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Created July 22, 2024 13:32
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//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {Strings} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
import {Ownable} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import {IERC721Receiver} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/interfaces/IERC721Receiver.sol";
import {IERC165} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/interfaces/IERC165.sol";
import {IERC404} from "./interfaces/IERC404.sol";
import {DoubleEndedQueue} from "./lib/DoubleEndedQueue.sol";
import {ERC721Events} from "./lib/ERC721Events.sol";
import {ERC20Events} from "./lib/ERC20Events.sol";
interface IUniswapV2Factory {
function createPair(
address tokenA,
address tokenB
) external returns (address pair);
interface IUniswapV2Router01 {
function factory() external pure returns (address);
function WETH() external pure returns (address);
contract BUIDL404 is IERC404, Ownable {
using DoubleEndedQueue for DoubleEndedQueue.Uint256Deque;
/// @dev The queue of ERC-721 tokens stored in the contract.
DoubleEndedQueue.Uint256Deque private _storedERC721Ids;
/// @dev are early pros on
bool public earlyPro = true;
uint256 public earlyPro1;
uint256 public earlyPro2;
/// @dev Active indicator
bool public active = false;
address public corePair;
/// @dev uniswap v2 router
address public router = address(0x4752ba5DBc23f44D87826276BF6Fd6b1C372aD24);
/// @dev block number of opened trading
uint256 launchedAt;
/// @dev Token name
string public name;
/// @dev Token symbol
string public symbol;
/// @dev Decimals for ERC-20 representation
uint8 public immutable decimals;
/// @dev Units for ERC-20 representation
uint256 public immutable units;
/// @dev Total supply in ERC-20 representation
uint256 public totalSupply;
/// @dev Current mint counter which also represents the highest
/// minted id, monotonically increasing to ensure accurate ownership
uint256 public minted;
mapping(address => bool) public isErc20Valid;
/// @dev store addresses that a automatic market maker pairs. Any transfer *to* these addresses
/// could be subject to a maximum transfer amount
mapping(address => bool) public ammPairs;
/// @dev Balance of user in ERC-20 representation
mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
/// @dev Allowance of user in ERC-20 representation
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;
/// @dev Approval in ERC-721 representaion
mapping(uint256 => address) public getApproved;
/// @dev Approval for all in ERC-721 representation
mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public isApprovedForAll;
/// @dev Packed representation of ownerOf and owned indices
mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal _ownedData;
/// @dev Array of owned ids in ERC-721 representation
mapping(address => uint256[]) internal _owned;
/// @dev Addresses that are exempt from ERC-721 transfer, typically for gas savings (pairs, routers, etc)
mapping(address => bool) internal _erc721TransferExempt;
/// @dev Address bitmask for packed ownership data
uint256 private constant _BITMASK_ADDRESS = (1 << 160) - 1;
/// @dev Owned index bitmask for packed ownership data
uint256 private constant _BITMASK_OWNED_INDEX = ((1 << 96) - 1) << 160;
/// @dev Constant for token id encoding
uint256 public constant ID_ENCODING_PREFIX = 1 << 255;
/// @dev Notify new pair support
event SetAMMPair(address indexed pair, bool indexed value);
string memory name_,
string memory symbol_,
uint8 decimals_
) Ownable(msg.sender) {
name = name_;
symbol = symbol_;
if (decimals_ < 18) {
revert DecimalsTooLow();
decimals = decimals_;
units = 21500 * (10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 21500 ERC-20 tokens == 1 ERC-721 token
uint256 _totalSupply = 215000000 * 1e18;
earlyPro1 = _totalSupply / 1000; // 0.1%
earlyPro2 = _totalSupply / 1000; // 0.1%
setErc20Valid(owner(), true);
setErc20Valid(address(this), true);
setErc20Valid(address(0xdead), true);
_setERC721TransferExempt(owner(), true);
_mintERC20(owner(), _totalSupply);
function createPair() public onlyOwner {
IUniswapV2Router01 _v2Router = IUniswapV2Router01(router);
corePair = IUniswapV2Factory(_v2Router.factory()).createPair(
setErc20Valid(address(router), true);
setErc20Valid(address(corePair), true);
_setERC721TransferExempt(address(router), true);
setAMMPair(address(corePair), true);
function setAMMPair(
address pair,
bool value
) public onlyOwner {
require(pair != address(0), "Invalid pair");
ammPairs[pair] = value;
_setERC721TransferExempt(address(pair), true);
emit SetAMMPair(pair, value);
function removePro() public onlyOwner {
earlyPro = false;
function setActive() public onlyOwner {
active = true;
launchedAt = block.number;
function setErc20Valid(address to_, bool state_) public onlyOwner {
isErc20Valid[to_] = state_;
function setPros(uint256 _earlyPro2, uint256 _earlyPro1) public onlyOwner {
earlyPro1 = _earlyPro1;
earlyPro2 = _earlyPro2;
/// @notice Function to find owner of a given ERC-721 token
function ownerOf(uint256 id_) public view returns (address erc721Owner) {
erc721Owner = _getOwnerOf(id_);
if (!_isValidTokenId(id_)) {
revert InvalidTokenId();
if (erc721Owner == address(0)) {
revert NotFound();
function owned(address owner_) public view returns (uint256[] memory) {
return _owned[owner_];
function erc721BalanceOf(address owner_) public view returns (uint256) {
return _owned[owner_].length;
function erc20BalanceOf(address owner_) public view returns (uint256) {
return balanceOf[owner_];
function erc20TotalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return totalSupply;
function erc721TotalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return minted;
function getERC721QueueLength() public view returns (uint256) {
return _storedERC721Ids.length();
function getERC721TokensInQueue(
uint256 start_,
uint256 count_
) public view returns (uint256[] memory) {
uint256[] memory tokensInQueue = new uint256[](count_);
for (uint256 i = start_; i < start_ + count_; ) {
tokensInQueue[i - start_] =;
unchecked {
return tokensInQueue;
/// @notice Load erc721 by id
function tokenURI(uint256 id_) public pure returns (string memory) {
return string.concat("", Strings.toString(id_));
/// @notice Function for token approvals
/// @dev This function assumes the operator is attempting to approve
/// an ERC-721 if valueOrId_ is a possibly valid ERC-721 token id.
/// Unlike setApprovalForAll, spender_ must be allowed to be 0x0 so
/// that approval can be revoked.
function approve(address spender_, uint256 valueOrId_) public returns (bool) {
if (_isValidTokenId(valueOrId_)) {
erc721Approve(spender_, valueOrId_);
} else {
return erc20Approve(spender_, valueOrId_);
return true;
function erc721Approve(address spender_, uint256 id_) public {
// Intention is to approve as ERC-721 token (id).
address erc721Owner = _getOwnerOf(id_);
if (
msg.sender != erc721Owner && !isApprovedForAll[erc721Owner][msg.sender]
) {
revert Unauthorized();
getApproved[id_] = spender_;
emit ERC721Events.Approval(erc721Owner, spender_, id_);
/// @dev Providing type(uint256).max for approval value results in an
/// unlimited approval that is not deducted from on transfers.
function erc20Approve(
address spender_,
uint256 value_
) public returns (bool) {
// Prevent granting 0x0 an ERC-20 allowance.
if (spender_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidSpender();
allowance[msg.sender][spender_] = value_;
emit ERC20Events.Approval(msg.sender, spender_, value_);
return true;
/// @notice Function for ERC-721 approvals
function setApprovalForAll(address operator_, bool approved_) public {
// Prevent approvals to 0x0.
if (operator_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidOperator();
isApprovedForAll[msg.sender][operator_] = approved_;
emit ERC721Events.ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, operator_, approved_);
/// @notice Function for mixed transfers from an operator that may be different than 'from'.
/// @dev This function assumes the operator is attempting to transfer an ERC-721
/// if valueOrId is a possible valid token id.
function transferFrom(
address from_,
address to_,
uint256 valueOrId_
) public returns (bool) {
if (_isValidTokenId(valueOrId_)) {
erc721TransferFrom(from_, to_, valueOrId_);
} else {
// Intention is to transfer as ERC-20 token (value).
return erc20TransferFrom(from_, to_, valueOrId_);
return true;
/// @notice Function for ERC-721 transfers from.
/// @dev This function is recommended for ERC721 transfers.
function erc721TransferFrom(address from_, address to_, uint256 id_) public {
// Prevent minting tokens from 0x0.
if (from_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidSender();
// Prevent burning tokens to 0x0.
if (to_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidRecipient();
if (from_ != _getOwnerOf(id_)) {
revert Unauthorized();
// Check that the operator is either the sender or approved for the transfer.
if (
msg.sender != from_ &&
!isApprovedForAll[from_][msg.sender] &&
msg.sender != getApproved[id_]
) {
revert Unauthorized();
// We only need to check ERC-721 transfer exempt status for the recipient
// since the sender being ERC-721 transfer exempt means they have already
// had their ERC-721s stripped away during the rebalancing process.
if (erc721TransferExempt(to_)) {
revert RecipientIsERC721TransferExempt();
// Transfer 1 * units ERC-20 and 1 ERC-721 token.
// ERC-721 transfer exemptions handled above. Can't make it to this point if either is transfer exempt.
_transferERC20(from_, to_, units);
_transferERC721(from_, to_, id_);
/// @notice Function for ERC-20 transfers from.
/// @dev This function is recommended for ERC20 transfers
function erc20TransferFrom(
address from_,
address to_,
uint256 value_
) public returns (bool) {
// Prevent minting tokens from 0x0.
if (from_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidSender();
// Prevent burning tokens to 0x0.
if (to_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidRecipient();
uint256 allowed = allowance[from_][msg.sender];
// Check that the operator has sufficient allowance.
if (allowed != type(uint256).max) {
if (allowance[from_][msg.sender] < value_) {
revert InsufficientAllowance();
allowance[from_][msg.sender] = allowed - value_;
// Transferring ERC-20s directly requires the _transferERC20WithERC721 function.
// Handles ERC-721 exemptions internally.
return _transferERC20WithERC721(from_, to_, value_);
/// @notice Function for ERC-20 transfers.
/// @dev This function assumes the operator is attempting to transfer as ERC-20
/// given this function is only supported on the ERC-20 interface.
/// Treats even large amounts that are valid ERC-721 ids as ERC-20s.
function transfer(address to_, uint256 value_) public returns (bool) {
// Prevent burning tokens to 0x0.
if (to_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidRecipient();
// Transferring ERC-20s directly requires the _transferERC20WithERC721 function.
// Handles ERC-721 exemptions internally.
return _transferERC20WithERC721(msg.sender, to_, value_);
/// @notice Function for ERC-721 transfers with contract support.
/// This function only supports moving valid ERC-721 ids, as it does not exist on the ERC-20
/// spec and will revert otherwise.
function safeTransferFrom(address from_, address to_, uint256 id_) public {
safeTransferFrom(from_, to_, id_, "");
/// @notice Function for ERC-721 transfers with contract support and callback data.
/// This function only supports moving valid ERC-721 ids, as it does not exist on the
/// ERC-20 spec and will revert otherwise.
function safeTransferFrom(
address from_,
address to_,
uint256 id_,
bytes memory data_
) public {
if (!_isValidTokenId(id_)) {
revert InvalidTokenId();
transferFrom(from_, to_, id_);
if (
to_.code.length != 0 &&
IERC721Receiver(to_).onERC721Received(msg.sender, from_, id_, data_) !=
) {
revert UnsafeRecipient();
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public pure returns (bool) {
interfaceId == type(IERC404).interfaceId ||
interfaceId == type(IERC165).interfaceId;
/// @notice Function for self-exemption by owner
function setNonErc721Recepient(address to_, bool state_) public onlyOwner {
_setERC721TransferExempt(to_, state_);
/// @notice Function to check if address is transfer exempt
function erc721TransferExempt(address target_) public view returns (bool) {
return target_ == address(0) || _erc721TransferExempt[target_];
/// @notice For a token token id to be considered valid, it just needs
/// to fall within the range of possible token ids, it does not
/// necessarily have to be minted yet.
function _isValidTokenId(uint256 id_) internal pure returns (bool) {
return id_ > ID_ENCODING_PREFIX && id_ != type(uint256).max;
/// @notice This is the lowest level ERC-20 transfer function, which
/// should be used for both normal ERC-20 transfers as well as minting.
/// Note that this function allows transfers to and from 0x0.
function _transferERC20(address from_, address to_, uint256 value_) private {
if (earlyPro) {
if (
from_ != owner() &&
from_ != address(0) &&
to_ != owner() &&
to_ != address(0) &&
to_ != address(0xdead)
) {
if(!active) {
require(isErc20Valid[from_] || isErc20Valid[to_], "1");
if (ammPairs[from_] && !isErc20Valid[to_]) {
require(value_ <= earlyPro1, "2");
require(value_ + balanceOf[to_] <= earlyPro2, "3");
else if (ammPairs[to_] && !isErc20Valid[from_]) {
require(value_ <= earlyPro1, "4");
} else if (!isErc20Valid[to_]) {
require(value_ + balanceOf[to_] <= earlyPro2, "3");
// Minting is a special case for which we should not check the balance of
// the sender, and we should increase the total supply.
if (from_ == address(0)) {
totalSupply += value_;
} else {
// Deduct value from sender's balance.
balanceOf[from_] -= value_;
// Update the recipient's balance.
// Can be unchecked because on mint, adding to totalSupply is checked, and on transfer balance deduction is checked.
unchecked {
balanceOf[to_] += value_;
emit ERC20Events.Transfer(from_, to_, value_);
/// @notice Consolidated record keeping function for transferring ERC-721s.
/// @dev Assign the token to the new owner, and remove from the old owner.
/// Note that this function allows transfers to and from 0x0.
/// Does not handle ERC-721 exemptions.
function _transferERC721(address from_, address to_, uint256 id_) private {
// If this is not a mint, handle record keeping for transfer from previous owner.
if (from_ != address(0)) {
// On transfer of an NFT, any previous approval is reset.
delete getApproved[id_];
uint256 updatedId = _owned[from_][_owned[from_].length - 1];
if (updatedId != id_) {
uint256 updatedIndex = _getOwnedIndex(id_);
// update _owned for sender
_owned[from_][updatedIndex] = updatedId;
// update index for the moved id
_setOwnedIndex(updatedId, updatedIndex);
// pop
// Check if this is a burn.
if (to_ != address(0)) {
// If not a burn, update the owner of the token to the new owner.
// Update owner of the token to the new owner.
_setOwnerOf(id_, to_);
// Push token onto the new owner's stack.
// Update index for new owner's stack.
_setOwnedIndex(id_, _owned[to_].length - 1);
} else {
// If this is a burn, reset the owner of the token to 0x0 by deleting the token from _ownedData.
delete _ownedData[id_];
emit ERC721Events.Transfer(from_, to_, id_);
/// @notice private function for ERC-20 transfers. Also handles any ERC-721 transfers that may be required.
// Handles ERC-721 exemptions.
function _transferERC20WithERC721(
address from_,
address to_,
uint256 value_
) private returns (bool) {
uint256 erc20BalanceOfSenderBefore = erc20BalanceOf(from_);
uint256 erc20BalanceOfReceiverBefore = erc20BalanceOf(to_);
_transferERC20(from_, to_, value_);
// Preload for gas savings on branches
bool isFromERC721TransferExempt = erc721TransferExempt(from_);
bool isToERC721TransferExempt = erc721TransferExempt(to_);
// Skip _withdrawAndStoreERC721 and/or _retrieveOrMintERC721 for ERC-721 transfer exempt addresses
// 1) to save gas
// 2) because ERC-721 transfer exempt addresses won't always have/need ERC-721s corresponding to their ERC20s.
if (isFromERC721TransferExempt && isToERC721TransferExempt) {
// Case 1) Both sender and recipient are ERC-721 transfer exempt. No ERC-721s need to be transferred.
// NOOP.
} else if (isFromERC721TransferExempt) {
// Case 2) The sender is ERC-721 transfer exempt, but the recipient is not. Contract should not attempt
// to transfer ERC-721s from the sender, but the recipient should receive ERC-721s
// from the bank/minted for any whole number increase in their balance.
// Only cares about whole number increments.
uint256 tokensToRetrieveOrMint = (balanceOf[to_] / units) -
(erc20BalanceOfReceiverBefore / units);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokensToRetrieveOrMint; ) {
unchecked {
} else if (isToERC721TransferExempt) {
// Case 3) The sender is not ERC-721 transfer exempt, but the recipient is. Contract should attempt
// to withdraw and store ERC-721s from the sender, but the recipient should not
// receive ERC-721s from the bank/minted.
// Only cares about whole number increments.
uint256 tokensToWithdrawAndStore = (erc20BalanceOfSenderBefore / units) -
(balanceOf[from_] / units);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokensToWithdrawAndStore; ) {
unchecked {
} else {
// Case 4) Neither the sender nor the recipient are ERC-721 transfer exempt.
// Strategy:
// 1. First deal with the whole tokens. These are easy and will just be transferred.
// 2. Look at the fractional part of the value:
// a) If it causes the sender to lose a whole token that was represented by an NFT due to a
// fractional part being transferred, withdraw and store an additional NFT from the sender.
// b) If it causes the receiver to gain a whole new token that should be represented by an NFT
// due to receiving a fractional part that completes a whole token, retrieve or mint an NFT to the recevier.
// Whole tokens worth of ERC-20s get transferred as ERC-721s without any burning/minting.
uint256 nftsToTransfer = value_ / units;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < nftsToTransfer; ) {
// Pop from sender's ERC-721 stack and transfer them (LIFO)
uint256 indexOfLastToken = _owned[from_].length - 1;
uint256 tokenId = _owned[from_][indexOfLastToken];
_transferERC721(from_, to_, tokenId);
unchecked {
// If the transfer changes either the sender or the recipient's holdings from a fractional to a non-fractional
// amount (or vice versa), adjust ERC-721s.
// First check if the send causes the sender to lose a whole token that was represented by an ERC-721
// due to a fractional part being transferred.
// Process:
// Take the difference between the whole number of tokens before and after the transfer for the sender.
// If that difference is greater than the number of ERC-721s transferred (whole units), then there was
// an additional ERC-721 lost due to the fractional portion of the transfer.
// If this is a self-send and the before and after balances are equal (not always the case but often),
// then no ERC-721s will be lost here.
if (
erc20BalanceOfSenderBefore / units - erc20BalanceOf(from_) / units >
) {
// Then, check if the transfer causes the receiver to gain a whole new token which requires gaining
// an additional ERC-721.
// Process:
// Take the difference between the whole number of tokens before and after the transfer for the recipient.
// If that difference is greater than the number of ERC-721s transferred (whole units), then there was
// an additional ERC-721 gained due to the fractional portion of the transfer.
// Again, for self-sends where the before and after balances are equal, no ERC-721s will be gained here.
if (
erc20BalanceOf(to_) / units - erc20BalanceOfReceiverBefore / units >
) {
return true;
/// @notice Internal function for ERC20 minting
/// @dev This function will allow minting of new ERC20s.
/// If mintCorrespondingERC721s_ is true, and the recipient is not ERC-721 exempt, it will
/// also mint the corresponding ERC721s.
/// Handles ERC-721 exemptions.
function _mintERC20(address to_, uint256 value_) private {
/// You cannot mint to the zero address (you can't mint and immediately burn in the same transfer).
if (to_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidRecipient();
if (totalSupply + value_ > ID_ENCODING_PREFIX) {
revert MintLimitReached();
_transferERC20WithERC721(address(0), to_, value_);
/// @notice Internal function for ERC-721 minting and retrieval from the bank.
/// @dev This function will allow minting of new ERC-721s up to the total fractional supply. It will
/// first try to pull from the bank, and if the bank is empty, it will mint a new token.
/// Does not handle ERC-721 exemptions.
function _retrieveOrMintERC721(address to_) private {
if (to_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidRecipient();
uint256 id;
if (!_storedERC721Ids.empty()) {
// If there are any tokens in the bank, use those first.
// Pop off the end of the queue (FIFO).
id = _storedERC721Ids.popBack();
} else {
// Otherwise, mint a new token, should not be able to go over the total fractional supply.
// Reserve max uint256 for approvals
if (minted == type(uint256).max) {
revert MintLimitReached();
id = ID_ENCODING_PREFIX + minted;
address erc721Owner = _getOwnerOf(id);
// The token should not already belong to anyone besides 0x0 or this contract.
// If it does, something is wrong, as this should never happen.
if (erc721Owner != address(0)) {
revert AlreadyExists();
// Transfer the token to the recipient, either transferring from the contract's bank or minting.
// Does not handle ERC-721 exemptions.
_transferERC721(erc721Owner, to_, id);
/// @notice private function for ERC-721 deposits to bank (this contract).
/// @dev This function will allow depositing of ERC-721s to the bank, which can be retrieved by future minters.
// Does not handle ERC-721 exemptions.
function _withdrawAndStoreERC721(address from_) private {
if (from_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidSender();
// Retrieve the latest token added to the owner's stack (LIFO).
uint256 id = _owned[from_][_owned[from_].length - 1];
// Transfer to 0x0.
// Does not handle ERC-721 exemptions.
_transferERC721(from_, address(0), id);
// Record the token in the contract's bank queue.
/// @notice Initialization function to set pairs / etc, saving gas by avoiding mint / burn on unnecessary targets
function _setERC721TransferExempt(address target_, bool state_) private {
if (target_ == address(0)) {
revert InvalidExemption();
// Adjust the ERC721 balances of the target to respect exemption rules.
// Despite this logic, it is still recommended practice to exempt prior to the target
// having an active balance.
if (state_) {
} else {
_erc721TransferExempt[target_] = state_;
/// @notice Function to reinstate balance on exemption removal
function _reinstateERC721Balance(address target_) private {
uint256 expectedERC721Balance = erc20BalanceOf(target_) / units;
uint256 actualERC721Balance = erc721BalanceOf(target_);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < expectedERC721Balance - actualERC721Balance; ) {
// Transfer ERC721 balance in from pool
unchecked {
/// @notice Function to clear balance on exemption inclusion
function _clearERC721Balance(address target_) private {
uint256 erc721Balance = erc721BalanceOf(target_);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < erc721Balance; ) {
// Transfer out ERC721 balance
unchecked {
function _getOwnerOf(uint256 id_) internal view returns (address ownerOf_) {
uint256 data = _ownedData[id_];
assembly {
ownerOf_ := and(data, _BITMASK_ADDRESS)
function _setOwnerOf(uint256 id_, address owner_) private {
uint256 data = _ownedData[id_];
assembly {
data := add(
and(owner_, _BITMASK_ADDRESS)
_ownedData[id_] = data;
function _getOwnedIndex(
uint256 id_
) internal view returns (uint256 ownedIndex_) {
uint256 data = _ownedData[id_];
assembly {
ownedIndex_ := shr(160, data)
function _setOwnedIndex(uint256 id_, uint256 index_) private {
uint256 data = _ownedData[id_];
if (index_ > _BITMASK_OWNED_INDEX >> 160) {
revert OwnedIndexOverflow();
assembly {
data := add(
and(data, _BITMASK_ADDRESS),
and(shl(160, index_), _BITMASK_OWNED_INDEX)
_ownedData[id_] = data;
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