One Paragraph of project description goes here
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
{ | |
"meta": { | |
"theme": "stackoverflow" | |
}, | |
"basics": { | |
"name": "Virgil", | |
"email": "", | |
"label": "Cloud Engineer", | |
"phone": "+61 419 170 749", | |
"website": "", |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# "unofficial" bash strict mode | |
# See: | |
set -o errexit # Exit when simple command fails 'set -e' | |
set -o errtrace # Exit on error inside any functions or subshells. | |
set -o nounset # Trigger error when expanding unset variables 'set -u' | |
set -o pipefail # Do not hide errors within pipes 'set -o pipefail' | |
IFS=$'\n\t' |
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
– The Git website
Choose one of the following options.
"todo-tree.tags": [ | |
"TODO", | |
"FIXME", | |
"DONE", | |
"INFO", | |
"BUG", | |
"REVIEW", | |
], | |
"todo-tree.defaultHighlight": { | |
"icon": "octoface", |
"files.exclude": { | |
"**/.git": true, | |
"**/.svn": true, | |
"**/.hg": true, | |
"**/CVS": true, | |
"**/.DS_Store": true, | |
"**/_site": true, | |
"**/tmp": true, | |
"**/*.pyc": true, | |
"**/*.asset-cache": true, |
"gitProjectManager.displayProjectPath": true, | |
"gitProjectManager.baseProjectsFolders": [ | |
"C:\\Users\\Username\\Documents\\git" | |
], | |
"gitProjectManager.ignoredFolders": [ | |
"node_modules", | |
"out", | |
"typings", | |
"test", | |
".haxelib" |
#Requires -Version 4 | |
<# | |
.Notes | |
NAME: MyVeeamReport.ps1 | |
CREATED: 22/02/2014 | |
LASTEDIT: 13/01/2016 | |
# graylog2-server | |
![Release]( [![Build Status](]( | |
This is Graylog2. | |
Please follow the release announcements and documentation links on for details. |