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Last active December 7, 2018 03:19
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extern "C"
float _fooPluginFunction ()
// Unityのメソッドを実行する
// ネイティブ => C#
UnitySendMessage("Go", "FromNativeCall", "Native to C#");
return 5.0F;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class UseTestPlugin : MonoBehaviour
// static libraryの場合は"__Internal"を指定
static extern float _fooPluginFunction();
public static float FooPluginFunction()
return 0;
return _fooPluginFunction();
return 0;
void Update ()
// C# => Native実行
Debug.Log("Update : " + FooPluginFunction());
// Native => C#
public void FromNativeCall (string param)
Debug.Log("FromNativeCall: " + param);
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