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Created November 1, 2023 20:14
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Two stage power calculation
// One run of simulation
cap prog drop powerfinder
prog def powerfinder , rclass
args alloc
// Set up 1000 hypotheses
set obs 1000
gen id = _n
gen effect = rnormal() * (runiform() < 0.05) // 5% have an effect
// Evaluate a study for each hypothesis
gen n = 100000 * `alloc' / _N
expand n
gen realization = effect + rnormal()
collapse (mean) realization effect n (semean) se = realization , by(id)
// T-statistics and significance
gen t = realization / se
gen sig = abs(t) > 2
gen false = effect == 0 & sig == 1
sort false
su sig if effect != 0
return scalar s1power = r(mean)
su false if sig != 0
return scalar s1false = r(mean)
// Second stage
keep if sig
keep id effect
gen n = round( 100000 * (1-`alloc') / (_N) , 1)
// Re-study
expand n
gen realization = effect + rnormal()
collapse (mean) realization effect n (semean) se = realization , by(id)
// T-statistics and significance
gen t = realization / se
gen sig = abs(t) > 2
gen false = effect == 0 & sig == 1
sort false
su sig if effect != 0
return scalar s2power = r(mean)
su false if sig != 0
return scalar s2false = r(mean)
// Test
powerfinder 0.5
return list
// Sim
tempfile results
save `results' , emptyok
forvalues i = 0.05(0.05)0.95 {
simulate ///
s1power = r(s1power) s1false = r(s1false) s2power = r(s2power) s2false = r(s2false) ///
, reps(1000) : powerfinder `i'
gen alloc = `i'
append using `results'
save `results' , replace
save "/users/bbdaniels/desktop/temp.dta" , replace
use "/users/bbdaniels/desktop/temp.dta" , clear
collapse (mean) s1power s1false s2power s2false , by(alloc) fast
tw (lowess s1power alloc) (lowess s1false alloc) (lowess s2power alloc) (lowess s2false alloc) ///
, legend(on order(1 "Stage 1 Power" 2 "Stage 1 False Pos" 3 "Stage 2 Power" 4 "Stage 2 False Pos")) ///
xtit("Allocation to Stage 1 (100k Obs, 1k Hypotheses)") xscale(log)
// End
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