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Last active February 17, 2022 23:26
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Free Monad like pattern in F#
#load @"paket-files/fsprojects/Chessie/src/Chessie/ErrorHandling.fs"
type Continuation<'output, 'next> = 'output -> 'next
module TerminalDsl =
open Chessie.ErrorHandling
type Terminal<'next> =
| WriteLine of string * Continuation<unit, 'next>
| ReadLine of unit * Continuation<string, 'next>
let mapTerminal (f: 'a -> 'b) (t: Terminal<'a>): Terminal<'b> =
match t with
| WriteLine (s, cont) -> WriteLine (s, cont >> f)
| ReadLine (_, cont) -> ReadLine ((), cont >> f)
module RocketDsl =
open Chessie.ErrorHandling
type Target = string
type Result = string
type Rocket<'next> =
| LaunchRocket of Target * Continuation<Result, 'next>
let mapRocket (f: 'a -> 'b) (r: Rocket<'a>): Rocket<'b> =
match r with
| LaunchRocket (t, cont) -> LaunchRocket (t, cont >> f)
module ProgramDsl =
open TerminalDsl
open RocketDsl
type Dsl<'next> =
| Terminal of Terminal<'next>
| Rocket of Rocket<'next>
let map (f: 'a -> 'b) (dsl : Dsl<'a>) : Dsl<'b> =
match dsl with
| Terminal t -> mapTerminal f t |> Terminal
| Rocket r -> mapRocket f r |> Rocket
module Free =
open ProgramDsl
type Free<'a> =
| Pure of 'a
| FreeDsl of Dsl<Free<'a>>
module FreeMonad =
let rec bind (f: 'a -> Free<'b>) (dsl : Free<'a>) : Free<'b> =
match dsl with
| Pure value -> f value
| FreeDsl t -> map (bind f) t |> FreeDsl
let liftF (dsl:Dsl<'a>) : Free<'a> =
FreeDsl (map Pure dsl)
type DslBuilder() =
member x.Bind(dsl, f) = FreeMonad.bind f dsl
member x.Return(value) = Pure value
member x.Zero() = Pure ()
member x.Delay(f) = f()
let dsl = new DslBuilder()
module TerminalOperations =
open TerminalDsl
open ProgramDsl
open Free
let writeLine s: Free<unit> = FreeMonad.liftF (WriteLine (s, id) |> Terminal)
let readLine: Free<string> = FreeMonad.liftF (ReadLine ((), id) |> Terminal)
module RocketOperations =
open RocketDsl
open ProgramDsl
open Free
let launch t : Free<Result> = FreeMonad.liftF (LaunchRocket (t, id) |> Rocket)
module Program =
open Free
open TerminalOperations
open RocketOperations
let rocketLauncher = dsl {
let! _ = writeLine "Hi, what's your target?"
let! target = readLine
let! _ = writeLine (sprintf "Ok, the target is %s!" target)
let! result = launch target
do! writeLine result
return ()
module Effects =
open Chessie.ErrorHandling
type Error = string
type Effect<'a> = AsyncResult<'a, Error>
let ofResult r: Effect<'a> = r |> Async.singleton |> AR
let singleton x: Effect<'a> = x |> ok |> ofResult
let effects = asyncTrial
let bind (f: 'a -> Effect<'b>) (x: Effect<'a>): Effect<'b> =
effects {
let! value = x
return! f value
let (>>=) x f = bind f x
module Interpreters =
open TerminalDsl
open RocketDsl
open Free
open ProgramDsl
open Effects
let rec interpreter rIntr tIntr (free: Free<'a>): Effect<'a> =
match free with
| Pure value -> value |> singleton
| FreeDsl dsl ->
match dsl with
| Terminal t -> tIntr t >>= interpreter rIntr tIntr
| Rocket r -> rIntr r >>= interpreter rIntr tIntr
let terminalInterpreter t =
match t with
| WriteLine (s, cont) ->
stdout.WriteLine s |> cont |> singleton
| ReadLine (_, cont) ->
stdin.ReadLine() |> cont |> singleton
let rocketInterpreter r =
match r with
| LaunchRocket (t, cont) ->
effects {
do! Async.Sleep 3000
return sprintf "%s destroyed" t |> cont
open Chessie.ErrorHandling
let interpreter = Interpreters.interpreter Interpreters.rocketInterpreter Interpreters.terminalInterpreter
interpreter Program.rocketLauncher
|> Async.ofAsyncResult
|> Async.RunSynchronously
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