As a seller, I can sell my own products Senario:
- Click Become Seller on header menu
- Sign-in or Registr as seller
- Show seller dashboard including products and orders
- Manage products
- Manage orders
- Seller page as /seller/:sellerId
- Manage commissions and payouts
As a user, I can switch between product list so that I have not to see them in one page Senario:
- Open home page
- Search for a keyword
- There is load more button at the end if items are more than 20
- click on load more button and it shows more 20 items until it is done.
As a user, I can choose my location on map so that I have not to enter it manually. senario:
- Add item to cart
- Proceed to checkout
- Sign-in or Register
- Enter Shipping data
- Beside entring address manual, there should be a button to choose location on map. when use select an address the address field will be filled automatically.
As a user, I can see shipping cost based on my location so that I pay fairly the shipping cost. senario:
- User select location on the map
- It saves gps point
- It calculates distance between ecommerce location and user location
- It uses a shipping rate based on distance to calculate the shipping cost.
As a user, I can save my address in my profile so that I have not to enter it everytime I have an order senario:
- Add item to cart
- Proceed to checkout
- Sign-in or Register
- Enter Shipping data
- Address information will be loaded from user profile. if it does not exist, show empty form.
- when user place an order, the user address will be saved on user profile as user.address {city:'XX', country: 'XX', ... }
As a user, I can get email from ecommerce website so that I notice of any change to my order or account.
- Place an order
- Send email for order details
As a user I want to reset my password.
- Click forget password
- Get reset email from ecommerce
- Click on the link and enter new password
As a user, I can see logout link on header menu so that I have not to go to profile page to logout
- Click or move mouse over user name on the header menu
- show account setting, order history and logout
- click on logout
- all login information removed from the browser.
As a user, I can refund an order so I have not pay for a product that I do not want anemore
- Click on profile
- Select order
- Click Refund button
- Enter reasons for refund
- Change state to pending for refund
- Admin view orders
- Add select order to refund
- Add Accept or Reject the refund
- User will be informed from the result.
As a user, I can checkout as guest user so I do not need to create account to buy from the website.
- Click product
- Add to cart
- Checkout
- Show checkout as guest in signin form
- Enter email and name
- Login as guest user
- Complete the order
sir make a full ecommerce-website with all features waiting for from Bangladesh...............