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bowerbird bbirdiman

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this is named ""

it is a gist.

a public gist.

there is no space after that first line.

there are two spaces
after the line above.

Alice's Adventures

in Wonderland

by Lewis Carroll

Illustrated by John Tenniel

Alice's Adventures
in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll
Illustrated by John Tenniel

maybe if i write it in a gist,
you will read it, and believe.


i'm testing

it pulls a gist -- like this one -- and converts the thing from its native format, which is markdown, into a nicely formatted .html display.

pretty simple, and a great example of the kind of thing i'm doing with my own z.m.l. (zen markup language).

i'm testing

it pulls a gist -- like this one --
and converts the thing from its native format, which is markdown, into a nicely formatted .html display.

pretty simple, and a great example of the kind of thing i'm doing with my own z.m.l. (zen markup language).