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Created October 12, 2016 16:09
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// modified from
// You may want to add a few more things from RF's ever expending API, but the basics are sound, fantastic job from @CarsonF
declare module 'redux-form' {
import {
} from 'react';
import { Dispatch, Reducer, Action } from 'redux';
type FieldValue = any;
type FieldType = 'Field' | 'FieldArray';
type DataShape = {[fieldName:string]: FieldValue};
type FormErrors<FormData extends DataShape> = FormData & { _error?: string };
* Decorator / Form Config
export function reduxForm<FormData extends DataShape, P, S>(
config: Config<FormData, P, S>
): FormDecorator<FormData, P, S>;
interface FormDecorator<FormData extends DataShape, P, S> {
<T extends (typeof Component)>(component: T): T & Form<FormData, P, S>;
interface Config<FormData extends DataShape, P, S> {
* the name of your form and the key to where your form's state will be
* mounted under the redux-form reducer
form?: string;
* An adapter function that will render a component based on a string component
* type and the props given to a Field. Remember that all you really need to hook
* up to your custom component's value and onChange. Defaults to [].
* See Asynchronous Blur Validation Example for more details.
adapter?: (component: string, props: Object) => ReactElement<any>;
* field names for which onBlur should trigger a call to the asyncValidate
* function. Defaults to [].
* See Asynchronous Blur Validation Example for more details.
asyncBlurFields?: string[];
* a function that takes all the form values, the dispatch function, and
* the props given to your component, and returns a Promise that will
* resolve if the validation is passed, or will reject with an object of
* validation errors in the form { field1: <String>, field2: <String> }.
* See Asynchronous Blur Validation Example for more details.
asyncValidate?(values: FormData, dispatch: Dispatch<S>, props: P): Promise<any>;
* Whether or not to automatically destroy your form's state in the Redux
* store when your component is unmounted. Defaults to true.
destroyOnUnmount?: boolean;
* A function that takes the entire Redux state and returns the state slice
* which corresponds to where the redux-form reducer was mounted. This
* functionality is rarely needed, and defaults to assuming that the reducer
* is mounted under the "form" key.
getFormState?(state: S): any;
* The values with which to initialize your form in componentWillMount().
* Particularly useful when Editing Multiple Records, but can also be used
* with single-record forms. The values should be in the form
* { field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2' }.
initialValues?: FormData;
* Reinitialize the form every time the initialValues prop changes.
* Defaults to false.
enableReinitialize?: boolean;
keepDirtyOnReinitialize?: boolean;
* The function to call with the form data when the handleSubmit() is fired
* from within the form component. If you do not specify it as a prop here,
* you must pass it as a parameter to handleSubmit() inside your form
* component.
onSubmit?: SubmitHandler<FormData, S>;
* A callback function that will be called when a submission fails for whatever reason.
onSubmitFail?: (errors: FormErrors<FormData>, dispatch: Dispatch<S>) => void;
* A callback function that will be called when a submission succeeds.
onSubmitSuccess?: (result: any, dispatch: Dispatch<S>) => void;
* If specified, all the props normally passed into your decorated
* component directly will be passed under the key specified. Useful if
* using other decorator libraries on the same component to avoid prop
* namespace collisions.
propNamespace?: string;
* The use of this property is highly discouraged, but if you absolutely
* need to mount your redux-form reducer at somewhere other than form in
* your Redux state, you will need to specify the key you mounted it under
* with this property. Defaults to 'form'.
* See Alternate Mount Point Example for more details.
reduxMountPoint?: string;
* An optional function you may provide to have full control over when async
* validation happens.
shouldAsyncValidate?(params: AsyncValidateCallback<FormData>): boolean;
* marks fields as touched when the blur action is fired. Defaults to true.
touchOnBlur?: boolean;
* marks fields as touched when the change action is fired. Defaults to
* false.
touchOnChange?: boolean;
* a synchronous validation function that takes the form values and props
* passed into your component. If validation passes, it should return {}.
* If validation fails, it should return the validation errors in the form
* { field1: <String>, field2: <String> }.
* Defaults to (values, props) => ({}).
validate?(values: FormData, props: FormProps<FormData, S> & P): FormErrors<FormData>;
* If your onSubmit function returns a promise, the submitting property will be set to true
* until the promise has been resolved or rejected. If it is rejected with a redux-form
* SubmissionError containing errors in the form { field1: 'error', field2: 'error' } then
* the submission errors will be added to each field (to the error prop) just like async
* validation errors are. If there is an error that is not specific to any field, but applicable
* to the entire form, you may pass that as if it were the error for a field called _error,
* and it will be given as the error prop.
interface SubmitHandler<FormData extends DataShape, S> {
(values: FormData, dispatch?: Dispatch<S>): void | FormErrors<FormData> | Promise<any>;
interface AsyncValidateCallback<FormData extends DataShape> {
* Any existing asynchronous validation errors
asyncErrors?: FormErrors<FormData>;
* true if the form has ever been initialized with initial values
initialized: boolean;
* The reason to possibly run async validation. It will either be: 'blur' or
* 'submit', depending on whether an async blur field had triggered the async
* validation or if submitting the form has triggered it, respectively.
trigger: 'blur' | 'submit';
* The name of the field that has triggered the async validation. May be undefined.
blurredField?: string;
* true if the form is pristine, false if it is dirty
pristine: boolean;
* true if synchronous validation is passing, false if it is failing.
syncValidationPasses: boolean;
* Form
* The following are methods or properties that you can access on an instance
* of your decorated form component (outermost component named "ReduxForm").
interface Form<FormData extends DataShape, P, S> extends Component<P, any> {
* true if the form data has changed from its initialized values. Opposite
* of pristine.
dirty: boolean;
* true if the form has validation errors. Opposite of valid.
invalid: boolean;
* true if the form data is the same as its initialized values. Opposite
* of dirty.
pristine: boolean;
* An array of objects with fields `name` and `type` for each field
* representing all the fields in the form. Mainly useful for testing.
registeredFields: RegisteredFieldState[];
* Resets all the values in the form to the initialized state, making it
* pristine again.
reset(): void;
* Submits the form. Returns a promise that will be resolved when the form
* is submitted successfully, or rejected if the submission fails.
submit(): Promise<any>;
* true if the form passes validation (has no validation errors). Opposite
* of invalid.
valid: boolean;
* The current values of all the fields in the form.
values: FormData;
* A reference to the instance of the component you decorated with reduxForm().
* Mainly useful for testing.
wrappedInstance: ReactElement<P & FormProps<FormData, S>>
* These are the props that will be passed to your form component.
* Your form component's props can extend this interface.
interface FormProps<FormData extends DataShape, S> {
autofill?(field: string, value: any): void;
change?(field: string, value: any): void;
blur?(field: string, value: any): void;
initialValues?: FormData,
* true if any of the fields have been marked as touched, false otherwise.
anyTouched?: boolean;
* A set of pre-bound action creators for you to operate on array fields in your form.
array?: {
* Inserts a value into the given array field in your form.
insert(field: string, index: number, value: FieldValue): void;
* Moves a value at the given from index to the given to index in
* the given array field in your form.
move(field: string, from: number, to: number): void;
* Pops a value off of the end of a given array field in your form.
pop(field: string): void;
* Pushes the given value onto the end of the given array field in your form.
push(field: string, value: FieldValue): void;
* Removes a value at the given index from the given array field in your form.
remove(field: string, index: number): void;
* Removes all the values from the given array field in your form.
removeAll(field: string): void;
* Shifts a value out of the beginning of the given array in your form.
shift(field: string): void;
* Performs an Array.splice operation on the given array in your form.
splice(field: string, index: number, removeNum: number, value: FieldValue): void;
* Swaps two values at the given indexes of the given array field in your form.
swap(field: string, indexA: number, indexB: number): void;
* Unshifts the given value into the beginning of the given array field in your form.
unshift(field: string, value: FieldValue): void;
* A function that may be called to initiate asynchronous validation if
* asynchronous validation is enabled.
asyncValidate?: () => void;
* This value will be either:
* - false - No asynchronous validation is currently happening
* - true - Asynchronous validation is currently running in preparation to submit a form
* - a string - The name of the field that just blurred to trigger asynchronous validation
asyncValidating?: string | boolean;
* Destroys the form state in the Redux store. By default, this will be
* called for you in componentWillUnmount().
destroy?(): void;
* true if the form data has changed from its initialized values. Opposite
* of pristine.
dirty?: boolean;
* A generic error for the entire form given by the _error key in the
* result from the synchronous validation function, the asynchronous
* validation, or the rejected promise from onSubmit.
error?: string;
* The form name that you gave to the reduxForm() decorator or the prop you
* passed in to your decorated form component.
form?: string;
* A function meant to be passed to <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> or to
* <button onClick={handleSubmit}>. It will run validation, both sync and
* async, and, if the form is valid, it will call
* this.props.onSubmit(data) with the contents of the form data.
* Optionally, you may also pass your onSubmit function to handleSubmit
* which will take the place of the onSubmit prop. For example: <form
* onSubmit={handleSubmit(}>
* If your onSubmit function returns a promise, the submitting property
* will be set to true until the promise has been resolved or rejected.
* If it is rejected with an object like
* new SubmissionError({ field1: 'error', field2: 'error' })
* then the submission errors will be added to each field (to the error
* prop) just like async validation errors are. If there is an error that
* is not specific to any field, but applicable to the entire form, you
* may pass that as if it were the error for a field called _error, and
* it will be given as the error prop.
handleSubmit?(event: SyntheticEvent<any>): void; // same as ReactEventHandler
handleSubmit?(submit: SubmitHandler<FormData, S>): ReactEventHandler<any>;
* Initializes the form data to the given values. All dirty and pristine
* state will be determined by comparing the current data with these
* initialized values.
initialize?(data: FormData): void;
* true if the form has validation errors. Opposite of valid.
invalid?: boolean;
* true if the form data is the same as its initialized values. Opposite
* of dirty.
pristine?: boolean;
* Resets all the values in the form to the initialized state, making it
* pristine again.
reset?(): void;
* Whether or not your form is currently submitting. This prop will only
* work if you have passed an onSubmit function that returns a promise. It
* will be true until the promise is resolved or rejected.
submitting?: boolean;
* Starts as false. If onSubmit is called, and fails to submit for any
* reason, submitFailed will be set to true. A subsequent successful
* submit will set it back to false.
submitFailed?: boolean;
* Starts as false. If onSubmit is called, and succeed to submit,
* submitSucceeded will be set to true. A subsequent unsuccessful
* submit will set it back to false.
submitSucceeded?: boolean;
* Marks the given fields as "touched" to show errors.
touch?(...field: string[]): void;
* Clears the "touched" flag for the given fields
untouch?(...field: string[]): void;
* true if the form passes validation (has no validation errors). Opposite
* of invalid.
valid?: boolean;
* A throwable error that is used to return submit validation errors from onSubmit.
* The purpose being to distinguish promise rejection because of validation errors
* from promise rejection because of AJAX I/O problems or other server errors.
export class SubmissionError<FormData extends DataShape> extends Error {
constructor(errors?: FormErrors<FormData>);
* Fields
* A component class or stateless function component.
* Workaround for: ComponentClass<P> | SFC<P> which does
* not resolve due to a bug in TypeScript.
type ComponentConstructor = ComponentClass<any> | StatelessComponent<any>;
interface BaseFieldsProps {
names?: string[],
component?: ComponentConstructor | "input" | "select" | "textarea",
format?: Formatter;
props?: Object;
parse?: Parser;
withRef?: boolean;
* These are the props to give to `Field`.
* Any others will be passed through to your component.
interface BaseFieldProps {
* A string path, in dot-and-bracket notation, corresponding to a value
* in the form values. It may be as simple as 'firstName' or as complicated
* as contact.billing.address[2].phones[1].areaCode.
* Required but made optional so interface can be used on decorated components.
name?: string;
* A Component, stateless function, or string corresponding to a default
* JSX element.
* Required but made optional so interface can be used on decorated components.
component?: ComponentConstructor | "input" | "select" | "textarea",
// component?: ComponentClass<P> | SFC<P> | "input" | "select" | "textarea",
* A value to be used if the current value for this field is undefined in the
* Redux Store. Defaults to '' to ensure that the input is controlled.
defaultValue?: FieldValue;
* If true, the rendered component will be available with the
* getRenderedComponent() method. Defaults to false. Cannot be used if your
* component is a stateless function component.
withRef?: boolean;
* Formats the value from the Redux store to be displayed in the field input.
* Common use cases are to format Numbers into currencies or Dates into a
* localized date format.
format?: Formatter;
* A function to convert whatever value the user has entered into the value that you
* want stored in the Redux store for the field.
* For instance, if you want the value to be in all uppercase, you would pass
* value => value.toUpperCase()
normalize?: Normalizer;
props?: Object;
* Parses the value given from the field input component to the type that you want
* stored in the Redux store. Common use cases are to parse currencies into Numbers into
* currencies or localized date formats into Dates.
parse?: Parser;
interface Normalizer {
* @param value The value entered by the user.
* @param previousValue The previous value for the field.
* @param allValues All the values in the entire form with the new value.
* This will be an Immutable Map if you are using Immutable JS.
* @param previousAllValues All the values in the entire form before the current change.
* This will be an Immutable Map if you are using Immutable JS.
(value: FieldValue, previousValue?: FieldValue, allValues?: Object, previousAllValues?: Object): FieldValue;
interface Formatter {
(value: FieldValue): FieldValue;
interface Parser {
(value: FieldValue): FieldValue;
export class Fields<FieldsCustomProps> extends Component<BaseFieldsProps & FieldsCustomProps, {}> {
names: string[];
dirty: boolean;
pristine: boolean;
values: any;
* The Field Instance API.
export class Field<FieldCustomProps> extends Component<BaseFieldProps & FieldCustomProps, {}> {
* true if the current value is different from the initialized value,
* false otherwise.
dirty: boolean;
* The name prop that you passed in.
name: string;
* true if the current value is the same as the initialized value,
* false otherwise.
pristine: boolean;
* The current value of the field.
value: FieldValue;
* Returns the instance of the rendered component. For this to work, you must
* provide a withRef prop, and your component must not be a stateless function
* component.
getRenderedComponent(): Component<WrappedFieldProps & FieldCustomProps, any>;
* These are props that `Field` will pass to your wrapped component (not including custom props).
export interface WrappedFieldProps {
* An object containing all the props that you will normally want to pass to
* your input component.
input: WrappedFieldInputProps;
* An object containing all the metadata props.
meta: WrappedFieldMetaProps;
* These props are meant to be destructured into your <input/> component.
export interface WrappedFieldInputProps {
* An alias for value only when value is a boolean. Provided for
* convenience of destructuring the whole field object into the props of a
* form element.
checked?: boolean;
* The name prop passed in.
name: string;
* A function to call when the form field loses focus.
onBlur: FocusEventHandler<any>;
* A function to call when the form field is changed.
onChange: ((value: string|React.FormEvent<any>) => void);
* A function to call when the form field receives a 'dragStart' event.
* Saves the field value in the event for giving the field it is dropped
* into.
onDragStart: DragEventHandler<any>;
* A function to call when the form field receives a drop event.
onDrop: DragEventHandler<any>;
* A function to call when the form field receives focus.
onFocus: FocusEventHandler<any>;
* The value of this form field. It will be a boolean for checkboxes, and
* a string for all other input types. If there is no value in the Redux
* state for this field, it will default to the defaultValue prop given to
* Field. If no such defaultValue is specified, it will be ''. This is to
* ensure that the input is controlled.
value: FieldValue;
* These props are metadata about the state of this field that redux-form is tracking for you.
export interface WrappedFieldMetaProps {
* true if this field currently has focus. It will only work if you are
* passing onFocus to your input element.
active?: boolean;
* true if the form is currently running asynchronous validation because this
* field was blurred.
asyncValidating: boolean;
* true if the field value has changed from its initialized value.
* Opposite of pristine.
dirty: boolean;
* The error for this field if its value is not passing validation. Both
* synchronous, asynchronous, and submit validation errors will be reported here.
error?: string|string[];
* true if the field value fails validation (has a validation error).
* Opposite of valid.
invalid: boolean;
* true if the field value is the same as its initialized value. Opposite
* of dirty.
pristine: boolean;
* true if the field has been touched. By default this will be set when
* the field is blurred.
touched: boolean;
* true if the field value passes validation (has no validation errors).
* Opposite of invalid.
valid: boolean;
* true if this field has ever had focus. It will only work if you are
* passing onFocus to your input element.
visited?: boolean;
autofilled?: boolean;
* These are the props to give to `FieldArray`.
* Any others will be passed through to your component.
interface BaseFieldArrayProps {
* A string path, in dot-and-bracket notation, corresponding to a value
* in the form values. It may be as simple as 'firstName' or as complicated
* as contact.billing.address[2].phones[1].areaCode.
* Required but made optional so interface can be used on decorated components.
name?: string;
* A Component or stateless function to render the field array.
* Required but made optional so interface can be used on decorated components.
component?: ComponentConstructor,
// component?: Component<P, any> | StatelessComponent<P>,
* If true, the rendered component will be available with the
* getRenderedComponent() method. Defaults to false. Cannot be used if your
* component is a stateless function component.
withRef?: boolean;
props?: Object;
* The FieldArray Instance API.
export class FieldArray<T, FieldCustomProps> extends Component<BaseFieldArrayProps & FieldCustomProps, {}> {
* The name prop that you passed in.
name: string;
* true if this field passes validation, false otherwise.
valid: boolean;
* Returns the instance of the rendered component. For this to work, you must
* provide a withRef prop, and your component must not be a stateless function
* component.
getRenderedComponent(): Component<WrappedFieldArrayProps<T> & FieldCustomProps, any>;
* These are props that `FieldArray` will pass to your wrapped component.
interface WrappedFieldArrayProps<T> {
fields: FieldsProps<T>;
meta: FieldArrayMetaProps;
interface FieldsProps<T> {
* A method to iterate over each value of the array.
forEach(callback: (name: string, index: number) => void): void;
* A function to insert a new value into the array at any arbitrary index.
insert(index: number, value: T): void;
* The current length of the array.
length: number;
* A method to iterate over each value of the array. Returns an array of the
* results of each call to the callback.
map(callback: (name: string, index: number) => any): any;
* Removes an item from the end of the array. Returns the item removed.
pop(): T;
* Adds a value to the end of the array.
push(value: T): void;
* Removes an item from the array at an arbitrary index.
remove(index: number): void;
* Removes an item from beginning of the array. Returns the item removed.
shift(): T;
* Swaps two items in the array at the given indexes.
swap(indexA: number, indexB: number): void;
* Adds an item to the beginning of the array.
unshift(value: T): void;
interface FieldArrayMetaProps {
* true if the any of the fields in the field array have changed from their
* initialized value. Opposite of pristine.
dirty: boolean;
* The error for this field array if its value is not passing validation. Both
* synchronous, asynchronous, and submit validation errors will be reported here.
* Array-specific errors should be returned from the validation function as an
* _error key on the array.
error?: string;
* true if the field array value fails validation (has a validation error).
* Opposite of valid.
invalid: boolean;
* true if the all of the fields in the field array are the same as their
* initialized value. Opposite of dirty.
pristine: boolean;
* true if the field value passes validation (has no validation errors).
* Opposite of invalid.
valid: boolean;
* Selector
* A "selector" API to make it easier to connect() to form values. Creates a selector
* function for your form that can be used with your field names.
export function formValueSelector<State>(form: string, getFormState?: () => State): Selector<State>;
interface Selector<State> {
(state: State, ...field: string[]): Object
* Reducer
export function reducer(state: FormStateMap, action: Action): FormStateMap & FormReducer;
interface FormReducer {
* Returns a form reducer that will also pass each action through
* additional reducers specified. The parameter should be an object mapping
* from formName to a (state, action) => nextState reducer. The state
* passed to each reducer will only be the slice that pertains to that
* form.
plugin(reducers: FormReducerMapObject): Reducer<any>;
interface FormReducerMapObject {
[formName: string]: Reducer<any>;
* Store state
interface FormStateMap {
[formName: string]: FormState | undefined;
export interface FormState {
registeredFields: RegisteredFieldState[];
fields?: {[name: string]: FieldState};
values?: { [fieldName: string]: any };
initial?: { [fieldName: string]: any };
active?: string;
anyTouched?: boolean;
submitting?: boolean;
submitErrors?: { [fieldName: string]: string };
submitFailed?: boolean;
interface RegisteredFieldState {
name: string;
type: FieldType;
interface FieldState {
active?: boolean;
touched?: boolean;
visited?: boolean;
autofilled?: boolean;
* Action creators
* Inserts an item into a field array at the specified index
export function arrayInsert(form: string, field: string, index: number, value: any): Action;
* Moves an item from one index in the array to another. In effect, it performs a remove and an
* insert, so the item already at the `to` position will be bumped to a higher index, not overwritten.
export function arrayMove(form: string, field: string, from: number, to: number): Action;
* Removes an item from the end of a field array
export function arrayPop(form: string, field: string): Action;
* Appends an item to the end of a field array
export function arrayPush(form: string, field: string, value: any): Action;
* Removes an item at the specified index from a field array
export function arrayRemove(form: string, field: string, index: number): Action;
* Removes all items from a field array
export function arrayRemoveAll(form: string, field: string): Action;
* Removes an item from the beginning of a field array
export function arrayShift(form: string, field: string): Action;
* ADVANCED USAGE - Inserts and/or removes items from a field array. Works similarly to Array.splice.
export function arraySplice(form: string, field: string, index: number, removeNum: number, value: any): Action;
* Swaps two items at the specified indexes in a field array
export function arraySwap(form: string, field: string, indexA: number, indexB: number): Action;
* Inserts an item at the beginning of a field array
export function arrayUnshift(form: string, field: string, value: any): Action;
* Saves the value to the field
export function blur(form: string, field: string, value: any): Action;
* Saves the value to the field
export function change(form: string, field: string, value: any): Action;
* Destroys the form, removing all it's state
export function destroy(form: string): Action;
* Marks the given field as active and visited
export function focus(form: string, field: string): Action;
* Sets the initial values in the form with which future data values will be compared to calculate dirty and pristine.
* The data parameter may contain deep nested array and object values that match the shape of your form fields.
* IMPORTANT: The fields array passed must be the same as the one given as a config parameter to reduxForm().
export function initialize(form: string, data: Object): Action;
* Resets the values in the form back to the values past in with the most recent initialize action.
export function reset(form: string): Action;
* Flips the asyncValidating flag true
export function startAsyncValidation(form: string): Action;
* Flips the submitting flag true.
export function startSubmit(form: string): Action;
* Flips the submitting flag false and populates submitError for each field.
export function stopSubmit(form: string, errors?: Object): Action;
* Flips the asyncValidating flag false and populates asyncError for each field.
export function stopAsyncValidation(form: string, errors?: Object): Action;
export function setSubmitFailed(form: string, ...fields: string[]): Action;
export function setSubmitSucceeded(form: string, ...fields: string[]): Action;
* Marks all the fields passed in as touched.
export function touch(form: string, ...fields: string[]): Action;
* Resets the 'touched' flag for all the fields passed in.
export function untouch(form: string, ...fields: string[]): Action;
* Selectors
* Used to query the state of any of your forms.
* All of the selectors listed below have the same usage pattern:
* they all take the name of the form, and create a selector for
* whatever form state the selector is for.
* import {
* getFormValues,
* isDirty,
* isPristine,
* isValid,
* isInvalid
* } from 'redux-form';
* MyComponent = connect(
* state => ({
* values: getFormValues('myForm'),
* dirty: isDirty('myForm'),
* pristine: isPristine('myForm'),
* valid: isValid('myForm'),
* invalid: isInvalid('myForm')
* })
* )(MyComponent)
* Gets form data.
interface DataSelector {
<FormData extends DataShape, State>(formName: string): (state: State) => FormData | undefined;
<FormData extends DataShape>(formName: string): (state: any) => FormData | undefined;
* Gets boolean info from form.
interface BooleanSelector {
<State>(formName: string): (state: State) => boolean;
(formName: string): (state: any) => boolean;
* Gets the form values. Shocking, right?
export const getFormValues: DataSelector;
* Returns true if the form is dirty, i.e. the values have been altered
* from the original initialValues provided. The opposite of isPristine.
export const isDirty: BooleanSelector;
* Returns true if the form is pristine, i.e. the values have NOT been altered
* from the original initialValues provided. The opposite of isDirty.
export const isPristine: BooleanSelector;
* Returns true if the form is valid, i.e. has no sync, async, or submission
* errors. The opposite of isInvalid.
export const isValid: BooleanSelector;
* Returns true if the form is invalid, i.e. has sync, async, or submission
* errors. The opposite of isValid.
export const isInvalid: BooleanSelector;
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Jacke commented Dec 13, 2016

same stuff

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