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Last active February 27, 2025 09:55
Using GNU command line tools in macOS instead of FreeBSD tools

macOS is a Unix, and not built on Linux.

I think most of us realize that macOS isn't a Linux OS, but what that also means is that instead of shipping with the GNU flavor of command line tools, it ships with the FreeBSD flavor. As such, writing shell scripts which can work across both platforms can sometimes be challenging.


Homebrew can be used to install the GNU versions of tools onto your Mac, but they are all prefixed with "g" by default.

All commands have been installed with the prefix "g". If you need to use these commands with their normal names, you can add a "gnubin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc.

Choosing GNU for Consistency

You can install most of the GNU flavored tools with:

brew install autoconf bash binutils coreutils diffutils ed findutils flex gawk \
    gnu-indent gnu-sed gnu-tar gnu-which gpatch grep gzip less m4 make nano \
    screen watch wdiff wget zip

Assuming you have a fairly standard Terminal/shell environment, and assuming that you want to use the GNU versions instead of the BSD versions for everything you've installed with Homebrew, you can append the following to your ~/.profile file.

UPDATE (2022-06-16): I now have an Intel MacBook Pro and an Apple Silicon Mac Studio. Homebrew moved with the new CPU architecture, so the following is what I now use that works across both machines (my shell profile is shared across machines with Dropbox and symlinks).

if [ -f "/opt/homebrew/bin/brew" ]; then

if type "${BREW_BIN}" &> /dev/null; then
    export BREW_PREFIX="$("${BREW_BIN}" --prefix)"
    for bindir in "${BREW_PREFIX}/opt/"*"/libexec/gnubin"; do export PATH=$bindir:$PATH; done
    for bindir in "${BREW_PREFIX}/opt/"*"/bin"; do export PATH=$bindir:$PATH; done
    for mandir in "${BREW_PREFIX}/opt/"*"/libexec/gnuman"; do export MANPATH=$mandir:$MANPATH; done
    for mandir in "${BREW_PREFIX}/opt/"*"/share/man/man1"; do export MANPATH=$mandir:$MANPATH; done

coreutils provides:

[, b2sum, base32, base64, basename, basenc, cat, chcon, chgrp, chmod, chown, chroot, cksum, comm, cp, csplit, cut, date, dd, df, dir, dircolors, dirname, du, echo, env, expand, expr, factor, false, fmt, fold, groups, head, hostid, id, install, join, kill, link, ln, logname, ls, md5sum, mkdir, mkfifo, mknod, mktemp, mv, nice, nl, nohup, nproc, numfmt, od, paste, pathchk, pinky, pr, printenv, printf, ptx, pwd, readlink, realpath, rm, rmdir, runcon, seq, sha1sum, sha224sum, sha256sum, sha384sum, sha512sum, shred, shuf, sleep, sort, split, stat, stdbuf, stty, sum, sync, tac, tail, tee, test, timeout, touch, tr, true, truncate, tsort, tty, uname, unexpand, uniq, unlink, uptime, users, vdir, wc, who, whoami, yes

ed provides:

ed, red

gawk provides:


grep provides:

egrep, fgrep, grep

gnu-sed provides:


gnu-tar provides:


make provides:


findutils provides:

find, locate, updatedb, xargs

zip provides:


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The proposed find based solution takes about 5 seconds to execute on my system. The following bash snippet executes in a fraction of a second.

if type brew &>/dev/null; then
  HOMEBREW_PREFIX=$(brew --prefix)
  # gnubin; gnuman
  for d in ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/*/libexec/gnubin; do export PATH=$d:$PATH; done
  # I actually like that man grep gives the BSD grep man page
  #for d in ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/*/libexec/gnuman; do export MANPATH=$d:$MANPATH; done

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jwcrandall commented Oct 16, 2019

Do you know if there is a brew install command for the BSD Linker ld?

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skyzyx commented May 10, 2020

@abouteiller: You're right. That's better. Updated.

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skyzyx commented May 10, 2020

@SantaXXL: Maybe, but I prefer to avoid solutions which claim to be "transparent" or "magic". I'd prefer to understand what I'm adding to my system.

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The proposed find based solution takes about 5 seconds to execute on my system. The following bash snippet executes in a fraction of a second.

if type brew &>/dev/null; then
  HOMEBREW_PREFIX=$(brew --prefix)
  # gnubin; gnuman
  for d in ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/*/libexec/gnubin; do export PATH=$d:$PATH; done
  # I actually like that man grep gives the BSD grep man page
  #for d in ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/*/libexec/gnuman; do export MANPATH=$d:$MANPATH; done

Thanks for this, @abouteiller. Worked like a charm!

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Seems like the new snippet does not work as intended.

Get list of gnubin directories

export GNUBINS="$(find /usr/local/opt -type d -follow -name gnubin -print)";

for bindir in ${GNUBINS[@]}; do
export PATH=$bindir:$PATH;

This is the result when using this snippet.
➜ ~ echo $PATH

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try replace

export GNUBINS="$(find /usr/local/opt -type d -follow -name gnubin -print)";


GNUBINS=( $(find /usr/local/opt -type d -follow -name gnubin -print) )

it should do the work.

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The proposed find based solution takes about 5 seconds to execute on my system. The following bash snippet executes in a fraction of a second.

if type brew &>/dev/null; then
  HOMEBREW_PREFIX=$(brew --prefix)
  # gnubin; gnuman
  for d in ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/*/libexec/gnubin; do export PATH=$d:$PATH; done
  # I actually like that man grep gives the BSD grep man page
  #for d in ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/*/libexec/gnuman; do export MANPATH=$d:$MANPATH; done

Works like a charm! Thanks @skyzyx and @abouteiller.

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OriBenHur commented Jan 17, 2022

if you are like me and you don't like duplicates use this

if type brew &>/dev/null; then
  HOMEBREW_PREFIX=$(brew --prefix)
  # gnubin; gnuman
  for d in ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/*/libexec/gnubin; do NEWPATH=$d:$NEWPATH; done
  # I actually like that man grep gives the BSD grep man page
  #for d in ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/*/libexec/gnuman; do export MANPATH=$d:$MANPATH; done
 export PATH=$(echo ${NEWPATH} | tr ':' '\n' | cat -n | sort -uk2 | sort -n | cut -f2- | xargs | tr ' ' ':')

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obs-gh-robnavarro commented Apr 24, 2024

If you have an M3 Mac AND use Bash (brew install bash) AND have brew in your PATH then the following executes quickly within the ~/.bash_profile:

BREWP=$(brew --cellar)
if [[ -d "$BREWP" ]] ; then	# running on a M? Apple CPU
   unset dirs
   mapfile -t dirs < <( shopt -s globstar; ls -1d "${BREWP}"/**/libexec/gnubin; )
   export PATH=$(IFS=: ; echo "${dirs[*]}"):$PATH

The idea here is to use shell executable ls to create list of directories instead of running a slower shell loop to get the same output. You can extend this for the other directories as needed, just repeat and modify the two rows: unset ... mapfile ... and then follow with appropriate export PATH...

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weirane commented Jun 29, 2024

If I add the MANPATHs, my man command gets very slow with fast-syntax-highlighting (after I type man in the terminal, typing another character takes a long time). I'm assuming the syntax highlighting script needs to be run every time the current command is updated, and the long MANPATH caused the long time. So I have to disable it.

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pa-0 commented Jan 27, 2025

Is there an easy way to set this up to be temporary? For example, if I have a shell script with GNU-dependencies, but I don't want to always have GNU utilities set to default?

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