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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Benchmark of fs.stat with promises
// Call fs.stat over and over again really fast.
// Then see how many times it got called.
// Yes, this is a silly benchmark. Most benchmarks are silly.
var path = require('path');
var common = require('../common.js');
var fs = require('fs');
var FILES = [
var VARIANTS = {
promisedAndPromise: createPromiseBasedTest(statViaPromise),
promisedAndCallback: createCallBackBasedTest(statViaPromise),
callbackAndPromise: createPromiseBasedTest(statViaCallback),
callbackAndCallback: createCallBackBasedTest(statViaCallback),
nativeAndCallback: createCallBackBasedTest(fs.stat)
var bench = common.createBenchmark(main, {
dur: [5],
concurrent: [1, 10, 100],
promise: ['native', 'bluebird'],
variant: Object.keys(VARIANTS)
function main(conf) {
var stat = VARIANTS[conf.variant];
if (conf.promise === 'bluebird') Promise = require('bluebird');
var calls = 0;
setTimeout(function() {
}, +conf.dur * 1000);
var cur = +conf.concurrent;
while (cur--) run();
function run() {
var p = stat(next);
if (p) p.then(next);
function next() {
function createCallBackBasedTest(stat) {
return function runStatViaCallbacks(cb) {
stat(FILES[0], function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
function second() {
stat(FILES[1], function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
function third() {
stat(FILES[2], function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
function createPromiseBasedTest(stat) {
return function runStatViaPromises() {
return stat(FILES[0])
.then(function secondP(data) {
return stat(FILES[1]);
.then(function thirdP(data) {
return stat(FILES[2]);
/*---- CODE PASTED FROM lib/fs.js ----*/
var util = require('util');
var pathModule = require('path');
var binding = process.binding('fs');
var FSReqWrap = binding.FSReqWrap;
function statViaCallback(path, callback) {
if (!callback) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
statViaCallback(path, function(err, data) {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);
callback = makeCallback(callback);
if (!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
var req = new FSReqWrap();
req.oncomplete = callback;
binding.stat(pathModule._makeLong(path), req);
// Ensure that callbacks run in the global context. Only use this function
// for callbacks that are passed to the binding layer, callbacks that are
// invoked from JS already run in the proper scope.
function makeCallback(cb) {
if (!util.isFunction(cb)) {
return rethrow();
return function() {
return cb.apply(null, arguments);
function nullCheck(path, callback) {
if (('' + path).indexOf('\u0000') !== -1) {
var er = new Error('Path must be a string without null bytes.');
if (!callback)
throw er;
process.nextTick(function() {
return false;
return true;
function statViaPromise(path, callback) {
if (callback) callback = makeCallback(callback);
var promise = new Promise(function StatPromise(resolve, reject) {
if (rejectIfNull(path, reject)) return;
var req = new FSReqWrap();
req.oncomplete = function resolveStatCompletion(err, result) {
binding.stat(pathModule._makeLong(path), req);
if (!callback) return promise;
.then(function(result) { callback(null, result); })
.catch(function(err) { callback(err); });
// return undefined
function rejectIfNull(path, reject) {
if (('' + path).indexOf('\u0000') !== -1) {
var er = new Error('Path must be a string without null bytes.');
return true;
return false;
Machine: rMBP; 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7; 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
io.js version: v0.11.15-pre (99e7c58)
V8 version: 3.30.37
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=native variant=promisedAndPromise: 15969
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=native variant=promisedAndCallback: 13414
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=native variant=callbackAndPromise: 17753
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=native variant=callbackAndCallback: 38572
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=native variant=nativeAndCallback: 39432
Using Bluebird instead of native promises:
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=bluebird variant=promisedAndPromise: 24612
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=bluebird variant=promisedAndCallback: 22240
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=bluebird variant=callbackAndPromise: 29612
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=bluebird variant=callbackAndCallback: 40402
fs/promised-stat.js dur=5 concurrent=10 promise=bluebird variant=nativeAndCallback: 39807
Statistical profiling result from isolate-0x102000000-v8.log, (17944 ticks, 143 unaccounted, 0 excluded).
ticks total nonlib name
143 0.8%
[Shared libraries]:
ticks total nonlib name
12635 70.4% 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
528 2.9% 0.0% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
474 2.6% 0.0% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
292 1.6% 0.0% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
56 0.3% 0.0% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_m.dylib
40 0.2% 0.0% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
21 0.1% 0.0% /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
9 0.1% 0.0% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
1 0.0% 0.0% /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
ticks total nonlib name
268 1.5% 6.9% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot
240 1.3% 6.2% LazyCompile: PromiseHandle native promise.js:76:23
217 1.2% 5.6% Stub: CEntryStub
142 0.8% 3.7% Stub: CallConstructStub
136 0.8% 3.5% LazyCompile: ~StatPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:145:49
132 0.7% 3.4% LazyCompile: *fs.Stats fs.js:120:20
131 0.7% 3.4% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
130 0.7% 3.3% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
106 0.6% 2.7% KeyedLoadIC: A keyed load IC from the snapshot
104 0.6% 2.7% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {1}
102 0.6% 2.6% LazyCompile: *Date native date.js:62:25
92 0.5% 2.4% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:94:27
86 0.5% 2.2% LazyCompile: PromiseCoerce native promise.js:56:23
83 0.5% 2.1% LazyCompile: ~chain native promise.js:166:35
73 0.4% 1.9% Stub: FastNewClosureStub {1}
71 0.4% 1.8% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
66 0.4% 1.7% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
62 0.3% 1.6% Stub: CompareICStub {1}
59 0.3% 1.5% Stub: CallConstructStub {1}
54 0.3% 1.4% Stub: FastNewContextStub
54 0.3% 1.4% Stub: FastNewClosureStub
54 0.3% 1.4% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {4}
53 0.3% 1.4% LazyCompile: *next /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:48:16
52 0.3% 1.3% Stub: CompareICStub
51 0.3% 1.3% Stub: JSEntryStub {1}
50 0.3% 1.3% LazyCompile: ConfigureTemplateInstance native apinatives.js:63:35
49 0.3% 1.3% Stub: JSEntryStub
43 0.2% 1.1% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {2}
42 0.2% 1.1% LazyCompile: *rejectIfNull /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:162:22
42 0.2% 1.1% KeyedLoadIC: {97}
41 0.2% 1.1% Stub: StoreTransitionStub
41 0.2% 1.1% LazyCompile: ~resolveStatCompletion /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:148:52
40 0.2% 1.0% LazyCompile: *IsPromise native promise.js:114:29
35 0.2% 0.9% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:28:11
34 0.2% 0.9% Stub: InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub
31 0.2% 0.8% Stub: promiseRaw
31 0.2% 0.8% KeyedStoreIC: A keyed store IC from the snapshot
31 0.2% 0.8% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {3}
29 0.2% 0.7% Stub: symbol(hash 1fa6f443)
28 0.2% 0.7% Stub: push
27 0.2% 0.7% LazyCompile: ~resolve native promise.js:137:17
27 0.2% 0.7% LazyCompile: *PromiseDone native promise.js:50:21
27 0.2% 0.7% Handler: An IC handler from the snapshot {2}
26 0.1% 0.7% LazyCompile: *defer native promise.js:132:25
25 0.1% 0.6% Stub: ToBooleanStub(Undefined,SpecObject)
25 0.1% 0.6% Stub: LoadConstantStub {1}
25 0.1% 0.6% Stub: FastNewContextStub {1}
25 0.1% 0.6% Stub: CallICStub(args(2), METHOD,
25 0.1% 0.6% LazyCompile: *PromiseInit native promise.js:46:21
23 0.1% 0.6% LazyCompile: ~thirdP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:83:28
22 0.1% 0.6% LazyCompile: *posix._makeLong path.js:530:27
21 0.1% 0.5% Stub: ToBooleanStub
20 0.1% 0.5% Stub: oncomplete {1}
20 0.1% 0.5% LazyCompile: *then native promise.js:200:33
19 0.1% 0.5% Stub: LoadConstantStub
17 0.1% 0.4% LazyCompile: *PromiseEnqueue native promise.js:92:24
16 0.1% 0.4% Stub: constructor {NaN}
15 0.1% 0.4% Stub: InternalArrayConstructorStub
14 0.1% 0.4% Stub: IsPromise {1}
14 0.1% 0.4% Stub: CompareICStub {3}
13 0.1% 0.3% Stub: LoadFastElementStub
13 0.1% 0.3% Stub: CompareICStub {7}
13 0.1% 0.3% Stub: CompareICStub {6}
13 0.1% 0.3% LazyCompile: *indexOf native string.js:54:25
13 0.1% 0.3% LazyCompile: *PromiseResolve native promise.js:120:39
13 0.1% 0.3% Handler: An IC handler from the snapshot {1}
12 0.1% 0.3% KeyedLoadIC: {99}
12 0.1% 0.3% Handler: An IC handler from the snapshot {3}
11 0.1% 0.3% Handler: An IC handler from the snapshot
10 0.1% 0.3% Stub: LoadFastElementStub {1}
10 0.1% 0.3% LazyCompile: ~secondP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:80:29
9 0.1% 0.2% Stub: FastNewContextStub {3}
9 0.1% 0.2% Stub: CompareICStub {8}
8 0.0% 0.2% Stub: LoadConstantStub {2}
7 0.0% 0.2% Stub: PromiseChain
7 0.0% 0.2% Stub: CompareICStub {5}
7 0.0% 0.2% KeyedLoadIC: symbol("Promise#status" hash 16f76b3f)
6 0.0% 0.2% Stub: promiseOnResolve
6 0.0% 0.2% Stub: promiseHasHandler
6 0.0% 0.2% Stub: FastNewContextStub {2}
6 0.0% 0.2% Stub: CompareICStub {4}
4 0.0% 0.1% Stub: PromiseResolve
3 0.0% 0.1% Stub: promiseStatus
3 0.0% 0.1% Stub: RecordWriteStub {3}
3 0.0% 0.1% LazyCompile: ~indexOf native string.js:54:25
3 0.0% 0.1% KeyedLoadIC: symbol("Promise#onReject" hash 392de1fd)
3 0.0% 0.1% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {7}
3 0.0% 0.1% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {5}
2 0.0% 0.1% Stub: promiseOnReject
2 0.0% 0.1% Stub: RecordWriteStub {1}
2 0.0% 0.1% KeyedLoadIC: symbol("Promise#onResolve" hash e03bee5)
2 0.0% 0.1% Handler: An IC handler from the snapshot {5}
2 0.0% 0.1% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {8}
1 0.0% 0.0% Stub: compile
1 0.0% 0.0% Stub: RecordWriteStub {4}
1 0.0% 0.0% Stub: RecordWriteStub {2}
1 0.0% 0.0% Stub: RecordWriteStub
1 0.0% 0.0% Stub: CompareICStub {2}
1 0.0% 0.0% LazyCompile: ~PromiseDone native promise.js:50:21
1 0.0% 0.0% LazyCompile: ~Date native date.js:62:25
ticks total nonlib name
ticks total nonlib name
1457 8.1%
[Bottom up (heavy) profile]:
Note: percentage shows a share of a particular caller in the total
amount of its parent calls.
Callers occupying less than 2.0% are not shown.
ticks parent name
12635 70.4% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
8984 71.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
3162 35.2% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
2145 67.8% LazyCompile: *PromiseInit native promise.js:46:21
1268 59.1% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
1268 100.0% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
877 40.9% LazyCompile: *defer native promise.js:132:25
877 100.0% LazyCompile: ~chain native promise.js:166:35
1013 32.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseDone native promise.js:50:21
1013 100.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseResolve native promise.js:120:39
541 53.4% LazyCompile: ~resolve native promise.js:137:17
472 46.6% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:28:11
3055 34.0% LazyCompile: ~StatPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:145:49
3055 100.0% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
3054 100.0% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
1486 48.7% LazyCompile: ~secondP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:80:29
786 25.7% LazyCompile: *next /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:48:16
782 25.6% LazyCompile: ~thirdP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:83:28
631 7.0% LazyCompile: *IsPromise native promise.js:114:29
462 73.2% LazyCompile: PromiseCoerce native promise.js:56:23
462 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
462 100.0% LazyCompile: PromiseHandle native promise.js:76:23
168 26.6% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
168 100.0% LazyCompile: PromiseHandle native promise.js:76:23
168 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:94:27
522 5.8% LazyCompile: ~chain native promise.js:166:35
310 59.4% LazyCompile: *then native promise.js:200:33
310 100.0% LazyCompile: *next /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:48:16
310 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
212 40.6% LazyCompile: PromiseHandle native promise.js:76:23
212 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:94:27
472 5.3% LazyCompile: *PromiseEnqueue native promise.js:92:24
468 99.2% LazyCompile: *PromiseDone native promise.js:50:21
468 100.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseResolve native promise.js:120:39
246 52.6% LazyCompile: ~resolve native promise.js:137:17
222 47.4% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:28:11
341 3.8% LazyCompile: *Date native date.js:62:25
341 100.0% LazyCompile: *fs.Stats fs.js:120:20
269 3.0% LazyCompile: *indexOf native string.js:54:25
269 100.0% LazyCompile: *rejectIfNull /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:162:22
269 100.0% LazyCompile: ~StatPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:145:49
269 100.0% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
203 2.3% LazyCompile: PromiseHandle native promise.js:76:23
203 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:94:27
528 2.9% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
463 87.7% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
306 66.1% LazyCompile: PromiseHandle native promise.js:76:23
306 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:94:27
144 31.1% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
143 99.3% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
50 35.0% LazyCompile: *next /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:48:16
50 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
47 32.9% LazyCompile: ~thirdP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:83:28
47 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
46 32.2% LazyCompile: ~secondP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:80:29
46 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
474 2.6% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
349 73.6% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
126 36.1% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
110 87.3% LazyCompile: *PromiseInit native promise.js:46:21
66 60.0% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
66 100.0% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
44 40.0% LazyCompile: *defer native promise.js:132:25
44 100.0% LazyCompile: ~chain native promise.js:166:35
16 12.7% LazyCompile: *PromiseDone native promise.js:50:21
16 100.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseResolve native promise.js:120:39
13 81.3% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:28:11
3 18.8% LazyCompile: ~resolve native promise.js:137:17
80 22.9% LazyCompile: PromiseHandle native promise.js:76:23
80 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:94:27
43 12.3% LazyCompile: ~chain native promise.js:166:35
24 55.8% LazyCompile: PromiseHandle native promise.js:76:23
24 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:94:27
19 44.2% LazyCompile: *then native promise.js:200:33
19 100.0% LazyCompile: *next /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:48:16
19 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
33 9.5% LazyCompile: ~StatPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:145:49
33 100.0% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
33 100.0% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
15 45.5% LazyCompile: ~secondP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:80:29
9 27.3% LazyCompile: ~thirdP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:83:28
9 27.3% LazyCompile: *next /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:48:16
21 6.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseEnqueue native promise.js:92:24
20 95.2% LazyCompile: *PromiseDone native promise.js:50:21
20 100.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseResolve native promise.js:120:39
16 80.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:28:11
4 20.0% LazyCompile: ~resolve native promise.js:137:17
1 4.8% LazyCompile: ~PromiseDone native promise.js:50:21
1 100.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseResolve native promise.js:120:39
1 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:28:11
20 5.7% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
20 100.0% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
9 45.0% LazyCompile: ~thirdP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:83:28
9 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
6 30.0% LazyCompile: *next /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:48:16
6 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
5 25.0% LazyCompile: ~secondP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:80:29
5 100.0% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
12 3.4% LazyCompile: *Date native date.js:62:25
12 100.0% LazyCompile: *fs.Stats fs.js:120:20
[Top down (heavy) profile]:
Note: callees occupying less than 0.1% are not shown.
inclusive self name
ticks total ticks total
11712 65.3% 92 0.5% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:94:27
11553 64.4% 227 1.3% LazyCompile: PromiseHandle native promise.js:76:23
8664 48.3% 128 0.7% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:209:9
2980 16.6% 53 0.3% LazyCompile: *next /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:48:16
1725 9.6% 26 0.1% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
1639 9.1% 49 0.3% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
979 5.5% 26 0.1% LazyCompile: ~StatPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:145:49
797 4.4% 0 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
786 4.4% 786 4.4% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
74 0.4% 9 0.1% LazyCompile: *rejectIfNull /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:162:22
62 0.3% 3 0.0% LazyCompile: *indexOf native string.js:54:25
57 0.3% 0 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
57 0.3% 57 0.3% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
30 0.2% 14 0.1% LazyCompile: ConfigureTemplateInstance native apinatives.js:63:35
475 2.6% 5 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseInit native promise.js:46:21
448 2.5% 5 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
438 2.4% 2 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
420 2.3% 420 2.3% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
86 0.5% 2 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
50 0.3% 50 0.3% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
23 0.1% 23 0.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
20 0.1% 20 0.1% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot
1174 6.5% 20 0.1% LazyCompile: *then native promise.js:200:33
1053 5.9% 43 0.2% LazyCompile: ~chain native promise.js:166:35
579 3.2% 11 0.1% LazyCompile: *defer native promise.js:132:25
512 2.9% 4 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseInit native promise.js:46:21
489 2.7% 3 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
478 2.7% 5 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
457 2.5% 457 2.5% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
19 0.1% 3 0.0% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
357 2.0% 12 0.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
310 1.7% 310 1.7% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
19 0.1% 19 0.1% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
85 0.5% 2 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
83 0.5% 83 0.5% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
2473 13.8% 10 0.1% LazyCompile: ~secondP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:80:29
2450 13.7% 10 0.1% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
2412 13.4% 16 0.1% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
1973 11.0% 74 0.4% LazyCompile: ~StatPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:145:49
1511 8.4% 5 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
1486 8.3% 1486 8.3% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
181 1.0% 21 0.1% LazyCompile: *rejectIfNull /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:162:22
158 0.9% 4 0.0% LazyCompile: *indexOf native string.js:54:25
146 0.8% 0 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
146 0.8% 146 0.8% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
70 0.4% 28 0.2% LazyCompile: ConfigureTemplateInstance native apinatives.js:63:35
24 0.1% 0 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
24 0.1% 24 0.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
31 0.2% 31 0.2% Stub: CallConstructStub {1}
18 0.1% 18 0.1% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {3}
283 1.6% 5 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseInit native promise.js:46:21
265 1.5% 0 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
264 1.5% 2 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
243 1.4% 243 1.4% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
19 0.1% 19 0.1% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
81 0.5% 0 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
46 0.3% 46 0.3% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
26 0.1% 26 0.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
22 0.1% 22 0.1% Stub: FastNewClosureStub
2110 11.8% 23 0.1% LazyCompile: ~thirdP /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:83:28
2034 11.3% 35 0.2% LazyCompile: *statViaPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:142:24
1915 10.7% 58 0.3% LazyCompile: Promise native promise.js:20:23
1009 5.6% 36 0.2% LazyCompile: ~StatPromise /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:145:49
792 4.4% 0 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
782 4.4% 782 4.4% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
92 0.5% 12 0.1% LazyCompile: *rejectIfNull /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:162:22
77 0.4% 6 0.0% LazyCompile: *indexOf native string.js:54:25
66 0.4% 0 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
66 0.4% 66 0.4% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
693 3.9% 11 0.1% LazyCompile: *PromiseInit native promise.js:46:21
660 3.7% 9 0.1% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
641 3.6% 5 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
605 3.4% 605 3.4% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
31 0.2% 31 0.2% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
94 0.5% 0 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
47 0.3% 47 0.3% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
34 0.2% 34 0.2% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
22 0.1% 22 0.1% Stub: FastNewContextStub
34 0.2% 34 0.2% Stub: FastNewClosureStub {1}
21 0.1% 21 0.1% Stub: CallConstructStub
18 0.1% 18 0.1% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot
37 0.2% 37 0.2% KeyedLoadIC: {97}
712 4.0% 84 0.5% LazyCompile: PromiseCoerce native promise.js:56:23
525 2.9% 15 0.1% LazyCompile: *IsPromise native promise.js:114:29
476 2.7% 11 0.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
462 2.6% 462 2.6% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
23 0.1% 23 0.1% KeyedLoadIC: A keyed load IC from the snapshot
62 0.3% 62 0.3% Stub: CompareICStub {1}
29 0.2% 29 0.2% Stub: symbol(hash 1fa6f443)
191 1.1% 9 0.1% LazyCompile: *IsPromise native promise.js:114:29
170 0.9% 1 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
168 0.9% 168 0.9% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
52 0.3% 52 0.3% Stub: CompareICStub
998 5.6% 25 0.1% LazyCompile: ~resolve native promise.js:137:17
946 5.3% 3 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseResolve native promise.js:120:39
932 5.2% 13 0.1% LazyCompile: *PromiseDone native promise.js:50:21
587 3.3% 20 0.1% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
551 3.1% 7 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
541 3.0% 541 3.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
278 1.5% 9 0.1% LazyCompile: *PromiseEnqueue native promise.js:92:24
253 1.4% 3 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
246 1.4% 246 1.4% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
32 0.2% 32 0.2% KeyedLoadIC: A keyed load IC from the snapshot
24 0.1% 0 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
948 5.3% 37 0.2% LazyCompile: ~chain native promise.js:166:35
547 3.0% 3 0.0% LazyCompile: *defer native promise.js:132:25
508 2.8% 0 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseInit native promise.js:46:21
490 2.7% 4 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
482 2.7% 5 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
420 2.3% 420 2.3% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
29 0.2% 0 0.0% LazyCompile: ConfigureTemplateInstance native apinatives.js:63:35
29 0.2% 29 0.2% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
28 0.2% 28 0.2% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
274 1.5% 16 0.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
212 1.2% 212 1.2% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
24 0.1% 24 0.1% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
20 0.1% 0 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseInit native promise.js:46:21
20 0.1% 20 0.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
605 3.4% 8 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
306 1.7% 306 1.7% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
203 1.1% 203 1.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
80 0.4% 80 0.4% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
20 0.1% 20 0.1% Stub: CEntryStub
20 0.1% 10 0.1% LazyCompile: *IsPromise native promise.js:114:29
3468 19.3% 3468 19.3% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
967 5.4% 41 0.2% LazyCompile: ~resolveStatCompletion /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/benchmark/fs/promised-stat.js:148:52
921 5.1% 35 0.2% LazyCompile: ~<anonymous> native promise.js:28:11
872 4.9% 8 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseResolve native promise.js:120:39
852 4.7% 12 0.1% LazyCompile: *PromiseDone native promise.js:50:21
521 2.9% 17 0.1% LazyCompile: *PromiseSet native promise.js:36:20
492 2.7% 7 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
472 2.6% 472 2.6% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
262 1.5% 8 0.0% LazyCompile: *PromiseEnqueue native promise.js:92:24
242 1.3% 3 0.0% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
222 1.2% 222 1.2% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
34 0.2% 34 0.2% KeyedLoadIC: A keyed load IC from the snapshot
893 5.0% 132 0.7% LazyCompile: *fs.Stats fs.js:120:20
557 3.1% 102 0.6% LazyCompile: *Date native date.js:62:25
428 2.4% 19 0.1% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
341 1.9% 341 1.9% /Users/bajtos/src/io.js/out/Release/node
56 0.3% 56 0.3% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_m.dylib
27 0.2% 27 0.2% Stub: CEntryStub
103 0.6% 103 0.6% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot
48 0.3% 48 0.3% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {1}
42 0.2% 42 0.2% Stub: CallConstructStub
287 1.6% 287 1.6% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
125 0.7% 125 0.7% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
100 0.6% 100 0.6% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot
65 0.4% 65 0.4% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
51 0.3% 51 0.3% Stub: JSEntryStub {1}
43 0.2% 43 0.2% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {2}
41 0.2% 41 0.2% Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot {4}
40 0.2% 0 0.0% Function: ~<anonymous> node.js:30:10
38 0.2% 0 0.0% LazyCompile: ~startup node.js:33:19
37 0.2% 37 0.2% Stub: JSEntryStub
33 0.2% 33 0.2% Stub: CallConstructStub
32 0.2% 32 0.2% /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
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In bluebird you would implement it like

var stat = Promise.promisify(fs.stat);
var statViaPromise = function(path, callback) {
    return stat(path).nodeify(callback);

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