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mganucheau / gist:5499453
Last active December 16, 2015 21:28
LPD8806 LED Code for our Yacht Club's Anchor
// LPD8806 LED Code for our Yacht Club's Anchor
#include "LPD8806.h" // Library Here:
#include "SPI.h"
int totalLEDs = 14;
int dataPin = 2;
int clockPin = 3;
LPD8806 strip = LPD8806(totalLEDs, dataPin, clockPin);
dsparks / electoral_map.R
Created November 7, 2012 13:44
Electoral map
doInstall <- TRUE # Change to FALSE if you don't want packages installed.
toInstall <- c("maps", "ggplot2", "RColorBrewer")
if(doInstall){install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = TRUE)
new_theme_empty <- theme_bw() # Create our own, mostly blank, theme
new_theme_empty$line <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$rect <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$strip.text <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$axis.text <- element_blank()
olivierlacan / launch_sublime_from_terminal.markdown
Created September 5, 2011 15:50
Launch Sublime Text 2 from the Mac OS X Terminal

Launch Sublime Text 2 from the Mac OS X Terminal

Sublime Text 2 ships with a CLI called subl (why not "sublime", go figure). This utility is hidden in the following folder (assuming you installed Sublime in /Applications like normal folk. If this following line opens Sublime Text for you, then bingo, you're ready.

open /Applications/Sublime\ Text\

You can find more (official) details about subl here:
