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Created January 3, 2015 23:46
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JSHint configuration
// The plugin looks for a .jshintrc file in the same directory as the source
// file you're prettifying (or any directory above if it doesn't exist, or in
// your home folder if everything else fails) and uses those options along
// the default ones.
// Details:
// Example:
// Documentation:
"asi": true
, "globals": {
"expect": true
, "globalstrict": true
, "quotmark": true
, "undef": true
, "unused": "vars"
, "boss": true
, "camelcase": true
, "curly": false
, "devel": false
, "eqeqeq": true
, "eqnull": true
, "es5": false
, "evil": false
, "immed": false
, "indent": 4
, "latedef": false
, "laxbreak": true
, "laxcomma": true
, "maxcomplexity": 6
, "maxdepth": 4
, "maxstatements": 25
, "newcap": true
, "noempty": false
, "nonew": true
, "smarttabs": true
, "strict": false
, "trailing": false
, "browser": false
, "jquery": true
, "node": true
, "mocha": true
, "jasmine": true
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