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Last active December 5, 2018 13:49
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Capsule : MonoBehaviour
private MeshRenderer _renderer;
private MeshRenderer Renderer => _renderer != null ? _renderer : (_renderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>());
private MeshFilter _filter;
private MeshFilter Filter => _filter != null ? _filter : (_filter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>());
private Mesh _mesh;
void Start()
private Vector2Int _divide = new Vector2Int(20, 20);
/// <summary>
/// 高さ
/// </summary>
public float _height = 1f;
/// <summary>
/// 半径
/// </summary>
float _radius = 0.5f;
void Create()
int divideH = _divide.x;
int divideV = _divide.y;
var data = CreateCapsule(divideH, divideV, _height, _radius);
if (_mesh == null)
_mesh = new Mesh();
_mesh.vertices = data.vertices;
_mesh.SetIndices(data.indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);
Filter.mesh = _mesh;
struct MeshData
public Vector3[] vertices;
public int[] indices;
MeshData CreateCapsule(int divideH, int divideV, float height = 1f, float radius = 0.5f)
divideH = divideH < 4 ? 4 : divideH;
divideV = divideV < 4 ? 4 : divideV;
radius = radius <= 0 ? 0.001f : radius;
// 偶数のみ有効
if (divideV % 2 != 0)
int cnt = 0;
// =============================
// 頂点座標作成
// =============================
int vertCount = divideH * divideV + 2;
var vertices = new Vector3[vertCount];
// 中心角
float centerEulerRadianH = 2f * Mathf.PI / (float) divideH;
float centerEulerRadianV = 2f * Mathf.PI / (float) divideV;
float offsetHeight = height * 0.5f;
// 天面
vertices[cnt++] = new Vector3(0, radius + offsetHeight, 0);
// カプセル上部
for (int vv = 0; vv < divideV / 2; vv++)
var vRadian = (float) (vv + 1) * centerEulerRadianV / 2f;
// 1辺の長さ
var tmpLen = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(vRadian) * radius);
var y = Mathf.Cos(vRadian) * radius;
for (int vh = 0; vh < divideH; vh++)
var pos = new Vector3(
tmpLen * Mathf.Sin((float) vh * centerEulerRadianH),
y + offsetHeight,
tmpLen * Mathf.Cos((float) vh * centerEulerRadianH)
// サイズ反映
vertices[cnt++] = pos;
// カプセル下部
int offset = divideV / 2;
for (int vv = 0; vv < divideV / 2; vv++)
var yRadian = (float) (vv + offset) * centerEulerRadianV / 2f;
// 1辺の長さ
var tmpLen = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(yRadian) * radius);
var y = Mathf.Cos(yRadian) * radius;
for (int vh = 0; vh < divideH; vh++)
var pos = new Vector3(
tmpLen * Mathf.Sin((float) vh * centerEulerRadianH),
y - offsetHeight,
tmpLen * Mathf.Cos((float) vh * centerEulerRadianH)
// サイズ反映
vertices[cnt++] = pos;
// 底面
vertices[cnt] = new Vector3(0, -radius - offsetHeight, 0);
// =============================
// 頂点インデックス作成
// =============================
int topAndBottomTriCount = divideH * 2;
// 側面三角形の数
int aspectTriCount = divideH * (divideV - 2 + 1) * 2;
int[] indices = new int[(topAndBottomTriCount + aspectTriCount) * 3];
int offsetIndex = 0;
cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < divideH * 3; i++)
if (i % 3 == 0)
indices[cnt++] = 0;
else if (i % 3 == 1)
indices[cnt++] = 1 + offsetIndex;
else if (i % 3 == 2)
var index = 2 + offsetIndex++;
// 蓋をする
index = index > divideH ? indices[1] : index;
indices[cnt++] = index;
// 側面Index
/* 頂点を繋ぐイメージ
* 1 - 2
* | |
* 0 - 3
* 0, 1, 2
* 0, 2, 3
* 注意 : 1周した時にClampするのを忘れないように。
// 開始Index番号
int startIndex = indices[1];
// 天面、底面を除いたカプセルIndex要素数
int sideIndexLen = aspectTriCount * 3;
int lap1stIndex = 0;
int lap2ndIndex = 0;
// 一周したときのindex数
int lapDiv = divideH * 2 * 3;
int createSquareFaceCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sideIndexLen; i++)
// 一周の頂点数を超えたら更新(初回も含む)
if (i % lapDiv == 0)
lap1stIndex = startIndex;
lap2ndIndex = startIndex + divideH;
if (i % 6 == 0 || i % 6 == 3)
indices[cnt++] = startIndex;
else if (i % 6 == 1)
indices[cnt++] = startIndex + divideH;
else if (i % 6 == 2 || i % 6 == 4)
if (i > 0 &&
(i % (lapDiv * createSquareFaceCount - 2) == 0 ||
i % (lapDiv * createSquareFaceCount - 4) == 0)
// 1周したときのClamp処理
// 周回ポリゴンの最後から2番目のIndex
indices[cnt++] = lap2ndIndex;
indices[cnt++] = startIndex + divideH + 1;
else if (i % 6 == 5)
if (i > 0 && i % (lapDiv * createSquareFaceCount - 1) == 0)
// 1周したときのClamp処理
// 周回ポリゴンの最後のIndex
indices[cnt++] = lap1stIndex;
indices[cnt++] = startIndex + 1;
// 開始Indexの更新
Debug.LogError("Invalid : " + i);
// 底面Index
offsetIndex = vertices.Length - 1 - divideH;
lap1stIndex = offsetIndex;
var finalIndex = vertices.Length - 1;
int len = divideH * 3;
for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (i % 3 == 0)
// 底面の先頂点
indices[cnt++] = finalIndex;
else if (i % 3 == 1)
indices[cnt++] = offsetIndex;
else if (i % 3 == 2)
var value = 1 + offsetIndex;
if (value >= vertices.Length - 1)
value = lap1stIndex;
indices[cnt++] = value;
return new MeshData()
indices = indices,
vertices = vertices
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