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Aydrian Howard aydrian

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aydrian /
Last active January 25, 2023 18:33
CockroachDB serverless MovR Set up

CockroachDB serverless MovR Set up

Generate schemas and data for MovR and start the demo workload

  1. Download ccloud CLI using Homebrew brew install cockroachdb/tap/ccloud
  2. Create a new Cluster using ccloud quickstart (Choose AWS, us-east-1)
    1. Choose AWS
    2. Choose us-east-1
  3. Create New SQL User: superblocks

CockroachDB Serverless Remix Demo Script

Remixing a Stack to Use CockroachDB Serverless

  1. Create a new Remix Indie Stack application npx create-remix --template remix-run/indie-stack Template calls prisma generate, migrate deploy, and seed.
  2. Download ccloud CLI using Homebrew brew install cockroachdb/tap/ccloud
  3. Create a new Cluster using ccloud quickstart (Choose AWS, us-east-1)
  4. Choose AWS
aydrian / javascript.json
Created January 27, 2021 18:38
Courier Node.js Send VS Code Snippet
"Courier Send (Node.js SDK)": {
"prefix": "csj",
"body": [
"const { messageId } = await ${1:courier}.send({",
"\teventId: \"${2}\",",
"\trecipientId: \"${3}\",",
"\tprofile: {},",
"\tdata: {}",
aydrian / send_sendgrid_inline_images.js
Created January 5, 2021 13:44
Send an email using Courier with SendGrid that includes an inline image.
Required environment variables:
This will grab an image and convert it to a base64 encoded string.
Use `cid:bulbasaur.png` as the image path in the Courier Notification Designer.
const { CourierClient } = require("@trycourier/courier");
const fs = require("fs");
aydrian / send_sparkpost_inline_images.js
Created January 5, 2021 13:28
Send an email using Courier with SparkPost that includes an inline image.
Required environment variables:
This will grab an image and convert it to a base64 encoded string.
Use `cid:bulbasaur.png` as the image path in the Courier Notification Designer.
const { CourierClient } = require("@trycourier/courier");
const fs = require("fs");
aydrian / courier_send_s3_attachment_with_aws-ses.js
Created November 12, 2020 16:01
Send an email using Courier with an attachment from AWS S3 with AWS SES.
Required environment variables:
const S3 = require("@aws-sdk/client-s3");
const { CourierClient } = require("@trycourier/courier");
aydrian / .env
Created August 4, 2020 17:39
Fetch all public Slack Channels for a workspace and create a Courier Profile for each one.
# Slack App must be granted channels:read and chat:write scopes
# Sign into your Courier Account and go to
aydrian /
Created July 31, 2020 15:03
Courier Brands Demo using the Python SDK
import pprint
from trycourier import Courier
from trycourier.exceptions import CourierAPIException
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
client = Courier()
brand_settings = {
'colors': {
aydrian / cosmosdb.js
Last active May 15, 2020 15:08
CosmosDB work around for Aggregation Pipeline deficiency
Recipient Document
_id: "5eb465210e56cee76582f9a3",
tz: "America/New_York",
islanderName: "Aydrian",
islandName: "Echo Creek"
aydrian / mongodb.js
Last active May 11, 2020 17:48
Aggregation Pipeline for TimeZones
Recipient Document
islandName:"Echo Creek"