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Last active October 7, 2023 00:27
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Multi-Vendors (Sellers dashboard)

As a seller, I can sell my own products Senario:

  1. Click Become Seller on header menu
  2. Sign-in or Registr as seller
  3. Show seller dashboard including products and orders
  4. Manage products
  5. Manage orders
  6. Seller page as /seller/:sellerId
  7. Manage commissions and payouts


As a user, I can switch between product list so that I have not to see them in one page Senario:

  1. Open home page
  2. Search for a keyword
  3. There is load more button at the end if items are more than 20
  4. click on load more button and it shows more 20 items until it is done.

Choose location on map

As a user, I can choose my location on map so that I have not to enter it manually. senario:

  1. Add item to cart
  2. Proceed to checkout
  3. Sign-in or Register
  4. Enter Shipping data
  5. Beside entring address manual, there should be a button to choose location on map. when use select an address the address field will be filled automatically.

Calculate Shipping Cost

As a user, I can see shipping cost based on my location so that I pay fairly the shipping cost. senario:

  1. User select location on the map
  2. It saves gps point
  3. It calculates distance between ecommerce location and user location
  4. It uses a shipping rate based on distance to calculate the shipping cost.

Save user address in profile

As a user, I can save my address in my profile so that I have not to enter it everytime I have an order senario:

  1. Add item to cart
  2. Proceed to checkout
  3. Sign-in or Register
  4. Enter Shipping data
  5. Address information will be loaded from user profile. if it does not exist, show empty form.
  6. when user place an order, the user address will be saved on user profile as user.address {city:'XX', country: 'XX', ... }

Send Email to customer

As a user, I can get email from ecommerce website so that I notice of any change to my order or account.

  1. Place an order
  2. Send email for order details

Forget and Reset Password

As a user I want to reset my password.

  1. Click forget password
  2. Get reset email from ecommerce
  3. Click on the link and enter new password

Logout Menu

As a user, I can see logout link on header menu so that I have not to go to profile page to logout

  1. Click or move mouse over user name on the header menu
  2. show account setting, order history and logout
  3. click on logout
  4. all login information removed from the browser.

Refund and cancel order

As a user, I can refund an order so I have not pay for a product that I do not want anemore

  1. Click on profile
  2. Select order
  3. Click Refund button
  4. Enter reasons for refund
  5. Change state to pending for refund
  6. Admin view orders
  7. Add select order to refund
  8. Add Accept or Reject the refund
  9. User will be informed from the result.

Guest Checkout

As a user, I can checkout as guest user so I do not need to create account to buy from the website.

  1. Click product
  2. Add to cart
  3. Checkout
  4. Show checkout as guest in signin form
  5. Enter email and name
  6. Login as guest user
  7. Complete the order
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sir make a full ecommerce-website with all features waiting for from Bangladesh...............

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can you make it look like a shopify ecom store

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Hey basir, can you tell me when you'll upload these features as i have to implement some of them in a project.

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Compressed Image .Compressing image while Uploding for decreasing the size of image for fast loading of images in website

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Hey basir, can you tell me when you'll upload these features as i have to implement some of them in a project.


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basir can you implement wishlist feature in it too

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brotherlymite commented Nov 6, 2020

I have implemented multi-vendor on top of this, check it out guys.

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I have implemented multi-vendor on top of this, check it out guys.

the github link does not open

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I've updated it check it out now

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love the course

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Hey Bashir are these extra features free of Charge

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sir how to make tracking order

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Emma-90844 commented Jan 13, 2021 via email

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igalp86 commented Jan 22, 2021

Thank you for all!!!! u helped me alot and i learned alot from u!!!!
you're great.

can u add search bar on the nav bar(or main page)?

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Hi Bashir thanks for the app. Is the video for this out

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Emma-90844 commented Jan 26, 2021 via email

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hey basir please implement the wishlist feature in it

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Emma-90844 commented Jan 29, 2021 via email

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Is there any source code for this project?

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Sir how to get this module where is code please tell me

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Sir where do I get the source code of above mentioned functionalities?

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