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bangedorrunt ヽ(ヅ)ノ bangedorrunt

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lesserfish /
Last active September 29, 2024 21:22
Setting up NixOS with impermanence!

Nix OS with impermanence

The following steps describe how to set up NixOS with impermanence using a ZFS drive.

Getting an initial configuration file

The configuration file generated by nixos-generate-config is quite barebones. If you are comfortable creating the initial configuration.nix file yourself, feel free to skip these steps.

  1. Run the NixOS installer normally. Install NixOS on your entire hard drive.
  2. Once finished, do NOT restart
algal / colorize-emacs.bashsource
Last active August 4, 2023 17:46
Setting up truecolor (24 bit color) in emacs in the terminal, under iTerm2,, and others.
# sourcing this file will define a bash functions that
# tries to run subsequent calls to emacs with 24 bit color.
# It sets TERM=xterm-emacs-leg if
# - we've created a user-local terminfo record for xterm-emacs-leg, and
# - we're using iTerm2 or something has set COLORTERM=truecolor
# This will cause emacs to use 24 bit color only when it will work,
# inside or outside of tmux. I haven't found a way to auto-detect yet.
kaushikgopal / karabiner.edn
Last active May 16, 2024 00:57
My source Karabiner file in Goku's edn format - Now lives @
;; File has moved over to
;; Feel free to raise github issues in that repo, if you have questions/comments/edits
skyzyx /
Last active December 5, 2024 23:06
Using GNU command line tools in macOS instead of FreeBSD tools

macOS is a Unix, and not built on Linux.

I think most of us realize that macOS isn't a Linux OS, but what that also means is that instead of shipping with the GNU flavor of command line tools, it ships with the FreeBSD flavor. As such, writing shell scripts which can work across both platforms can sometimes be challenging.


Homebrew can be used to install the GNU versions of tools onto your Mac, but they are all prefixed with "g" by default.

All commands have been installed with the prefix "g". If you need to use these commands with their normal names, you can add a "gnubin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc.

justbur /
Last active October 17, 2022 02:51
Install pdf-tools on windows with msys2

Notes for compiling and setting up pdf-tools using msys2


  1. Open msys2 shell
  2. Get pdf-tools
    git clone
    cd pdf-tools

Just some notes and references for myself.

  • In bash, you can access your C:\ drive via /mnt/c/
  • ~ = C:\Users\MLM\AppData\Local\lxss\home\mlm and is different from your Windows user directory C:\Users\MLM

How to google things

alirobe / reclaimWindows10.ps1
Last active December 22, 2024 05:53
This Windows 10 Setup Script turns off a bunch of unnecessary Windows 10 telemetery, bloatware, & privacy things. Not guaranteed to catch everything. Review and tweak before running. Reboot after running. Scripts for reversing are included and commented. Fork of (different defaults). N.…
### UPDATE: For Win 11, I recommend using this tool in place of this script:
### iwr -useb | iex
lethee /
Created March 21, 2016 07:53
Sublime Text 3: Apply NVM environment
# Save this file
# mac - "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/"
# linux - "~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/"
# ~/.nvm/alias/default must contain full version name.
# $ nvm alias default v4.3.5
import os
Bekbolatov /
Last active October 7, 2024 04:03
Clean tmux cheat-sheet

Clean tmux cheat-sheet

By resources


list-sessions        ls         -- List sessions managed by server
new-session          new        -- Create a new session
ericandrewlewis /
Last active June 6, 2024 01:43
C++ Pointer Tutorial

C++ Pointer Tutorial

Because pointers can be ugh

"Regular" variables (not pointers)

To understand a pointer, let's review "regular" variables first. If you're familiar with a programming language without pointers like JavaScript, this is what you think when you hear "variable".

When declaring a variable by identifier (or name), the variable is synonymous with its value.