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Created January 13, 2023 17:23
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Rapid import and infill of semi-structured data
global data "${wd}/ppol_528_GuzmanLidia/data/Data_exp"
local data : dir "${data}/xlsx/" files *
tempfile allData
save `allData' , emptyok
cap prog drop infill
prog def infill
syntax anything
qui foreach var of varlist `anything' {
local theValue = ""
forv i = 1/`c(N)' {
local nextValue = `var'[`i']
if ("`nextValue'" == "") | ("`nextValue'" == ".") {
cap replace `var' = "`theValue'" in `i'
cap replace `var' = `theValue' in `i'
else {
local theValue = "`nextValue'"
foreach file in `data' {
qui import excel using "${data}/xlsx/`file'" , clear cellrange(A10) first
qui drop if Chapter == "Total"
set trace off
qui infill Year Month Province
qui destring * , replace
di "`file' -- `c(N)'"
drop G-K
qui compress
qui append using `allData'
qui save `allData' , replace
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