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# study stream aliases | |
# Requires https://github.com/caarlos0/timer to be installed. spd-say should ship with your distro | |
declare -A pomo_options | |
pomo_options["work"]="45" | |
pomo_options["break"]="10" | |
pomodoro () { | |
if [ -n "$1" -a -n "${pomo_options["$1"]}" ]; then | |
val=$1 | |
echo $val | lolcat | |
timer ${pomo_options["$val"]}m | |
spd-say "'$val' session done" | |
fi | |
} | |
alias wo="pomodoro 'work'" | |
alias br="pomodoro 'break'" |
Hey! Can someone please explain how exactly to run it?
Hey! Can someone please explain how exactly to run it?
If you have zsh
you have to find your .zshrc
file in your home directory, open it with a text editor and paste the code at the bottom.
Thank you. Yes, this is what I did, I copied the code at the bottom of it, saved it and closed it.
But if I wanted to run 'work' or 'break' I got the error message: command not found.
Thank you. Yes, this is what I did, I copied the code at the bottom of it, saved it and closed it. But if I wanted to run 'work' or 'break' I got the error message: command not found.
did you try running it with wo
and br
Yes, but unfortunately I got the same errors:
zsh: command not found: wo
zsh: command not found: br
Yes, but unfortunately I got the same errors: zsh: command not found: wo zsh: command not found: br
Things you can try:
- Close your terminal and open it again, as the changes may not take effect until the terminal is restarted.
- Ensure that you have installed all necessary dependencies, such as timer, lolcat, and spd-say.
- Verify that the code you pasted is complete.
- Restart your system to see if that resolves the issue.
- Reinstall zsh and paste the code again.
- Realize that you were using Windows all along.
- Fall into despair and cry in the shower.
- Someone in the future will help you by posting the solution here. (happy ending)
Except the last 3 points I did everyhing and now it is working with 'wo' and 'br'.
Thank you for your help!
Use with:
./timer.sh work 10
./timer.sh break 10
Will be set in minutes.
Quick install instructions for debian:
sudo apt-get install lolcat
echo 'deb [trusted=yes] https://repo.caarlos0.dev/apt/ /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caarlos0.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install timer
declare -A pomo_options
pomodoro () {
if [ -n "$1" -a -n "${pomo_options["$1"]}" ]; then
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo $val | lolcat
timer $minutes"m"
spd-say "'$val' session done"
echo "Usage: pomodoro <work|break> [minutes]"
if [ "$1" == "work" ]; then
pomodoro "work" "$2"
elif [ "$1" == "break" ]; then
pomodoro "break" "$2"
echo "Usage: ./timer.sh <work|break> [minutes]"
#Make sure to install https://github.com/caarlos0/timer
#And make sure to have lolcat installed```
So simple yet very useful, thank you! 💪🏻
I added some artificial intelligense neural network framework library laser surgery hack scripting hackerman logic to this:
# study stream aliases
# Requires https://github.com/caarlos0/timer to be installed. spd-say should ship with your distro
declare -A pomo_options
pomodoro () {
if [ -n "$1" -a -n "${pomo_options["$1"]}" ]; then
echo $val | lolcat
timer ${pomo_options["$val"]}m
spd-say "'$val' session done"
alias wo="pomodoro 'work'"
alias br="pomodoro 'break'"
which improves it by 405.33 (repeating of course) %
This is quite good.
Also, a suggestion of mine is that it would be nice if we can add like a "TODO" list along with it.
This one for
🐟 users