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Last active December 15, 2022 00:42
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CockroachDB Serverless Remix Demo Script

Remixing a Stack to Use CockroachDB Serverless

  1. Create a new Remix Indie Stack application npx create-remix --template remix-run/indie-stack Template calls prisma generate, migrate deploy, and seed.
  2. Download ccloud CLI using Homebrew brew install cockroachdb/tap/ccloud
  3. Create a new Cluster using ccloud quickstart (Choose AWS, us-east-1)
    1. Choose AWS
    2. Choose us-east-1
    3. Create New SQL User: victor
    4. SQL Password: pAssw0rd1234
    5. Database: indie_stack
    6. Connect to Cluster: General connection string
    7. Copy connection string to DATABASE_URL in .env
  4. Update prisma.schema to use cockroachdb provider
    datasource db {
     provider = "cockroachdb"
     url      = env("DATABASE_URL")
  5. Remove migrations folder: rm -rf prisma/migrations
  6. Create new init migration: npx prisma migrate dev --name init
  7. Rerun setup npm run setup
  8. Start the app: npm run dev
  9. Open http://localhost:3000 and log in
    1. Username:
    2. Password: racheliscool
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