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Created October 12, 2016 16:09
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// modified from
// You may want to add a few more things from RF's ever expending API, but the basics are sound, fantastic job from @CarsonF
declare module 'redux-form' {
import {
} from 'react';
import { Dispatch, Reducer, Action } from 'redux';
type FieldValue = any;
type FieldType = 'Field' | 'FieldArray';
type DataShape = {[fieldName:string]: FieldValue};
type FormErrors<FormData extends DataShape> = FormData & { _error?: string };
* Decorator / Form Config
export function reduxForm<FormData extends DataShape, P, S>(
config: Config<FormData, P, S>
): FormDecorator<FormData, P, S>;
interface FormDecorator<FormData extends DataShape, P, S> {
<T extends (typeof Component)>(component: T): T & Form<FormData, P, S>;
interface Config<FormData extends DataShape, P, S> {
* the name of your form and the key to where your form's state will be
* mounted under the redux-form reducer
form?: string;
* An adapter function that will render a component based on a string component
* type and the props given to a Field. Remember that all you really need to hook
* up to your custom component's value and onChange. Defaults to [].
* See Asynchronous Blur Validation Example for more details.
adapter?: (component: string, props: Object) => ReactElement<any>;
* field names for which onBlur should trigger a call to the asyncValidate
* function. Defaults to [].
* See Asynchronous Blur Validation Example for more details.
asyncBlurFields?: string[];
* a function that takes all the form values, the dispatch function, and
* the props given to your component, and returns a Promise that will
* resolve if the validation is passed, or will reject with an object of
* validation errors in the form { field1: <String>, field2: <String> }.
* See Asynchronous Blur Validation Example for more details.
asyncValidate?(values: FormData, dispatch: Dispatch<S>, props: P): Promise<any>;
* Whether or not to automatically destroy your form's state in the Redux
* store when your component is unmounted. Defaults to true.
destroyOnUnmount?: boolean;
* A function that takes the entire Redux state and returns the state slice
* which corresponds to where the redux-form reducer was mounted. This
* functionality is rarely needed, and defaults to assuming that the reducer
* is mounted under the "form" key.
getFormState?(state: S): any;
* The values with which to initialize your form in componentWillMount().
* Particularly useful when Editing Multiple Records, but can also be used
* with single-record forms. The values should be in the form
* { field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2' }.
initialValues?: FormData;
* Reinitialize the form every time the initialValues prop changes.
* Defaults to false.
enableReinitialize?: boolean;
keepDirtyOnReinitialize?: boolean;
* The function to call with the form data when the handleSubmit() is fired
* from within the form component. If you do not specify it as a prop here,
* you must pass it as a parameter to handleSubmit() inside your form
* component.
onSubmit?: SubmitHandler<FormData, S>;
* A callback function that will be called when a submission fails for whatever reason.
onSubmitFail?: (errors: FormErrors<FormData>, dispatch: Dispatch<S>) => void;
* A callback function that will be called when a submission succeeds.
onSubmitSuccess?: (result: any, dispatch: Dispatch<S>) => void;
* If specified, all the props normally passed into your decorated
* component directly will be passed under the key specified. Useful if
* using other decorator libraries on the same component to avoid prop
* namespace collisions.
propNamespace?: string;
* The use of this property is highly discouraged, but if you absolutely
* need to mount your redux-form reducer at somewhere other than form in
* your Redux state, you will need to specify the key you mounted it under
* with this property. Defaults to 'form'.
* See Alternate Mount Point Example for more details.
reduxMountPoint?: string;
* An optional function you may provide to have full control over when async
* validation happens.
shouldAsyncValidate?(params: AsyncValidateCallback<FormData>): boolean;
* marks fields as touched when the blur action is fired. Defaults to true.
touchOnBlur?: boolean;
* marks fields as touched when the change action is fired. Defaults to
* false.
touchOnChange?: boolean;
* a synchronous validation function that takes the form values and props
* passed into your component. If validation passes, it should return {}.
* If validation fails, it should return the validation errors in the form
* { field1: <String>, field2: <String> }.
* Defaults to (values, props) => ({}).
validate?(values: FormData, props: FormProps<FormData, S> & P): FormErrors<FormData>;
* If your onSubmit function returns a promise, the submitting property will be set to true
* until the promise has been resolved or rejected. If it is rejected with a redux-form
* SubmissionError containing errors in the form { field1: 'error', field2: 'error' } then
* the submission errors will be added to each field (to the error prop) just like async
* validation errors are. If there is an error that is not specific to any field, but applicable
* to the entire form, you may pass that as if it were the error for a field called _error,
* and it will be given as the error prop.
interface SubmitHandler<FormData extends DataShape, S> {
(values: FormData, dispatch?: Dispatch<S>): void | FormErrors<FormData> | Promise<any>;
interface AsyncValidateCallback<FormData extends DataShape> {
* Any existing asynchronous validation errors
asyncErrors?: FormErrors<FormData>;
* true if the form has ever been initialized with initial values
initialized: boolean;
* The reason to possibly run async validation. It will either be: 'blur' or
* 'submit', depending on whether an async blur field had triggered the async
* validation or if submitting the form has triggered it, respectively.
trigger: 'blur' | 'submit';
* The name of the field that has triggered the async validation. May be undefined.
blurredField?: string;
* true if the form is pristine, false if it is dirty
pristine: boolean;
* true if synchronous validation is passing, false if it is failing.
syncValidationPasses: boolean;
* Form
* The following are methods or properties that you can access on an instance
* of your decorated form component (outermost component named "ReduxForm").
interface Form<FormData extends DataShape, P, S> extends Component<P, any> {
* true if the form data has changed from its initialized values. Opposite
* of pristine.
dirty: boolean;
* true if the form has validation errors. Opposite of valid.
invalid: boolean;
* true if the form data is the same as its initialized values. Opposite
* of dirty.
pristine: boolean;
* An array of objects with fields `name` and `type` for each field
* representing all the fields in the form. Mainly useful for testing.
registeredFields: RegisteredFieldState[];
* Resets all the values in the form to the initialized state, making it
* pristine again.
reset(): void;
* Submits the form. Returns a promise that will be resolved when the form
* is submitted successfully, or rejected if the submission fails.
submit(): Promise<any>;
* true if the form passes validation (has no validation errors). Opposite
* of invalid.
valid: boolean;
* The current values of all the fields in the form.
values: FormData;
* A reference to the instance of the component you decorated with reduxForm().
* Mainly useful for testing.
wrappedInstance: ReactElement<P & FormProps<FormData, S>>
* These are the props that will be passed to your form component.
* Your form component's props can extend this interface.
interface FormProps<FormData extends DataShape, S> {
autofill?(field: string, value: any): void;
change?(field: string, value: any): void;
blur?(field: string, value: any): void;
initialValues?: FormData,
* true if any of the fields have been marked as touched, false otherwise.
anyTouched?: boolean;
* A set of pre-bound action creators for you to operate on array fields in your form.
array?: {
* Inserts a value into the given array field in your form.
insert(field: string, index: number, value: FieldValue): void;
* Moves a value at the given from index to the given to index in
* the given array field in your form.
move(field: string, from: number, to: number): void;
* Pops a value off of the end of a given array field in your form.
pop(field: string): void;
* Pushes the given value onto the end of the given array field in your form.
push(field: string, value: FieldValue): void;
* Removes a value at the given index from the given array field in your form.
remove(field: string, index: number): void;
* Removes all the values from the given array field in your form.
removeAll(field: string): void;
* Shifts a value out of the beginning of the given array in your form.
shift(field: string): void;
* Performs an Array.splice operation on the given array in your form.
splice(field: string, index: number, removeNum: number, value: FieldValue): void;
* Swaps two values at the given indexes of the given array field in your form.
swap(field: string, indexA: number, indexB: number): void;
* Unshifts the given value into the beginning of the given array field in your form.
unshift(field: string, value: FieldValue): void;
* A function that may be called to initiate asynchronous validation if
* asynchronous validation is enabled.
asyncValidate?: () => void;
* This value will be either:
* - false - No asynchronous validation is currently happening
* - true - Asynchronous validation is currently running in preparation to submit a form
* - a string - The name of the field that just blurred to trigger asynchronous validation
asyncValidating?: string | boolean;
* Destroys the form state in the Redux store. By default, this will be
* called for you in componentWillUnmount().
destroy?(): void;
* true if the form data has changed from its initialized values. Opposite
* of pristine.
dirty?: boolean;
* A generic error for the entire form given by the _error key in the
* result from the synchronous validation function, the asynchronous
* validation, or the rejected promise from onSubmit.
error?: string;
* The form name that you gave to the reduxForm() decorator or the prop you
* passed in to your decorated form component.
form?: string;
* A function meant to be passed to <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> or to
* <button onClick={handleSubmit}>. It will run validation, both sync and
* async, and, if the form is valid, it will call
* this.props.onSubmit(data) with the contents of the form data.
* Optionally, you may also pass your onSubmit function to handleSubmit
* which will take the place of the onSubmit prop. For example: <form
* onSubmit={handleSubmit(}>
* If your onSubmit function returns a promise, the submitting property
* will be set to true until the promise has been resolved or rejected.
* If it is rejected with an object like
* new SubmissionError({ field1: 'error', field2: 'error' })
* then the submission errors will be added to each field (to the error
* prop) just like async validation errors are. If there is an error that
* is not specific to any field, but applicable to the entire form, you
* may pass that as if it were the error for a field called _error, and
* it will be given as the error prop.
handleSubmit?(event: SyntheticEvent<any>): void; // same as ReactEventHandler
handleSubmit?(submit: SubmitHandler<FormData, S>): ReactEventHandler<any>;
* Initializes the form data to the given values. All dirty and pristine
* state will be determined by comparing the current data with these
* initialized values.
initialize?(data: FormData): void;
* true if the form has validation errors. Opposite of valid.
invalid?: boolean;
* true if the form data is the same as its initialized values. Opposite
* of dirty.
pristine?: boolean;
* Resets all the values in the form to the initialized state, making it
* pristine again.
reset?(): void;
* Whether or not your form is currently submitting. This prop will only
* work if you have passed an onSubmit function that returns a promise. It
* will be true until the promise is resolved or rejected.
submitting?: boolean;
* Starts as false. If onSubmit is called, and fails to submit for any
* reason, submitFailed will be set to true. A subsequent successful
* submit will set it back to false.
submitFailed?: boolean;
* Starts as false. If onSubmit is called, and succeed to submit,
* submitSucceeded will be set to true. A subsequent unsuccessful
* submit will set it back to false.
submitSucceeded?: boolean;
* Marks the given fields as "touched" to show errors.
touch?(...field: string[]): void;
* Clears the "touched" flag for the given fields
untouch?(...field: string[]): void;
* true if the form passes validation (has no validation errors). Opposite
* of invalid.
valid?: boolean;
* A throwable error that is used to return submit validation errors from onSubmit.
* The purpose being to distinguish promise rejection because of validation errors
* from promise rejection because of AJAX I/O problems or other server errors.
export class SubmissionError<FormData extends DataShape> extends Error {
constructor(errors?: FormErrors<FormData>);
* Fields
* A component class or stateless function component.
* Workaround for: ComponentClass<P> | SFC<P> which does
* not resolve due to a bug in TypeScript.
type ComponentConstructor = ComponentClass<any> | StatelessComponent<any>;
interface BaseFieldsProps {
names?: string[],
component?: ComponentConstructor | "input" | "select" | "textarea",
format?: Formatter;
props?: Object;
parse?: Parser;
withRef?: boolean;
* These are the props to give to `Field`.
* Any others will be passed through to your component.
interface BaseFieldProps {
* A string path, in dot-and-bracket notation, corresponding to a value
* in the form values. It may be as simple as 'firstName' or as complicated
* as contact.billing.address[2].phones[1].areaCode.
* Required but made optional so interface can be used on decorated components.
name?: string;
* A Component, stateless function, or string corresponding to a default
* JSX element.
* Required but made optional so interface can be used on decorated components.
component?: ComponentConstructor | "input" | "select" | "textarea",
// component?: ComponentClass<P> | SFC<P> | "input" | "select" | "textarea",
* A value to be used if the current value for this field is undefined in the
* Redux Store. Defaults to '' to ensure that the input is controlled.
defaultValue?: FieldValue;
* If true, the rendered component will be available with the
* getRenderedComponent() method. Defaults to false. Cannot be used if your
* component is a stateless function component.
withRef?: boolean;
* Formats the value from the Redux store to be displayed in the field input.
* Common use cases are to format Numbers into currencies or Dates into a
* localized date format.
format?: Formatter;
* A function to convert whatever value the user has entered into the value that you
* want stored in the Redux store for the field.
* For instance, if you want the value to be in all uppercase, you would pass
* value => value.toUpperCase()
normalize?: Normalizer;
props?: Object;
* Parses the value given from the field input component to the type that you want
* stored in the Redux store. Common use cases are to parse currencies into Numbers into
* currencies or localized date formats into Dates.
parse?: Parser;
interface Normalizer {
* @param value The value entered by the user.
* @param previousValue The previous value for the field.
* @param allValues All the values in the entire form with the new value.
* This will be an Immutable Map if you are using Immutable JS.
* @param previousAllValues All the values in the entire form before the current change.
* This will be an Immutable Map if you are using Immutable JS.
(value: FieldValue, previousValue?: FieldValue, allValues?: Object, previousAllValues?: Object): FieldValue;
interface Formatter {
(value: FieldValue): FieldValue;
interface Parser {
(value: FieldValue): FieldValue;
export class Fields<FieldsCustomProps> extends Component<BaseFieldsProps & FieldsCustomProps, {}> {
names: string[];
dirty: boolean;
pristine: boolean;
values: any;
* The Field Instance API.
export class Field<FieldCustomProps> extends Component<BaseFieldProps & FieldCustomProps, {}> {
* true if the current value is different from the initialized value,
* false otherwise.
dirty: boolean;
* The name prop that you passed in.
name: string;
* true if the current value is the same as the initialized value,
* false otherwise.
pristine: boolean;
* The current value of the field.
value: FieldValue;
* Returns the instance of the rendered component. For this to work, you must
* provide a withRef prop, and your component must not be a stateless function
* component.
getRenderedComponent(): Component<WrappedFieldProps & FieldCustomProps, any>;
* These are props that `Field` will pass to your wrapped component (not including custom props).
export interface WrappedFieldProps {
* An object containing all the props that you will normally want to pass to
* your input component.
input: WrappedFieldInputProps;
* An object containing all the metadata props.
meta: WrappedFieldMetaProps;
* These props are meant to be destructured into your <input/> component.
export interface WrappedFieldInputProps {
* An alias for value only when value is a boolean. Provided for
* convenience of destructuring the whole field object into the props of a
* form element.
checked?: boolean;
* The name prop passed in.
name: string;
* A function to call when the form field loses focus.
onBlur: FocusEventHandler<any>;
* A function to call when the form field is changed.
onChange: ((value: string|React.FormEvent<any>) => void);
* A function to call when the form field receives a 'dragStart' event.
* Saves the field value in the event for giving the field it is dropped
* into.
onDragStart: DragEventHandler<any>;
* A function to call when the form field receives a drop event.
onDrop: DragEventHandler<any>;
* A function to call when the form field receives focus.
onFocus: FocusEventHandler<any>;
* The value of this form field. It will be a boolean for checkboxes, and
* a string for all other input types. If there is no value in the Redux
* state for this field, it will default to the defaultValue prop given to
* Field. If no such defaultValue is specified, it will be ''. This is to
* ensure that the input is controlled.
value: FieldValue;
* These props are metadata about the state of this field that redux-form is tracking for you.
export interface WrappedFieldMetaProps {
* true if this field currently has focus. It will only work if you are
* passing onFocus to your input element.
active?: boolean;
* true if the form is currently running asynchronous validation because this
* field was blurred.
asyncValidating: boolean;
* true if the field value has changed from its initialized value.
* Opposite of pristine.
dirty: boolean;
* The error for this field if its value is not passing validation. Both
* synchronous, asynchronous, and submit validation errors will be reported here.
error?: string|string[];
* true if the field value fails validation (has a validation error).
* Opposite of valid.
invalid: boolean;
* true if the field value is the same as its initialized value. Opposite
* of dirty.
pristine: boolean;
* true if the field has been touched. By default this will be set when
* the field is blurred.
touched: boolean;
* true if the field value passes validation (has no validation errors).
* Opposite of invalid.
valid: boolean;
* true if this field has ever had focus. It will only work if you are
* passing onFocus to your input element.
visited?: boolean;
autofilled?: boolean;
* These are the props to give to `FieldArray`.
* Any others will be passed through to your component.
interface BaseFieldArrayProps {
* A string path, in dot-and-bracket notation, corresponding to a value
* in the form values. It may be as simple as 'firstName' or as complicated
* as contact.billing.address[2].phones[1].areaCode.
* Required but made optional so interface can be used on decorated components.
name?: string;
* A Component or stateless function to render the field array.
* Required but made optional so interface can be used on decorated components.
component?: ComponentConstructor,
// component?: Component<P, any> | StatelessComponent<P>,
* If true, the rendered component will be available with the
* getRenderedComponent() method. Defaults to false. Cannot be used if your
* component is a stateless function component.
withRef?: boolean;
props?: Object;
* The FieldArray Instance API.
export class FieldArray<T, FieldCustomProps> extends Component<BaseFieldArrayProps & FieldCustomProps, {}> {
* The name prop that you passed in.
name: string;
* true if this field passes validation, false otherwise.
valid: boolean;
* Returns the instance of the rendered component. For this to work, you must
* provide a withRef prop, and your component must not be a stateless function
* component.
getRenderedComponent(): Component<WrappedFieldArrayProps<T> & FieldCustomProps, any>;
* These are props that `FieldArray` will pass to your wrapped component.
interface WrappedFieldArrayProps<T> {
fields: FieldsProps<T>;
meta: FieldArrayMetaProps;
interface FieldsProps<T> {
* A method to iterate over each value of the array.
forEach(callback: (name: string, index: number) => void): void;
* A function to insert a new value into the array at any arbitrary index.
insert(index: number, value: T): void;
* The current length of the array.
length: number;
* A method to iterate over each value of the array. Returns an array of the
* results of each call to the callback.
map(callback: (name: string, index: number) => any): any;
* Removes an item from the end of the array. Returns the item removed.
pop(): T;
* Adds a value to the end of the array.
push(value: T): void;
* Removes an item from the array at an arbitrary index.
remove(index: number): void;
* Removes an item from beginning of the array. Returns the item removed.
shift(): T;
* Swaps two items in the array at the given indexes.
swap(indexA: number, indexB: number): void;
* Adds an item to the beginning of the array.
unshift(value: T): void;
interface FieldArrayMetaProps {
* true if the any of the fields in the field array have changed from their
* initialized value. Opposite of pristine.
dirty: boolean;
* The error for this field array if its value is not passing validation. Both
* synchronous, asynchronous, and submit validation errors will be reported here.
* Array-specific errors should be returned from the validation function as an
* _error key on the array.
error?: string;
* true if the field array value fails validation (has a validation error).
* Opposite of valid.
invalid: boolean;
* true if the all of the fields in the field array are the same as their
* initialized value. Opposite of dirty.
pristine: boolean;
* true if the field value passes validation (has no validation errors).
* Opposite of invalid.
valid: boolean;
* Selector
* A "selector" API to make it easier to connect() to form values. Creates a selector
* function for your form that can be used with your field names.
export function formValueSelector<State>(form: string, getFormState?: () => State): Selector<State>;
interface Selector<State> {
(state: State, ...field: string[]): Object
* Reducer
export function reducer(state: FormStateMap, action: Action): FormStateMap & FormReducer;
interface FormReducer {
* Returns a form reducer that will also pass each action through
* additional reducers specified. The parameter should be an object mapping
* from formName to a (state, action) => nextState reducer. The state
* passed to each reducer will only be the slice that pertains to that
* form.
plugin(reducers: FormReducerMapObject): Reducer<any>;
interface FormReducerMapObject {
[formName: string]: Reducer<any>;
* Store state
interface FormStateMap {
[formName: string]: FormState | undefined;
export interface FormState {
registeredFields: RegisteredFieldState[];
fields?: {[name: string]: FieldState};
values?: { [fieldName: string]: any };
initial?: { [fieldName: string]: any };
active?: string;
anyTouched?: boolean;
submitting?: boolean;
submitErrors?: { [fieldName: string]: string };
submitFailed?: boolean;
interface RegisteredFieldState {
name: string;
type: FieldType;
interface FieldState {
active?: boolean;
touched?: boolean;
visited?: boolean;
autofilled?: boolean;
* Action creators
* Inserts an item into a field array at the specified index
export function arrayInsert(form: string, field: string, index: number, value: any): Action;
* Moves an item from one index in the array to another. In effect, it performs a remove and an
* insert, so the item already at the `to` position will be bumped to a higher index, not overwritten.
export function arrayMove(form: string, field: string, from: number, to: number): Action;
* Removes an item from the end of a field array
export function arrayPop(form: string, field: string): Action;
* Appends an item to the end of a field array
export function arrayPush(form: string, field: string, value: any): Action;
* Removes an item at the specified index from a field array
export function arrayRemove(form: string, field: string, index: number): Action;
* Removes all items from a field array
export function arrayRemoveAll(form: string, field: string): Action;
* Removes an item from the beginning of a field array
export function arrayShift(form: string, field: string): Action;
* ADVANCED USAGE - Inserts and/or removes items from a field array. Works similarly to Array.splice.
export function arraySplice(form: string, field: string, index: number, removeNum: number, value: any): Action;
* Swaps two items at the specified indexes in a field array
export function arraySwap(form: string, field: string, indexA: number, indexB: number): Action;
* Inserts an item at the beginning of a field array
export function arrayUnshift(form: string, field: string, value: any): Action;
* Saves the value to the field
export function blur(form: string, field: string, value: any): Action;
* Saves the value to the field
export function change(form: string, field: string, value: any): Action;
* Destroys the form, removing all it's state
export function destroy(form: string): Action;
* Marks the given field as active and visited
export function focus(form: string, field: string): Action;
* Sets the initial values in the form with which future data values will be compared to calculate dirty and pristine.
* The data parameter may contain deep nested array and object values that match the shape of your form fields.
* IMPORTANT: The fields array passed must be the same as the one given as a config parameter to reduxForm().
export function initialize(form: string, data: Object): Action;
* Resets the values in the form back to the values past in with the most recent initialize action.
export function reset(form: string): Action;
* Flips the asyncValidating flag true
export function startAsyncValidation(form: string): Action;
* Flips the submitting flag true.
export function startSubmit(form: string): Action;
* Flips the submitting flag false and populates submitError for each field.
export function stopSubmit(form: string, errors?: Object): Action;
* Flips the asyncValidating flag false and populates asyncError for each field.
export function stopAsyncValidation(form: string, errors?: Object): Action;
export function setSubmitFailed(form: string, ...fields: string[]): Action;
export function setSubmitSucceeded(form: string, ...fields: string[]): Action;
* Marks all the fields passed in as touched.
export function touch(form: string, ...fields: string[]): Action;
* Resets the 'touched' flag for all the fields passed in.
export function untouch(form: string, ...fields: string[]): Action;
* Selectors
* Used to query the state of any of your forms.
* All of the selectors listed below have the same usage pattern:
* they all take the name of the form, and create a selector for
* whatever form state the selector is for.
* import {
* getFormValues,
* isDirty,
* isPristine,
* isValid,
* isInvalid
* } from 'redux-form';
* MyComponent = connect(
* state => ({
* values: getFormValues('myForm'),
* dirty: isDirty('myForm'),
* pristine: isPristine('myForm'),
* valid: isValid('myForm'),
* invalid: isInvalid('myForm')
* })
* )(MyComponent)
* Gets form data.
interface DataSelector {
<FormData extends DataShape, State>(formName: string): (state: State) => FormData | undefined;
<FormData extends DataShape>(formName: string): (state: any) => FormData | undefined;
* Gets boolean info from form.
interface BooleanSelector {
<State>(formName: string): (state: State) => boolean;
(formName: string): (state: any) => boolean;
* Gets the form values. Shocking, right?
export const getFormValues: DataSelector;
* Returns true if the form is dirty, i.e. the values have been altered
* from the original initialValues provided. The opposite of isPristine.
export const isDirty: BooleanSelector;
* Returns true if the form is pristine, i.e. the values have NOT been altered
* from the original initialValues provided. The opposite of isDirty.
export const isPristine: BooleanSelector;
* Returns true if the form is valid, i.e. has no sync, async, or submission
* errors. The opposite of isInvalid.
export const isValid: BooleanSelector;
* Returns true if the form is invalid, i.e. has sync, async, or submission
* errors. The opposite of isValid.
export const isInvalid: BooleanSelector;
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sawatsky commented Dec 6, 2016

I'm getting these errors. Any idea why?

Type 'SyntheticEvent' is not generic. (407, 26)
Type 'ReactEventHandler' is not generic. (409, 56)
Type 'FocusEventHandler' is not generic. (663, 13)
Type 'FormEvent' is not generic. (668, 31)
Type 'DragEventHandler' is not generic. (675, 18)
Type 'DragEventHandler' is not generic. (680, 13)
Type 'FocusEventHandler' is not generic. (685, 14)

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Jacke commented Dec 13, 2016

same stuff

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