
_id: "1-1"
}]), f.initArray(e.localStorage.ROOMS_OBJECTS), f.initArray(e.localStorage.ROOMS_INTENTS)])
}, c.getUserRuntimeData = function(a) {
return d.all([f.get(e.localStorage.USERS).then(function(c) {
return b.find(c, {
_id: a
}), f.get(e.localStorage.USERS_CODE).then(function(c) {
return b.find(c, {
_id: a
}), f.get(e.localStorage.ROOMS_OBJECTS), f.get(e.localStorage.ROOMS), f.get(e.localStorage.GAME_TIME), f.get(e.localStorage.ROOMS_TERRAIN)]).then(function(d) {
var d = new Object({
user: d[0],
userCode: d[1].modules,
userObjects: c.mapById(b.where(d[2], {
user: a
roomObjects: c.mapById(d[2]),
rooms: c.mapById(d[3]),
time: d[4],
consoleCommands: j[a],
roomTerrain: c.mapById(d[5])
return j[a] = [], d
}, c.getAllUsers = function() {
return f.get(e.localStorage.USERS)
}, c.makeRuntime = function(a) {
var b, c = h.create("runtime"),
e = d.defer();
return b = setTimeout(function() {
c.terminate(), e.reject("CPU limit reached")
}, 5e3), c.onmessage = function(a) {
"done" == && (clearTimeout(b), c.terminate(), e.resolve(, "error" == && (clearTimeout(b), c.terminate(), e.reject(
}, c.postMessage(a), e.promise
}, c.saveUserMemory = function(a, c) {
return f.get(e.localStorage.USERS).then(function(d) {
var g = b.find(d, {
_id: a
return g.memory = c, f.put(e.localStorage.USERS, d)
}, c.saveUserIntents = function(a, c) {
return f.get(e.localStorage.ROOMS_INTENTS).then(function(d) {
for (var g in c) {
var h = b.find(d, {
room: g
h || d.push(h = {
room: g
}), h.users = h.users || {}, h.users[a] = h.users[a] || {}, h.users[a].objects = c[g]
return f.put(e.localStorage.ROOMS_INTENTS, d)
}, c.getAllRooms = function() {
return f.get(e.localStorage.ROOMS)
}, c.getRoomIntents = function(a) {
return f.get(e.localStorage.ROOMS_INTENTS).then(function(c) {
return b.find(c, {
room: a
}, c.getRoomObjects = function() {
return f.get(e.localStorage.ROOMS_OBJECTS).then(function(a) {
return c.mapById(a)
}, c.getRoomTerrain = function() {
return f.get(e.localStorage.ROOMS_TERRAIN).then(function(a) {
return c.mapById(a)
}, c.bulkObjectsWrite = function() {
return g(e.localStorage.ROOMS_OBJECTS)
}, c.clearRoomIntents = function(a) {
return f.get(e.localStorage.ROOMS_INTENTS).then(function(c) {
return b.remove(c, {
room: a
}), f.put(e.localStorage.ROOMS_INTENTS, c)
}, c.mapById = function(a) {
return b.reduce(a, function(a, b) {
return a[b._id.toString()] = b, a
}, {})
}, c.notifyRoomsDone = function() {
return i.sendMessage({
type: "roomsDone"
}, c.sendConsoleMessages = function(a, b) {
type: "console",
userId: a,
messages: b
}, c.sendConsoleError = function(a, b) {
type: "console",
userId: a,
error: b
}, c.incrementGameTime = function() {
return f.get(e.localStorage.GAME_TIME).then(function(a) {
return a++, f.put(e.localStorage.GAME_TIME, a)
}, {}
}, {
"./bulk": 1,
"./config": 2,
"./local-storage": 4,
"./message-mux": 5,
"./queue": 8,
"./workers": 10,
lodash: 6,
q: 7
4: [function(a, b, c) {
! function() {
"use strict";
var b = (a("q"), a("./message-mux"));
return c.put = function(a, c) {
return b.sendMessage({
type: "localStorage",
put: {
key: a,
value: c
}).then(function(a) {
return a.put.value
}, c.get = function(a) {
return b.sendMessage({
type: "localStorage",
get: {
key: a
}).then(function(a) {
return a.get.value
}, c.initArray = function(a, b) {
return c.get(a).then(function(d) {
return d ? void 0 : c.put(a, b || [])
}, {}
}, {
"./message-mux": 5,
q: 7
5: [function(a, b, c) {
! function() {
"use strict";
var b = a("q"),
d = {},
e = 0;
return c.sendMessage = function(a) {
return e++, d[e] = b.defer(), a.transactionId = e, self.postMessage(a), d[e].promise
}, c.handleMessage = function(a) {
d[a.transactionId] && (d[a.transactionId].resolve(a), d[a.transactionId] = null, delete d[a.transactionId])
}, {}
}, {
q: 7
6: [function(a, b, c) {
(function(a) {
(function() {
function d(a, b, c) {
for (var d = (c || 0) - 1, e = a ? a.length : 0; ++d < e;)
if (a[d] === b) return d;
return -1
function e(a, b) {
var c = typeof b;
if (a = a.cache, "boolean" == c || null == b) return a[b] ? 0 : -1;
"number" != c && "string" != c && (c = "object");
var e = "number" == c ? b : u + b;
return a = (a = a[c]) && a[e], "object" == c ? a && d(a, b) > -1 ? 0 : -1 : a ? 0 : -1
function f(a) {
var b = this.cache,
c = typeof a;
if ("boolean" == c || null == a) b[a] = !0;
else {
"number" != c && "string" != c && (c = "object");
var d = "number" == c ? a : u + a,
e = b[c] || (b[c] = {});
"object" == c ? (e[d] || (e[d] = [])).push(a) : e[d] = !0
function g(a) {
return a.charCodeAt(0)
function h(a, b) {
for (var c = a.criteria, d = b.criteria, e = -1, f = c.length; ++e < f;) {
var g = c[e],
h = d[e];
if (g !== h) {
if (g > h || "undefined" == typeof g) return 1;
if (h > g || "undefined" == typeof h) return -1
return a.index - b.index
function i(a) {
var b = -1,
c = a.length,
d = a[0],
e = a[c / 2 | 0],
g = a[c - 1];
if (d && "object" == typeof d && e && "object" == typeof e && g && "object" == typeof g) return !1;
var h = l();
h["false"] = h["null"] = h["true"] = h.undefined = !1;
var i = l();
for (i.array = a, i.cache = h, i.push = f; ++b < c;) i.push(a[b]);
return i
function j(a) {
return "\\" + Y[a]
function k() {
return r.pop() || []
function l() {
return s.pop() || {
array: null,
cache: null,
criteria: null,
"false": !1,
index: 0,
"null": !1,
number: null,
object: null,
push: null,
string: null,
"true": !1,
undefined: !1,
value: null
function m(a) {
a.length = 0, r.length < w && r.push(a)
function n(a) {
var b = a.cache;
b && n(b), a.array = a.cache = a.criteria = a.object = a.number = a.string = a.value = null, s.length < w && s.push(a)
function o(a, b, c) {
b || (b = 0), "undefined" == typeof c && (c = a ? a.length : 0);
for (var d = -1, e = c - b || 0, f = Array(0 > e ? 0 : e); ++d < e;) f[d] = a[b + d];
return f
function p(a) {
function b(a) {
return a && "object" == typeof a && !Zd(a) &&, "__wrapped__") ? a : new c(a)
function c(a, b) {
this.__chain__ = !!b, this.__wrapped__ = a
function f(a) {
function b() {
if (d) {
var a = o(d);
Id.apply(a, arguments)
if (this instanceof b) {
var f = s(c.prototype),
g = c.apply(f, a || arguments);
return Eb(g) ? g : f
return c.apply(e, a || arguments)
var c = a[0],
d = a[2],
e = a[4];
return Yd(b, a), b
function r(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (c) {
var f = c(a);
if ("undefined" != typeof f) return f
var g = Eb(a);
if (!g) return a;
var h =;
if (!U[h]) return a;
var i = Wd[h];
switch (h) {
case N:
case O:
return new i(+a);
case Q:
case T:
return new i(a);
case S:
return f = i(a.source, C.exec(a)), f.lastIndex = a.lastIndex, f
var j = Zd(a);
if (b) {
var l = !d;
d || (d = k()), e || (e = k());
for (var n = d.length; n--;)
if (d[n] == a) return e[n];
f = j ? i(a.length) : {}
} else f = j ? o(a) : ee({}, a);
return j && (, "index") && (f.index = a.index),, "input") && (f.input = a.input)), b ? (d.push(a), e.push(f), (j ? Yb : he)(a, function(a, g) {
f[g] = r(a, b, c, d, e)
}), l && (m(d), m(e)), f) : f
function s(a) {
return Eb(a) ? Nd(a) : {}
function w(a, b, c) {
if ("function" != typeof a) return Zc;
if ("undefined" == typeof b || !("prototype" in a)) return a;
var d = a.__bindData__;
if ("undefined" == typeof d && (Xd.funcNames && (d = !, d = d || !Xd.funcDecomp, !d)) {
var e =;
Xd.funcNames || (d = !D.test(e)), d || (d = H.test(e), Yd(a, d))
if (d === !1 || d !== !0 && 1 & d[1]) return a;
switch (c) {
case 1:
return function(c) {
return, c)
case 2:
return function(c, d) {
return, c, d)
case 3:
return function(c, d, e) {
return, c, d, e)
case 4:
return function(c, d, e, f) {
return, c, d, e, f)
return Ic(a, b)
function Y(a) {
function b() {
var a = i ? g : this;
if (e) {
var n = o(e);
Id.apply(n, arguments)
if ((f || k) && (n || (n = o(arguments)), f && Id.apply(n, f), k && n.length < h)) return d |= 16, Y([c, l ? d : -4 & d, n, null, g, h]);
if (n || (n = arguments), j && (c = a[m]), this instanceof b) {
a = s(c.prototype);
var p = c.apply(a, n);
return Eb(p) ? p : a
return c.apply(a, n)
var c = a[0],
d = a[1],
e = a[2],
f = a[3],
g = a[4],
h = a[5],
i = 1 & d,
j = 2 & d,
k = 4 & d,
l = 8 & d,
m = c;
return Yd(b, a), b
function $(a, b) {
var c = -1,
f = ib(),
g = a ? a.length : 0,
h = g >= v && f === d,
j = [];
if (h) {
var k = i(b);
k ? (f = e, b = k) : h = !1
for (; ++c < g;) {
var l = a[c];
f(b, l) < 0 && j.push(l)
return h && n(b), j
function _(a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = (d || 0) - 1, f = a ? a.length : 0, g = []; ++e < f;) {
var h = a[e];
if (h && "object" == typeof h && "number" == typeof h.length && (Zd(h) || mb(h))) {
b || (h = _(h, b, c));
var i = -1,
j = h.length,
k = g.length;
for (g.length += j; ++i < j;) g[k++] = h[i]
} else c || g.push(h)
return g
function ab(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (c) {
var g = c(a, b);
if ("undefined" != typeof g) return !!g
if (a === b) return 0 !== a || 1 / a == 1 / b;
var h = typeof a,
i = typeof b;
if (!(a !== a || a && X[h] || b && X[i])) return !1;
if (null == a || null == b) return a === b;
var j =,
l =;
if (j == L && (j = R), l == L && (l = R), j != l) return !1;
switch (j) {
case N:
case O:
return +a == +b;
case Q:
return a != +a ? b != +b : 0 == a ? 1 / a == 1 / b : a == +b;
case S:
case T:
return a == vd(b)
var n = j == M;
if (!n) {
var o =, "__wrapped__"),
p =, "__wrapped__");
if (o || p) return ab(o ? a.__wrapped__ : a, p ? b.__wrapped__ : b, c, d, e, f);
if (j != R) return !1;
var q = a.constructor,
r = b.constructor;
if (q != r && !(Db(q) && q instanceof q && Db(r) && r instanceof r) && "constructor" in a && "constructor" in b) return !1
var s = !e;
e || (e = k()), f || (f = k());
for (var t = e.length; t--;)
if (e[t] == a) return f[t] == b;
var u = 0;
if (g = !0, e.push(a), f.push(b), n) {
if (t = a.length, u = b.length, g = u == t, g || d)
for (; u--;) {
var v = t,
w = b[u];
if (d)
for (; v-- && !(g = ab(a[v], w, c, d, e, f)););
else if (!(g = ab(a[u], w, c, d, e, f))) break
} else ge(b, function(b, h, i) {
return, h) ? (u++, g =, h) && ab(a[h], b, c, d, e, f)) : void 0
}), g && !d && ge(a, function(a, b, c) {
return, b) ? g = --u > -1 : void 0
return e.pop(), f.pop(), s && (m(e), m(f)), g
function bb(a, b, c, d, e) {
(Zd(b) ? Yb : he)(b, function(b, f) {
var g, h, i = b,
j = a[f];
if (b && ((h = Zd(b)) || ie(b))) {
for (var k = d.length; k--;)
if (g = d[k] == b) {
j = e[k];
if (!g) {
var l;
c && (i = c(j, b), (l = "undefined" != typeof i) && (j = i)), l || (j = h ? Zd(j) ? j : [] : ie(j) ? j : {}), d.push(b), e.push(j), l || bb(j, b, c, d, e)
} else c && (i = c(j, b), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = b)), "undefined" != typeof i && (j = i);
a[f] = j
function db(a, b) {
return a + Ed(Vd() * (b - a + 1))
function eb(a, b, c) {
var f = -1,
g = ib(),
h = a ? a.length : 0,
j = [],
l = !b && h >= v && g === d,
o = c || l ? k() : j;
if (l) {
var p = i(o);
g = e, o = p
for (; ++f < h;) {
var q = a[f],
r = c ? c(q, f, a) : q;
(b ? !f || o[o.length - 1] !== r : g(o, r) < 0) && ((c || l) && o.push(r), j.push(q))
return l ? (m(o.array), n(o)) : c && m(o), j
function fb(a) {
return function(c, d, e) {
var f = {};
d = b.createCallback(d, e, 3);
var g = -1,
h = c ? c.length : 0;
if ("number" == typeof h)
for (; ++g < h;) {
var i = c[g];
a(f, i, d(i, g, c), c)
} else he(c, function(b, c, e) {
a(f, b, d(b, c, e), e)
return f
function gb(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
var h = 1 & b,
i = 2 & b,
j = 4 & b,
k = 16 & b,
l = 32 & b;
if (!i && !Db(a)) throw new wd;
k && !c.length && (b &= -17, k = c = !1), l && !d.length && (b &= -33, l = d = !1);
var m = a && a.__bindData__;
if (m && m !== !0) return m = o(m), m[2] && (m[2] = o(m[2])), m[3] && (m[3] = o(m[3])), !h || 1 & m[1] || (m[4] = e), !h && 1 & m[1] && (b |= 8), !j || 4 & m[1] || (m[5] = g), k && Id.apply(m[2] || (m[2] = []), c), l && Ld.apply(m[3] || (m[3] = []), d), m[1] |= b, gb.apply(null, m);
var n = 1 == b || 17 === b ? f : Y;
return n([a, b, c, d, e, g])
function hb(a) {
return ae[a]
function ib() {
var a = (a = b.indexOf) === rc ? d : a;
return a
function jb(a) {
return "function" == typeof a && Bd.test(a)
function kb(a) {
var b, c;
return a && == R && (b = a.constructor, !Db(b) || b instanceof b) ? (ge(a, function(a, b) {
c = b
}), "undefined" == typeof c ||, c)) : !1
function lb(a) {
return be[a]
function mb(a) {
return a && "object" == typeof a && "number" == typeof a.length && == L || !1
function nb(a, b, c, d) {
return "boolean" != typeof b && null != b && (d = c, c = b, b = !1), r(a, b, "function" == typeof c && w(c, d, 1))
function ob(a, b, c) {
return r(a, !0, "function" == typeof b && w(b, c, 1))
function pb(a, b) {
var c = s(a);
return b ? ee(c, b) : c
function qb(a, c, d) {
var e;
return c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3), he(a, function(a, b, d) {
return c(a, b, d) ? (e = b, !1) : void 0
}), e
function rb(a, c, d) {
var e;
return c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3), tb(a, function(a, b, d) {
return c(a, b, d) ? (e = b, !1) : void 0
}), e
function sb(a, b, c) {
var d = [];
ge(a, function(a, b) {
d.push(b, a)
var e = d.length;
for (b = w(b, c, 3); e-- && b(d[e--], d[e], a) !== !1;);
return a
function tb(a, b, c) {
var d = _d(a),
e = d.length;
for (b = w(b, c, 3); e--;) {
var f = d[e];
if (b(a[f], f, a) === !1) break
return a
function ub(a) {
var b = [];
return ge(a, function(a, c) {
Db(a) && b.push(c)
}), b.sort()
function vb(a, b) {
return a ?, b) : !1
function wb(a) {
for (var b = -1, c = _d(a), d = c.length, e = {}; ++b < d;) {
var f = c[b];
e[a[f]] = f
return e
function xb(a) {
return a === !0 || a === !1 || a && "object" == typeof a && == N || !1
function yb(a) {
return a && "object" == typeof a && == O || !1
function zb(a) {
return a && 1 === a.nodeType || !1
function Ab(a) {
var b = !0;
if (!a) return b;
var c =,
d = a.length;
return c == M || c == T || c == L || c == R && "number" == typeof d && Db(a.splice) ? !d : (he(a, function() {
return b = !1
}), b)
function Bb(a, b, c, d) {
return ab(a, b, "function" == typeof c && w(c, d, 2))
function Cb(a) {
return Pd(a) && !Qd(parseFloat(a))
function Db(a) {
return "function" == typeof a
function Eb(a) {
return !(!a || !X[typeof a])
function Fb(a) {
return Hb(a) && a != +a
function Gb(a) {
return null === a
function Hb(a) {
return "number" == typeof a || a && "object" == typeof a && == Q || !1
function Ib(a) {
return a && "object" == typeof a && == S || !1
function Jb(a) {
return "string" == typeof a || a && "object" == typeof a && == T || !1
function Kb(a) {
return "undefined" == typeof a
function Lb(a, c, d) {
var e = {};
return c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3), he(a, function(a, b, d) {
e[b] = c(a, b, d)
}), e
function Mb(a) {
var b = arguments,
c = 2;
if (!Eb(a)) return a;
if ("number" != typeof b[2] && (c = b.length), c > 3 && "function" == typeof b[c - 2]) var d = w(b[--c - 1], b[c--], 2);
else c > 2 && "function" == typeof b[c - 1] && (d = b[--c]);
for (var e = o(arguments, 1, c), f = -1, g = k(), h = k(); ++f < c;) bb(a, e[f], d, g, h);
return m(g), m(h), a
function Nb(a, c, d) {
var e = {};
if ("function" != typeof c) {
var f = [];
ge(a, function(a, b) {
}), f = $(f, _(arguments, !0, !1, 1));
for (var g = -1, h = f.length; ++g < h;) {
var i = f[g];
e[i] = a[i]
} else c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3), ge(a, function(a, b, d) {
c(a, b, d) || (e[b] = a)
return e
function Ob(a) {
for (var b = -1, c = _d(a), d = c.length, e = nd(d); ++b < d;) {
var f = c[b];
e[b] = [f, a[f]]
return e
function Pb(a, c, d) {
var e = {};
if ("function" != typeof c)
for (var f = -1, g = _(arguments, !0, !1, 1), h = Eb(a) ? g.length : 0; ++f < h;) {
var i = g[f];
i in a && (e[i] = a[i])
} else c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3), ge(a, function(a, b, d) {
c(a, b, d) && (e[b] = a)
return e
function Qb(a, c, d, e) {
var f = Zd(a);
if (null == d)
if (f) d = [];
else {
var g = a && a.constructor,
h = g && g.prototype;
d = s(h)
return c && (c = b.createCallback(c, e, 4), (f ? Yb : he)(a, function(a, b, e) {
return c(d, a, b, e)
})), d
function Rb(a) {
for (var b = -1, c = _d(a), d = c.length, e = nd(d); ++b < d;) e[b] = a[c[b]];
return e
function Sb(a) {
for (var b = arguments, c = -1, d = _(b, !0, !1, 1), e = b[2] && b[2][b[1]] === a ? 1 : d.length, f = nd(e); ++c < e;) f[c] = a[d[c]];
return f
function Tb(a, b, c) {
var d = -1,
e = ib(),
f = a ? a.length : 0,
g = !1;
return c = (0 > c ? Sd(0, f + c) : c) || 0, Zd(a) ? g = e(a, b, c) > -1 : "number" == typeof f ? g = (Jb(a) ? a.indexOf(b, c) : e(a, b, c)) > -1 : he(a, function(a) {
return ++d >= c ? !(g = a === b) : void 0
}), g
function Ub(a, c, d) {
var e = !0;
c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3);
var f = -1,
g = a ? a.length : 0;
if ("number" == typeof g)
for (; ++f < g && (e = !!c(a[f], f, a)););
else he(a, function(a, b, d) {
return e = !!c(a, b, d)
return e
function Vb(a, c, d) {
var e = [];
c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3);
var f = -1,
g = a ? a.length : 0;
if ("number" == typeof g)
for (; ++f < g;) {
var h = a[f];
c(h, f, a) && e.push(h)
} else he(a, function(a, b, d) {
c(a, b, d) && e.push(a)
return e
function Wb(a, c, d) {
c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3);
var e = -1,
f = a ? a.length : 0;
if ("number" != typeof f) {
var g;
return he(a, function(a, b, d) {
return c(a, b, d) ? (g = a, !1) : void 0
}), g
for (; ++e < f;) {
var h = a[e];
if (c(h, e, a)) return h
function Xb(a, c, d) {
var e;
return c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3), Zb(a, function(a, b, d) {
return c(a, b, d) ? (e = a, !1) : void 0
}), e
function Yb(a, b, c) {
var d = -1,
e = a ? a.length : 0;
if (b = b && "undefined" == typeof c ? b : w(b, c, 3), "number" == typeof e)
for (; ++d < e && b(a[d], d, a) !== !1;);
else he(a, b);
return a
function Zb(a, b, c) {
var d = a ? a.length : 0;
if (b = b && "undefined" == typeof c ? b : w(b, c, 3), "number" == typeof d)
for (; d-- && b(a[d], d, a) !== !1;);
else {
var e = _d(a);
d = e.length, he(a, function(a, c, f) {
return c = e ? e[--d] : --d, b(f[c], c, f)
return a
function $b(a, b) {
var c = o(arguments, 2),
d = -1,
e = "function" == typeof b,
f = a ? a.length : 0,
g = nd("number" == typeof f ? f : 0);
return Yb(a, function(a) {
g[++d] = (e ? b : a[b]).apply(a, c)
}), g
function _b(a, c, d) {
var e = -1,
f = a ? a.length : 0;
if (c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3), "number" == typeof f)
for (var g = nd(f); ++e < f;) g[e] = c(a[e], e, a);
else g = [], he(a, function(a, b, d) {
g[++e] = c(a, b, d)
return g
function ac(a, c, d) {
var e = -1 / 0,
f = e;
if ("function" != typeof c && d && d[c] === a && (c = null), null == c && Zd(a))
for (var h = -1, i = a.length; ++h < i;) {
var j = a[h];
j > f && (f = j)
} else c = null == c && Jb(a) ? g : b.createCallback(c, d, 3), Yb(a, function(a, b, d) {
var g = c(a, b, d);
g > e && (e = g, f = a)
return f
function bc(a, c, d) {
var e = 1 / 0,
f = e;
if ("function" != typeof c && d && d[c] === a && (c = null), null == c && Zd(a))
for (var h = -1, i = a.length; ++h < i;) {
var j = a[h];
f > j && (f = j)
} else c = null == c && Jb(a) ? g : b.createCallback(c, d, 3), Yb(a, function(a, b, d) {
var g = c(a, b, d);
e > g && (e = g, f = a)
return f
function cc(a, c, d, e) {
if (!a) return d;
var f = arguments.length < 3;
c = b.createCallback(c, e, 4);
var g = -1,
h = a.length;
if ("number" == typeof h)
for (f && (d = a[++g]); ++g < h;) d = c(d, a[g], g, a);
else he(a, function(a, b, e) {
d = f ? (f = !1, a) : c(d, a, b, e)
return d
function dc(a, c, d, e) {
var f = arguments.length < 3;
return c = b.createCallback(c, e, 4), Zb(a, function(a, b, e) {
d = f ? (f = !1, a) : c(d, a, b, e)
}), d
function ec(a, c, d) {
return c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3), Vb(a, function(a, b, d) {
return !c(a, b, d)
function fc(a, b, c) {
if (a && "number" != typeof a.length && (a = Rb(a)), null == b || c) return a ? a[db(0, a.length - 1)] : q;
var d = gc(a);
return d.length = Td(Sd(0, b), d.length), d
function gc(a) {
var b = -1,
c = a ? a.length : 0,
d = nd("number" == typeof c ? c : 0);
return Yb(a, function(a) {
var c = db(0, ++b);
d[b] = d[c], d[c] = a
}), d
function hc(a) {
var b = a ? a.length : 0;
return "number" == typeof b ? b : _d(a).length
function ic(a, c, d) {
var e;
c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3);
var f = -1,
g = a ? a.length : 0;
if ("number" == typeof g)
for (; ++f < g && !(e = c(a[f], f, a)););
else he(a, function(a, b, d) {
return !(e = c(a, b, d))
return !!e
function jc(a, c, d) {
var e = -1,
f = Zd(c),
g = a ? a.length : 0,
i = nd("number" == typeof g ? g : 0);
for (f || (c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3)), Yb(a, function(a, b, d) {
var g = i[++e] = l();
f ? g.criteria = _b(c, function(b) {
return a[b]
}) : (g.criteria = k())[0] = c(a, b, d), g.index = e, g.value = a
}), g = i.length, i.sort(h); g--;) {
var j = i[g];
i[g] = j.value, f || m(j.criteria), n(j)
return i
function kc(a) {
return a && "number" == typeof a.length ? o(a) : Rb(a)
function lc(a) {
for (var b = -1, c = a ? a.length : 0, d = []; ++b < c;) {
var e = a[b];
e && d.push(e)
return d
function mc(a) {
return $(a, _(arguments, !0, !0, 1))
function nc(a, c, d) {
var e = -1,
f = a ? a.length : 0;
for (c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3); ++e < f;)
if (c(a[e], e, a)) return e;
return -1
function oc(a, c, d) {
var e = a ? a.length : 0;
for (c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3); e--;)
if (c(a[e], e, a)) return e;
return -1
function pc(a, c, d) {
var e = 0,
f = a ? a.length : 0;
if ("number" != typeof c && null != c) {
var g = -1;
for (c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3); ++g < f && c(a[g], g, a);) e++
} else if (e = c, null == e || d) return a ? a[0] : q;
return o(a, 0, Td(Sd(0, e), f))
function qc(a, b, c, d) {
return "boolean" != typeof b && null != b && (d = c, c = "function" != typeof b && d && d[b] === a ? null : b, b = !1), null != c && (a = _b(a, c, d)), _(a, b)
function rc(a, b, c) {
if ("number" == typeof c) {
var e = a ? a.length : 0;
c = 0 > c ? Sd(0, e + c) : c || 0
} else if (c) {
var f = Ac(a, b);
return a[f] === b ? f : -1
return d(a, b, c)
function sc(a, c, d) {
var e = 0,
f = a ? a.length : 0;
if ("number" != typeof c && null != c) {
var g = f;
for (c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3); g-- && c(a[g], g, a);) e++
} else e = null == c || d ? 1 : c || e;
return o(a, 0, Td(Sd(0, f - e), f))
function tc() {
for (var a = [], b = -1, c = arguments.length, f = k(), g = ib(), h = g === d, j = k(); ++b < c;) {
var l = arguments[b];
(Zd(l) || mb(l)) && (a.push(l), f.push(h && l.length >= v && i(b ? a[b] : j)))
var o = a[0],
p = -1,
q = o ? o.length : 0,
r = [];
a: for (; ++p < q;) {
var s = f[0];
if (l = o[p], (s ? e(s, l) : g(j, l)) < 0) {
for (b = c, (s || j).push(l); --b;)
if (s = f[b], (s ? e(s, l) : g(a[b], l)) < 0) continue a;
for (; c--;) s = f[c], s && n(s);
return m(f), m(j), r
function uc(a, c, d) {
var e = 0,
f = a ? a.length : 0;
if ("number" != typeof c && null != c) {
var g = f;
for (c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3); g-- && c(a[g], g, a);) e++
} else if (e = c, null == e || d) return a ? a[f - 1] : q;
return o(a, Sd(0, f - e))
function vc(a, b, c) {
var d = a ? a.length : 0;
for ("number" == typeof c && (d = (0 > c ? Sd(0, d + c) : Td(c, d - 1)) + 1); d--;)
if (a[d] === b) return d;
return -1
function wc(a) {
for (var b = arguments, c = 0, d = b.length, e = a ? a.length : 0; ++c < d;)
for (var f = -1, g = b[c]; ++f < e;) a[f] === g && (, f--, 1), e--);
return a
function xc(a, b, c) {
a = +a || 0, c = "number" == typeof c ? c : +c || 1, null == b && (b = a, a = 0);
for (var d = -1, e = Sd(0, Cd((b - a) / (c || 1))), f = nd(e); ++d < e;) f[d] = a, a += c;
return f
function yc(a, c, d) {
var e = -1,
f = a ? a.length : 0,
g = [];
for (c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3); ++e < f;) {
var h = a[e];
c(h, e, a) && (g.push(h),, e--, 1), f--)
return g
function zc(a, c, d) {
if ("number" != typeof c && null != c) {
var e = 0,
f = -1,
g = a ? a.length : 0;
for (c = b.createCallback(c, d, 3); ++f < g && c(a[f], f, a);) e++
} else e = null == c || d ? 1 : Sd(0, c);
return o(a, e)
function Ac(a, c, d, e) {
var f = 0,
g = a ? a.length : f;
for (d = d ? b.createCallback(d, e, 1) : Zc, c = d(c); g > f;) {
var h = f + g >>> 1;
d(a[h]) < c ? f = h + 1 : g = h
return f
function Bc() {
return eb(_(arguments, !0, !0))
function Cc(a, c, d, e) {
return "boolean" != typeof c && null != c && (e = d, d = "function" != typeof c && e && e[c] === a ? null : c, c = !1), null != d && (d = b.createCallback(d, e, 3)), eb(a, c, d)
function Dc(a) {
return $(a, o(arguments, 1))
function Ec() {
for (var a = -1, b = arguments.length; ++a < b;) {
var c = arguments[a];
if (Zd(c) || mb(c)) var d = d ? eb($(d, c).concat($(c, d))) : c
return d || []
function Fc() {
for (var a = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments : arguments[0], b = -1, c = a ? ac(me(a, "length")) : 0, d = nd(0 > c ? 0 : c); ++b < c;) d[b] = me(a, b);
return d
function Gc(a, b) {
var c = -1,
d = a ? a.length : 0,
e = {};
for (b || !d || Zd(a[0]) || (b = []); ++c < d;) {
var f = a[c];
b ? e[f] = b[c] : f && (e[f[0]] = f[1])
return e
function Hc(a, b) {
if (!Db(b)) throw new wd;
return function() {
return --a < 1 ? b.apply(this, arguments) : void 0
function Ic(a, b) {
return arguments.length > 2 ? gb(a, 17, o(arguments, 2), null, b) : gb(a, 1, null, null, b)
function Jc(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length > 1 ? _(arguments, !0, !1, 1) : ub(a), c = -1, d = b.length; ++c < d;) {
var e = b[c];
a[e] = gb(a[e], 1, null, null, a)
return a
function Kc(a, b) {
return arguments.length > 2 ? gb(b, 19, o(arguments, 2), null, a) : gb(b, 3, null, null, a)
function Lc() {
for (var a = arguments, b = a.length; b--;)
if (!Db(a[b])) throw new wd;
return function() {
for (var b = arguments, c = a.length; c--;) b = [a[c].apply(this, b)];
return b[0]
function Mc(a, b) {
return b = "number" == typeof b ? b : +b || a.length, gb(a, 4, null, null, null, b)
function Nc(a, b, c) {
var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k = 0,
l = !1,
m = !0;
if (!Db(a)) throw new wd;
if (b = Sd(0, b) || 0, c === !0) {
var n = !0;
m = !1
} else Eb(c) && (n = c.leading, l = "maxWait" in c && (Sd(b, c.maxWait) || 0), m = "trailing" in c ? c.trailing : m);
var o = function() {
var c = b - (oe() - g);
if (0 >= c) {
e && Dd(e);
var l = j;
e = i = j = q, l && (k = oe(), f = a.apply(h, d), i || e || (d = h = null))
} else i = Jd(o, c)
p = function() {
i && Dd(i), e = i = j = q, (m || l !== b) && (k = oe(), f = a.apply(h, d), i || e || (d = h = null))
return function() {
if (d = arguments, g = oe(), h = this, j = m && (i || !n), l === !1) var c = n && !i;
else {
e || n || (k = g);
var q = l - (g - k),
r = 0 >= q;
r ? (e && (e = Dd(e)), k = g, f = a.apply(h, d)) : e || (e = Jd(p, q))
return r && i ? i = Dd(i) : i || b === l || (i = Jd(o, b)), c && (r = !0, f = a.apply(h, d)), !r || i || e || (d = h = null), f
function Oc(a) {
if (!Db(a)) throw new wd;
var b = o(arguments, 1);
return Jd(function() {
a.apply(q, b)
}, 1)
function Pc(a, b) {
if (!Db(a)) throw new wd;
var c = o(arguments, 2);
return Jd(function() {
a.apply(q, c)
}, b)
function Qc(a, b) {
if (!Db(a)) throw new wd;
var c = function() {
var d = c.cache,
e = b ? b.apply(this, arguments) : u + arguments[0];
return, e) ? d[e] : d[e] = a.apply(this, arguments)
return c.cache = {}, c
function Rc(a) {
var b, c;
if (!Db(a)) throw new wd;
return function() {
return b ? c : (b = !0, c = a.apply(this, arguments), a = null, c)
function Sc(a) {
return gb(a, 16, o(arguments, 1))
function Tc(a) {
return gb(a, 32, null, o(arguments, 1))
function Uc(a, b, c) {
var d = !0,
e = !0;
if (!Db(a)) throw new wd;
return c === !1 ? d = !1 : Eb(c) && (d = "leading" in c ? c.leading : d, e = "trailing" in c ? c.trailing : e), V.leading = d, V.maxWait = b, V.trailing = e, Nc(a, b, V)
function Vc(a, b) {
return gb(b, 16, [a])
function Wc(a) {
return function() {
return a
function Xc(a, b, c) {
var d = typeof a;
if (null == a || "function" == d) return w(a, b, c);
if ("object" != d) return bd(a);
var e = _d(a),
f = e[0],
g = a[f];
return 1 != e.length || g !== g || Eb(g) ? function(b) {
for (var c = e.length, d = !1; c-- && (d = ab(b[e[c]], a[e[c]], null, !0)););
return d
} : function(a) {
var b = a[f];
return g === b && (0 !== g || 1 / g == 1 / b)
function Yc(a) {
return null == a ? "" : vd(a).replace(de, hb)
function Zc(a) {
return a
function $c(a, d, e) {
var f = !0,
g = d && ub(d);
d && (e || g.length) || (null == e && (e = d), h = c, d = a, a = b, g = ub(d)), e === !1 ? f = !1 : Eb(e) && "chain" in e && (f = e.chain);
var h = a,
i = Db(h);
Yb(g, function(b) {
var c = a[b] = d[b];
i && (h.prototype[b] = function() {
var b = this.__chain__,
d = this.__wrapped__,
e = [d];
Id.apply(e, arguments);
var g = c.apply(a, e);
if (f || b) {
if (d === g && Eb(g)) return this;
g = new h(g), g.__chain__ = b
return g
function _c() {
return a._ = zd, this
function ad() {}
function bd(a) {
return function(b) {
return b[a]
function cd(a, b, c) {
var d = null == a,
e = null == b;
if (null == c && ("boolean" == typeof a && e ? (c = a, a = 1) : e || "boolean" != typeof b || (c = b, e = !0)), d && e && (b = 1), a = +a || 0, e ? (b = a, a = 0) : b = +b || 0, c || a % 1 || b % 1) {
var f = Vd();
return Td(a + f * (b - a + parseFloat("1e-" + ((f + "").length - 1))), b)
return db(a, b)
function dd(a, b) {
if (a) {
var c = a[b];
return Db(c) ? a[b]() : c
function ed(a, c, d) {
var e = b.templateSettings;
a = vd(a || ""), d = fe({}, d, e);
var f, g = fe({}, d.imports, e.imports),
h = _d(g),
i = Rb(g),
k = 0,
l = d.interpolate || G,
m = "__p += '",
n = ud((d.escape || G).source + "|" + l.source + "|" + (l === E ? B : G).source + "|" + (d.evaluate || G).source + "|$", "g");
a.replace(n, function(b, c, d, e, g, h) {
return d || (d = e), m += a.slice(k, h).replace(I, j), c && (m += "' +\n__e(" + c + ") +\n'"), g && (f = !0, m += "';\n" + g + ";\n__p += '"), d && (m += "' +\n((__t = (" + d + ")) == null ? '' : __t) +\n'"), k = h + b.length, b
}), m += "';\n";
var o = d.variable,
p = o;
p || (o = "obj", m = "with (" + o + ") {\n" + m + "\n}\n"), m = (f ? m.replace(y, "") : m).replace(z, "$1").replace(A, "$1;"), m = "function(" + o + ") {\n" + (p ? "" : o + " || (" + o + " = {});\n") + "var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape" + (f ? ", __j = Array.prototype.join;\nfunction print() { __p +=, '') }\n" : ";\n") + m + "return __p\n}";
var r = "\n";
try {
var s = qd(h, "return " + m + r).apply(q, i)
} catch (t) {
throw t.source = m, t
return c ? s(c) : (s.source = m, s)
function fd(a, b, c) {
a = (a = +a) > -1 ? a : 0;
var d = -1,
e = nd(a);
for (b = w(b, c, 1); ++d < a;) e[d] = b(d);
return e
function gd(a) {
return null == a ? "" : vd(a).replace(ce, lb)
function hd(a) {
var b = ++t;
return vd(null == a ? "" : a) + b
function id(a) {
return a = new c(a), a.__chain__ = !0, a
function jd(a, b) {
return b(a), a
function kd() {
return this.__chain__ = !0, this
function ld() {
return vd(this.__wrapped__)
function md() {
return this.__wrapped__
a = a ? cb.defaults(Z.Object(), a, cb.pick(Z, J)) : Z;
var nd = a.Array,
od = a.Boolean,
pd = a.Date,
qd = a.Function,
rd = a.Math,
sd = a.Number,
td = a.Object,
ud = a.RegExp,
vd = a.String,
wd = a.TypeError,
xd = [],
yd = td.prototype,
zd = a._,
Ad = yd.toString,
Bd = ud("^" + vd(Ad).replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&").replace(/toString| for [^\]]+/g, ".*?") + "$"),
Cd = rd.ceil,
Dd = a.clearTimeout,
Ed = rd.floor,
Fd = qd.prototype.toString,
Gd = jb(Gd = td.getPrototypeOf) && Gd,
Hd = yd.hasOwnProperty,
Id = xd.push,
Jd = a.setTimeout,
Kd = xd.splice,
Ld = xd.unshift,
Md = function() {
try {
var a = {},
b = jb(b = td.defineProperty) && b,
c = b(a, a, a) && b
} catch (d) {}
return c
Nd = jb(Nd = td.create) && Nd,
Od = jb(Od = nd.isArray) && Od,
Pd = a.isFinite,
Qd = a.isNaN,
Rd = jb(Rd = td.keys) && Rd,
Sd = rd.max,
Td = rd.min,
Ud = a.parseInt,
Vd = rd.random,
Wd = {};
Wd[M] = nd, Wd[N] = od, Wd[O] = pd, Wd[P] = qd, Wd[R] = td, Wd[Q] = sd, Wd[S] = ud, Wd[T] = vd, c.prototype = b.prototype;
var Xd = = {};
Xd.funcDecomp = !jb(a.WinRTError) && H.test(p), Xd.funcNames = "string" == typeof, b.templateSettings = {
escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
interpolate: E,
variable: "",
imports: {
_: b
}, Nd || (s = function() {
function b() {}
return function(c) {
if (Eb(c)) {
b.prototype = c;
var d = new b;
b.prototype = null
return d || a.Object()
var Yd = Md ? function(a, b) {
W.value = b, Md(a, "__bindData__", W)
} : ad,
Zd = Od || function(a) {
return a && "object" == typeof a && "number" == typeof a.length && == M || !1
$d = function(a) {
var b, c = a,
d = [];
if (!c) return d;
if (!X[typeof a]) return d;
for (b in c), b) && d.push(b);
return d
_d = Rd ? function(a) {
return Eb(a) ? Rd(a) : []
} : $d,
ae = {
"&": "&amp;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&#39;"
be = wb(ae),
ce = ud("(" + _d(be).join("|") + ")", "g"),
de = ud("[" + _d(ae).join("") + "]", "g"),
ee = function(a, b, c) {
var d, e = a,
f = e;
if (!e) return f;
var g = arguments,
h = 0,
i = "number" == typeof c ? 2 : g.length;
if (i > 3 && "function" == typeof g[i - 2]) var j = w(g[--i - 1], g[i--], 2);
else i > 2 && "function" == typeof g[i - 1] && (j = g[--i]);
for (; ++h < i;)
if (e = g[h], e && X[typeof e])
for (var k = -1, l = X[typeof e] && _d(e), m = l ? l.length : 0; ++k < m;) d = l[k], f[d] = j ? j(f[d], e[d]) : e[d];
return f
fe = function(a, b, c) {
var d, e = a,
f = e;
if (!e) return f;
for (var g = arguments, h = 0, i = "number" == typeof c ? 2 : g.length; ++h < i;)
if (e = g[h], e && X[typeof e])
for (var j = -1, k = X[typeof e] && _d(e), l = k ? k.length : 0; ++j < l;) d = k[j], "undefined" == typeof f[d] && (f[d] = e[d]);
return f
ge = function(a, b, c) {
var d, e = a,
f = e;
if (!e) return f;
if (!X[typeof e]) return f;
b = b && "undefined" == typeof c ? b : w(b, c, 3);
for (d in e)
if (b(e[d], d, a) === !1) return f;
return f
he = function(a, b, c) {
var d, e = a,
f = e;
if (!e) return f;
if (!X[typeof e]) return f;
b = b && "undefined" == typeof c ? b : w(b, c, 3);
for (var g = -1, h = X[typeof e] && _d(e), i = h ? h.length : 0; ++g < i;)
if (d = h[g], b(e[d], d, a) === !1) return f;
return f
ie = Gd ? function(a) {
if (!a || != R) return !1;
var b = a.valueOf,
c = jb(b) && (c = Gd(b)) && Gd(c);
return c ? a == c || Gd(a) == c : kb(a)
} : kb,
je = fb(function(a, b, c) {, c) ? a[c] ++ : a[c] = 1
ke = fb(function(a, b, c) {
(, c) ? a[c] : a[c] = []).push(b)
le = fb(function(a, b, c) {
a[c] = b
me = _b,
ne = Vb,
oe = jb(oe = && oe || function() {
return (new pd).getTime()
pe = 8 == Ud(x + "08") ? Ud : function(a, b) {
return Ud(Jb(a) ? a.replace(F, "") : a, b || 0)
return b.after = Hc, b.assign = ee, = Sb, b.bind = Ic, b.bindAll = Jc, b.bindKey = Kc, b.chain = id, b.compact = lc, b.compose = Lc, b.constant = Wc, b.countBy = je, b.create = pb, b.createCallback = Xc, b.curry = Mc, b.debounce = Nc, b.defaults = fe, b.defer = Oc, b.delay = Pc, b.difference = mc, b.filter = Vb, b.flatten = qc, b.forEach = Yb, b.forEachRight = Zb, b.forIn = ge, b.forInRight = sb, b.forOwn = he, b.forOwnRight = tb, b.functions = ub, b.groupBy = ke, b.indexBy = le, b.initial = sc, b.intersection = tc, b.invert = wb, b.invoke = $b, b.keys = _d, = _b, b.mapValues = Lb, b.max = ac, b.memoize = Qc, b.merge = Mb, b.min = bc, b.omit = Nb, b.once = Rc, b.pairs = Ob, b.partial = Sc, b.partialRight = Tc, b.pick = Pb, b.pluck = me, = bd, b.pull = wc, b.range = xc, b.reject = ec, b.remove = yc, = zc, b.shuffle = gc, b.sortBy = jc, b.tap = jd, b.throttle = Uc, b.times = fd, b.toArray = kc, b.transform = Qb, b.union = Bc, b.uniq = Cc, b.values = Rb, b.where = ne, b.without = Dc, b.wrap = Vc, b.xor = Ec, = Fc, b.zipObject = Gc, b.collect = _b, b.drop = zc, b.each = Yb, b.eachRight = Zb, b.extend = ee, b.methods = ub, b.object = Gc, = Vb, b.tail = zc, b.unique = Cc, b.unzip = Fc, $c(b), b.clone = nb, b.cloneDeep = ob, b.contains = Tb, b.escape = Yc, b.every = Ub, b.find = Wb, b.findIndex = nc, b.findKey = qb, b.findLast = Xb, b.findLastIndex = oc, b.findLastKey = rb, b.has = vb, b.identity = Zc, b.indexOf = rc, b.isArguments = mb, b.isArray = Zd, b.isBoolean = xb, b.isDate = yb, b.isElement = zb, b.isEmpty = Ab, b.isEqual = Bb, b.isFinite = Cb, b.isFunction = Db, b.isNaN = Fb, b.isNull = Gb, b.isNumber = Hb, b.isObject = Eb, b.isPlainObject = ie, b.isRegExp = Ib, b.isString = Jb, b.isUndefined = Kb, b.lastIndexOf = vc, b.mixin = $c, b.noConflict = _c, b.noop = ad, = oe, b.parseInt = pe, b.random = cd, b.reduce = cc, b.reduceRight = dc, b.result = dd, b.runInContext = p, b.size = hc, b.some = ic, b.sortedIndex = Ac, b.template = ed, b.unescape = gd, b.uniqueId = hd, b.all = Ub, b.any = ic, b.detect = Wb, b.findWhere = Wb, b.foldl = cc, b.foldr = dc, b.include = Tb, b.inject = cc, $c(function() {
var a = {};
return he(b, function(c, d) {
b.prototype[d] || (a[d] = c)
}), a
}(), !1), b.first = pc, b.last = uc, b.sample = fc, b.take = pc, b.head = pc, he(b, function(a, d) {
var e = "sample" !== d;
b.prototype[d] || (b.prototype[d] = function(b, d) {
var f = this.__chain__,
g = a(this.__wrapped__, b, d);
return f || null != b && (!d || e && "function" == typeof b) ? new c(g, f) : g
}), b.VERSION = "2.4.1", b.prototype.chain = kd, b.prototype.toString = ld, b.prototype.value = md, b.prototype.valueOf = md, Yb(["join", "pop", "shift"], function(a) {
var d = xd[a];
b.prototype[a] = function() {
var a = this.__chain__,
b = d.apply(this.__wrapped__, arguments);
return a ? new c(b, a) : b
}), Yb(["push", "reverse", "sort", "unshift"], function(a) {
var c = xd[a];
b.prototype[a] = function() {
return c.apply(this.__wrapped__, arguments), this
}), Yb(["concat", "slice", "splice"], function(a) {
var d = xd[a];
b.prototype[a] = function() {
return new c(d.apply(this.__wrapped__, arguments), this.__chain__)
}), b
var q, r = [],
s = [],
t = 0,
u = +new Date + "",
v = 75,
w = 40,
x = " \f \n\r\u2028\u2029áš€á Žâ€€â€â€‚â€ƒâ€„â€…â€†â€‡â€ˆâ€‰â€Šâ€¯âŸã€€",
y = /\b__p \+= '';/g,
z = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g,
A = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g,
B = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g,
C = /\w*$/,
D = /^\s*function[ \n\r\t]+\w/,
E = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
F = RegExp("^[" + x + "]*0+(?=.$)"),
G = /($^)/,
H = /\bthis\b/,
I = /['\n\r\t\u2028\u2029\\]/g,
J = ["Array", "Boolean", "Date", "Function", "Math", "Number", "Object", "RegExp", "String", "_", "attachEvent", "clearTimeout", "isFinite", "isNaN", "parseInt", "setTimeout"],
K = 0,
L = "[object Arguments]",
M = "[object Array]",
N = "[object Boolean]",
O = "[object Date]",
P = "[object Function]",
Q = "[object Number]",
R = "[object Object]",
S = "[object RegExp]",
T = "[object String]",
U = {};
U[P] = !1, U[L] = U[M] = U[N] = U[O] = U[Q] = U[R] = U[S] = U[T] = !0;
var V = {
leading: !1,
maxWait: 0,
trailing: !1
W = {
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
value: null,
writable: !1
X = {
"boolean": !1,
"function": !0,
object: !0,
number: !1,
string: !1,
undefined: !1
Y = {
"\\": "\\",
"'": "'",
"\n": "n",
"\r": "r",
" ": "t",
"\u2028": "u2028",
"\u2029": "u2029"
Z = X[typeof window] && window || this,
$ = X[typeof c] && c && !c.nodeType && c,
_ = X[typeof b] && b && !b.nodeType && b,
ab = _ && _.exports === $ && $,
bb = X[typeof a] && a;
!bb || !== bb && bb.window !== bb || (Z = bb);
var cb = p();
"function" == typeof define && "object" == typeof define.amd && define.amd ? (Z._ = cb, define(function() {
return cb
})) : $ && _ ? ab ? (_.exports = cb)._ = cb : $._ = cb : Z._ = cb
}).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {})
}, {}],
7: [function(a, b, c) {
(function(a) {
! function(a) {
"use strict";
if ("function" == typeof bootstrap) bootstrap("promise", a);
else if ("object" == typeof c && "object" == typeof b) b.exports = a();
else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define(a);
else if ("undefined" != typeof ses) {
if (!ses.ok()) return;
ses.makeQ = a
} else {
if ("undefined" == typeof self) throw new Error("This environment was not anticiapted by Q. Please file a bug.");
self.Q = a()
}(function() {
"use strict";
function b(a) {
return function() {
return W.apply(a, arguments)
function c(a) {
return a === Object(a)
function d(a) {
return "[object StopIteration]" === cb(a) || a instanceof S
function e(a, b) {
if (P && b.stack && "object" == typeof a && null !== a && a.stack && -1 === a.stack.indexOf(db)) {
for (var c = [], d = b; d; d = d.source) d.stack && c.unshift(d.stack);
var e = c.join("\n" + db + "\n");
a.stack = f(e)
function f(a) {
for (var b = a.split("\n"), c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) {
var e = b[d];
i(e) || g(e) || !e || c.push(e)
return c.join("\n")
function g(a) {
return -1 !== a.indexOf("(module.js:") || -1 !== a.indexOf("(node.js:")
function h(a) {
var b = /at .+ \((.+):(\d+):(?:\d+)\)$/.exec(a);
if (b) return [b[1], Number(b[2])];
var c = /at ([^ ]+):(\d+):(?:\d+)$/.exec(a);
if (c) return [c[1], Number(c[2])];
var d = /.*@(.+):(\d+)$/.exec(a);
return d ? [d[1], Number(d[2])] : void 0
function i(a) {
var b = h(a);
if (!b) return !1;
var c = b[0],
d = b[1];
return c === R && d >= T && hb >= d
function j() {
if (P) try {
throw new Error
} catch (a) {
var b = a.stack.split("\n"),
c = b[0].indexOf("@") > 0 ? b[1] : b[2],
d = h(c);
if (!d) return;
return R = d[0], d[1]
function k(a, b, c) {
return function() {
return "undefined" != typeof console && "function" == typeof console.warn, a.apply(a, arguments)
function l(a) {
return a instanceof p ? a : t(a) ? C(a) : B(a)
function m() {
function a(a) {
b = a, f.source = a, Y(c, function(b, c) {
l.nextTick(function() {
a.promiseDispatch.apply(a, c)
}, void 0), c = void 0, d = void 0
var b, c = [],
d = [],
e = _(m.prototype),
f = _(p.prototype);
if (f.promiseDispatch = function(a, e, f) {
var g = X(arguments);
c ? (c.push(g), "when" === e && f[1] && d.push(f[1])) : l.nextTick(function() {
b.promiseDispatch.apply(b, g)
}, f.valueOf = function() {
if (c) return f;
var a = r(b);
return s(a) && (b = a), a
}, f.inspect = function() {
return b ? b.inspect() : {
state: "pending"
}, l.longStackSupport && P) try {
throw new Error
} catch (g) {
f.stack = g.stack.substring(g.stack.indexOf("\n") + 1)
return e.promise = f, e.resolve = function(c) {
b || a(l(c))
}, e.fulfill = function(c) {
b || a(B(c))
}, e.reject = function(c) {
b || a(A(c))
}, e.notify = function(a) {
b || Y(d, function(b, c) {
l.nextTick(function() {
}, void 0)
}, e
function n(a) {
if ("function" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function.");
var b = m();
try {
a(b.resolve, b.reject, b.notify)
} catch (c) {
return b.promise
function o(a) {
return n(function(b, c) {
for (var d = 0, e = a.length; e > d; d++) l(a[d]).then(b, c)
function p(a, b, c) {
void 0 === b && (b = function(a) {
return A(new Error("Promise does not support operation: " + a))
}), void 0 === c && (c = function() {
return {
state: "unknown"
var d = _(p.prototype);
if (d.promiseDispatch = function(c, e, f) {
var g;
try {
g = a[e] ? a[e].apply(d, f) :, e, f)
} catch (h) {
g = A(h)
c && c(g)
}, d.inspect = c, c) {
var e = c();
"rejected" === e.state && (d.exception = e.reason), d.valueOf = function() {
var a = c();
return "pending" === a.state || "rejected" === a.state ? d : a.value
return d
function q(a, b, c, d) {
return l(a).then(b, c, d)
function r(a) {
if (s(a)) {
var b = a.inspect();
if ("fulfilled" === b.state) return b.value
return a
function s(a) {
return a instanceof p
function t(a) {
return c(a) && "function" == typeof a.then
function u(a) {
return s(a) && "pending" === a.inspect().state
function v(a) {
return !s(a) || "fulfilled" === a.inspect().state
function w(a) {
return s(a) && "rejected" === a.inspect().state
function x() {
eb.length = 0, fb.length = 0, gb || (gb = !0)
function y(a, b) {
gb && (fb.push(a), eb.push(b && "undefined" != typeof b.stack ? b.stack : "(no stack) " + b))
function z(a) {
if (gb) {
var b = Z(fb, a); - 1 !== b && (fb.splice(b, 1), eb.splice(b, 1))
function A(a) {
var b = p({
when: function(b) {
return b && z(this), b ? b(a) : this
}, function() {
return this
}, function() {
return {
state: "rejected",
reason: a
return y(b, a), b
function B(a) {
return p({
when: function() {
return a
get: function(b) {
return a[b]
set: function(b, c) {
a[b] = c
"delete": function(b) {
delete a[b]
post: function(b, c) {
return null === b || void 0 === b ? a.apply(void 0, c) : a[b].apply(a, c)
apply: function(b, c) {
return a.apply(b, c)
keys: function() {
return bb(a)
}, void 0, function() {
return {
state: "fulfilled",
value: a
function C(a) {
var b = m();
return l.nextTick(function() {
try {
a.then(b.resolve, b.reject, b.notify)
} catch (c) {
}), b.promise
function D(a) {
return p({
isDef: function() {}
}, function(b, c) {
return J(a, b, c)
}, function() {
return l(a).inspect()
function E(a, b, c) {
return l(a).spread(b, c)
function F(a) {
return function() {
function b(a, b) {
var g;
if ("undefined" == typeof StopIteration) {
try {
g = c[a](b)
} catch (h) {
return A(h)
return g.done ? l(g.value) : q(g.value, e, f)
try {
g = c[a](b)
} catch (h) {
return d(h) ? l(h.value) : A(h)
return q(g, e, f)
var c = a.apply(this, arguments),
e = b.bind(b, "next"),
f = b.bind(b, "throw");
return e()
function G(a) {
function H(a) {
throw new S(a)
function I(a) {
return function() {
return E([this, K(arguments)], function(b, c) {
return a.apply(b, c)
function J(a, b, c) {
return l(a).dispatch(b, c)
function K(a) {
return q(a, function(a) {
var b = 0,
c = m();
return Y(a, function(d, e, f) {
var g;
s(e) && "fulfilled" === (g = e.inspect()).state ? a[f] = g.value : (++b, q(e, function(d) {
a[f] = d, 0 === --b && c.resolve(a)
}, c.reject, function(a) {
index: f,
value: a
}, void 0), 0 === b && c.resolve(a), c.promise
function L(a) {
return q(a, function(a) {
return a = $(a, l), q(K($(a, function(a) {
return q(a, U, U)
})), function() {
return a
function M(a) {
return l(a).allSettled()
function N(a, b) {
return l(a).then(void 0, void 0, b)
function O(a, b) {
return l(a).nodeify(b)
var P = !1;
try {
throw new Error
} catch (Q) {
P = !!Q.stack
var R, S, T = j(),
U = function() {},
V = function() {
function b() {
for (;;) {
c =;
var a = c.task;
c.task = void 0;
var d = c.domain;
d && (c.domain = void 0, d.enter());
try {
} catch (f) {
if (g) throw d && d.exit(), setTimeout(b, 0), d && d.enter(), f;
setTimeout(function() {
throw f
}, 0)
d && d.exit()
e = !1
var c = {
task: void 0,
next: null
d = c,
e = !1,
f = void 0,
g = !1;
if (V = function(b) {
d = = {
task: b,
domain: g && a.domain,
next: null
}, e || (e = !0, f())
}, "undefined" != typeof a && a.nextTick) g = !0, f = function() {
else if ("function" == typeof setImmediate) f = "undefined" != typeof window ? setImmediate.bind(window, b) : function() {
else if ("undefined" != typeof MessageChannel) {
var h = new MessageChannel;
h.port1.onmessage = function() {
f = i, h.port1.onmessage = b, b()
var i = function() {
f = function() {
setTimeout(b, 0), i()
} else f = function() {
setTimeout(b, 0)
return V
W =,
X = b(Array.prototype.slice),
Y = b(Array.prototype.reduce || function(a, b) {
var c = 0,
d = this.length;
if (1 === arguments.length)
for (;;) {
if (c in this) {
b = this[c++];
if (++c >= d) throw new TypeError
for (; d > c; c++) c in this && (b = a(b, this[c], c));
return b
Z = b(Array.prototype.indexOf || function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++)
if (this[b] === a) return b;
return -1
$ = b( || function(a, b) {
var c = this,
d = [];
return Y(c, function(e, f, g) {
d.push(, f, g, c))
}, void 0), d
_ = Object.create || function(a) {
function b() {}
return b.prototype = a, new b
ab = b(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty),
bb = Object.keys || function(a) {
var b = [];
for (var c in a) ab(a, c) && b.push(c);
return b
cb = b(Object.prototype.toString);
S = "undefined" != typeof ReturnValue ? ReturnValue : function(a) {
this.value = a
var db = "From previous event:";
l.resolve = l, l.nextTick = V, l.longStackSupport = !1, "object" == typeof a && a && a.env && a.env.Q_DEBUG && (l.longStackSupport = !0), l.defer = m, m.prototype.makeNodeResolver = function() {
var a = this;
return function(b, c) {
b ? a.reject(b) : a.resolve(arguments.length > 2 ? X(arguments, 1) : c)
}, l.Promise = n, l.promise = n, n.race = o, n.all = K, n.reject = A, n.resolve = l, l.passByCopy = function(a) {
return a
}, p.prototype.passByCopy = function() {
return this
}, l.join = function(a, b) {
return l(a).join(b)
}, p.prototype.join = function(a) {
return l([this, a]).spread(function(a, b) {
if (a === b) return a;
throw new Error("Can't join: not the same: " + a + " " + b)
}, l.race = o, p.prototype.race = function() {
return this.then(l.race)
}, l.makePromise = p, p.prototype.toString = function() {
return "[object Promise]"
}, p.prototype.then = function(a, b, c) {
function d(b) {
try {
return "function" == typeof a ? a(b) : b
} catch (c) {
return A(c)
function f(a) {
if ("function" == typeof b) {
e(a, h);
try {
return b(a)
} catch (c) {
return A(c)
return A(a)
function g(a) {
return "function" == typeof c ? c(a) : a
var h = this,
i = m(),
j = !1;
return l.nextTick(function() {
h.promiseDispatch(function(a) {
j || (j = !0, i.resolve(d(a)))
}, "when", [function(a) {
j || (j = !0, i.resolve(f(a)))
}), h.promiseDispatch(void 0, "when", [void 0, function(a) {
var b, c = !1;
try {
b = g(a)
} catch (d) {
if (c = !0, !l.onerror) throw d;
c || i.notify(b)
}]), i.promise
}, l.tap = function(a, b) {
return l(a).tap(b)
}, p.prototype.tap = function(a) {
return a = l(a), this.then(function(b) {
return a.fcall(b).thenResolve(b)
}, l.when = q, p.prototype.thenResolve = function(a) {
return this.then(function() {
return a
}, l.thenResolve = function(a, b) {
return l(a).thenResolve(b)
}, p.prototype.thenReject = function(a) {
return this.then(function() {
throw a
}, l.thenReject = function(a, b) {
return l(a).thenReject(b)
}, l.nearer = r, l.isPromise = s, l.isPromiseAlike = t, l.isPending = u, p.prototype.isPending = function() {
return "pending" === this.inspect().state
}, l.isFulfilled = v, p.prototype.isFulfilled = function() {
return "fulfilled" === this.inspect().state
}, l.isRejected = w, p.prototype.isRejected = function() {
return "rejected" === this.inspect().state
var eb = [],
fb = [],
gb = !0;
l.resetUnhandledRejections = x, l.getUnhandledReasons = function() {
return eb.slice()
}, l.stopUnhandledRejectionTracking = function() {
x(), gb = !1
}, x(), l.reject = A, l.fulfill = B, l.master = D, l.spread = E, p.prototype.spread = function(a, b) {
return this.all().then(function(b) {
return a.apply(void 0, b)
}, b)
}, l.async = F, l.spawn = G, l["return"] = H, l.promised = I, l.dispatch = J, p.prototype.dispatch = function(a, b) {
var c = this,
d = m();
return l.nextTick(function() {
c.promiseDispatch(d.resolve, a, b)
}), d.promise
}, l.get = function(a, b) {
return l(a).dispatch("get", [b])
}, p.prototype.get = function(a) {
return this.dispatch("get", [a])
}, l.set = function(a, b, c) {
return l(a).dispatch("set", [b, c])
}, p.prototype.set = function(a, b) {
return this.dispatch("set", [a, b])
}, l.del = l["delete"] = function(a, b) {
return l(a).dispatch("delete", [b])
}, p.prototype.del = p.prototype["delete"] = function(a) {
return this.dispatch("delete", [a])
}, l.mapply = = function(a, b, c) {
return l(a).dispatch("post", [b, c])
}, p.prototype.mapply = = function(a, b) {
return this.dispatch("post", [a, b])
}, l.send = l.mcall = l.invoke = function(a, b) {
return l(a).dispatch("post", [b, X(arguments, 2)])
}, p.prototype.send = p.prototype.mcall = p.prototype.invoke = function(a) {
return this.dispatch("post", [a, X(arguments, 1)])
}, l.fapply = function(a, b) {
return l(a).dispatch("apply", [void 0, b])
}, p.prototype.fapply = function(a) {
return this.dispatch("apply", [void 0, a])
}, l["try"] = l.fcall = function(a) {
return l(a).dispatch("apply", [void 0, X(arguments, 1)])
}, p.prototype.fcall = function() {
return this.dispatch("apply", [void 0, X(arguments)])
}, l.fbind = function(a) {
var b = l(a),
c = X(arguments, 1);
return function() {
return b.dispatch("apply", [this, c.concat(X(arguments))])
}, p.prototype.fbind = function() {
var a = this,
b = X(arguments);
return function() {
return a.dispatch("apply", [this, b.concat(X(arguments))])
}, l.keys = function(a) {
return l(a).dispatch("keys", [])
}, p.prototype.keys = function() {
return this.dispatch("keys", [])
}, l.all = K, p.prototype.all = function() {
return K(this)
}, l.allResolved = k(L, "allResolved", "allSettled"), p.prototype.allResolved = function() {
return L(this)
}, l.allSettled = M, p.prototype.allSettled = function() {
return this.then(function(a) {
return K($(a, function(a) {
function b() {
return a.inspect()
return a = l(a), a.then(b, b)
}, = l["catch"] = function(a, b) {
return l(a).then(void 0, b)
}, = p.prototype["catch"] = function(a) {
return this.then(void 0, a)
}, l.progress = N, p.prototype.progress = function(a) {
return this.then(void 0, void 0, a)
}, l.fin = l["finally"] = function(a, b) {
return l(a)["finally"](b)
}, p.prototype.fin = p.prototype["finally"] = function(a) {
return a = l(a), this.then(function(b) {
return a.fcall().then(function() {
return b
}, function(b) {
return a.fcall().then(function() {
throw b
}, l.done = function(a, b, c, d) {
return l(a).done(b, c, d)
}, p.prototype.done = function(b, c, d) {
var f = function(a) {
l.nextTick(function() {
if (e(a, g), !l.onerror) throw a;
g = b || c || d ? this.then(b, c, d) : this;
"object" == typeof a && a && a.domain && (f = a.domain.bind(f)), g.then(void 0, f)
}, l.timeout = function(a, b, c) {
return l(a).timeout(b, c)
}, p.prototype.timeout = function(a, b) {
var c = m(),
d = setTimeout(function() {
b && "string" != typeof b || (b = new Error(b || "Timed out after " + a + " ms"), b.code = "ETIMEDOUT"), c.reject(b)
}, a);
return this.then(function(a) {
clearTimeout(d), c.resolve(a)
}, function(a) {
clearTimeout(d), c.reject(a)
}, c.notify), c.promise
}, l.delay = function(a, b) {
return void 0 === b && (b = a, a = void 0), l(a).delay(b)
}, p.prototype.delay = function(a) {
return this.then(function(b) {
var c = m();
return setTimeout(function() {
}, a), c.promise
}, l.nfapply = function(a, b) {
return l(a).nfapply(b)
}, p.prototype.nfapply = function(a) {
var b = m(),
c = X(a);
return c.push(b.makeNodeResolver()), this.fapply(c).fail(b.reject), b.promise
}, l.nfcall = function(a) {
var b = X(arguments, 1);
return l(a).nfapply(b)
}, p.prototype.nfcall = function() {
var a = X(arguments),
b = m();
return a.push(b.makeNodeResolver()), this.fapply(a).fail(b.reject), b.promise
}, l.nfbind = l.denodeify = function(a) {
var b = X(arguments, 1);
return function() {
var c = b.concat(X(arguments)),
d = m();
return c.push(d.makeNodeResolver()), l(a).fapply(c).fail(d.reject), d.promise
}, p.prototype.nfbind = p.prototype.denodeify = function() {
var a = X(arguments);
return a.unshift(this), l.denodeify.apply(void 0, a)
}, l.nbind = function(a, b) {
var c = X(arguments, 2);
return function() {
function d() {
return a.apply(b, arguments)
var e = c.concat(X(arguments)),
f = m();
return e.push(f.makeNodeResolver()), l(d).fapply(e).fail(f.reject), f.promise
}, p.prototype.nbind = function() {
var a = X(arguments, 0);
return a.unshift(this), l.nbind.apply(void 0, a)
}, l.nmapply = l.npost = function(a, b, c) {
return l(a).npost(b, c)
}, p.prototype.nmapply = p.prototype.npost = function(a, b) {
var c = X(b || []),
d = m();
return c.push(d.makeNodeResolver()), this.dispatch("post", [a, c]).fail(d.reject), d.promise
}, l.nsend = l.nmcall = l.ninvoke = function(a, b) {
var c = X(arguments, 2),
d = m();
return c.push(d.makeNodeResolver()), l(a).dispatch("post", [b, c]).fail(d.reject), d.promise
}, p.prototype.nsend = p.prototype.nmcall = p.prototype.ninvoke = function(a) {
var b = X(arguments, 1),
c = m();
return b.push(c.makeNodeResolver()), this.dispatch("post", [a, b]).fail(c.reject), c.promise
}, l.nodeify = O, p.prototype.nodeify = function(a) {
return a ? void this.then(function(b) {
l.nextTick(function() {
a(null, b)
}, function(b) {
l.nextTick(function() {
}) : this
var hb = j();
return l
}).call(this, a("_process"))
}, {
_process: 71
8: [function(a, b, c) {
! function() {
"use strict";
var b = a("q"),
d = a("./local-storage"),
e = a("./config");
return c.create = function(a) {
return d.put(e.localStorage.PENDING_QUEUE + a, []), d.put(e.localStorage.PROCESSING_QUEUE + a, []), {
fetch: function() {
function c() {
var b;
d.get(e.localStorage.PENDING_QUEUE + a).then(function(g) {
return 0 == g.length ? void setTimeout(c, 50) : (b = g.pop(), void d.get(e.localStorage.PROCESSING_QUEUE + a).then(function(c) {
return c.push(b), d.put(e.localStorage.PROCESSING_QUEUE + a, c)
}).then(function() {
return d.put(e.localStorage.PENDING_QUEUE + a, g)
}).then(function() {
return f.resolve(b)
var f = b.defer();
return c(), f.promise
markDone: function(b) {
return d.get(e.localStorage.PROCESSING_QUEUE + a).then(function(c) {
var f = c.indexOf(b);
if (-1 != f) return c.splice(f, 1), d.put(e.localStorage.PROCESSING_QUEUE + a, c)
add: function(b) {
return d.get(e.localStorage.PENDING_QUEUE + a).then(function(c) {
return c.push(b), d.put(e.localStorage.PENDING_QUEUE + a, c)
addMulti: function(b) {
return d.get(e.localStorage.PENDING_QUEUE + a).then(function(c) {
return c = c.concat(b), d.put(e.localStorage.PENDING_QUEUE + a, c)
whenAllDone: function() {
var c = b.defer(),
f = function() {
b.all([d.get(e.localStorage.PROCESSING_QUEUE + a), d.get(e.localStorage.PENDING_QUEUE + a)]).then(function(a) {
a[0].length > 0 || a[1].length > 0 ? setTimeout(f, 10) : c.resolve()
return f(), c.promise
}, {}
}, {
"./config": 2,
"./local-storage": 4,
q: 7
9: [function(a) {
! function() {
"use strict";
var b = a("../game/game"),
c = a("../game/console");
return self.onmessage = function(a) {
var d =;
if (d.user) try {
var e = {};
b.runCode(d.userCode, d, e, d.user.memory, c, d.consoleCommands), self.postMessage({
type: "done",
intents: e,
memory: d.user.memory,
console: {
log: c.getMessages(),
results: c.getCommandResults()
} catch (a) {
type: "error",
error: a.toString()
}, {}
}, {
"../game/console": 11,
"../game/game": 18
10: [function(a, b, c) {
! function() {
"use strict";
var a = {},
b = 0;
return c.create = function(c) {
return self.postMessage({
type: "worker",
workerId: b,
startSrc: c
}), a[b] = {
postMessage: function(a) {
type: "worker",
workerId: b,
message: a
terminate: function() {
type: "worker",
workerId: b,
terminate: !0
}, c.handleMessage = function(b) {
a[b.workerId] && a[b.workerId].onmessage({
target: a[b.workerId],
data: b.message
}, {}
}, {}],
11: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict";
var d = a("lodash"),
e = [],
f = [];
c.log = function() {
e.push(, function(a) {
return a && a.toString ? a.toString() : "undefined" == typeof a ? "undefined" : JSON.stringify(a)
}).join(" "))
}, c.commandResult = function(a) {
}, c.getMessages = function() {
var a = e;
return e = [], a
}, c.getCommandResults = function() {
var a = f;
return f = [], a
}, {
lodash: 26
12: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
b.exports = {
FLAGS: 10,
TOP: 1,
LEFT: 7,
OK: 0,
OBSTACLE_OBJECT_TYPES: ["spawn", "creep", "wall", "source", "constructedWall", "extension"],
move: 50,
work: 20,
attack: 100,
carry: 50,
heal: 200,
ranged_attack: 150,
tough: 5
MOVE: "move",
WORK: "work",
CARRY: "carry",
ATTACK: "attack",
RANGED_ATTACK: "ranged_attack",
TOUGH: "tough",
HEAL: "heal",
spawn: 2e3,
extension: 1e3,
road: 300,
constructedWall: 500,
rampart: 500
}, b.exports.BODYPARTS_ALL = [b.exports.MOVE, b.exports.WORK, b.exports.CARRY, b.exports.ATTACK, b.exports.RANGED_ATTACK, b.exports.TOUGH, b.exports.HEAL]
}, {}],
13: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict";
var d = (a("./utils"), a("./rooms")),
e = (a("./constants"), a("lodash"));
c.make = function(a, b, c) {
function f(b) {
var f = a.roomObjects[b];
return {
id: b,
toString: function() {
return "[construction site (" + f.structureType + ") #" + b + "]"
pos: d.makePos(f.x, f.y,, c),
progress: f.progress,
progressTotal: f.progressTotal,
structureType: f.structureType,
owner: {
username: "Player " + f.user
my: e.isUndefined(f.user) ? void 0 : f.user == a.user._id,
get room() {
return c.rooms[]
var g = {};
for (var h in a.roomObjects) "constructionSite" == a.roomObjects[h].type && (g[h] = f(h));
return g
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./rooms": 20,
"./utils": 24,
lodash: 26
14: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict";
var d = a("./utils"),
e = a("./rooms"),
f = a("lodash"),
g = a("./constants");
c.make = function(a, b, c, h) {
function i(i) {
var j = a.roomObjects[i];
return {
id: i,
name: j.user == a.user._id ? : void 0,
toString: function() {
return "[creep " + (j.user == a.user._id ? : "#" + i) + "]"
pos: e.makePos(j.x, j.y,, c),
body: j.body,
my: j.user == a.user._id,
owner: {
username: "Player " + j.user
spawning: j.spawning,
ticksToLive: j.ticksToLive,
energyCapacity: j.energyCapacity,
fatigue: j.fatigue,
hits: j.hits,
hitsMax: j.hitsMax,
get memory() {
return ? (f.isUndefined(h.creeps) && (h.creeps = {}), f.isObject(h.creeps) ? h.creeps[] = h.creeps[] || {} : void 0) : void 0
set memory(a) {
if (! throw new Error("Could not set other player's creep memory");
if (f.isUndefined(h.creeps) && (h.creeps = {}), !f.isObject(h.creeps)) throw new Error("Could not set creep memory");
h.creeps[] = a
get room() {
return c.rooms[]
move: function(a) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : j.fatigue > 0 ? g.ERR_TIRED : 0 == this.getActiveBodyparts(g.MOVE) ? g.ERR_NO_BODYPART : (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].move = {
direction: a
}, g.OK) : g.ERR_NOT_OWNER
moveTo: function(a, b) {
if (! return g.ERR_NOT_OWNER;
if (j.spawning) return g.ERR_BUSY;
if (j.fatigue > 0) return g.ERR_TIRED;
if (0 == this.getActiveBodyparts(g.MOVE)) return g.ERR_NO_BODYPART;
var c = d.fetchXYArguments(a, b),
e = c[0],
h = c[1];
if (f.isUndefined(e) || f.isUndefined(h)) return g.ERR_INVALID_TARGET;
var i = f.isObject(b) ? b : {};
if (e == this.pos.x && h == this.pos.y) return g.OK;
var k =, {
x: e,
y: h
}, i);
return 0 == k.length ? g.ERR_NO_PATH : this.move(k[0].direction)
harvest: function(a) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : 0 == this.getActiveBodyparts(g.WORK) ? g.ERR_NO_BODYPART : a && && c.sources[] ? ? a.pos.isNearTo(this.pos) ? (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].harvest = {
transferEnergy: function(a, d) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : a && && (c.spawns[] || c.creeps[] || c.structures[]) ? c.structures[] && "extension" != c.structures[].structureType && "spawn" != c.structures[].structureType ? g.ERR_INVALID_TARGET : ? (d || (d = Math.min(, a.energyCapacity -, < d ? g.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ENERGY : !d || + d > a.energyCapacity ? g.ERR_FULL : a.pos.isNearTo(this.pos) ? (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].transferEnergy = {
amount: d
pickup: function(a) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : a && &&[] ? >= this.energyCapacity ? g.ERR_FULL : a.pos.isNearTo(this.pos) ? (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].pickup = {
dropEnergy: function(a) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : ? (a || (a =, < a ? g.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ENERGY : (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].dropEnergy = {
amount: a
getActiveBodyparts: function(a) {
return f.filter(this.body, function(b) {
return b.hits > 0 && b.type == a
attack: function(a) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : 0 == this.getActiveBodyparts(g.ATTACK) ? g.ERR_NO_BODYPART : a && && (c.creeps[] || c.structures[]) ? a.pos.isNearTo(this.pos) ? (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].attack = {
x: a.pos.x,
y: a.pos.y
rangedAttack: function(a) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : 0 == this.getActiveBodyparts(g.RANGED_ATTACK) ? g.ERR_NO_BODYPART : a && && (c.creeps[] || c.structures[]) ? Math.abs(a.pos.x - this.pos.x) > 3 || Math.abs(a.pos.y - this.pos.y) > 3 ? g.ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE : (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].rangedAttack = {
heal: function(a) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : 0 == this.getActiveBodyparts(g.HEAL) ? g.ERR_NO_BODYPART : a && && c.creeps[] && a != this ? a.pos.isNearTo(this.pos) ? (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].heal = {
x: a.pos.x,
y: a.pos.y
repair: function(a) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : 0 == this.getActiveBodyparts(g.WORK) ? g.ERR_NO_BODYPART : ? a && && c.structures[] ? a.pos.isNearTo(this.pos) ? (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].repair = {
x: a.pos.x,
y: a.pos.y
build: function(a) {
return ? j.spawning ? g.ERR_BUSY : 0 == this.getActiveBodyparts(g.WORK) ? g.ERR_NO_BODYPART : ? a && && c.constructionSites[] ? a.pos.isNearTo(this.pos) ? (b[i] = b[i] || {}, b[i].build = {
x: a.pos.x,
y: a.pos.y
var j = {};
for (var k in a.roomObjects) "creep" == a.roomObjects[k].type && (j[k] = i(k));
return j
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./rooms": 20,
"./utils": 24,
lodash: 26
15: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict"; {
var d = (a("./utils"), a("./rooms"));
c.make = function(a, b, c) {
function e(b) {
var e = a.roomObjects[b];
return {
id: b,
toString: function() {
return "[energy #" + b + "]"
pos: d.makePos(e.x, e.y,, c),
get room() {
return c.rooms[]
var f = {};
for (var g in a.roomObjects) "energy" == a.roomObjects[g].type && (f[g] = e(g));
return f
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./rooms": 20,
"./utils": 24
16: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict"; {
var d = (a("./utils"), a("./rooms"));
a("./constants"), a("lodash")
c.make = function(a, b, c) {
function e(b) {
var e = a.roomObjects[b];
return {
id: b,
toString: function() {
return "[exit " + e.exit + " #" + b + "]"
pos: d.makePos(e.x, e.y,, c),
exit: e.exit,
get room() {
return c.rooms[]
var f = {};
for (var g in a.roomObjects) "exit" == a.roomObjects[g].type && (f[g] = e(g));
return f
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./rooms": 20,
"./utils": 24,
lodash: 26
17: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict"; {
var d = (a("./utils"), a("./rooms"));
a("./constants"), a("lodash")
c.make = function(a, b, c) {
function e(b) {
var e = a.roomObjects[b];
return {
id: b,
toString: function() {
return "[flag " + + "]"
pos: d.makePos(e.x, e.y,, c),
get room() {
return c.rooms[]
var f = {};
for (var g in a.roomObjects) "flag" == a.roomObjects[g].type && a.roomObjects[g].user == a.user._id && (f[g] = e(g));
return f
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./rooms": 20,
"./utils": 24,
lodash: 26
18: [function(require, module, exports) {
"use strict";
function EvalCodeError(a) {
this.toString = function() {
return a
function __evalCode(module, Game, Memory, console, require, returnValue) {
var window, global, self, process, exports = module.exports;
try {
if (returnValue) return eval("(function __run_" + + "(){ var __result = " + module.code + ";\n return __result; \n})();");
eval("(function __run_" + + "(){ " + module.code + " \n})();")
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof EvalCodeError) throw e;
var message = "";
throw /at __evalCode /.test(e.stack) ? (message = e.stack, message = message.replace(/__run_([^ ]+) /g, "&lt;$1&gt; "), message = message.replace(/ \([^\n]*\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\)\n/g, ":$1:$2\n"), message = message.replace(/(\&lt;main&gt;\:\d+\:\d+)[\s\S]*$/, "$1"), message = message.replace(/(at \&lt;_console\d+&gt;\:\d+\:\d+)[\s\S]*$/, "")) : message = e.message, new EvalCodeError(message)
}! function() {
var a = require("lodash"),
b = (require("pathfinding"), require("./constants"));
exports.makeGameObject = function(c, d, e) {
var f = {};
f.creeps = require("./creeps").make(c, d, f, e), f.rooms = require("./rooms").make(c, d, f, e), f.structures = require("./structures").make(c, d, f, e), f.spawns = require("./spawns").make(c, d, f, e), f.sources = require("./sources").make(c, d, f, e), = require("./energy").make(c, d, f, e), f.flags = require("./flags").make(c, d, f, e), f.constructionSites = require("./construction-sites").make(c, d, f, e), f.exits = require("./exits").make(c, d, f, e);
var g = {
creeps: {},
spawns: {},
structures: {},
flags: {},
time: c.time
h = ["rampart", "extension"];
for (var i in c.userObjects) {
if ("creep" == c.userObjects[i].type) {
var j = f.creeps[i];
g.creeps[] = j
if ("spawn" == c.userObjects[i].type) {
var k = f.spawns[i];
g.spawns[] = k
if ("flag" == c.userObjects[i].type) {
var l = f.flags[i];
g.flags[] = l
if (a.contains(h, c.userObjects[i].type)) {
var m = f.structures[i];
g.structures[] = m
return a.extend(g, b), g
}, exports.runCode = function(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(c) {
if (-1 == j[c]) throw new Error("Circular reference to module '" + c + "'");
if (!j[c]) {
if (a.isUndefined(b[c])) throw new Error("Unknown module '" + c + "'");
j[c] = -1;
var d = {
exports: {},
name: c,
code: b[c]
__evalCode(d, i, e, f, h, !1), j[c] = d.exports
return j[c]
var i = exports.makeGameObject(c, d, e),
j = {
lodash: a,
map: {}
for (var k = 0; k < g.length; k++) f.commandResult(__evalCode({
exports: {},
name: "_console" + k,
code: g[k]
}, i, e, f, h, !0))
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./construction-sites": 13,
"./creeps": 14,
"./energy": 15,
"./exits": 16,
"./flags": 17,
"./rooms": 20,
"./sources": 21,
"./spawns": 22,
"./structures": 23,
lodash: 26,
pathfinding: 27
19: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict";
var d = ["Jackson", "Aiden", "Liam", "Lucas", "Noah", "Mason", "Jayden", "Ethan", "Jacob", "Jack", "Caden", "Logan", "Benjamin", "Michael", "Caleb", "Ryan", "Alexander", "Elijah", "James", "William", "Oliver", "Connor", "Matthew", "Daniel", "Luke", "Brayden", "Jayce", "Henry", "Carter", "Dylan", "Gabriel", "Joshua", "Nicholas", "Isaac", "Owen", "Nathan", "Grayson", "Eli", "Landon", "Andrew", "Max", "Samuel", "Gavin", "Wyatt", "Christian", "Hunter", "Cameron", "Evan", "Charlie", "David", "Sebastian", "Joseph", "Dominic", "Anthony", "Colton", "John", "Tyler", "Zachary", "Thomas", "Julian", "Levi", "Adam", "Isaiah", "Alex", "Aaron", "Parker", "Cooper", "Miles", "Chase", "Muhammad", "Christopher", "Blake", "Austin", "Jordan", "Leo", "Jonathan", "Adrian", "Colin", "Hudson", "Ian", "Xavier", "Camden", "Tristan", "Carson", "Jason", "Nolan", "Riley", "Lincoln", "Brody", "Bentley", "Nathaniel", "Josiah", "Declan", "Jake", "Asher", "Jeremiah", "Cole", "Mateo", "Micah", "Elliot"],
e = ["Sophia", "Emma", "Olivia", "Isabella", "Mia", "Ava", "Lily", "Zoe", "Emily", "Chloe", "Layla", "Madison", "Madelyn", "Abigail", "Aubrey", "Charlotte", "Amelia", "Ella", "Kaylee", "Avery", "Aaliyah", "Hailey", "Hannah", "Addison", "Riley", "Harper", "Aria", "Arianna", "Mackenzie", "Lila", "Evelyn", "Adalyn", "Grace", "Brooklyn", "Ellie", "Anna", "Kaitlyn", "Isabelle", "Sophie", "Scarlett", "Natalie", "Leah", "Sarah", "Nora", "Mila", "Elizabeth", "Lillian", "Kylie", "Audrey", "Lucy", "Maya", "Annabelle", "Makayla", "Gabriella", "Elena", "Victoria", "Claire", "Savannah", "Peyton", "Maria", "Alaina", "Kennedy", "Stella", "Liliana", "Allison", "Samantha", "Keira", "Alyssa", "Reagan", "Molly", "Alexandra", "Violet", "Charlie", "Julia", "Sadie", "Ruby", "Eva", "Alice", "Eliana", "Taylor", "Callie", "Penelope", "Camilla", "Bailey", "Kaelyn", "Alexis", "Kayla", "Katherine", "Sydney", "Lauren", "Jasmine", "London", "Bella", "Adeline", "Caroline", "Vivian", "Juliana", "Gianna", "Skyler", "Jordyn"];
c.getUniqueName = function(a) {
var b, c, f = 0;
do {
var g = Math.random() > .5 ? d : e;
b = g[Math.floor(Math.random() * g.length)], f > 3 && (b += g[Math.floor(Math.random() * g.length)]), f++, c = a(b)
} while (c);
return b
}, {}],
20: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict";
var d = a("lodash"),
e = a("./constants"),
f = a("pathfinding"),
g = a("./utils");
c.make = function(a, b, c) {
function h(b) {
function h(c) {
c = c || {};
var g = [],
c.ignoreDestructibleStructures && (h = d.without(h, "constructedWall", "spawn", "extension")), c.ignoreCreeps && (h = d.without(h, "creep"));
for (var i = 0; 50 > i; i++) {
for (var j = [], k = 0; 50 > k; k++) j.push(c.withinRampartsOnly ? 0 : 2);
return ["roomObjects", "roomTerrain"].forEach(function(e) {
d.forEach(a[e], function(e) { == b && ((d.contains(h, e.type) || !c.ignoreDestructibleStructures && "rampart" == e.type && e.user != a.user._id) && (g[e.y][e.x] = 0), c.withinRampartsOnly && "rampart" == e.type && e.user == a.user._id && (g[e.y][e.x] = 2))
}), d.forEach(a[e], function(a) { == b && "swamp" == a.type && (g[a.y][a.x] *= 2), == b && "road" == a.type && (g[a.y][a.x] /= 2)
}), new f.Grid(50, 50, g)
var i, j = (a.rooms[b], {}),
k = new f.AStarFinder({
allowDiagonal: !0,
maxOpsLimit: 2e3,
heuristic: f.Heuristic.chebyshev
return i = {}, Object.defineProperty(i, "name", {
value: b,
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(i, "toString", {
value: function() {
return "[room " + b + "]"
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(i, "find", {
value: function(a, b) {
var f, g = this;
switch (b = b || {}, a) {
case e.CREEPS:
f = d.where(c.creeps, function(a) {
return == g && !a.spawning
case e.MY_CREEPS:
f = d.where(c.creeps, function(a) {
return == g && !a.spawning &&
f = d.where(c.creeps, function(a) {
return == g && !a.spawning && !
case e.MY_SPAWNS:
f = d.where(c.spawns, function(a) {
return == g && === !0
f = d.where(c.spawns, function(a) {
return == g && === !1
f = d.where(c.sources, function(a) {
return == g && !a.spawning && > 0
case e.SOURCES:
f = d.where(c.sources, function(a) {
return == g
f = d.where(, function(a) {
return == g
f = d.where(c.structures, function(a) {
return == g
f = d.where(c.structures, function(a) {
return == g && === !0
f = d.where(c.structures, function(a) {
return == g && === !1
case e.FLAGS:
f = d.where(c.flags, function(a) {
return == g
f = d.where(c.constructionSites, function(a) {
return == g &&
case e.EXIT_TOP:
f = d.where(c.exits, function(a) {
return == g && a.exit == e.TOP
case e.EXIT_RIGHT:
f = d.where(c.exits, function(a) {
return == g && a.exit == e.RIGHT
f = d.where(c.exits, function(a) {
return == g && a.exit == e.BOTTOM
case e.EXIT_LEFT:
f = d.where(c.exits, function(a) {
return == g && a.exit == e.LEFT
f = []
return b.filter && (f = d.filter(f, b.filter)), f
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(i, "lookAt", {
value: function(e, f) {
function h(a, b) {
var c = d.where(b, {
pos: {
x: j,
y: k
c.length && (l = l.concat(, function(b) {
var c;
return new Object((c = {}, Object.defineProperty(c, "type", {
value: a,
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(c, a, {
value: b,
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0
}), c))
var i = g.fetchXYArguments(e, f),
j = i[0],
k = i[1],
l = [];
return h("creep", c.creeps), h("energy",, h("source", c.sources), h("structure", c.structures), ["roomObjects", "roomTerrain"].forEach(function(c) {
d.any(a[c], {
room: b,
x: j,
y: k,
type: "wall"
}) && l.push({
type: "terrain",
terrain: "wall"
}), d.any(a[c], {
room: b,
x: j,
y: k,
type: "swamp"
}) && l.push({
type: "terrain",
terrain: "swamp"
}), l
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(i, "getPathfindingGrid", {
value: function(a) {
var b = "grid";
return a = a || {}, a.ignoreCreeps && (b += "_ignoreCreeps"), a.ignoreDestructibleStructures && (b += "_ignoreDestructibleStructures"), a.withinRampartsOnly && (b += "_withinRampartsOnly"), j[b] || (j[b] = h(a)), j[b].clone()
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(i, "findPath", {
value: function(a, b, c) {
var e = a.x,
f = a.y,
h = b.x,
i = b.y;
if (c = c || {}, e == h && f == i) return [];
if (0 > e || 0 > f || 0 > h || 0 > i || e >= 50 || f >= 50 || h >= 50 || i >= 50) return [];
if (Math.abs(e - h) < 2 && Math.abs(f - i) < 2) return [{
x: h,
y: i,
dx: h - e,
dy: i - f,
direction: g.getDirection(h - e, i - f)
var j = this.getPathfindingGrid(c),
l = e,
m = f;
j.setWalkableAt(h, i, !0);
var n = k.findPath(e, f, h, i, j);
return n.splice(0, 1),, function(a) {
var b = {
x: a[0],
y: a[1],
dx: a[0] - l,
dy: a[1] - m,
direction: g.getDirection(a[0] - l, a[1] - m)
return l = b.x, m = b.y, b
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0
}), i
var i = {};
for (var j in a.rooms) i[j] = h(j);
return i
}, c.makePos = function(a, b, c, f) {
return {
x: a,
y: b,
roomName: c,
toString: function() {
return "[room" + c + " pos " + a + "," + b + "]"
inRangeTo: function(a, b) {
return a.pos && (a = a.pos), Math.abs(a.x - this.x) <= b && Math.abs(a.y - this.y) <= b
isNearTo: function(a, b) {
var c = g.fetchXYArguments(a, b),
d = c[0],
e = c[1];
return Math.abs(d - this.x) <= 1 && Math.abs(e - this.y) <= 1
getDirectionTo: function(a, b) {
var c = g.fetchXYArguments(a, b),
d = c[0],
f = c[1];
return this.isNearTo(d, f) ? g.getDirection(d - this.x, f - this.y) : e.ERR_NO_PATH
findPathTo: function(a, b) {
var e = d.isObject(b) ? b : {},
h = g.fetchXYArguments(a, b),
i = h[0],
j = h[1],
k = f.rooms[c];
if (!k) throw new Error("Could not access a room " + c);
return k.findPath(this, {
x: i,
y: j
}, e)
findNearest: function(a, b) {
var e = this;
b = b || {};
var g = f.rooms[c];
if (!g) throw new Error("Could not access a room " + c);
var h = g.find(a, b),
i = null,
j = void 0;
return 0 == h.length ? null : (h.forEach(function(a) {
var c, f = e.equalsTo(a.pos) ? -1 : e.isNearTo(a.pos) ? 0 : (c = e.findPathTo(a.pos, b)) && c.length > 0 && a.pos.isNearTo(c[c.length - 1]) ? c.length : void 0;
(d.isUndefined(j) || j >= f) && !d.isUndefined(f) && (j = f, i = a)
}), i)
findInRange: function(a, b, e) {
var g = this,
h = f.rooms[c];
if (!h) throw new Error("Could not access a room " + c);
var i = d.without(h.find(a, e), this),
j = [];
return i.forEach(function(a) {
g.inRangeTo(a, b) && j.push(a)
}), j
equalsTo: function(a, b) {
var c = g.fetchXYArguments(a, b),
d = c[0],
e = c[1];
return d == this.x && e == this.y
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./utils": 24,
lodash: 26,
pathfinding: 27
21: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict"; {
var d = (a("./utils"), a("./rooms"));
c.make = function(a, b, c) {
function e(b) {
var e = a.roomObjects[b];
return {
id: b,
toString: function() {
return "[source #" + b + "]"
pos: d.makePos(e.x, e.y,, c),
energyCapacity: e.energyCapacity,
ticksToRegeneration: e.ticksToRegeneration,
get room() {
return c.rooms[]
var f = {};
for (var g in a.roomObjects) "source" == a.roomObjects[g].type && (f[g] = e(g));
return f
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./rooms": 20,
"./utils": 24
22: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict";
var d = a("./utils"),
e = a("./rooms"),
f = a("lodash"),
g = a("./constants");
c.make = function(b, c, h, i) {
function j(j) {
var l = b.roomObjects[j];
return {
id: j,
name: l.user == b.user._id ? : void 0,
toString: function() {
return "[spawn " + (l.user == b.user._id ? : "#" + j) + "]"
pos: e.makePos(l.x, l.y,, h),
owner: {
username: "Player " + l.user
my: l.user == b.user._id,
structureType: "spawn",
spawning: l.spawning,
energyCapacity: l.energyCapacity,
hits: l.hits,
hitsMax: l.hitsMax,
get memory() {
return ? (f.isUndefined(i.spawns) && (i.spawns = {}), f.isObject(i.spawns) ? i.spawns[] = i.spawns[] || {} : void 0) : void 0
set memory(a) {
if (! throw new Error("Could not set other player's spawn memory");
if (f.isUndefined(i.spawns) && (i.spawns = {}), !f.isObject(i.spawns)) throw new Error("Could not set spawn memory");
i.spawns[] = a
get room() {
return h.rooms[]
createCreep: function(e, h, m) {
if (! return g.ERR_NOT_OWNER;
if (l.spawning) return g.ERR_BUSY;
if (!e || !f.isArray(e) || 0 == e.length) return g.ERR_INVALID_ARGS;
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
if (!f.contains(g.BODYPARTS_ALL, e[n])) return g.ERR_INVALID_ARGS;
if ( < d.calcCreepCost(e)) return g.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ENERGY;
if (e.length > 5) {
var o = f.filter(b.roomObjects, function(a) {
return "extension" == a.type && == && a.user == l.user && >= g.EXTENSION_ENERGY_COST
if (o.length < e.length - 5) return g.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_EXTENSIONS
if (h) {
if (f.any(b.roomObjects, {
type: "creep",
user: l.user,
name: h
})) return g.ERR_NAME_EXISTS
} else h = a("./names").getUniqueName(function(a) {
return f.any(b.roomObjects, {
type: "creep",
user: l.user,
name: a
}) || -1 != k.indexOf(a)
return k.push(h), f.isUndefined(i.creeps) && (i.creeps = {}), f.isObject(i.creeps) && (i.creeps[h] = f.isUndefined(m) ? i.creeps[h] || {} : m), c[j] = c[j] || {}, c[j].createCreep = {
name: h,
body: e
}, h
transferEnergy: function(a, b) {
return ? a && && h.creeps[] ? ? (b || (b =, < b ? g.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ENERGY : == a.energyCapacity ? g.ERR_FULL : a.pos.isNearTo(this.pos) ? (c[j] = c[j] || {}, c[j].transferEnergy = {
amount: b
var k = [],
l = {};
for (var m in b.roomObjects) "spawn" == b.roomObjects[m].type && (l[m] = j(m), h.structures[m] = l[m]);
return l
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./names": 19,
"./rooms": 20,
"./utils": 24,
lodash: 26
23: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict";
var d = (a("./utils"), a("./rooms")),
e = (a("./constants"), a("lodash"));
c.make = function(a, b, c) {
function f(b) {
var f = a.roomObjects[b];
return {
id: b,
toString: function() {
return "[structure (" + f.type + ") #" + b + "]"
pos: d.makePos(f.x, f.y,, c),
hits: f.hits,
hitsMax: f.hitsMax,
energyCapacity: f.energyCapacity,
user: f.user,
my: e.isUndefined(f.user) ? void 0 : f.user == a.user._id,
structureType: f.type,
get room() {
return c.rooms[]
var g = {},
h = ["rampart", "road", "extension", "constructedWall"];
for (var i in a.roomObjects) e.contains(h, a.roomObjects[i].type) && (g[i] = f(i));
return g
}, {
"./constants": 12,
"./rooms": 20,
"./utils": 24,
lodash: 26
24: [function(a, b, c) {
"use strict";
var d = a("lodash"),
e = a("./constants");
c.fetchXYArguments = function(a, b) {
var c, e;
if (d.isUndefined(b) || d.isObject(b)) {
if (!d.isObject(a)) return [void 0, void 0];
d.isUndefined(a.x) || (c = a.x, e = a.y), a.pos && (c = a.pos.x, e = a.pos.y)
} else c = a, e = b;
return [c, e]
}, c.getDirection = function(a, b) {
var c;
return 0 > b && (0 == a && (c = e.TOP), a > 0 && (c = e.TOP_RIGHT), 0 > a && (c = e.TOP_LEFT)), b > 0 && (0 == a && (c = e.BOTTOM), a > 0 && (c = e.BOTTOM_RIGHT), 0 > a && (c = e.BOTTOM_LEFT)), 0 == b && (a > 0 && (c = e.RIGHT), 0 > a && (c = e.LEFT)), c
}, c.getOffsetsByDirection = function(a) {
var b = 0,
c = 0;
switch (a) {
case e.TOP:
case e.TOP_RIGHT:
c--, b++;
case e.RIGHT:
c++, b++;
case e.BOTTOM:
c++, b--;
case e.LEFT:
case e.TOP_LEFT:
c--, b--
return [b, c]
}, c.calcCreepCost = function(a) {
var b = 0;
return a.forEach(function(a) {
b += d.isObject(a) ? e.BODYPART_COST[a.type] : e.BODYPART_COST[a]
}), b
}, {
"./constants": 12,
lodash: 26
25: [function(a) {
"use strict";
function b() {
var a = new Date;
d.getAllUsers().then(function(a) {
return f.addMulti(, function(a) {
return a._id
}).then(function() {
return f.whenAllDone()
}).then(function() {
return d.getAllRooms()
}).then(function(a) {
return g.addMulti(, function(a) {
return a._id
}).then(function() {
return g.whenAllDone()
}).then(function() {
return d.incrementGameTime()
}).then(function() {
return d.notifyRoomsDone()
}).catch(function(a) {
return void 0
}).finally(function() {
return setTimeout(b, Math.max(c - (new Date).getTime() + a.getTime(), 0))
var c, d = a("./core/core.js"),
e = (a("q"), a("lodash")),
f = d.queue.create("users"),
g = d.queue.create("rooms");
d.connect().then(function() {
return d.getTickPeriod()
}).then(function(a) {
c = a, b()
}, {
"./core/core.js": 3,
lodash: 26,
q: 47
26: [function(a, b) {
b.exports = a(6)
}, {
"/var/www/": 6
27: [function(a, b) {
b.exports = a("./src/PathFinding")
}, {
"./src/PathFinding": 30
28: [function(a, b) {
b.exports = a("./lib/heap")
}, {
"./lib/heap": 29
29: [function(a, b) {
(function() {
var a, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p;
d = Math.floor, k = Math.min, c = function(a, b) {
return b > a ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0
}, j = function(a, b, e, f, g) {
var h;
if (null == e && (e = 0), null == g && (g = c), 0 > e) throw new Error("lo must be non-negative");
for (null == f && (f = a.length); f > e;) h = d((e + f) / 2), g(b, a[h]) < 0 ? f = h : e = h + 1;
return [].splice.apply(a, [e, e - e].concat(b)), b
}, g = function(a, b, d) {
return null == d && (d = c), a.push(b), o(a, 0, a.length - 1, d)
}, f = function(a, b) {
var d, e;
return null == b && (b = c), d = a.pop(), a.length ? (e = a[0], a[0] = d, p(a, 0, b)) : e = d, e
}, i = function(a, b, d) {
var e;
return null == d && (d = c), e = a[0], a[0] = b, p(a, 0, d), e
}, h = function(a, b, d) {
var e;
return null == d && (d = c), a.length && d(a[0], b) < 0 && (e = [a[0], b], b = e[0], a[0] = e[1], p(a, 0, d)), b
}, e = function(a, b) {
var e, f, g, h, i, j;
for (null == b && (b = c), h = function() {
j = [];
for (var b = 0, c = d(a.length / 2); c >= 0 ? c > b : b > c; c >= 0 ? b++ : b--) j.push(b);
return j
}.apply(this).reverse(), i = [], f = 0, g = h.length; g > f; f++) e = h[f], i.push(p(a, e, b));
return i
}, n = function(a, b, d) {
var e;
return null == d && (d = c), e = a.indexOf(b), -1 !== e ? (o(a, 0, e, d), p(a, e, d)) : void 0
}, l = function(a, b, d) {
var f, g, i, j, k;
if (null == d && (d = c), g = a.slice(0, b), !g.length) return g;
for (e(g, d), k = a.slice(b), i = 0, j = k.length; j > i; i++) f = k[i], h(g, f, d);
return g.sort(d).reverse()
}, m = function(a, b, d) {
var g, h, i, l, m, n, o, p, q, r;
if (null == d && (d = c), 10 * b <= a.length) {
if (l = a.slice(0, b).sort(d), !l.length) return l;
for (i = l[l.length - 1], p = a.slice(b), m = 0, o = p.length; o > m; m++) g = p[m], d(g, i) < 0 && (j(l, g, 0, null, d), l.pop(), i = l[l.length - 1]);
return l
for (e(a, d), r = [], h = n = 0, q = k(b, a.length); q >= 0 ? q > n : n > q; h = q >= 0 ? ++n : --n) r.push(f(a, d));
return r
}, o = function(a, b, d, e) {
var f, g, h;
for (null == e && (e = c), f = a[d]; d > b && (h = d - 1 >> 1, g = a[h], e(f, g) < 0);) a[d] = g, d = h;
return a[d] = f
}, p = function(a, b, d) {
var e, f, g, h, i;
for (null == d && (d = c), f = a.length, i = b, g = a[b], e = 2 * b + 1; f > e;) h = e + 1, f > h && !(d(a[e], a[h]) < 0) && (e = h), a[b] = a[e], b = e, e = 2 * b + 1;
return a[b] = g, o(a, i, b, d)
}, a = function() {
function a(a) {
this.cmp = null != a ? a : c, this.nodes = []
return a.push = g, a.pop = f, a.replace = i, a.pushpop = h, a.heapify = e, a.nlargest = l, a.nsmallest = m, a.prototype.push = function(a) {
return g(this.nodes, a, this.cmp)
}, a.prototype.pop = function() {
return f(this.nodes, this.cmp)
}, a.prototype.peek = function() {
return this.nodes[0]
}, a.prototype.contains = function(a) {
return -1 !== this.nodes.indexOf(a)
}, a.prototype.replace = function(a) {
return i(this.nodes, a, this.cmp)
}, a.prototype.pushpop = function(a) {
return h(this.nodes, a, this.cmp)
}, a.prototype.heapify = function() {
return e(this.nodes, this.cmp)
}, a.prototype.updateItem = function(a) {
return n(this.nodes, a, this.cmp)
}, a.prototype.clear = function() {
return this.nodes = []
}, a.prototype.empty = function() {
return 0 === this.nodes.length
}, a.prototype.size = function() {
return this.nodes.length
}, a.prototype.clone = function() {
var b;
return b = new a, b.nodes = this.nodes.slice(0), b
}, a.prototype.toArray = function() {
return this.nodes.slice(0)
}, a.prototype.insert = a.prototype.push, a.prototype.remove = a.prototype.pop, = a.prototype.peek, a.prototype.front = a.prototype.peek, a.prototype.has = a.prototype.contains, a.prototype.copy = a.prototype.clone, a
}(), ("undefined" != typeof b && null !== b ? b.exports : void 0) ? b.exports = a : window.Heap = a
}, {}],
30: [function(a, b) {
b.exports = {
Heap: a("heap"),
Node: a("./core/Node"),
Grid: a("./core/Grid"),
Util: a("./core/Util"),
Heuristic: a("./core/Heuristic"),
AStarFinder: a("./finders/AStarFinder"),
BestFirstFinder: a("./finders/BestFirstFinder"),
BreadthFirstFinder: a("./finders/BreadthFirstFinder"),
DijkstraFinder: a("./finders/DijkstraFinder"),
BiAStarFinder: a("./finders/BiAStarFinder"),
BiBestFirstFinder: a("./finders/BiBestFirstFinder"),
BiBreadthFirstFinder: a("./finders/BiBreadthFirstFinder"),
BiDijkstraFinder: a("./finders/BiDijkstraFinder"),
IDAStarFinder: a("./finders/IDAStarFinder"),
JumpPointFinder: a("./finders/JumpPointFinder"),
OrthogonalJumpPointFinder: a("./finders/OrthogonalJumpPointFinder"),
TraceFinder: a("./finders/TraceFinder")
}, {
"./core/Grid": 31,
"./core/Heuristic": 32,
"./core/Node": 33,
"./core/Util": 34,
"./finders/AStarFinder": 35,
"./finders/BestFirstFinder": 36,
"./finders/BiAStarFinder": 37,
"./finders/BiBestFirstFinder": 38,
"./finders/BiBreadthFirstFinder": 39,
"./finders/BiDijkstraFinder": 40,
"./finders/BreadthFirstFinder": 41,
"./finders/DijkstraFinder": 42,
"./finders/IDAStarFinder": 43,
"./finders/JumpPointFinder": 44,
"./finders/OrthogonalJumpPointFinder": 45,
"./finders/TraceFinder": 46,
heap: 28
31: [function(a, b) {
function c(a, b, c) {
this.width = a, this.height = b, this.nodes = this._buildNodes(a, b, c)
var d = a("./Node");
c.prototype._buildNodes = function(a, b, c) {
var e, f, g = new Array(b);
for (e = 0; b > e; ++e)
for (g[e] = new Array(a), f = 0; a > f; ++f) g[e][f] = new d(f, e);
if (void 0 === c) return g;
if (c.length !== b || c[0].length !== a) throw new Error("Matrix size does not fit");
for (e = 0; b > e; ++e)
for (f = 0; a > f; ++f) c[e][f] && (g[e][f].walkable = !1), g[e][f].weight = c[e][f];
return g
}, c.prototype.getNodeAt = function(a, b) {
return this.nodes[b][a]
}, c.prototype.isWalkableAt = function(a, b) {
return this.isInside(a, b) && this.nodes[b][a].weight > 0
}, c.prototype.isInside = function(a, b) {
return a >= 0 && a < this.width && b >= 0 && b < this.height
}, c.prototype.setWalkableAt = function(a, b) {
this.nodes[b][a].weight = 1
}, c.prototype.getNeighbors = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.x,
e = a.y,
f = [],
g = !1,
h = !1,
i = !1,
j = !1,
k = !1,
l = !1,
m = !1,
n = !1,
o = this.nodes;
return this.isWalkableAt(d, e - 1) && (f.push(o[e - 1][d]), g = !0), this.isWalkableAt(d + 1, e) && (f.push(o[e][d + 1]), i = !0), this.isWalkableAt(d, e + 1) && (f.push(o[e + 1][d]), k = !0), this.isWalkableAt(d - 1, e) && (f.push(o[e][d - 1]), m = !0), b ? (c ? (h = m && g, j = g && i, l = i && k, n = k && m) : (h = m || g, j = g || i, l = i || k, n = k || m), h && this.isWalkableAt(d - 1, e - 1) && f.push(o[e - 1][d - 1]), j && this.isWalkableAt(d + 1, e - 1) && f.push(o[e - 1][d + 1]), l && this.isWalkableAt(d + 1, e + 1) && f.push(o[e + 1][d + 1]), n && this.isWalkableAt(d - 1, e + 1) && f.push(o[e + 1][d - 1]), f) : f
}, c.prototype.clone = function() {
var a, b, e = this.width,
f = this.height,
g = this.nodes,
h = new c(e, f),
i = new Array(f);
for (a = 0; f > a; ++a)
for (i[a] = new Array(e), b = 0; e > b; ++b) i[a][b] = new d(b, a, g[a][b].walkable, g[a][b].weight);
return h.nodes = i, h
}, b.exports = c
}, {
"./Node": 33
32: [function(a, b) {
b.exports = {
manhattan: function(a, b) {
return a + b
euclidean: function(a, b) {
return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
octile: function(a, b) {
var c = Math.SQRT2 - 1;
return b > a ? c * a + b : c * b + a
chebyshev: function(a, b) {
return Math.max(a, b)
}, {}],
33: [function(a, b) {
function c(a, b, c, d) {
this.x = a, this.y = b, this.walkable = void 0 === c ? !0 : c, this.weight = d
b.exports = c
}, {}],
34: [function(a, b, c) {
function d(a) {
for (var b = [
[a.x, a.y]
]; a.parent;) a = a.parent, b.push([a.x, a.y]);
return b.reverse()
function e(a, b) {
var c = d(a),
e = d(b);
return c.concat(e.reverse())
function f(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g = 0;
for (b = 1; b < a.length; ++b) c = a[b - 1], d = a[b], e = c[0] - d[0], f = c[1] - d[1], g += Math.sqrt(e * e + f * f);
return g
function g(a, b, c, d) {
var e, f, g, h, i, j, k = Math.abs,
l = [];
for (g = k(c - a), h = k(d - b), e = c > a ? 1 : -1, f = d > b ? 1 : -1, i = g - h;;) {
if (l.push([a, b]), a === c && b === d) break;
j = 2 * i, j > -h && (i -= h, a += e), g > j && (i += g, b += f)
return l
function h(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, h, i = [],
j = a.length;
if (2 > j) return i;
for (f = 0; j - 1 > f; ++f)
for (b = a[f], c = a[f + 1], d = g(b[0], b[1], c[0], c[1]), e = d.length, h = 0; e - 1 > h; ++h) i.push(d[h]);
return i.push(a[j - 1]), i
function i(a, b) {
var c, d, e, f, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q = b.length,
r = b[0][0],
s = b[0][1],
t = b[q - 1][0],
u = b[q - 1][1];
for (c = r, d = s, h = b[1][0], i = b[1][1], j = [
[c, d]
], k = 2; q > k; ++k) {
for (m = b[k], e = m[0], f = m[1], n = g(c, d, e, f), p = !1, l = 1; l < n.length; ++l)
if (o = n[l], !a.isWalkableAt(o[0], o[1])) {
p = !0, j.push([h, i]), c = h, d = i;
p || (h = e, i = f)
return j.push([t, u]), j
function j(a) {
if (a.length < 3) return a;
var b, c, d, e, f, g, h = [],
i = a[0][0],
j = a[0][1],
k = a[1][0],
l = a[1][1],
m = k - i,
n = l - j;
for (f = Math.sqrt(m * m + n * n), m /= f, n /= f, h.push([i, j]), g = 2; g < a.length; g++) b = k, c = l, d = m, e = n, k = a[g][0], l = a[g][1], m = k - b, n = l - c, f = Math.sqrt(m * m + n * n), m /= f, n /= f, (m !== d || n !== e) && h.push([b, c]);
return h.push([k, l]), h
c.backtrace = d, c.biBacktrace = e, c.pathLength = f, c.interpolate = g, c.expandPath = h, c.smoothenPath = i, c.compressPath = j
}, {}],
35: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
a = a || {}, this.allowDiagonal = a.allowDiagonal, this.dontCrossCorners = a.dontCrossCorners, this.heuristic = a.heuristic || f.manhattan, this.weight = a.weight || 1, this.maxOpsLimit = a.maxOpsLimit
var d = a("heap"),
e = a("../core/Util"),
f = a("../core/Heuristic");
c.prototype.findPath = function(a, b, c, f, g) {
var h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p = new d(function(a, b) {
return a.f - b.f
q = g.getNodeAt(a, b),
r = g.getNodeAt(c, f),
s = this.heuristic,
t = this.allowDiagonal,
u = this.dontCrossCorners,
v = this.weight,
w = Math.abs,
x = Math.SQRT2,
y = q,
z = 0;
for (q.g = 0, q.f = 0, q.h = s(w(a - c), w(b - f)), p.push(q), q.opened = !0; !p.empty();) {
if (h = p.pop(), h.closed = !0, h === r) return e.backtrace(r);
if (z++, this.maxOpsLimit && z > this.maxOpsLimit) break;
for (i = g.getNeighbors(h, t, u), k = 0, l = i.length; l > k; ++k) j = i[k], j.closed || (m = j.x, n = j.y, o = h.g + (m - h.x === 0 || n - h.y === 0 ? 1 : x) * j.weight, (!j.opened || o < j.g) && (j.g = o, j.h = j.h || v * s(w(m - c), w(n - f)), j.f = j.g + j.h, j.parent = h, (j.h < y.h || j.h === y.h && j.g < y.g) && (y = j), j.opened ? p.updateItem(j) : (p.push(j), j.opened = !0)))
return e.backtrace(y)
}, b.exports = c
}, {
"../core/Heuristic": 32,
"../core/Util": 34,
heap: 28
36: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {, a);
var b = this.heuristic;
this.heuristic = function(a, c) {
return 1e6 * b(a, c)
var d = a("./AStarFinder");
c.prototype = new d, c.prototype.constructor = c, b.exports = c
}, {
"./AStarFinder": 35
37: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
a = a || {}, this.allowDiagonal = a.allowDiagonal, this.dontCrossCorners = a.dontCrossCorners, this.heuristic = a.heuristic || f.manhattan, this.weight = a.weight || 1
var d = a("heap"),
e = a("../core/Util"),
f = a("../core/Heuristic");
c.prototype.findPath = function(a, b, c, f, g) {
var h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p = function(a, b) {
return a.f - b.f
q = new d(p),
r = new d(p),
s = g.getNodeAt(a, b),
t = g.getNodeAt(c, f),
u = this.heuristic,
v = this.allowDiagonal,
w = this.dontCrossCorners,
x = this.weight,
y = Math.abs,
z = Math.SQRT2,
A = 1,
B = 2;
for (s.g = 0, s.f = 0, q.push(s), s.opened = A, t.g = 0, t.f = 0, r.push(t), t.opened = B; !q.empty() && !r.empty();) {
for (h = q.pop(), h.closed = !0, i = g.getNeighbors(h, v, w), k = 0, l = i.length; l > k; ++k)
if (j = i[k], !j.closed) {
if (j.opened === B) return e.biBacktrace(h, j);
m = j.x, n = j.y, o = h.g + (m - h.x === 0 || n - h.y === 0 ? 1 : z), (!j.opened || o < j.g) && (j.g = o, j.h = j.h || x * u(y(m - c), y(n - f)), j.f = j.g + j.h, j.parent = h, j.opened ? q.updateItem(j) : (q.push(j), j.opened = A))
for (h = r.pop(), h.closed = !0, i = g.getNeighbors(h, v, w), k = 0, l = i.length; l > k; ++k)
if (j = i[k], !j.closed) {
if (j.opened === A) return e.biBacktrace(j, h);
m = j.x, n = j.y, o = h.g + (m - h.x === 0 || n - h.y === 0 ? 1 : z), (!j.opened || o < j.g) && (j.g = o, j.h = j.h || x * u(y(m - a), y(n - b)), j.f = j.g + j.h, j.parent = h, j.opened ? r.updateItem(j) : (r.push(j), j.opened = B))
return []
}, b.exports = c
}, {
"../core/Heuristic": 32,
"../core/Util": 34,
heap: 28
38: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {, a);
var b = this.heuristic;
this.heuristic = function(a, c) {
return 1e6 * b(a, c)
var d = a("./BiAStarFinder");
c.prototype = new d, c.prototype.constructor = c, b.exports = c
}, {
"./BiAStarFinder": 37
39: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
a = a || {}, this.allowDiagonal = a.allowDiagonal, this.dontCrossCorners = a.dontCrossCorners
var d = a("../core/Util");
c.prototype.findPath = function(a, b, c, e, f) {
var g, h, i, j, k, l = f.getNodeAt(a, b),
m = f.getNodeAt(c, e),
n = [],
o = [],
p = this.allowDiagonal,
q = this.dontCrossCorners,
r = 0,
s = 1;
for (n.push(l), l.opened = !0, = r, o.push(m), m.opened = !0, = s; n.length && o.length;) {
for (i = n.shift(), i.closed = !0, g = f.getNeighbors(i, p, q), j = 0, k = g.length; k > j; ++j)
if (h = g[j], !h.closed)
if (h.opened) {
if ( === s) return d.biBacktrace(i, h)
} else n.push(h), h.parent = i, h.opened = !0, = r;
for (i = o.shift(), i.closed = !0, g = f.getNeighbors(i, p, q), j = 0, k = g.length; k > j; ++j)
if (h = g[j], !h.closed)
if (h.opened) {
if ( === r) return d.biBacktrace(h, i)
} else o.push(h), h.parent = i, h.opened = !0, = s
return []
}, b.exports = c
}, {
"../core/Util": 34
40: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {, a), this.heuristic = function() {
return 0
var d = a("./BiAStarFinder");
c.prototype = new d, c.prototype.constructor = c, b.exports = c
}, {
"./BiAStarFinder": 37
41: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
a = a || {}, this.allowDiagonal = a.allowDiagonal, this.dontCrossCorners = a.dontCrossCorners
var d = a("../core/Util");
c.prototype.findPath = function(a, b, c, e, f) {
var g, h, i, j, k, l = [],
m = this.allowDiagonal,
n = this.dontCrossCorners,
o = f.getNodeAt(a, b),
p = f.getNodeAt(c, e);
for (l.push(o), o.opened = !0; l.length;) {
if (i = l.shift(), i.closed = !0, i === p) return d.backtrace(p);
for (g = f.getNeighbors(i, m, n), j = 0, k = g.length; k > j; ++j) h = g[j], h.closed || h.opened || (l.push(h), h.opened = !0, h.parent = i)
return []
}, b.exports = c
}, {
"../core/Util": 34
42: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {, a), this.heuristic = function() {
return 0
var d = a("./AStarFinder");
c.prototype = new d, c.prototype.constructor = c, b.exports = c
}, {
"./AStarFinder": 35
43: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
a = a || {}, this.allowDiagonal = a.allowDiagonal, this.dontCrossCorners = a.dontCrossCorners, this.heuristic = a.heuristic || d.manhattan, this.weight = a.weight || 1, this.trackRecursion = a.trackRecursion || !1, this.timeLimit = a.timeLimit || 1 / 0
var d = (a("../core/Util"), a("../core/Heuristic")),
e = a("../core/Node");
c.prototype.findPath = function(a, b, c, d, f) {
var g, h, i, j = 0,
k = (new Date).getTime(),
l = function(a, b) {
return this.heuristic(Math.abs(b.x - a.x), Math.abs(b.y - a.y))
m = function(a, b) {
return a.x === b.x || a.y === b.y ? 1 : Math.SQRT2
n = function(a, b, c, d, g) {
if (j++, this.timeLimit > 0 && (new Date).getTime() - k > 1e3 * this.timeLimit) return 1 / 0;
var h = b + l(a, p) * this.weight;
if (h > c) return h;
if (a == p) return d[g] = [a.x, a.y], a;
var i, o, q, r, s = f.getNeighbors(a, this.allowDiagonal, this.dontCrossCorners);
for (q = 0, i = 1 / 0; r = s[q]; ++q) {
if (this.trackRecursion && (r.retainCount = r.retainCount + 1 || 1, r.tested !== !0 && (r.tested = !0)), o = n(r, b + m(a, r), c, d, g + 1), o instanceof e) return d[g] = [a.x, a.y], o;
this.trackRecursion && 0 === --r.retainCount && (r.tested = !1), i > o && (i = o)
return i
o = f.getNodeAt(a, b),
p = f.getNodeAt(c, d),
q = l(o, p);
for (g = 0; !0; ++g) {
if (h = [], i = n(o, 0, q, h, 0), 1 / 0 === i) return [];
if (i instanceof e) return h;
q = i
return []
}, b.exports = c
}, {
"../core/Heuristic": 32,
"../core/Node": 33,
"../core/Util": 34
44: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
a = a || {}, this.heuristic = a.heuristic || f.manhattan, this.trackJumpRecursion = a.trackJumpRecursion || !1
var d = a("heap"),
e = a("../core/Util"),
f = a("../core/Heuristic");
c.prototype.findPath = function(a, b, c, f, g) {
var h, i = this.openList = new d(function(a, b) {
return a.f - b.f
j = this.startNode = g.getNodeAt(a, b),
k = this.endNode = g.getNodeAt(c, f);
for (this.grid = g, j.g = 0, j.f = 0, i.push(j), j.opened = !0; !i.empty();) {
if (h = i.pop(), h.closed = !0, h === k) return e.expandPath(e.backtrace(k));
return []
}, c.prototype._identifySuccessors = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, g, h, i, j, k, l, m = this.grid,
n = this.heuristic,
o = this.openList,
p = this.endNode.x,
q = this.endNode.y,
r = a.x,
s = a.y,
t = Math.abs;
for (b = this._findNeighbors(a), e = 0, g = b.length; g > e; ++e)
if (c = b[e], d = this._jump(c[0], c[1], r, s)) {
if (h = d[0], i = d[1], l = m.getNodeAt(h, i), l.closed) continue;
j = f.octile(t(h - r), t(i - s)), k = a.g + j, (!l.opened || k < l.g) && (l.g = k, l.h = l.h || n(t(h - p), t(i - q)), l.f = l.g + l.h, l.parent = a, l.opened ? o.updateItem(l) : (o.push(l), l.opened = !0))
}, c.prototype._jump = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.grid,
f = a - c,
g = b - d;
if (!e.isWalkableAt(a, b)) return null;
if (this.trackJumpRecursion === !0 && (e.getNodeAt(a, b).tested = !0), e.getNodeAt(a, b) === this.endNode) return [a, b];
if (0 !== f && 0 !== g) {
if (e.isWalkableAt(a - f, b + g) && !e.isWalkableAt(a - f, b) || e.isWalkableAt(a + f, b - g) && !e.isWalkableAt(a, b - g)) return [a, b]
} else if (0 !== f) {
if (e.isWalkableAt(a + f, b + 1) && !e.isWalkableAt(a, b + 1) || e.isWalkableAt(a + f, b - 1) && !e.isWalkableAt(a, b - 1)) return [a, b]
} else if (e.isWalkableAt(a + 1, b + g) && !e.isWalkableAt(a + 1, b) || e.isWalkableAt(a - 1, b + g) && !e.isWalkableAt(a - 1, b)) return [a, b];
return 0 !== f && 0 !== g && (this._jump(a + f, b, a, b) || this._jump(a, b + g, a, b)) ? [a, b] : e.isWalkableAt(a + f, b) || e.isWalkableAt(a, b + g) ? this._jump(a + f, b + g, a, b) : null
}, c.prototype._findNeighbors = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j = a.parent,
k = a.x,
l = a.y,
m = this.grid,
n = [];
if (j) b = j.x, c = j.y, d = (k - b) / Math.max(Math.abs(k - b), 1), e = (l - c) / Math.max(Math.abs(l - c), 1), 0 !== d && 0 !== e ? (m.isWalkableAt(k, l + e) && n.push([k, l + e]), m.isWalkableAt(k + d, l) && n.push([k + d, l]), (m.isWalkableAt(k, l + e) || m.isWalkableAt(k + d, l)) && n.push([k + d, l + e]), !m.isWalkableAt(k - d, l) && m.isWalkableAt(k, l + e) && n.push([k - d, l + e]), !m.isWalkableAt(k, l - e) && m.isWalkableAt(k + d, l) && n.push([k + d, l - e])) : 0 === d ? m.isWalkableAt(k, l + e) && (n.push([k, l + e]), m.isWalkableAt(k + 1, l) || n.push([k + 1, l + e]), m.isWalkableAt(k - 1, l) || n.push([k - 1, l + e])) : m.isWalkableAt(k + d, l) && (n.push([k + d, l]), m.isWalkableAt(k, l + 1) || n.push([k + d, l + 1]), m.isWalkableAt(k, l - 1) || n.push([k + d, l - 1]));
for (f = m.getNeighbors(a, !0), h = 0, i = f.length; i > h; ++h) g = f[h], n.push([g.x, g.y]);
return n
}, b.exports = c
}, {
"../core/Heuristic": 32,
"../core/Util": 34,
heap: 28
45: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {, a), a = a || {}, this.heuristic = a.heuristic || d.manhattan
var d = a("../core/Heuristic"),
e = a("./JumpPointFinder");
c.prototype = new e, c.prototype.constructor = c, c.prototype._jump = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.grid,
f = a - c,
g = b - d;
if (!e.isWalkableAt(a, b)) return null;
if (this.trackJumpRecursion === !0 && (e.getNodeAt(a, b).tested = !0), e.getNodeAt(a, b) === this.endNode) return [a, b];
if (0 !== f) {
if (e.isWalkableAt(a, b - 1) && !e.isWalkableAt(a - f, b - 1) || e.isWalkableAt(a, b + 1) && !e.isWalkableAt(a - f, b + 1)) return [a, b]
} else {
if (0 === g) throw new Error("Only horizontal and vertical movements are allowed");
if (e.isWalkableAt(a - 1, b) && !e.isWalkableAt(a - 1, b - g) || e.isWalkableAt(a + 1, b) && !e.isWalkableAt(a + 1, b - g)) return [a, b];
if (this._jump(a + 1, b, a, b) || this._jump(a - 1, b, a, b)) return [a, b]
return this._jump(a + f, b + g, a, b)
}, c.prototype._findNeighbors = function(a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j = a.parent,
k = a.x,
l = a.y,
m = this.grid,
n = [];
if (j) b = j.x, c = j.y, d = (k - b) / Math.max(Math.abs(k - b), 1), e = (l - c) / Math.max(Math.abs(l - c), 1), 0 !== d ? (m.isWalkableAt(k, l - 1) && n.push([k, l - 1]), m.isWalkableAt(k, l + 1) && n.push([k, l + 1]), m.isWalkableAt(k + d, l) && n.push([k + d, l])) : 0 !== e && (m.isWalkableAt(k - 1, l) && n.push([k - 1, l]), m.isWalkableAt(k + 1, l) && n.push([k + 1, l]), m.isWalkableAt(k, l + e) && n.push([k, l + e]));
for (f = m.getNeighbors(a, !1), h = 0, i = f.length; i > h; ++h) g = f[h], n.push([g.x, g.y]);
return n
}, b.exports = c
}, {
"../core/Heuristic": 32,
"./JumpPointFinder": 44
46: [function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
a = a || {}, this.allowDiagonal = a.allowDiagonal, this.dontCrossCorners = a.dontCrossCorners, this.heuristic = a.heuristic || f.manhattan
var d = a("heap"),
e = a("../core/Util"),
f = a("../core/Heuristic");
c.prototype.findPath = function(a, b, c, f, g) {
var h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p = new d(function(a, b) {
return a.f - b.f
q = g.getNodeAt(a, b),
r = g.getNodeAt(c, f),
s = this.heuristic,
t = this.allowDiagonal,
u = this.dontCrossCorners,
v = Math.abs,
w = Math.SQRT2;
for (q.g = 0, q.f = 0, p.push(q), q.opened = !0; !p.empty();) {
if (h = p.pop(), h.closed = !0, h === r) return e.backtrace(r);
i = g.getNeighbors(h, t, u);
var x = i.length;
for (k = 0, l = i.length; l > k; ++k) j = i[k], j.closed || (m = j.x, n = j.y, o = h.g + (m - h.x === 0 || n - h.y === 0 ? 1 : w), (!j.opened || o < j.g) && (j.g = o * x / 9, j.h = j.h || s(v(m - c), v(n - f)), j.f = j.g + j.h, j.parent = h, j.opened ? p.updateItem(j) : (p.push(j), j.opened = !0)))
return []
}, b.exports = c
}, {
"../core/Heuristic": 32,
"../core/Util": 34,
heap: 28
47: [function(a, b) {
b.exports = a(7)
}, {
"/var/www/": 7,
_process: 71
48: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
a("lodash"), a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(a, b, c, d) {
a && "constructionSite" == a.type && (a.ticksToLive--, a.ticksToLive <= 0 ? (d.remove(a._id), delete b[a._id]) : d.update(a, {
ticksToLive: a.ticksToLive
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
49: [function(a, b) {
"use strict"; {
var c = a("lodash");
a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants")
b.exports = function(a, b, d, e, f, g) {
e = Math.round(e);
var h = c.find(f, {
type: "energy",
x: a,
y: b
h ? g.update(h, {
energy: + e
}) : g.insert({
type: "energy",
x: a,
y: b,
room: d,
energy: e
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
50: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = a("../../../game/utils"),
e = a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(b, f, g, h, i) {
function j(b) {
for (var d = b.hits, f = b.body.length - 1; f >= 0; f--) b.body[f].hits = d > 100 ? 100 : d, d -= 100, 0 > d && (d = 0);
b.energyCapacity = c.filter(b.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == e.CARRY
}).length * e.CARRY_CAPACITY, > b.energyCapacity && (a("./drop-energy")(b, {
amount: - b.energyCapacity
}, g, h, i), = b.energyCapacity)
if ("creep" == b.type && !b.spawning) {
var k = g[];
if (k && c.contains(["creep", "spawn", "rampart", "road", "constructedWall", "extension"], k.type) && k != b) {
if (Math.abs(k.x - b.x) > 1 || Math.abs(k.y - b.y) > 1) return void a("./move")(b, {
direction: d.getDirection(f.x - b.x, f.y - b.y)
}, g, h, i);
if ("creep" != k.type || !k.spawning) {
var l = c.find(g, {
type: "rampart",
x: k.x,
y: k.y
l && (k = l);
var m = c.filter(b.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == e.ATTACK
}).length * e.ATTACK_POWER;
if (k.hits -= m, "creep" == k.type) {
if (!c.any(g, {
type: "rampart",
x: b.x,
y: b.y
})) {
var n = c.filter(k.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == e.ATTACK
}).length * e.ATTACK_POWER;
n > 0 && (b.hits -= n, j(b), b.actionLog.attacked = {
x: k.x,
y: k.y
if (m > 0) {
if (k.hits <= 0) {
if (i.remove(k._id), "creep" == && a("./_create-energy")(k.x, k.y,, d.calcCreepCost(k.body) * e.CREEP_CORPSE_RATE * k.ticksToLive / e.CREEP_LIFE_TIME, g, i), "spawn" == k.type && k.spawning) {
var o = c.find(g, {
user: k.user,
}("spawn" == k.type || "extension" == k.type) && > 0 && a("./_create-energy")(k.x, k.y,,, g, i)
} else "creep" == k.type ? i.update(k, {
hits: k.hits,
body: k.body,
energyCapacity: k.energyCapacity
}) : i.update(k, {
hits: k.hits
b.actionLog.attack = {
x: k.x,
y: k.y
}, k.actionLog.attacked = {
x: b.x,
y: b.y
"creep" == k.type && (b.hits <= 0 ? (i.remove(b._id), a("./_create-energy")(b.x, b.y,, d.calcCreepCost(b.body) * e.CREEP_CORPSE_RATE * b.ticksToLive / e.CREEP_LIFE_TIME, g, i)) : i.update(b, {
hits: b.hits,
body: b.body,
energyCapacity: b.energyCapacity
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
"./_create-energy": 49,
"./drop-energy": 52,
"./move": 56,
lodash: 26
51: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = (a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants"));
b.exports = function(a, b, e, f, g) {
if ("creep" == a.type && !(a.spawning || <= 0)) {
var h = e[];
if (h && "constructionSite" == h.type && c.contains(["rampart", "spawn", "road", "extension", "constructedWall"], h.structureType) && !(Math.abs(h.x - a.x) > 1 || Math.abs(h.y - a.y) > 1 || c.any(e, {
x: h.x,
y: h.y,
type: h.structureType
}) || c.contains(["spawn", "extension", "constructedWall"], h.structureType) && (c.any(e, function(a) {
return a.x == h.x && a.y == h.y && c.contains(d.OBSTACLE_OBJECT_TYPES, a.type)
}) || c.any(f, function(a) {
return a.x == h.x && a.y == h.y && c.contains(d.OBSTACLE_OBJECT_TYPES, a.type)
})))) {
var i = c.filter(a.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == d.WORK
}).length * d.BUILD_POWER,
j = h.progressTotal - h.progress,
k = Math.min(i, j,;
if (h.progress += k, -= k, = {
x: h.x,
y: h.y
}, g.update(a, {
}), h.progress < h.progressTotal) g.update(h, {
progress: h.progress,
else {
var l = {
_id: "obj" + (new Date).getTime() + Math.floor(1e4 * Math.random()),
type: h.structureType,
x: h.x,
y: h.y,
if ("spawn" == h.structureType && c.extend(l, {
user: h.user,
energy: 0,
energyCapacity: d.SPAWN_ENERGY_CAPACITY,
hits: d.SPAWN_HITS,
hitsMax: d.SPAWN_HITS
}), "extension" == h.structureType && c.extend(l, {
user: h.user,
energy: 0,
}), "rampart" == h.structureType && c.extend(l, {
user: h.user,
hitsMax: d.RAMPART_HITS,
}), "road" == h.structureType && c.extend(l, {
hits: d.ROAD_HITS,
hitsMax: d.ROAD_HITS
}), "constructedWall" == h.structureType && c.extend(l, {
hits: d.WALL_HITS,
hitsMax: d.WALL_HITS
}), g.insert(l), "spawn" == h.structureType)
for (var m = -1; 1 >= m; m++)
for (var n = -1; 1 >= n; n++)(0 != m || 0 != n) && (c.any(e, {
x: h.x + m,
y: h.y,
type: h.structureType
}) || g.insert({
_id: "obj" + (new Date).getTime() + Math.floor(1e4 * Math.random()),
type: "rampart",
x: h.x + m,
y: h.y + n,
user: h.user,
hitsMax: d.RAMPART_HITS,
delete e[]
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
52: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
a("lodash"), a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
"creep" == b.type && (b.spawning || < c.amount || ( -= c.amount, f.update(b, {
}), a("./_create-energy")(b.x, b.y,, c.amount, d, f)))
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
"./_create-energy": 49,
lodash: 26
53: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = (a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants"));
b.exports = function(b, e, f, g, h) {
if ("creep" == b.type && !b.spawning) {
var i = f[];
if (i && "source" == i.type && && !(Math.abs(i.x - b.x) > 1 || Math.abs(i.y - b.y) > 1)) {
var j = c.filter(b.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == d.WORK
}).length * d.HARVEST_POWER;
if (j) {
var k = Math.min(, j); -= k, += k, h.update(b, {
}), h.update(i, {
}), > b.energyCapacity && a("./drop-energy")(b, {
amount: - b.energyCapacity
}, f, g, h), b.actionLog.harvest = {
x: i.x,
y: i.y
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
"./drop-energy": 52,
lodash: 26
54: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = a("../../../game/utils"),
e = a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(b, f, g, h, i) {
function j(a) {
for (var b = a.hits, d = a.body.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) a.body[d].hits = b > 100 ? 100 : b, b -= 100, 0 > b && (b = 0);
a.energyCapacity = c.filter(a.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == e.CARRY
}).length * e.CARRY_CAPACITY
if ("creep" == b.type && !b.spawning) {
var k = g[];
if (!(!k || "creep" != k.type || k.spawning || k == b || k.hits >= k.hitsMax)) {
if (Math.abs(k.x - b.x) > 1 || Math.abs(k.y - b.y) > 1) return void a("./move")(b, {
direction: d.getDirection(f.x - b.x, f.y - b.y)
}, g, h, i);
var l = c.filter(b.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == e.HEAL
}).length * e.HEAL_POWER;
k.hits += l, k.hits > k.hitsMax && (k.hits = k.hitsMax), j(k), b.actionLog.heal = {
x: k.x,
y: k.y
}, k.actionLog.healed = {
x: b.x,
y: b.y
}, i.update(k, {
hits: k.hits,
body: k.body,
energyCapacity: k.energyCapacity
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
"./move": 56,
lodash: 26
55: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
b.exports = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
c.dropEnergy && a("./drop-energy")(b, c.dropEnergy, d, e, f), c.transferEnergy && a("./transfer-energy")(b, c.transferEnergy, d, e, f), c.pickup && a("./pickup")(b, c.pickup, d, e, f), c.heal ? a("./heal")(b, c.heal, d, e, f) : ? a("./repair")(b,, d, e, f) : ? a("./build")(b,, d, e, f) : c.attack ? a("./attack")(b, c.attack, d, e, f) : c.harvest ? a("./harvest")(b, c.harvest, d, e, f) : c.move && a("./move")(b, c.move, d, e, f), c.rangedAttack && a("./rangedAttack")(b, c.rangedAttack, d, e, f)
}, {
"./attack": 50,
"./build": 51,
"./drop-energy": 52,
"./harvest": 53,
"./heal": 54,
"./move": 56,
"./pickup": 57,
"./rangedAttack": 58,
"./repair": 59,
"./transfer-energy": 61
56: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = a("../../../game/utils"),
e = a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(b, f, g, h, i) {
function j(a, d) {
return function(f) {
return (c.contains(e.OBSTACLE_OBJECT_TYPES, f.type) || "rampart" == f.type && f.user != b.user || "exit" == f.type && 0 == b.user) && f.x == a && f.y == d
if ("creep" == b.type && !(b.spawning || b.fatigue > 0) && 0 != c.filter(b.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == e.MOVE
}).length) {
var k = d.getOffsetsByDirection(f.direction),
l = k[0],
m = k[1],
n = b.x + l,
o = b.y + m;
n >= 50 && (n = 49), o >= 50 && (o = 49), 0 > n && (n = 0), 0 > o && (o = 0);
var p = c.any([g, h], function(a) {
return c.any(a, j(n, o)) || 1 == l && -1 == m && c.any(a, j(b.x, b.y - 1)) && c.any(a, j(b.x + 1, b.y)) || 1 == l && 1 == m && c.any(a, j(b.x, b.y + 1)) && c.any(a, j(b.x + 1, b.y)) || -1 == l && 1 == m && c.any(a, j(b.x, b.y + 1)) && c.any(a, j(b.x - 1, b.y)) || -1 == l && -1 == m && c.any(a, j(b.x, b.y - 1)) && c.any(a, j(b.x - 1, b.y))
if (p) c.filter(b.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == e.ATTACK
}).length > 0 && c.filter(g, {
x: n,
y: o
}).forEach(function(d) {
c.contains(["rampart", "constructedWall", "spawn", "extension"], d.type) && b.user != d.user && a("./attack")(b, {
id: d._id,
x: d.x,
y: d.y
}, g, h, i)
else {
var q = c.filter(g, {
x: n,
y: o
r = c.filter(b.body, function(a) {
return a.type != e.MOVE && a.type != e.CARRY
if (r += Math.ceil( / e.CARRY_CAPACITY), r *= 2, c.any(q, {
type: "road"
})) {
r /= 2;
var s = c.find(q, {
type: "road"
s.hits -= e.ROAD_WEAROUT, s.hits <= 0 ? i.remove(s._id) : i.update(s, {
hits: s.hits
c.any(q, {
type: "swamp"
}) && (r *= 2), i.update(b, {
x: n,
y: o,
fatigue: r
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
"./attack": 50,
lodash: 26
57: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
a("lodash"), a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ("creep" == a.type && !(a.spawning || >= a.energyCapacity)) {
var f = c[];
if (f && "energy" == f.type && !(Math.abs(f.x - a.x) > 1 || Math.abs(f.y - a.y) > 1)) {
var g = Math.min(a.energyCapacity -,; -= g, += g, ? e.update(f, {
}) : (e.remove(f._id), delete c[f._id]), e.update(a, {
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
58: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = a("../../../game/utils"),
e = a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(b, f, g, h, i) {
function j(b) {
for (var d = b.hits, f = b.body.length - 1; f >= 0; f--) b.body[f].hits = d > 100 ? 100 : d, d -= 100, 0 > d && (d = 0);
b.energyCapacity = c.filter(b.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == e.CARRY
}).length * e.CARRY_CAPACITY, > b.energyCapacity && (a("./drop-energy")(b, {
amount: - b.energyCapacity
}, g, h, i), = b.energyCapacity)
if ("creep" == b.type && !b.spawning) {
var k = g[];
if (k && c.contains(["creep", "spawn", "rampart", "road", "constructedWall", "extension"], k.type) && k != b && !(Math.abs(k.x - b.x) > 3 || Math.abs(k.y - b.y) > 3 || "creep" == k.type && k.spawning)) {
var l = c.find(g, {
type: "rampart",
x: k.x,
y: k.y
l && (k = l);
var m = c.filter(b.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == e.RANGED_ATTACK
}).length * e.RANGED_ATTACK_POWER;
if (m > 0) {
if (k.hits -= m, "creep" == k.type && j(k), k.hits <= 0) {
if (i.remove(k._id), "creep" == k.type && a("./_create-energy")(k.x, k.y,, d.calcCreepCost(k.body) * e.CREEP_CORPSE_RATE * k.ticksToLive / e.CREEP_LIFE_TIME, g, i), "spawn" == k.type && k.spawning) {
var n = c.find(g, {
user: k.user,
}("spawn" == k.type || "extension" == k.type) && > 0 && a("./_create-energy")(k.x, k.y,,, g, i)
} else "creep" == k.type ? i.update(k, {
hits: k.hits,
body: k.body,
energyCapacity: k.energyCapacity
}) : i.update(k, {
hits: k.hits
b.actionLog.rangedAttack = {
x: k.x,
y: k.y
}, k.actionLog.attacked = {
x: b.x,
y: b.y
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
"./_create-energy": 49,
"./drop-energy": 52,
lodash: 26
59: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = (a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants"));
b.exports = function(a, b, e, f, g) {
if ("creep" == a.type && !(a.spawning || <= 0)) {
var h = e[];
if (h && c.contains(["spawn", "extension", "road", "rampart", "constructedWall"], h.type) && !(h.hits >= h.hitsMax) && !(Math.abs(h.x - a.x) > 1 || Math.abs(h.y - a.y) > 1)) {
var i = c.filter(a.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == d.WORK
}).length * d.REPAIR_POWER,
j = / d.REPAIR_COST,
k = h.hitsMax - h.hits,
l = Math.min(i, j, k);
l && (h.hits += l, -= l * d.REPAIR_COST, h.hits > h.hitsMax && (h.hits = h.hitsMax), = {
x: h.x,
y: h.y
}, g.update(h, {
hits: h.hits
}), g.update(a, {
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
60: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = (a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants"));
b.exports = function(a, b, e, f) {
if (a && "creep" == a.type && (a.spawning || (a.ticksToLive--, a.ticksToLive <= 0 ? (f.remove(a._id), delete b[a._id]) : f.update(a._id, {
ticksToLive: a.ticksToLive,
actionLog: a.actionLog
})), a.fatigue > 0)) {
var g = c.filter(a.body, function(a) {
return a.hits > 0 && a.type == d.MOVE
a.fatigue -= 2 * g, a.fatigue < 0 && (a.fatigue = 0), f.update(a._id, {
fatigue: a.fatigue
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
61: [function(a, b) {
"use strict"; {
var c = a("lodash");
a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants")
b.exports = function(a, b, d, e, f) {
if ("creep" == a.type && !(a.spawning || < b.amount)) {
var g = d[];
if (g && c.contains(["spawn", "creep", "extension"], g.type) && != g.energyCapacity && !(Math.abs(g.x - a.x) > 1 || Math.abs(g.y - a.y) > 1)) {
var h = b.amount; + h > g.energyCapacity && (h = g.energyCapacity -, += h, -= h, f.update(a, {
}), f.update(g, {
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
62: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = (a("lodash"), a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants"));
b.exports = function(a, b, d, e) {
a && "energy" == a.type && ( -= c.ENERGY_DECAY, <= 0 ? (e.remove(a._id), delete b[a._id]) : e.update(a, {
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
63: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = (a("lodash"), a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants"));
b.exports = function(a, b, d, e) {
a && "rampart" == a.type && (a.ticksToDecay--, a.ticksToDecay <= 0 && (a.hits -= c.RAMPART_DECAY_AMOUNT, a.hits <= 0 ? (e.remove(a._id), delete b[a._id]) : a.ticksToDecay = c.RAMPART_DECAY_TIME), a.hits > 0 && e.update(a, {
ticksToDecay: a.ticksToDecay,
hits: a.hits
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
64: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = (a("lodash"), a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants"));
b.exports = function(a, b, d, e) {
a && "source" == a.type && < a.energyCapacity && (a.ticksToRegeneration--, a.ticksToRegeneration <= 0 && ( += Math.min(a.energyCapacity -, c.ENERGY_REGEN_AMOUNT), a.ticksToRegeneration = c.ENERGY_REGEN_TIME), e.update(a, {
ticksToRegeneration: a.ticksToRegeneration,
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
65: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = a("../../../game/utils"),
e = a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(a, b, f, g, h) {
if (!a.spawning && "spawn" == a.type) {
b.body = b.body.slice(0, 30);
var i = d.calcCreepCost(b.body);
if (!( < i)) {
if (b.body.length > 5) {
var j = c.filter(f, function(b) {
return "extension" == b.type && b.user == a.user && >= e.EXTENSION_ENERGY_COST
if (j.length < b.body.length - 5) return;
j = j.slice(0, b.body.length - 5), j.forEach(function(a) { -= e.EXTENSION_ENERGY_COST, h.update(a, {
} -= i, h.update(a, {
spawning: {
needTime: e.CREEP_SPAWN_TIME + b.body.length,
remainingTime: e.CREEP_SPAWN_TIME + b.body.length
var k = [],
l = 0;
b.body.forEach(function(a) {
c.contains(e.BODYPARTS_ALL, a) && k.push({
type: a,
hits: 100
}), a == e.CARRY && (l += e.CARRY_CAPACITY)
}), h.insert({
x: a.x,
y: a.y,
body: k,
energy: 0,
energyCapacity: l,
type: "creep",
user: a.user,
hits: 100 * k.length,
hitsMax: 100 * k.length,
spawning: !0,
fatigue: 0
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
66: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
b.exports = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
c.createCreep && a("./create-creep")(b, c.createCreep, d, e, f), c.transferEnergy && a("./transfer-energy")(b, c.transferEnergy, d, e, f)
}, {
"./create-creep": 65,
"./transfer-energy": 68
67: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
var c = a("lodash"),
d = a("../../../game/utils"),
e = a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(a, b, f, g) {
if (a && "spawn" == a.type && a.spawning)
if (a.spawning.remainingTime--, a.spawning.remainingTime <= 0) {
for (var h, i, j, k = function(a) {
return c.contains(e.OBSTACLE_OBJECT_TYPES, a.type) && a.x == h && a.y == i
}, l = 1; 8 >= l; l++) {
var m = d.getOffsetsByDirection(l),
n = m[0],
o = m[1];
if (h = a.x + n, i = a.y + o, j = c.any(b, k) || c.any(f, k), !j) break
j ? g.update(a._id, {
spawning: {
remainingTime: 0
}) : (g.update(c.find(b, {
type: "creep",
user: a.user
}), {
x: h,
y: i,
spawning: !1,
ticksToLive: e.CREEP_LIFE_TIME
}), g.update(a, {
spawning: null
} else g.update(a._id, {
spawning: {
remainingTime: a.spawning.remainingTime
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
68: [function(a, b) {
"use strict";
a("lodash"), a("../../../game/utils"), a("../../../game/constants");
b.exports = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ("spawn" == a.type) {
var f = c[];
if (f && "creep" == f.type && !( >= f.energyCapacity) && !(Math.abs(f.x - a.x) > 1 || Math.abs(f.y - a.y) > 1)) {
var g = b.amount; + g > f.energyCapacity && (g = f.energyCapacity -, < g || ( += g, -= g, e.update(a, {
}), e.update(f, {
}, {
"../../../game/constants": 12,
"../../../game/utils": 24,
lodash: 26
69: [function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(b, d, f) {
var g = c.bulkObjectsWrite();
return e.forEach(d, function(a) {
a.actionLog = "creep" == a.type ? {
attacked: null,
healed: null,
attack: null,
rangedAttack: null,
harvest: null,
heal: null,
repair: null,
build: null
} : {
attacked: null
}), b && e.forEach(b.users, function(b) {
for (var c in b.objects) {
var e = b.objects[c],
h = d[c];
h && ("creep" == h.type && a("./intents/creeps/intents")(h, e, d, f, g), "spawn" == h.type && a("./intents/spawns/intents")(h, e, d, f, g))
}), e.forEach(d, function(b) {
"energy" == b.type && a("./intents/energy/tick")(b, d, f, g), "source" == b.type && a("./intents/sources/tick")(b, d, f, g), "creep" == b.type && a("./intents/creeps/tick")(b, d, f, g), "spawn" == b.type && a("./intents/spawns/tick")(b, d, f, g), "rampart" == b.type && a("./intents/ramparts/tick")(b, d, f, g), "constructionSite" == b.type && a("./intents/construction-sites/tick")(b, d, f, g)
}), g.execute()
} {
var c = a("../core/core.js"),
d = a("q"),
e = a("lodash");
c.connect().then(function() {
function a() {
var f;
e.fetch().then(function(a) {
return d.all([c.getRoomIntents(f = a), c.getRoomObjects(a), c.getRoomTerrain(a)])
}).then(function(a) {
return b(a[0], a[1], a[2])
}).catch(function(a) {
return void 0
}).then(function() {
return c.clearRoomIntents(f)
}).then(function() {
return e.markDone(f)
}).catch(function(a) {
return void 0
}).finally(function() {
return setTimeout(a, 10)
var e = c.queue.create("rooms");
}).catch(function(a) {})
}, {
"../core/core.js": 3,
"../game/constants": 12,
"./intents/construction-sites/tick": 48,
"./intents/creeps/intents": 55,
"./intents/creeps/tick": 60,
"./intents/energy/tick": 62,
"./intents/ramparts/tick": 63,
"./intents/sources/tick": 64,
"./intents/spawns/intents": 66,
"./intents/spawns/tick": 67,
lodash: 26,
q: 47
70: [function(a) {
"use strict";
function b(a) {
function b() {
var a = {};
for (var b in f.intents) {
if (!(b in g.userObjects)) return;
var c = g.userObjects[b],
h = f.intents[b];
a[] = a[] || {};
var i = a[][b] = {};
h.move && (i.move = {
direction: parseInt(h.move.direction)
}), h.harvest && (i.harvest = {
id: "" +
}), h.attack && (i.attack = {
id: "" +,
x: parseInt(h.attack.x),
y: parseInt(h.attack.y)
}), h.rangedAttack && (i.rangedAttack = {
id: "" +
}), h.heal && (i.heal = {
id: "" +,
x: parseInt(h.heal.x),
y: parseInt(h.heal.y)
}), && ( = {
id: "" +,
x: parseInt(,
y: parseInt(
}), && ( = {
id: "" +,
x: parseInt(,
y: parseInt(
}), h.transferEnergy && (i.transferEnergy = {
id: "" +,
amount: parseInt(h.transferEnergy.amount)
}), h.dropEnergy && (i.dropEnergy = {
amount: parseInt(h.dropEnergy.amount)
}), h.pickup && (i.pickup = {
id: "" +
}), h.createCreep && (i.createCreep = {
name: "" +,
body: e.filter(h.createCreep.body, function(a) {
return e.contains(d.BODYPARTS_ALL, a)
return a
var f, g;
return c.getUserRuntimeData(a).then(function(a) {
return c.makeRuntime(g = a)
}).then(function(b) {
return f = b, c.sendConsoleMessages(a, f.console), c.saveUserMemory(a, f.memory)
}).then(function() {
return c.saveUserIntents(a, b())
var c = a("./core/core"),
d = (a("q"), a("./game/constants")),
e = a("lodash"),
f = 0;
c.connect().then(function() {
function a() {
var e;
f++, d.fetch().then(function(a) {
return b(e = a)
}).catch(function(a) {
return c.sendConsoleError(e, a)
}).then(function() {
return d.markDone(e)
}).catch(function(a) {
return void 0
}).finally(function() {
return setTimeout(a, 10)
var d = c.queue.create("users");
}).catch(function(a) {})
}, {
"./core/core": 3,
"./game/constants": 12,
lodash: 26,
q: 47
71: [function(a, b) {
function c() {}
var d = b.exports = {};
d.nextTick = function() {
var a = "undefined" != typeof window && window.setImmediate,
b = "undefined" != typeof window && window.MutationObserver,
c = "undefined" != typeof window && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener;
if (a) return function(a) {
return window.setImmediate(a)
var d = [];
if (b) {
var e = document.createElement("div"),
f = new MutationObserver(function() {
var a = d.slice();
d.length = 0, a.forEach(function(a) {
return f.observe(e, {
attributes: !0
function(a) {
d.length || e.setAttribute("yes", "no"), d.push(a)
return c ? (window.addEventListener("message", function(a) {
var b = a.source;
if ((b === window || null === b) && "process-tick" === && (a.stopPropagation(), d.length > 0)) {
var c = d.shift();
}, !0), function(a) {
d.push(a), window.postMessage("process-tick", "*")
}) : function(a) {
setTimeout(a, 0)
}(), d.title = "browser", d.browser = !0, d.env = {}, d.argv = [], d.on = c, d.addListener = c, d.once = c, = c, d.removeListener = c, d.removeAllListeners = c, d.emit = c, d.binding = function() {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")
}, d.cwd = function() {
return "/"
}, d.chdir = function() {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported")
}, {}],
72: [function(a) {
var b = [];
self.onmessage = function(c) {
if ("launch" == {
switch ( {
case "main":
case "runner":
case "processor":
case "runtime":
b.forEach(function(a) {
} else b.push(c)
}, {
"../.engine/core/runtime.js": 9,
"../.engine/main.js": 25,
"../.engine/processor/processor.js": 69,
"../.engine/runner.js": 70
}, {}, [72]);
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