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Created September 13, 2010 19:51
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Save basicxman/577905 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* @author: Andrew Horsman
* @description: Humans vs. Zombies Extractor
// Configuration, meh at a second config file.
$grabPage = '';
$sqlServ = 'localhost';
$sqlUser = 'root';
$sqlPass = 'pass';
$sqlDb = 'humans_zombies';
// Grab the markup up from Humans vs. Zombies website.
echo "[+] Downloading page...\n";
$humansZombiesPage = file_get_contents($grabPage);
// Define a Hash, everytime we find a table data cell (<td>) we'll insert the
// value into the current iterated key (go through the keys in a loop).
// An itearator variable will keep track of the current key we're on,
// we can use array_keys to list all of the $killboard keys in a standard
// array (one that is indexed from 0 thus allowing us to easily iterate
// through keys.
echo "[+] Creating table structure...\n";
$killboard = array(
"name" => array(),
"team" => array(),
"kills" => array(),
"lastfed" => array(),
"slogan" => array()
$boardKeys = array_keys($killboard);
// Initial processing of the page, deleting all instances of \n and \r so we
// don't have to do a multiline RegEx. Then to avoid confusing actual data
// with the <td> tags above the fold, delete any part of the page before
// the `Slogan` column.
echo "[+] Grabbing specific page parts...\n";
$humansZombiesPage = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $humansZombiesPage);
$humansZombiesPage = substr($humansZombiesPage, strpos($humansZombiesPage, "Slogan</td></tr>") + 16);
$humansZombiesPage = substr($humansZombiesPage, 0, strpos($humansZombiesPage, "</table>"));
// Yes, I'm using RegEx to parse HTML
// This RegEx matches any sub string that contains a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9 or
// whitespace, and is wrapped in `<td>` followed by `</td>` (although these
// wrapped tags are not included in the actual match data).
echo "[+] Parsing...\n";
if (!preg_match_all('/(?<=\<td\>)[a-zA-Z0-9\s:\-]*?(?=\<\/td\>)/', $humansZombiesPage, $matches))
die("[-] No data found.");
// preg_match_all puts each RegEx _group_ match into an array, therefore we
// only want the first group at $matches[0].
echo "[+] Poorly coded markup parsed...\n";
$matches = $matches[0];
// Here we're going to iterate through every match. Each time we find a match
// we will place it in the next key of the $killboards Hash. Therefore, the
// first match will go into $killboard["name"], the next into $killboard["team"]
// etc... $curCell keeps track of the current key, we increment this per loop
// and reset it when it hits the number of keys in $boardKeys. $boardKeys
// contains all the keys in $killboard.
echo "[+] Inserting into Hash...\n";
$curCell = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); ++$i) {
$killboard[$boardKeys[$curCell]][] = $matches[$i]; // Append the match ([]) to the proper key in $killboard.
if ($curCell == count($boardKeys)) $curCell = 0;
// Print the table header (each column double tab separated), followed by
// each group of $killboard's keys. Count the number of values in lastfed
// because this is the last column, if a group was not fully filled up, we
// won't get an out of bounds issue.
echo "[+] Displaying table...\n";
echo "Name\t\tTeam\t\tKills\t\tLast Fed\t\tSlogan\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($killboard[end($boardKeys)]); ++$i)
echo $killboard["name"][$i] . "\t\t" . $killboard["team"][$i] . "\t\t" . $killboard["kills"][$i] . "\t\t" . $killboard["lastfed"][$i] . "\t\t" . $killboard["slogan"][$i] . "\n";
echo "[+] Connecting to the database...\n";
// Let's put this in MySQL, shall we? Top of the mornin' SQL!
$dbc = mysql_connect($sqlServ, $sqlUser, $sqlPass) or
die("[-] Error connecting to MySQL - " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($sqlDb, $dbc) or
die("[-] Error selecting database - " . mysql_error());
// Create the records table just in case this is the first time ran.
$createHumansZombieTableQueryString =
'`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,' .
'`team` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,' .
'`kills` INT(11) NOT NULL,' .
'`last_fed` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,' .
'`slogan` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,' .
'`recorded_time` DATETIME NOT NULL,' .
'PRIMARY KEY (`id`)' .
mysql_query($createHumansZombieTableQueryString, $dbc) or
die("[-] Could not create table - " . mysql_error($dbc));
// Time to populate...
for ($i = 0; $i < count($killboard[end($boardKeys)]); ++$i) {
$tmp_name = mysql_real_escape_string($killboard["name"][$i], $dbc);
$tmp_team = mysql_real_escape_string($killboard["team"][$i], $dbc);
$tmp_kills = mysql_real_escape_string($killboard["kills"][$i], $dbc);
$tmp_last = mysql_real_escape_string($killboard["lastfed"][$i], $dbc);
$tmp_slog = mysql_real_escape_string($killboard["slogan"][$i], $dbc);
$recordInsertQueryString =
"INSERT INTO `records` (`name`, `team`, `kills`, `last_fed`, `slogan`, `recorded_time`) VALUES (" .
"'" . $tmp_name . "', '" .
$tmp_team . "', " .
$tmp_kills . ", '" .
$tmp_last . "', '" .
$tmp_slog . "', NOW())";
mysql_query($recordInsertQueryString, $dbc) or error_log("Could not add record - " . mysql_error($dbc));
echo "[+] Added records...\n";
echo "[~] All done chaps!\n";
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