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Created August 15, 2012 11:56
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Subset sum
(def sum-of-pos-elements (memoize (fn [xs] (apply + (filter #(>= % 0) xs)))))
(def sum-of-neg-elements (memoize (fn [xs] (apply + (filter #(< % 0) xs)))))
(defn subset-sum
"Returns the indexes of elements in xs whose sum is s"
([xs s]
(subset-sum xs (dec (count xs)) s))
([xs i s]
"Returns the indexes of elements x0...xi (in xs) whose sum is s"
(let [sol (subset-sum xs i s [])]
(if (empty? sol) nil sol)))
([xs i s sol]
(let [P (sum-of-pos-elements xs)
N (sum-of-neg-elements xs)]
(or (< s N) (> s P)) sol
(zero? i) (if (= (first xs) s) (conj sol 0) sol)
(let [not-using-xi-s (fn [] (subset-sum xs (dec i) s sol))
not-using-xi-s-minus-xi (fn [] (subset-sum xs (dec i) (- s (nth xs i)) sol))]
(= (nth xs i) s) (conj sol i)
(not (empty? (not-using-xi-s))) (not-using-xi-s)
(not (empty? (not-using-xi-s-minus-xi))) (conj (not-using-xi-s-minus-xi) i)
:else []))))))
(def subset-sum (memoize subset-sum))
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Why not:

(def sum-of-pos-elements (memoize (fn [xs] (apply + (filter pos? xs)))))


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Sure, that's even better :) I have yet to fully realize there's a function for everything in Clojure :)

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