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C# Suffix tree implementation based on Ukkonen's algorithm. Full explanation here:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace SuffixTreeAlgorithm
public class SuffixTree
public char? CanonizationChar { get; set; }
public string Word { get; private set; }
private int CurrentSuffixStartIndex { get; set; }
private int CurrentSuffixEndIndex { get; set; }
private Node LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration { get; set; }
private int UnresolvedSuffixes { get; set; }
public Node RootNode { get; private set; }
private Node ActiveNode { get; set; }
private Edge ActiveEdge { get; set; }
private int DistanceIntoActiveEdge { get; set; }
private char LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix { get; set; }
private int NextNodeNumber { get; set; }
private int NextEdgeNumber { get; set; }
public SuffixTree(string word)
Word = word;
RootNode = new Node(this);
ActiveNode = RootNode;
public event Action<SuffixTree> Changed;
private void TriggerChanged()
var handler = Changed;
if(handler != null)
public event Action<string, object[]> Message;
private void SendMessage(string format, params object[] args)
var handler = Message;
if(handler != null)
handler(format, args);
public static SuffixTree Create(string word, char canonizationChar = '$')
var tree = new SuffixTree(word);
return tree;
public void Build(char canonizationChar)
var n = Word.IndexOf(Word[Word.Length - 1]);
var mustCanonize = n < Word.Length - 1;
CanonizationChar = canonizationChar;
Word = string.Concat(Word, canonizationChar);
for(CurrentSuffixEndIndex = 0; CurrentSuffixEndIndex < Word.Length; CurrentSuffixEndIndex++)
SendMessage("=== ITERATION {0} ===", CurrentSuffixEndIndex);
LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration = null;
LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix = Word[CurrentSuffixEndIndex];
for(CurrentSuffixStartIndex = CurrentSuffixEndIndex - UnresolvedSuffixes; CurrentSuffixStartIndex <= CurrentSuffixEndIndex; CurrentSuffixStartIndex++)
var wasImplicitlyAdded = !AddNextSuffix();
if(UnresolvedSuffixes > 0)
private bool AddNextSuffix()
var suffix = string.Concat(Word.Substring(CurrentSuffixStartIndex, CurrentSuffixEndIndex - CurrentSuffixStartIndex), "{", Word[CurrentSuffixEndIndex], "}");
SendMessage("The next suffix of '{0}' to add is '{1}' at indices {2},{3}", Word, suffix, CurrentSuffixStartIndex, CurrentSuffixEndIndex);
SendMessage(" => ActiveNode: {0}", ActiveNode);
SendMessage(" => ActiveEdge: {0}", ActiveEdge == null ? "none" : ActiveEdge.ToString());
SendMessage(" => DistanceIntoActiveEdge: {0}", DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
SendMessage(" => UnresolvedSuffixes: {0}", UnresolvedSuffixes);
if(ActiveEdge != null && DistanceIntoActiveEdge >= ActiveEdge.Length)
throw new Exception("BOUNDARY EXCEEDED");
if(ActiveEdge != null)
return AddCurrentSuffixToActiveEdge();
return false;
return true;
private bool GetExistingEdgeAndSetAsActive()
Edge edge;
if(ActiveNode.Edges.TryGetValue(LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix, out edge))
SendMessage("Existing edge for {0} starting with '{1}' found. Values adjusted to:", ActiveNode, LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix);
ActiveEdge = edge;
DistanceIntoActiveEdge = 1;
SendMessage(" => ActiveEdge is now: {0}", ActiveEdge);
SendMessage(" => DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: {0}", DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
SendMessage(" => UnresolvedSuffixes is now: {0}", UnresolvedSuffixes);
return true;
SendMessage("Existing edge for {0} starting with '{1}' not found", ActiveNode, LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix);
return false;
private bool AddCurrentSuffixToActiveEdge()
var nextCharacterOnEdge = Word[ActiveEdge.StartIndex + DistanceIntoActiveEdge];
if(nextCharacterOnEdge == LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix)
SendMessage("The next character on the current edge is '{0}' (suffix added implicitly)", LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix);
SendMessage(" => DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: {0}", DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
return false;
return true;
private void UpdateActivePointAfterAddingNewEdge()
if(ReferenceEquals(ActiveNode, RootNode))
if(DistanceIntoActiveEdge > 0)
SendMessage("New edge has been added and the active node is root. The active edge will now be updated.");
SendMessage(" => DistanceIntoActiveEdge decremented to: {0}", DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
ActiveEdge = DistanceIntoActiveEdge == 0 ? null : ActiveNode.Edges[Word[CurrentSuffixStartIndex + 1]];
SendMessage(" => ActiveEdge is now: {0}", ActiveEdge);
NormalizeActivePointIfNowAtOrBeyondEdgeBoundary(CurrentSuffixStartIndex + 1);
private void NormalizeActivePointIfNowAtOrBeyondEdgeBoundary(int firstIndexOfOriginalActiveEdge)
var walkDistance = 0;
while(ActiveEdge != null && DistanceIntoActiveEdge >= ActiveEdge.Length)
SendMessage("Active point is at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary");
DistanceIntoActiveEdge -= ActiveEdge.Length;
ActiveNode = ActiveEdge.Tail ?? RootNode;
if(DistanceIntoActiveEdge == 0)
ActiveEdge = null;
walkDistance += ActiveEdge.Length;
var c = Word[firstIndexOfOriginalActiveEdge + walkDistance];
ActiveEdge = ActiveNode.Edges[c];
private void SplitActiveEdge()
ActiveEdge = ActiveEdge.SplitAtIndex(ActiveEdge.StartIndex + DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
SendMessage(" => ActiveEdge is now: {0}", ActiveEdge);
if(LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration != null)
LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration.LinkedNode = ActiveEdge.Tail;
SendMessage(" => Connected {0} to {1}", LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration, ActiveEdge.Tail);
LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration = ActiveEdge.Tail;
private void UpdateActivePointToLinkedNodeOrRoot()
SendMessage("The linked node for active node {0} is {1}", ActiveNode, ActiveNode.LinkedNode == null ? "[null]" : ActiveNode.LinkedNode.ToString());
if(ActiveNode.LinkedNode != null)
ActiveNode = ActiveNode.LinkedNode;
SendMessage(" => ActiveNode is now: {0}", ActiveNode);
ActiveNode = RootNode;
SendMessage(" => ActiveNode is now ROOT", ActiveNode);
if(ActiveEdge != null)
var firstIndexOfOriginalActiveEdge = ActiveEdge.StartIndex;
ActiveEdge = ActiveNode.Edges[Word[ActiveEdge.StartIndex]];
public string RenderTree()
var writer = new StringWriter();
RootNode.RenderTree(writer, "");
return writer.ToString();
public string WriteDotGraph()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("digraph {");
sb.AppendLine("rankdir = LR;");
sb.AppendLine("edge [arrowsize=0.5,fontsize=11];");
for(var i = 0; i < NextNodeNumber; i++)
sb.AppendFormat("node{0} [label=\"{0}\",style=filled,fillcolor={1},shape=circle,width=.1,height=.1,fontsize=11,margin=0.01];",
i, ActiveNode.NodeNumber == i ? "cyan" : "lightgrey").AppendLine();
return sb.ToString();
public HashSet<string> ExtractAllSubstrings()
var set = new HashSet<string>();
ExtractAllSubstrings("", set, RootNode);
return set;
private void ExtractAllSubstrings(string str, HashSet<string> set, Node node)
foreach(var edge in node.Edges.Values)
var edgeStr = edge.StringWithoutCanonizationChar;
var edgeLength = !edge.EndIndex.HasValue && CanonizationChar.HasValue ? edge.Length - 1 : edge.Length; // assume tailing canonization char
for(var length = 1; length <= edgeLength; length++)
set.Add(string.Concat(str, edgeStr.Substring(0, length)));
if(edge.Tail != null)
ExtractAllSubstrings(string.Concat(str, edge.StringWithoutCanonizationChar), set, edge.Tail);
public List<string> ExtractSubstringsForIndexing(int? maxLength = null)
var list = new List<string>();
ExtractSubstringsForIndexing("", list, maxLength ?? Word.Length, RootNode);
return list;
private void ExtractSubstringsForIndexing(string str, List<string> list, int len, Node node)
foreach(var edge in node.Edges.Values)
var newstr = string.Concat(str, Word.Substring(edge.StartIndex, Math.Min(len, edge.Length)));
if(len > edge.Length && edge.Tail != null)
ExtractSubstringsForIndexing(newstr, list, len - edge.Length, edge.Tail);
public class Edge
private readonly SuffixTree _tree;
public Edge(SuffixTree tree, Node head)
_tree = tree;
Head = head;
StartIndex = tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex;
EdgeNumber = _tree.NextEdgeNumber++;
public Node Head { get; private set; }
public Node Tail { get; private set; }
public int StartIndex { get; private set; }
public int? EndIndex { get; set; }
public int EdgeNumber { get; private set; }
public int Length { get { return (EndIndex ?? _tree.Word.Length - 1) - StartIndex + 1; } }
public Edge SplitAtIndex(int index)
_tree.SendMessage("Splitting edge {0} at index {1} ('{2}')", this, index, _tree.Word[index]);
var newEdge = new Edge(_tree, Head);
var newNode = new Node(_tree);
newEdge.Tail = newNode;
newEdge.StartIndex = StartIndex;
newEdge.EndIndex = index - 1;
Head = newNode;
StartIndex = index;
newNode.Edges.Add(_tree.Word[StartIndex], this);
newEdge.Head.Edges[_tree.Word[newEdge.StartIndex]] = newEdge;
_tree.SendMessage(" => Hierarchy is now: {0} --> {1} --> {2} --> {3}", newEdge.Head, newEdge, newNode, this);
return newEdge;
public override string ToString()
return string.Concat(_tree.Word.Substring(StartIndex, (EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex) - StartIndex + 1), "(",
StartIndex, ",", EndIndex.HasValue ? EndIndex.ToString() : "#", ")");
public string StringWithoutCanonizationChar
get { return _tree.Word.Substring(StartIndex, (EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex - (_tree.CanonizationChar.HasValue ? 1 : 0)) - StartIndex + 1); }
public string String
get { return _tree.Word.Substring(StartIndex, (EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex) - StartIndex + 1); }
public void RenderTree(TextWriter writer, string prefix, int maxEdgeLength)
var strEdge = _tree.Word.Substring(StartIndex, (EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex) - StartIndex + 1);
if(Tail == null)
var line = new string(RenderChars.HorizontalLine, maxEdgeLength - strEdge.Length + 1);
Tail.RenderTree(writer, string.Concat(prefix, new string(' ', strEdge.Length + line.Length)));
public void WriteDotGraph(StringBuilder sb)
if(Tail == null)
sb.AppendFormat("leaf{0} [label=\"\",shape=point]", EdgeNumber).AppendLine();
string label, weight, color;
if(_tree.ActiveEdge != null && ReferenceEquals(this, _tree.ActiveEdge))
if(_tree.ActiveEdge.Length == 0)
label = "";
else if(_tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge > Length)
label = "<<FONT COLOR=\"red\" SIZE=\"11\"><B>" + String + "</B> (" + _tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge + ")</FONT>>";
else if(_tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge == Length)
label = "<<FONT COLOR=\"red\" SIZE=\"11\">" + String + "</FONT>>";
else if(_tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge > 0)
label = "<<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\"><TR><TD><FONT COLOR=\"blue\"><B>" + String.Substring(0, _tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge) + "</B></FONT></TD><TD COLOR=\"black\">" + String.Substring(_tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge) + "</TD></TR></TABLE>>";
label = "\"" + String + "\"";
color = "blue";
weight = "5";
label = "\"" + String + "\"";
color = "black";
weight = "3";
var tail = Tail == null ? "leaf" + EdgeNumber : "node" + Tail.NodeNumber;
sb.AppendFormat("node{0} -> {1} [label={2},weight={3},color={4},size=11]", Head.NodeNumber, tail, label, weight, color).AppendLine();
if(Tail != null)
public class Node
private readonly SuffixTree _tree;
public Node(SuffixTree tree)
_tree = tree;
Edges = new Dictionary<char, Edge>();
NodeNumber = _tree.NextNodeNumber++;
public Dictionary<char, Edge> Edges { get; private set; }
public Node LinkedNode { get; set; }
public int NodeNumber { get; private set; }
public void AddNewEdge()
_tree.SendMessage("Adding new edge to {0}", this);
var edge = new Edge(_tree, this);
Edges.Add(_tree.Word[_tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex], edge);
_tree.SendMessage(" => {0} --> {1}", this, edge);
public void RenderTree(TextWriter writer, string prefix)
var strNode = string.Concat("(", NodeNumber.ToString(new string('0', _tree.NextNodeNumber.ToString().Length)), ")");
var edges = Edges.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).OrderBy(e => _tree.Word[e.StartIndex]).ToArray();
var prefixWithNodePadding = prefix + new string(' ', strNode.Length);
var maxEdgeLength = edges.Max(e => (e.EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex) - e.StartIndex + 1);
for(var i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++)
char connector, extender = ' ';
if(i == 0)
if(edges.Length > 1)
connector = RenderChars.TJunctionDown;
extender = RenderChars.VerticalLine;
connector = RenderChars.HorizontalLine;
if(i == edges.Length - 1)
connector = RenderChars.CornerRight;
connector = RenderChars.TJunctionRight;
extender = RenderChars.VerticalLine;
writer.Write(string.Concat(connector, RenderChars.HorizontalLine));
var newPrefix = string.Concat(prefixWithNodePadding, extender, ' ');
edges[i].RenderTree(writer, newPrefix, maxEdgeLength);
public override string ToString()
return string.Concat("node #", NodeNumber);
public void WriteDotGraph(StringBuilder sb)
if(LinkedNode != null)
sb.AppendFormat("node{0} -> node{1} [label=\"\",weight=.01,style=dotted]", NodeNumber, LinkedNode.NodeNumber).AppendLine();
foreach(var edge in Edges.Values)
public static class RenderChars
public const char TJunctionDown = '┬';
public const char HorizontalLine = '─';
public const char VerticalLine = '│';
public const char TJunctionRight = '├';
public const char CornerRight = '└';
static void Main()
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{a}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> a(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{b}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'b' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> b(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{c}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'c' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> c(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{a}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: abca(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'a{b}' at indices 3,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcab(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'b' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'ab{x}' at indices 3,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcabx(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge abcabx(0,#) at index 2 ('c')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ab(0,1) --> node #1 --> cabx(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ab(0,1)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> x(5,#)
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'b{x}' at indices 4,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: bcabx(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge bcabx(1,#) at index 2 ('c')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> b(1,1) --> node #2 --> cabx(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: b(1,1)
=> Connected node #1 to node #2
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> x(5,#)
│ └─x
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{x}' at indices 5,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'x' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> x(5,#)
│ └─x
│ └─x
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{a}' at indices 6,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: ab(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─xa
│ └─xa
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'a{b}' at indices 6,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ab(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'b' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─xab
│ └─xab
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'ab{c}' at indices 6,8
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'c' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: cabxabc(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 2
│ └─xabc
│ └─xabc
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'abc{d}' at indices 6,9
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: cabxabcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge cabxabcd(2,#) at index 3 ('a')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> c(2,2) --> node #3 --> abxabcd(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: c(2,2)
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> d(9,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is node #2
=> ActiveNode is now: node #2
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ └─xabcd
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'bc{d}' at indices 7,9
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: cabxabcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge cabxabcd(2,#) at index 3 ('a')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #2 --> c(2,2) --> node #4 --> abxabcd(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: c(2,2)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> d(9,#)
The linked node for active node node #2 is [null]
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'c{d}' at indices 8,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: cabxabcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge cabxabcd(2,#) at index 3 ('a')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> c(2,2) --> node #5 --> abxabcd(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: c(2,2)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> d(9,#)
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ └─d
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{d}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> d(9,#)
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ └─d
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{a}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> a(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{b}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'b' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> b(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{c}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'c' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> c(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{d}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> d(3,#)
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{e}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'e' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> e(4,#)
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{f}' at indices 5,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'f' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> f(5,#)
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{a}' at indices 6,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: abcdefa(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'a{b}' at indices 6,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcdefab(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'b' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'ab{x}' at indices 6,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcdefabx(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge abcdefabx(0,#) at index 2 ('c')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ab(0,1) --> node #1 --> cdefabx(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ab(0,1)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> x(8,#)
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'b{x}' at indices 7,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: bcdefabx(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge bcdefabx(1,#) at index 2 ('c')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> b(1,1) --> node #2 --> cdefabx(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: b(1,1)
=> Connected node #1 to node #2
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> x(8,#)
│ └─x
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{x}' at indices 8,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'x' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> x(8,#)
│ └─x
│ └─x
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{y}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'y' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> y(9,#)
│ └─xy
│ └─xy
=== ITERATION 10 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{b}' at indices 10,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'b' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─xyb
│ └─xyb
=== ITERATION 11 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'b{c}' at indices 10,11
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #2 starting with 'c' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: cdefabxybc(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 1
│ └─xybc
│ └─xybc
=== ITERATION 12 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'bc{d}' at indices 10,12
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 'd' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
│ └─xybcd
│ └─xybcd
=== ITERATION 13 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'bcd{m}' at indices 10,13
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdm(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge cdefabxybcdm(2,#) at index 4 ('e')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #2 --> cd(2,3) --> node #3 --> efabxybcdm(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: cd(2,3)
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> m(13,#)
The linked node for active node node #2 is [null]
│ └─xybcdm
│ │ └─m
│ └─xybcdm
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'cd{m}' at indices 11,13
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdm(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge cdefabxybcdm(2,#) at index 4 ('e')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> cd(2,3) --> node #4 --> efabxybcdm(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: cd(2,3)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> m(13,#)
│ └─xybcdm
│ │ └─m
│ └─xybcdm
│ └─m
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'd{m}' at indices 12,13
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: defabxybcdm(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge defabxybcdm(3,#) at index 4 ('e')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> d(3,3) --> node #5 --> efabxybcdm(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: d(3,3)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> m(13,#)
│ └─xybcdm
│ │ └─m
│ └─xybcdm
│ └─m
│ └─m
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{m}' at indices 13,13
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'm' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> m(13,#)
│ └─xybcdm
│ │ └─m
│ └─xybcdm
│ └─m
│ └─m
=== ITERATION 14 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{n}' at indices 14,14
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'n' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> n(14,#)
│ └─xybcdmn
│ │ └─mn
│ └─xybcdmn
│ └─mn
│ └─mn
=== ITERATION 15 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{a}' at indices 15,15
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: ab(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─xybcdmna
│ │ └─mna
│ └─xybcdmna
│ └─mna
│ └─mna
=== ITERATION 16 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'a{b}' at indices 15,16
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ab(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'b' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─xybcdmnab
│ │ └─mnab
│ └─xybcdmnab
│ └─mnab
│ └─mnab
=== ITERATION 17 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'ab{c}' at indices 15,17
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'c' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: cdefabxybcdmnabc(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 2
│ └─xybcdmnabc
│ │ └─mnabc
│ └─xybcdmnabc
│ └─mnabc
│ └─mnabc
=== ITERATION 18 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'abc{d}' at indices 15,18
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdmnabcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
The next character on the current edge is 'd' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
│ └─xybcdmnabcd
│ │ └─mnabcd
│ └─xybcdmnabcd
│ └─mnabcd
│ └─mnabcd
=== ITERATION 19 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'abcd{e}' at indices 15,19
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdmnabcde(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
The next character on the current edge is 'e' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 3
│ └─xybcdmnabcde
│ │ └─mnabcde
│ └─xybcdmnabcde
│ └─mnabcde
│ └─mnabcde
=== ITERATION 20 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'abcde{x}' at indices 15,20
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdmnabcdex(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 5
Splitting edge cdefabxybcdmnabcdex(2,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> cde(2,4) --> node #6 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: cde(2,4)
Adding new edge to node #6
=> node #6 --> x(20,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is node #2
=> ActiveNode is now: node #2
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'bcde{x}' at indices 16,20
=> ActiveNode: node #3
=> ActiveEdge: efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
Splitting edge efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #3 --> e(4,4) --> node #7 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(4,4)
=> Connected node #6 to node #7
Adding new edge to node #7
=> node #7 --> x(20,#)
The linked node for active node node #3 is node #4
=> ActiveNode is now: node #4
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'cde{x}' at indices 17,20
=> ActiveNode: node #4
=> ActiveEdge: efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #4 --> e(4,4) --> node #8 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(4,4)
=> Connected node #7 to node #8
Adding new edge to node #8
=> node #8 --> x(20,#)
The linked node for active node node #4 is node #5
=> ActiveNode is now: node #5
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'de{x}' at indices 18,20
=> ActiveNode: node #5
=> ActiveEdge: efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #5 --> e(4,4) --> node #9 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(4,4)
=> Connected node #8 to node #9
Adding new edge to node #9
=> node #9 --> x(20,#)
The linked node for active node node #5 is [null]
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'e{x}' at indices 19,20
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> e(4,4) --> node #10 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(4,4)
=> Connected node #9 to node #10
Adding new edge to node #10
=> node #10 --> x(20,#)
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{x}' at indices 20,20
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'x' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: xybcdmnabcdex(8,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─x
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{a}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> a(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{b}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'b' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> b(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{c}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'c' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> c(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{a}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: abca(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is 'a{d}' at indices 3,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcad(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge abcad(0,#) at index 1 ('b')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> a(0,0) --> node #1 --> bcad(1,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: a(0,0)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> d(4,#)
│ └─d
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{d}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> d(4,#)
│ └─d
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{a}' at indices 5,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─da
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is 'a{k}' at indices 5,6
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'k' not found
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> k(6,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ ├─dak
│ └─k
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{k}' at indices 6,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'k' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> k(6,#)
│ ├─dak
│ └─k
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{d}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> d(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{e}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'e' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> e(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{d}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: ded(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'd{o}' at indices 2,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: dedo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge dedo(0,#) at index 1 ('e')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> d(0,0) --> node #1 --> edo(1,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: d(0,0)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> o(3,#)
│ └─o
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{o}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> o(3,#)
│ └─o
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{d}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─od
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'd{o}' at indices 4,5
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'o' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: odo(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 1
│ └─odo
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'do{d}' at indices 4,6
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: odod(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 'd' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
│ └─odod
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'dod{e}' at indices 4,7
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: odode(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge odode(3,#) at index 5 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> od(3,4) --> node #2 --> ode(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: od(3,4)
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> e(7,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ └─od──────(2)┬─e
│ └─ode
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'od{e}' at indices 5,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: odode(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge odode(3,#) at index 5 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> od(3,4) --> node #3 --> ode(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: od(3,4)
=> Connected node #2 to node #3
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> e(7,#)
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─od──────(2)┬─e
│ └─ode
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'd{e}' at indices 6,7
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'e' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: edodode(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 1
│ └─od──────(2)┬─e
│ └─ode
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'de{e}' at indices 6,8
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: edododee(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge edododee(1,#) at index 2 ('d')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> e(1,1) --> node #4 --> dododee(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(1,1)
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> e(8,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ │ └─e
│ └─od─(2)┬─ee
│ └─odee
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'e{e}' at indices 7,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: edododee(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge edododee(1,#) at index 2 ('d')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> e(1,1) --> node #5 --> dododee(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(1,1)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> e(8,#)
│ │ └─e
│ └─od─(2)┬─ee
│ └─odee
│ └─e
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{e}' at indices 8,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'e' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ │ └─e
│ └─od─(2)┬─ee
│ └─odee
│ └─e
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'e{o}' at indices 8,9
=> ActiveNode: node #5
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #5 starting with 'o' not found
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> o(9,#)
The linked node for active node node #5 is [null]
│ │ └─eo
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeo
│ └─odeeo
│ ├─eo
│ └─o
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{o}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: od(3,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ │ └─eo
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeo
│ └─odeeo
│ ├─eo
│ └─o
=== ITERATION 10 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'o{d}' at indices 9,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: od(3,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'd' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ │ └─eod
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeod
│ └─odeeod
│ ├─eod
│ └─od
=== ITERATION 11 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'od{o}' at indices 9,11
=> ActiveNode: node #3
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Existing edge for node #3 starting with 'o' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: odeeodo(5,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 2
│ │ └─eodo
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo
│ └─odeeodo
│ ├─eodo
│ └─odo
=== ITERATION 12 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'odo{$}' at indices 9,12
=> ActiveNode: node #3
=> ActiveEdge: odeeodo$(5,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge odeeodo$(5,#) at index 6 ('d')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #3 --> o(5,5) --> node #6 --> deeodo$(6,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: o(5,5)
Adding new edge to node #6
=> node #6 --> $(12,#)
The linked node for active node node #3 is [null]
│ │ └─eodo$
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo$
│ └─odeeodo$
│ ├─eodo$
│ └─odo$
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'do{$}' at indices 10,12
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: od(3,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge od(3,4) at index 4 ('d')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> o(3,3) --> node #7 --> d(4,4)
=> ActiveEdge is now: o(3,3)
=> Connected node #6 to node #7
Adding new edge to node #7
=> node #7 --> $(12,#)
│ │ └─eodo$
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo$
│ └─odeeodo$
│ ├─eodo$
│ └─odo$
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'o{$}' at indices 11,12
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #0 starting with '$' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> $(12,#)
│ │ └─eodo$
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo$
│ └─odeeodo$
│ ├─eodo$
│ └─odo$
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{$}' at indices 12,12
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with '$' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ │ └─eodo$
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo$
│ └─odeeodo$
│ ├─eodo$
│ └─odo$
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is '{o}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> o(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is '{o}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: oo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'o{o}' at indices 1,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oo{o}' at indices 1,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 3
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooo{o}' at indices 1,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 4
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooo{o}' at indices 1,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 4
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 5
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooooo{o}' at indices 1,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 5
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 5
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 6
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooooo{o}' at indices 1,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 6
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 6
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 7
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooooooo{o}' at indices 1,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 7
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 7
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 8
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooooooo{$}' at indices 1,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooooooo$(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 8
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 8
Splitting edge ooooooooo$(0,#) at index 8 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> oooooooo(0,7) --> node #1 --> o$(8,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: oooooooo(0,7)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooooooo{$}' at indices 2,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooooooo(0,7)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 7
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 7
Splitting edge oooooooo(0,7) at index 7 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ooooooo(0,6) --> node #2 --> o(7,7)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ooooooo(0,6)
=> Connected node #1 to node #2
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooooo{$}' at indices 3,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooooo(0,6)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 6
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 6
Splitting edge ooooooo(0,6) at index 6 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> oooooo(0,5) --> node #3 --> o(6,6)
=> ActiveEdge is now: oooooo(0,5)
=> Connected node #2 to node #3
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooooo{$}' at indices 4,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooooo(0,5)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 5
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 5
Splitting edge oooooo(0,5) at index 5 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ooooo(0,4) --> node #4 --> o(5,5)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ooooo(0,4)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooo{$}' at indices 5,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooo(0,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 4
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
Splitting edge ooooo(0,4) at index 4 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> oooo(0,3) --> node #5 --> o(4,4)
=> ActiveEdge is now: oooo(0,3)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooo{$}' at indices 6,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooo(0,3)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge oooo(0,3) at index 3 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ooo(0,2) --> node #6 --> o(3,3)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ooo(0,2)
=> Connected node #5 to node #6
Adding new edge to node #6
=> node #6 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oo{$}' at indices 7,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooo(0,2)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge ooo(0,2) at index 2 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> oo(0,1) --> node #7 --> o(2,2)
=> ActiveEdge is now: oo(0,1)
=> Connected node #6 to node #7
Adding new edge to node #7
=> node #7 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'o{$}' at indices 8,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oo(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge oo(0,1) at index 1 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> o(0,0) --> node #8 --> o(1,1)
=> ActiveEdge is now: o(0,0)
=> Connected node #7 to node #8
Adding new edge to node #8
=> node #8 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is '{$}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with '$' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> $(9,#)
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{m}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'm' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> m(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{i}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'i' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> i(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{s}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 's' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> s(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{s}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 's' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: ss(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 's{i}' at indices 3,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ssi(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge ssi(2,#) at index 3 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> s(2,2) --> node #1 --> si(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: s(2,2)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> i(4,#)
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{i}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'i' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: issi(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'i{s}' at indices 4,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: issis(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 's' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'is{s}' at indices 4,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ississ(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 's' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 3
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'iss{i}' at indices 4,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ississi(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
The next character on the current edge is 'i' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 4
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'issi{p}' at indices 4,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ississip(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 4
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
Splitting edge ississip(1,#) at index 5 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> issi(1,4) --> node #2 --> ssip(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: issi(1,4)
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> p(8,#)
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─ssip
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'ssi{p}' at indices 5,8
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: sissip(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge sissip(3,#) at index 5 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> si(3,4) --> node #3 --> ssip(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: si(3,4)
=> Connected node #2 to node #3
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> p(8,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─ssip
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'si{p}' at indices 6,8
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: issip(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge issip(4,#) at index 5 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> i(4,4) --> node #4 --> ssip(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: i(4,4)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> p(8,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ └─ssip
│ └─ssip
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'i{p}' at indices 7,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: issi(1,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge issi(1,4) at index 2 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> i(1,1) --> node #5 --> ssi(2,4)
=> ActiveEdge is now: i(1,1)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> p(8,#)
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─p
│ └─ssip
│ └─ssip
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{p}' at indices 8,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'p' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> p(8,#)
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─p
│ └─ssip
│ └─ssip
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{p}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'p' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: pp(8,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─pp
│ └─ssipp
│ └─ssipp
=== ITERATION 10 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'p{i}' at indices 9,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ppi(8,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge ppi(8,#) at index 9 ('p')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> p(8,8) --> node #6 --> pi(9,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: p(8,8)
Adding new edge to node #6
=> node #6 --> i(10,#)
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─ppi
│ └─ssippi
│ └─pi
│ └─ssippi
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{i}' at indices 10,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'i' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─ppi
│ └─ssippi
│ └─pi
│ └─ssippi
=== ITERATION 11 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'i{$}' at indices 10,11
=> ActiveNode: node #5
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #5 starting with '$' not found
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> $(11,#)
The linked node for active node node #5 is [null]
│ ├─ppi$
│ └─ssi──(2)┬─ppi$
│ └─ssippi$
│ └─pi$
│ └─ssippi$
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{$}' at indices 11,11
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with '$' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> $(11,#)
│ ├─ppi$
│ └─ssi──(2)┬─ppi$
│ └─ssippi$
│ └─pi$
│ └─ssippi$
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{a}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> a(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{l}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'l' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> l(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{m}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'm' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> m(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{a}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: alma(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'a{s}' at indices 3,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: almas(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge almas(0,#) at index 1 ('l')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> a(0,0) --> node #1 --> lmas(1,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: a(0,0)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> s(4,#)
│ └─s
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{s}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 's' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> s(4,#)
│ └─s
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{a}' at indices 5,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─sa
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'a{m}' at indices 5,6
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'm' not found
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> m(6,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ ├─m
│ └─sam
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{m}' at indices 6,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'm' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: masam(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ ├─m
│ └─sam
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'm{o}' at indices 6,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: masamo(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge masamo(2,#) at index 3 ('a')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> m(2,2) --> node #2 --> asamo(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: m(2,2)
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> o(7,#)
│ ├─mo
│ └─samo
│ └─o
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{o}' at indices 7,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> o(7,#)
│ ├─mo
│ └─samo
│ └─o
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{l}' at indices 8,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'l' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: lmasamol(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ ├─mol
│ └─samol
│ └─ol
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'l{m}' at indices 8,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: lmasamolm(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'm' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
│ ├─molm
│ └─samolm
│ └─olm
=== ITERATION 10 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'lm{a}' at indices 8,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: lmasamolma(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 'a' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 3
│ ├─molma
│ └─samolma
│ └─olma
=== ITERATION 11 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'lma{z}' at indices 8,11
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: lmasamolmaz(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge lmasamolmaz(1,#) at index 4 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> lma(1,3) --> node #3 --> samolmaz(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: lma(1,3)
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> z(11,#)
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ ├─molmaz
│ └─samolmaz
│ └─z
│ └─olmaz
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'ma{z}' at indices 9,11
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: asamolmaz(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge asamolmaz(3,#) at index 4 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #2 --> a(3,3) --> node #4 --> samolmaz(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: a(3,3)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> z(11,#)
The linked node for active node node #2 is [null]
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ ├─molmaz
│ └─samolmaz
│ └─z
│ │ └─z
│ └─olmaz
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'a{z}' at indices 10,11
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'z' not found
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> z(11,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ ├─molmaz
│ ├─samolmaz
│ └─z
│ └─z
│ │ └─z
│ └─olmaz
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{z}' at indices 11,11
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'z' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> z(11,#)
│ ├─molmaz
│ ├─samolmaz
│ └─z
│ └─z
│ │ └─z
│ └─olmaz
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atulbond commented May 6, 2013

pheww....atlast i found and article and well written code on suffix tree.Thanks for saving my life.

I have one doubt in the code , I hope you can clarify it.
in UpdateActivePointToLinkedNodeOrRoot() function , when below condition executes :-
if(ActiveEdge != null)
var firstIndexOfOriginalActiveEdge = ActiveEdge.StartIndex;
ActiveEdge = ActiveNode.Edges[Word[ActiveEdge.StartIndex]];

should not we do "var firstIndexOfOriginalActiveEdge = ActiveEdge.StartIndex;" AFTER "ActiveEdge = ActiveNode.Edges[Word[ActiveEdge.StartIndex]];"

Because what i can understand from the code is that ...when we mode to linked node using suffix link then we should check if we are at the end of the edge or not ..if yes then normalize it but this normalization should occur at the new node (i.e node we have reached using suffix link).So according to me , code should look like below :-
if(ActiveEdge != null)
ActiveEdge = ActiveNode.Edges[Word[ActiveEdge.StartIndex]];
var firstIndexOfOriginalActiveEdge = ActiveEdge.StartIndex;

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The SO question brings me here and I find your code very helpful! Thank you for sharing!

However, I think there might be some minor problems. The test case "abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex" should be "abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex$" because the end of the original string is "x", which is a substring that occurs before. Also, the sufix tree of "dedododeeodo" has only 12 leaves while the string "dedododeeodo$" has 13 suffixes(You can't find "do$" in the tree). So maybe you leave out some suffix-links in the tree?

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axefrog commented May 12, 2013

Hello, yes I believe there's a bug in the code. I haven't had time to fix it as currently I no longer have a use for the algorithm. Somebody on the StackOverflow thread posted a fix to the theory, but I've yet to see somebody fork the Gist and implement the fix. Feel free to do so.

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