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Forked from briandoll/full.plugin.list.txt
Created October 12, 2011 19:22
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Full Plugin List Deployed in applications monitored by New Relic, September 2011
Full Plugin List Deployed in Rails applications monitored by New Relic, September 2011
Count Plugin Name
2040 rpm
1534 newrelic_rpm
1268 acts_as_list
1186 paperclip
1130 will_paginate
1068 exception_notification
1026 jrails
1010 restful_authentication
1009 haml
960 ssl_requirement
917 attachment_fu
876 delayed_job
856 acts_as_tree
829 exceptional
777 quick_sendgrid
763 auto_complete
648 all
569 asset_packager
540 geokit-rails
524 active_merchant
483 responds_to_parent
444 hoptoad_notifier
433 acts_as_state_machine
421 acts_as_taggable_on_steroids
400 rails_log_stdout
392 annotate_models
390 rspec
388 calendar_date_select
370 country_select
355 acts_as_paranoid
353 restful-authentication
352 in_place_editing
348 prawnto
336 rspec-rails
325 recaptcha
325 action_mailer_optional_tls
314 active_scaffold
308 facebooker
291 permalink_fu
286 thinking-sphinx
282 role_requirement
281 ym4r_gm
244 white_list
240 tiny_mce
236 open_id_authentication
233 spawn
221 rack-bug
215 acts-as-taggable-on
209 validation_reflection
209 yaml_db
207 authlogic
206 render_component
204 acts_as_commentable
202 calendar_helper
198 awesome_nested_set
191 simple_captcha
190 acts_as_versioned
182 extension_patches
181 rails_xss
180 open_flash_chart
176 custom-err-msg
170 acts_as_authenticated
165 classic_pagination
164 resource_controller
154 geokit
152 default_value_for
151 subdomain-fu
148 make_resourceful
148 rails_rcov
147 dataset
147 file_column
145 query_reviewer
144 backgroundrb
144 workling
141 engines
141 ar_fixtures
139 action_mailer_tls
138 gemsonrails
137 active_record_extensions
133 string_extensions
133 rails_indexes
132 cache_fu
129 mobile-fu
127 symbol_extensions
127 object_extensions
127 response_cache_timeout
124 caches_page_via_http
124 acts_as_audited
121 shoulda
121 xss_terminate
115 validates_date_time
114 request_routing
111 mimetype-fu
109 query_trace
109 bundle-fu
109 active_record_base_without_table
109 redbox
107 selenium-on-rails
107 redhillonrails_core
105 globalize2
104 seed-fu
100 acts_as_rateable
100 daemon_generator
100 has_many_polymorphs
100 exception_logger
99 aasm
99 acts_as_textiled
99 searchlogic
98 limerick_rake
96 fckeditor
96 webrat
95 localized_country_select
94 userstamp
92 liquid
92 abingo
91 acts_as_ferret
90 email-spec
89 validates_email_format_of
89 app_config
87 hassle
86 oink
86 state_machine
85 squirrel
85 acts_as_solr
83 ultrasphinx
83 rails-ckeditor
81 fetcher
80 paginating_find
80 12_hour_time
79 rspec-on-rails-matchers
78 sass_on_heroku
77 foreign_key_migrations
77 mocha
77 compass
76 fitter_happier
76 to_csv
76 textile_editor_helper
75 validates_email_veracity_of
75 authlogic_facebook_connect
75 wicked_pdf
74 rails_upgrade
74 translate
74 blue-ridge
73 forgot_password
73 friendly_id
73 machinist
72 formtastic
72 iso-3166-country-select
70 nested_has_many_through
70 validates_url_format_of
68 betternestedset
68 validates_existence
67 svn
66 query_analyzer
66 rails-widgets
63 active_form
63 more
63 irs_process_scripts
63 white_list_formatted_content
62 acts_as_taggable
62 admin_data
62 backup_fu
61 state_select
61 rails-authorization-plugin
61 rspec_on_rails
61 attribute_fu
59 authorization
58 http_accept_language
58 easy-fckeditor
58 bj
58 acl_system2
57 google_charts_on_rails
57 arts
57 enum-column
57 i18n_label
56 smurf
55 atom_feed_helper
54 validates_timeliness
54 sortable_table
54 timed_fragment_cache
54 google_maps
53 rails-dev-boost
53 gibberish
53 deep_cloning
52 parallel_specs
52 x_send_file
52 gmail_smtp
52 event_calendar
51 gravatar
51 acts_as_nested_set
50 nested_layouts
50 oauth-plugin
50 cucumber
49 fu-fu
49 csv_builder
49 swf_fu
49 sql_session_store
49 2dc_jqgrid
48 active_record_defaults
48 us-state-select-plugin
48 translate_routes
48 high_voltage
48 deadlock_retry
47 rails-footnotes
47 enumerations_mixin
46 redirect_routing
46 tinymce_hammer
45 tzinfo_timezone
44 masochism
44 moonshine
44 manage_fixtures
44 memory_test_fix
44 auto_migrations
44 declarative_authorization
43 routing-filter
43 gruff
43 carmen
43 acts_as_rated
41 contacts
41 fast_context
41 us_states
41 auto_complete_jquery
40 acts_as_money
40 mimetype_fu
40 fixture_replacement2
40 unobtrusive_date_picker
40 factory_girl
39 comatose
39 table_builder
39 money
39 activemessaging
39 fastercsv
39 rakismet
39 flag_shih_tzu
39 validates_multiparameter_assignments
38 fast_remote_cache
38 as_paperclip_bridge
38 after_commit
38 ym4r-gm
38 typus
38 textile-editor-helper
37 parallel_tests
37 validates_as_email
37 bullet
37 dom_id
36 princely
36 stringex
35 sitemap_generator
35 mongrel_proctitle
35 attachment_fu_hacks
35 localized_dates
35 sanitize_params
35 spatial_adapter
35 sms-fu
34 facebox_render
34 db-populate
34 bundle_fu
34 html_helpers
34 sprockets-rails
34 crummy
33 tztime
33 acts_as_voteable
33 google_ajax_libraries_api
33 mislav-will_paginate
33 relative_time_helpers
33 message_block
32 active_shipping
32 account_location
32 google_analytics
32 acts_as_category
32 localization
32 browser_filters
32 synch_s3_asset_host
32 vote_fu
31 flash-message-conductor
31 strip_attributes
31 s3-swf-upload-plugin
31 rest_in_place
31 rails-iui
31 globalize
31 rubycas-client
31 test_benchmark
31 resources_controller
30 paypal
30 ajaxful-rating
30 theme_support
30 inherited_resources
30 jrails_in_place_editing
30 tolk
29 libmemcached_store
29 community_engine
29 country_codes
29 htpasswd
28 test_spec_on_rails
28 brain_buster
28 query_stats
28 nested-layouts
28 active_scaffold_export
28 widgets
28 acts_as_network
28 timeline_fu
28 ambling
28 juggernaut_plugin
28 find_mass_assignment
28 cells
28 enkoder
27 flashplayrhelpr
27 aws-s3
27 model_auto_completer
27 tunnlr_connector
27 user_stamp
27 rails-settings
27 asset-hosting-with-minimum-ssl
27 dynamic_session_exp
27 resque
26 acts_as_attachment
26 heroku_asset_packager
26 no-peeping-toms
26 super_inplace_controls
26 chronic
26 web-app-theme
26 acts_as_tsearch
26 headliner
26 rubyamf
25 labeling_form_helper
25 shmacros
25 css_graphs
25 uberkit
25 helper_test
25 truncate_html
25 active_scaffold_sortable
25 simple_time_select
25 live-validations
25 to_xls
25 spider_test
24 activerecord_symbolize
24 trunk
24 mini_magick
24 jrails_auto_complete
24 ar-extensions
24 better_nested_set
24 footnotes
24 multiple_select
24 moonshine_scout
24 resource_feeder
23 activecalendar
23 routing_tricks
23 safe_erb
23 object_daddy
23 lightbox
23 sphinx
23 simply_helpful
23 acts_as_dropdown
23 simple_auto_complete
23 facebooker2
23 rspec-rails-mocha
23 refraction
23 concerned_with
23 hominid
22 human_attribute_override
22 acts_as_geocodable
22 has_many_friends
22 sortable
22 rcov_plugin
22 acts_as_indexed
22 sitemap_generator-plugin
22 time_travel
22 app_version
22 browser_detect
22 acl9
22 feedback
22 delayed_job_mailer
22 acts_as_favorite
21 rails
21 javascript_test
21 vestal_versions
21 superdeploy
21 acts_as_soft_deletable
21 i18n
21 tiny_mce_plus
21 session-timeout
21 activesupport
21 semantic_form_builder
21 imagespec
20 akismetor
20 simple-private-messages
20 actionpack
20 thinking_sphinx
20 scope_out
20 simple_http_auth
20 ez-where
20 interlock
20 cap_gun
20 query-analyzer
20 acts_as_messageable
20 acts_as_follower
20 activerecord
20 cancan
20 fleximage
20 breadcrumbs
20 filestore_expires_in-plugin
20 twitter-auth
20 bootstrapper
20 master
20 rails_money
20 flashobject_helper
20 uuid
20 twelve_hour
19 actionmailer
19 PayPalSDK
19 attachment_fu_validates_attachment
19 preferences
19 is_paranoid
19 acts_as_searchable
19 assert_valid_markup
19 jw-playr-hlpr
19 trusted-params
19 capistrano_mailer
19 active_merchant_extensions
19 zipcodesearch
19 output_compression
19 nested_form
19 dependent_protect
18 exception_notifier
18 lazy_high_charts
18 ar_mailer
18 moonshine_iptables
18 mail_queue
18 packr
18 hodel_3000_compliant_logger
18 ekuseru
18 rails_datatables
18 activemerchant
18 acts_as_ordered_tree
18 currencyexchange
18 pivotal_core_bundle
18 paper_trail
18 railspdf
18 simpleconfig
18 cacheable-flash
18 craken
18 request_profiler
18 mysql_bigint
18 foreigner
18 rubaidhstrano
18 livevalidation
18 html_test
17 upload_progress
17 single_test
17 active_record_openid_store
17 gettext_i18n_rails
17 acts_as_tiny_url
17 settings
17 pretty_flash
17 gems
17 action_mailer_layouts
17 upload_column
17 sitemap
17 memorylogic
17 acts_as_xapian
17 simply_versioned
17 blitz
17 better_partials
17 sliding_session_timeout
17 RedCloth
17 facebase
17 russian
17 acts_as_sluggable
17 rails_tiny_mce
17 captcha
16 moonshine_memcached
16 cache_test
16 yui_editor
16 acts_as_taggable_on
16 rspec_autotest
16 rutils
16 guid
16 paperclippolymorph
16 json
16 response_for
16 inline_attachment
16 default_order
16 transactional_migrations
16 token_generator
16 activeresource
16 flutie
16 rest-client
16 alter_table
16 use_db
16 action_mailer_callbacks
16 action_mailer_cache_delivery
16 to_slug
16 auto_html
16 serialize_with_options
16 version_fu
16 barcode_generator
16 sexy_migrations
16 scrooge
16 seo_urls
16 twitter
16 refinery
15 haml-scaffold
15 ruby-prof
15 ruby-guid
15 markaby
15 rav
15 jpmobile
15 active_record_tableless
15 navigation_helper
15 catch_cookie_exception
15 moonshine_god
15 validates_as_email_address
15 jsmin
15 crack
15 uuidtools
15 acts_as_slugable
15 http_authentication
15 skinny_spec
15 bbcodeizer
15 gravatar-plugin
15 paperclip_with_hobo
15 metric_fu
15 acts_as_reportable
15 delayed_paperclip
15 mongo_db_logger
14 error_messages_for
14 without_callbacks
14 migration_test_helper
14 is_taggable
14 rspec_on_rails_matchers
14 sortable_column_headers
14 inherit_views
14 smart_session_store
14 dhtml_calendar
14 wice_grid
14 savage-beast
14 thoughtbot-paperclip
14 enum_field
14 tabnav
14 jslint_on_rails
14 random_finders
14 condition_builder
14 resource_fu
14 mysql_tasks
14 rake
14 acts_as_sphinx
14 active_scaffold_list_filters
14 meta-tags
14 conditions_fu
14 labeled_form_helper
14 builder
13 cross_site_sniper
13 acts_as_configurable
13 rack
13 later_dude
13 cssmin
13 js-if-blocks
13 rainpress
13 db-charmer
13 hoe
13 actionwebservice
13 routing_navigator
13 validates_captcha
13 easy_swf_upload
13 rspec-caching-test-plugin
13 configatron_rails
13 database_cleaner
13 negative_captcha
13 rfpdf
13 i18n_backend_database
13 dotiw
13 semantic-menu
13 ziya
13 htmldiff
13 less-reverse-captcha
13 mime-types
13 clicktale
13 rubyforge
12 enum_fu
12 uml
12 simple_localization
12 configurator
12 sunspot_rails
12 googlecharts
12 acts_as_publishable
12 project_search
12 modporter-plugin
12 sms_fu
12 acts-as-rated
12 workflow
12 imagemagick_tag
12 annotatedtimeline-for-rails
12 rails_sql_views
12 response_for_rc
12 stripper
12 weekly_builder
12 find_by_param
12 excel
12 railroad
12 before_render
12 spreadsheet_on_rails
12 acts_as_revisionable
12 action_cache
12 acts_as_loggable
12 continuous_builder
12 ez_where
12 cache-money
12 recordselect
12 activerecord_i18n_defaults
12 simple_access_control
12 railserrorsfor
12 streamlined
12 deprecated
12 country_code_select
12 google_visualr
12 ext_scaffold
12 migrate_test_db
12 fixturereplacement
12 time-warp
12 validationgroup
12 riff
12 showoff
12 image_spec
12 resource_hacks
11 icalendar
11 httparty
11 delayed_job_admin
11 acts_as_inviteable
11 background-fu
11 juggernaut
11 spec_integration
11 acts_as_sanitized
11 acts_as_redeemable
11 js_named_routes
11 sparklines
11 criteriaquery
11 less-js-routes
11 model_stubbing
11 mail_style
11 fast_sessions
11 bloggity
11 wym_editor_helper
11 acts_as_secure
11 jquery_calendar_date_select
11 master_slave_adapter
11 related_select_forms
11 form_spam_protection
11 calendariffic
11 form_test_helper
11 acts_as_ordered
11 simple_form
11 less-for-rails
11 memcache_store_with_delete_matched
11 async_mailer
11 shopify_app
11 responds-to-parent
11 translatable_columns
11 auto_cron
11 active_record_context
11 prawn
11 validatable
11 pdf-inspector
11 nifty-generators
10 youtube-g
10 better_logging
10 rpx_now
10 rest-graph
10 with_action
10 validates_as_eu_vat_number
10 daemons
10 weborb
10 growl4rails
10 site_config
10 rows_logger
10 comma
10 inploy
10 record_select
10 active_delegate
10 ym4r_mapstraction
10 selenium_on_rails
10 asset_auto_include
10 youtube-model
10 input_css
10 rfacebook
10 smerf
10 override_rake_task
10 fancy_box_rails_plugin
10 http_url_validation_improved
10 migration_helpers
10 tweet-button
10 visualize_models
10 static_actions
10 run_later
10 tiny_mce_gzip
10 javascript_auto_include
10 can_flag
10 activerecord-tableless
10 capistrano
10 negative-captcha
10 bb-ruby
10 pacecar
10 plugin
10 css_browser_selector
10 acts_as_fulltextable
10 sanitize
10 geocoder
10 sweeper
10 radius
10 passenger
10 simple-navigation
10 capistrano-ext
10 heroku_san
10 activity_tracker
10 has_activity
10 rspec_expectation_matchers
10 moonshine_ssh
10 settingslogic
10 acts_as_friendly_param
10 rails_environments
10 stateselect
10 hyperactiveresource
10 form_assistant
9 xmlcache
9 white_list_model
9 net-ssh
9 password_generator
9 forgery
9 activerecord-tableless-models
9 viking
9 tank-engine
9 sitemap-generator
9 ck_fu
9 pseudo_cursors
9 lazy_developer
9 devise
9 apple_push_notification
9 fast_git_deploy
9 workling_mailer
9 acts_as_enumeration
9 attachment_fu_thumbnails
9 async_observer
9 resource_this
9 schema-browser
9 base-auth
9 i18n-js
9 hobo
9 inflectionist
9 acts_as_bookmarkable
9 has_permalink
9 kyanmedia
9 instantcalendar
9 acts_as_taggable_redux
9 postage
9 sti_factory
9 union
9 moonshine_sphinx
9 iso_countries
9 scaffolding
9 jaxy_file_uploads
9 rspec-haml-scaffold-generator
9 hashdown
9 assert_select
9 search_sniffer
9 tender_multipass
9 slim_scrooge
9 crumble
9 html_output
9 safe_mass_assignment
9 country_and_region_select
9 validate_spanish_vat
9 core_extensions
9 system_settings
9 barcode-generator
9 asset_fingerprint
9 railswhere
9 yUMLmeRails
9 acts_as_unvlogable
9 rubyamf_plugin
9 lib
9 schema_validations
9 eschaton
8 acts_as_commentable_with_threading
8 right_aws
8 fam-fam-icons-on-rails
8 autochronic
8 translator
8 tracked_plugins
8 uploadcolumn
8 template_inliner
8 spreadsheet
8 htmlentities
8 soap4r
8 morning_glory
8 google_closure_compiler
8 progress_bar_helper
8 rspec_rails
8 gvis
8 auto_focusable_forms
8 sexy_flash
8 year_after_year
8 gchartrb
8 meta_tags
8 rubyzip
8 watir-on-rails
8 brazilian-rails
8 gravatar_image_tag
8 css_dryer
8 formtastic_calendar
8 lucy
8 rspec_on_rails_on_crack
8 limited_sessions
8 flashback
8 highcharts-rails
8 splam
8 hpricot
8 active-form
8 oauth_plugin
8 hobo-jquery
8 acts_as_scribe
8 railmail
8 rudeq
8 has_messages
8 encrypted_cookie_store
8 qusion
8 ezcrypto
8 warbler
8 numbersToWords
8 immutable_attributes
8 geo_kit
8 double_submit_protection
8 stickies
8 auto-session-timeout
8 query_memcached
8 remote_forgery_protection
8 git_helper
8 model_translations
8 babilu
8 fakeweb
8 qrcode
8 fixture_scenarios
8 faker
8 ar_mysql_full_text
8 quick_scopes
8 ancestry
8 scrap
8 helper_me_test
8 backupmyapp
8 name_nanny
8 validatious-on-rails
8 gc4r
8 parental_control
7 encrypted_strings
7 peepserver
7 title_helpers
7 rateableplugin
7 gettext
7 reports_as_sparkline
7 seamless_database_pool
7 cucumber_rails_debug
7 l10n-simplified
7 easy_globalize2_accessors
7 foreign_keys
7 request_timer
7 navigation
7 gwo
7 acts_as_snook
7 active_scaffold_acts_as_list
7 smtp_tls
7 scaffolding_extensions
7 qunit_for_rails
7 respond_to_parent
7 nested_scenarios
7 ttfunk
7 seleniumrc_fu
7 acts_as_readonlyable
7 rails_tidy
7 flash_helper
7 newrelic
7 activescaffold
7 json_request
7 gloc
7 ruby-hmac
7 db_populate
7 rails-i18n-translation-inheritance-helper
7 inplacecontrols
7 textmate_backtracer
7 acts_as_activity_logged
7 rails-i18n
7 ezgraphix
7 classy_field_errors
7 canonical-url
7 moonshine_mysql_tools
7 coderay
7 mini_fb
7 pfeed
7 xhr_redirect
7 orbited
7 defensio
7 validates_url
7 rspec-plugin-generator
7 attachment_fu_fixtures
7 better-edit-in-place
7 acts_as_urlnameable
7 friendly_identifier
7 whenever
7 span_error_messages
7 mysql_replication_adapter
7 message_center
7 merger
7 authorization-san
7 table_migrator
7 cms
7 footnotes-edge
7 fixie
7 less_js_routes
7 slugger
7 attribute_normalizer
7 simple_sidebar
7 mile_marker
7 remarkable_paperclip
7 xml-simple
7 acts_as_shareable
7 funkytown
7 jquery_ui_rails_helpers
7 coulda
7 mobile_fu
7 s3
7 utility_scopes
7 yajl-rails
7 acts_as_auditable
7 rspec-rr
7 meta_on_rails
7 fgraph
7 googlecalendar
7 easy_roles
7 active_record_without_table
7 cartographer
7 system_messages
7 multipart_integration_test
7 rails-caches-action-patch
7 noisy_partials
7 oauth
7 globalite
7 acts_as_wizard
7 tarantula
7 ci_reporter
7 scriptaculous_slider
7 i18n_action_mailer
7 yaml_big_decimal_fix
6 wheres-your-database-yml-dude
6 nulldb
6 activerecord-import
6 redis
6 moonshine_redis
6 prawn-layout
6 json_pure
6 fastthread
6 culerity
6 vizres
6 saucy
6 storage_service
6 greybox_on_rails
6 cacheable_flash
6 will_paginate_acts_as_solr
6 db2s3
6 rails-math-captcha
6 mongrel
6 html_matchers
6 tmail
6 google_apps_login
6 basecamp_notify
6 scheduler_daemon
6 sifrhelper
6 bluecloth
6 validates_url_of
6 be_valid_asset
6 acts_as_trashable
6 mysql_index_length
6 tooltips
6 pseudocursors
6 actions
6 tickle
6 authentication
6 responsible_markup
6 open_flash_chart.git
6 clickatell
6 cap_db_dump
6 hivelogic-enkoder-rails
6 auth_helpers
6 acts_as_bitfield
6 phonemic_passwords
6 dollars_and_cents
6 wikipedia
6 admin_assistant
6 ruby-ole
6 capistrano-db-tasks
6 slugify
6 users
6 growlr
6 to_select
6 add_nested_fields
6 freemium
6 fixture_references
6 calendar
6 ambethia-recaptcha
6 rmagick
6 actionmailer_ja
6 preference_fu
6 less_monkey_patching
6 restful_ezm
6 eztime
6 add_column_after
6 validates_as_cpf
6 gravtastic
6 aws
6 scoped_access
6 sentry
6 facader
6 ruby-openid
6 multi_assignment_sanity
6 translate_columns
6 typed_serialize
6 salty_slugs
6 pickle
6 find_random
6 form_builders
6 default_routing
6 acts_as_watchable
6 what_column
6 savage_beast
6 restful_acl
6 ym4r
6 static_pages
6 data_migration
6 sexy_pg_constraints
6 tobi-delayed_job
6 tabs_on_rails
6 email-veracity
6 gchart
6 bookmarkit
6 mailer_callbacks
6 swfupload
6 table_helper
6 serialized_attributes
6 repeated_job
6 rcov_rails
6 validates_xml
6 hubahuba
6 simple-rss
6 user
6 test
6 microformat_helper
6 open_flash_chart_2
6 will_paginate_hacks
6 mysql
6 pretty_buttons
6 acts_as_draftable
6 enumerate_by
6 xml_simple_doctype_fix
6 fedex
6 net-sftp
6 prefinery-ruby-api
6 geokit-gem
6 flotilla
6 dnsbl_check
6 acts_as_gift
6 d2s3
6 sanitize_email
6 rails-multisite
6 javascript_unittest
6 migration_helper
6 geoip
6 subdomain_routes
6 flickr_fu
6 tog_user
6 styler
6 authlogic_openid
5 simple_column_search
5 by_star
5 has_list_options
5 scribd_fu
5 savon
5 acts_as_ratable
5 SyslogLogger
5 abstract
5 blueprint-css
5 annotate
5 mad_mimi_mailer
5 caching-mailer
5 acts_as_url_param
5 smtp-tls
5 columns_on_demand
5 default_values
5 performatron
5 will_paginate-liquidized
5 validation_disabler
5 install
5 tog_mail
5 padlock_authorization
5 custom_validations
5 simplified_breadcrumbs
5 dynamic_form
5 urbanairship_on_rails
5 htmldoc
5 admin
5 redis-namespace
5 active_presenter
5 advanced_errors
5 white_list_objectified
5 url_key
5 memory_usage_logger
5 factory_utils
5 rescue_from_templates_exceptions
5 rails_jqtouch
5 clearance
5 premailer
5 yaripe
5 attachment_processor_v2
5 bitmask-attribute
5 authorize_me
5 goldspike
5 haml_scaffold
5 paginator
5 prawn-format
5 scenarios
5 acts_as_threaded
5 assert-valid-asset
5 facebook
5 activerecord_base_without_table
5 pagseguro
5 browser-prof
5 railsdav
5 resourceful_views
5 ZenTest
5 solr-ruby
5 augmentations
5 acts_as_modified
5 map-fields
5 ordered_error_messages_for
5 tog_core
5 api
5 blackbook
5 themes
5 static_model
5 subversion_helper
5 background
5 generate_sitemap
5 redirect_back
5 fast_admin
5 validate_attributes
5 ibox-rails-plugin
5 yacaph
5 cerise
5 ruby-oembed
5 integration
5 mail_fetcher
5 awesome-backup
5 application_config
5 image_science
5 tog_social
5 enhanced_migrations
5 contact-form-generator
5 ruby-imagespec
5 has_finder
5 url_for_domain
5 acts_as_cached
5 randexp
5 service-client
5 acts_as_linkable
5 faster_csv
5 factory_girl_on_rails
5 batch_translations
5 mapping
5 acts-as-viewed
5 active_record_each
5 activescaffold_advanced_search
5 FlashFixes
5 import_with_load_data_in_file
5 invitations
5 timepicker
5 eventmachine
5 X-Accel-Redirect
5 rails_history
5 memcache-client_extensions
5 moonshine_wordpress
5 activeform
5 log4r
5 rtex
5 formtastic_calendar_date_select
5 scout_rails_instrumentation
5 cached_externals
5 debug_view_helper
5 live_tree
5 googtaculous
5 fast_xirgo
5 wapcaplet
5 ar-backup
5 caching-plugin
5 ts-delayed-delta
5 flags_column
5 swfobject_helper
5 remarkable
5 sendgrid
5 memcache-client
5 inheritable_templates
5 simple_memoize
5 file-column
5 riddle
5 administrate_me
5 action_web_services
5 has_friends
5 custom_err_msg
5 delocalize
5 record_activities
5 validation_scenarios
5 session_timeout
5 seo_helper
5 acts_as_dismissible
5 time_bandits
5 prototype_legacy_helper
5 eload-select
5 i18n_generators
5 common_helpers
5 scoped_search
5 attacheable
5 paperclip_extensions
5 bitly
5 flotomatic
5 fast_enfora
5 uni-form
5 tzinfo
5 erubis
5 packet
5 acts_as_habtm_list
5 acts_as_event
5 acts_as_featured
4 constant_contact
4 conductor
4 date_time_text_field_helpers
4 medidata_buttons
4 admob
4 url_validation
4 actionmailer_with_request
4 zendesk
4 acts_as_likable
4 redis-rb
4 rails-country_select
4 acts_as_votable
4 casein
4 vladify
4 geokit_rails
4 erector
4 cdn_fu
4 shipping
4 boxcar-conductor
4 acts_as_mailchimp
4 dashed_dom_id
4 rufus-scheduler
4 embedded_actions
4 for
4 session_expiration
4 sweatshop
4 rubygems-update
4 inactive_record
4 lovely-layouts
4 accessible_form_builder
4 mig-constraints
4 version_cache
4 configatron
4 active-rbac
4 importer
4 oembed_links
4 expiring_attr_reader
4 koala
4 acts_as_lookup
4 annotate-models
4 foreign-domain-routing
4 base_auth
4 view_specify
4 acts_as_filterable
4 html5_rails2_plugin
4 autocomplete
4 graticule
4 inputs
4 bundled_assets
4 faq_u
4 acts-as-tree-with-dotted-ids
4 torsion_rspec
4 adva_cms
4 has_flags
4 html5
4 page_cache_fu
4 rails-exception_notification
4 safedevemail
4 connections
4 hoptoad
4 fast_xirgo_wired
4 plover
4 simple_nested_set
4 acts_as_singleton
4 clippy
4 ebay_shopping
4 qype_fu
4 rspec-cells
4 hashie
4 acts_as_currency
4 migration_sql_generator
4 recurrence
4 email_validation
4 ax_fix_long_psql_index_names
4 rails-iso-3166-country-select
4 BlueCloth
4 api_infusionsoft
4 gem_plugin
4 ts-datetime-delta
4 mofo
4 validates_as_cnpj
4 statistics
4 title_helper
4 solr_query
4 amazon-ecs
4 thoughtbot-shoulda
4 request_exception_handler
4 libxml-ruby
4 rails_ext
4 wikicloth
4 caches.rb
4 mogli
4 restful_transactions
4 safe-erb
4 telegraph
4 authlogic_oauth
4 cache_fu_simple
4 mimic_ssl
4 core
4 sortable_columns
4 serializefu
4 feedtools
4 secure_actions
4 httpclient
4 right_http_connection
4 habtm_list
4 acts_as_extensible
4 sinatra
4 active_mailer
4 enhanced_query_analyzer
4 cascading_javascripts
4 active-matchers
4 active_scaffold_ext
4 surveyor
4 acts-as-dag
4 acts_as_proxy
4 integrum_ci
4 imanip
4 collectiveidea-delayed_job
4 transaction-simple
4 cgi_multipart_eof_fix
4 has_custom_fields
4 restore
4 is_porterable
4 urobot
4 qype_model_translations
4 acts_as_viewable
4 flash_messages_helper
4 google_static_maps
4 facebooker_hacks
4 acts_as_permissible
4 quickbooks_integration
4 assert_cookie
4 json_printer
4 acts_as_pollable
4 index_view
4 campaign_monitor
4 sqlite3-ruby
4 acts_as_blog
4 dialog_helper
4 comments_engine
4 addthis
4 resque-scheduler
4 attribute_strip
4 google-weather
4 easier-indexes
4 simple_private_messages
4 reform
4 jammit
4 fixture_replacement
4 lightbox_helper
4 wee_date_picker
4 global_preferences
4 yaml_mail_config
4 pingdom_status
4 fragment_cache_if
4 quicktime_helper
4 model_caching
4 acts_as_versioned_association
4 validates_not_profane
4 memcached_stores
4 twitter_oauth
4 useragent
4 will_paginate.git
4 acts-as-importable
4 vimeo
4 facebox
4 fixture-replacement
4 validates_existence_of
4 bitfields
4 sprockets-compressor
4 fixture_scenarios_builder
4 gproject_plugin
4 barby
4 display_flash_helper
4 dhtml-calendar
4 route_redirect
4 sexy_temp_passwords
4 localized_url_helpers
4 model_formatter
4 mechanize
4 ie_no_more
4 technoweenie-attachment_fu
4 ujs_sort_helper
4 pages
4 platform
4 jsonifier
4 acts_as_permalinkable
4 net-scp
4 action_controller_extensions
4 let_my_controller_go
4 doodle-ad-stub
4 focus_fu
4 extensions
4 yui_image_tag
4 ar_extractor
4 deliver_to_me
4 treetop
4 garb
4 standardista
4 sdbframework
4 cssformbuilder
4 pdf-writer
4 ChainSelects
4 in_place_editor
4 mainline
4 buena_vista
4 acts_as_enumerated
4 proxy_attributes
4 faster_from_xml
4 sprockets_on_heroku
4 form_helper_css
4 groups
4 usesguid
4 exception-notification
4 busy_ajax
4 extra_validations
4 javascripter
4 jQuery-Flash-Growlr
4 acts_as_categorizable
4 twenty_three_video
4 references
4 acts_as_tree_on_steroids
4 mecsms
4 yrails
4 simple_groups
4 newrelic-rpm
4 association-attributes
4 acts_as_flaggable
4 dynamic-attributes
4 heroku_asset_cacher
4 asset_packager_yui
4 has_states
4 named_scope
4 validations
4 row_version_migrations
4 moonshine_dj
4 app
4 ri_cal
4 linkedin
4 halpers
4 rails_cron
4 active_record_singleton
4 diff-lcs
4 rspec_validation_expectations
4 configurable_mailer
4 sortable-list
4 inline_css
4 facebooker_authentication
4 addressable
4 cucumber_culerity_step_definitions
4 acts_as_abusable
4 tag_extractor
4 remote_helpers
4 rathole
4 selectable_includes
4 nofollow_links
4 common_core_extensions
4 super_exception_notifier
4 concerns
4 searchable
4 daemon_controller
4 blog_engine
4 uploadify-s3
4 qadmin
4 easy_search
3 broadcast_policy
3 application_configuration
3 awesomeness
3 pdf_renderer
3 active_fulfillment
3 parse-user-agent
3 has_ip_column
3 ferret
3 resources
3 redmine_filter
3 activerecord-activesalesforce-adapter
3 cached_model
3 messagecenter_engine
3 soundmanager2
3 holidays
3 tumblr
3 upload_mock
3 acts_as_translated
3 as_paperclip_bridge_hack
3 sexy-temp-passwords
3 active_device
3 hornsby
3 money_column
3 refinery_settings
3 whowish_foundation
3 html_diff
3 mustache
3 acts_as_suggest
3 has_enum
3 twitter-text-rb
3 acts_as_audit
3 partial_dependencies
3 migration_model
3 common
3 locamoda-capistrano
3 rave_embed
3 rubyist-aasm
3 has_opengraph
3 amazon_ses
3 12_hour_time_select
3 imedidata_client
3 acts_as_deleted
3 currency_select
3 awesome_email
3 restfulx
3 less-rails
3 flash_message_conductor
3 super_delegate
3 tiny_mce_helper
3 devise_suspendable
3 oracle_ebs_authentication
3 rails_authorization_plugin
3 videos_engine
3 tab_fu
3 acts_as_flying_saucer
3 surveys
3 marshmallow
3 dirty_associations
3 radiograph
3 acts_as_rss
3 dynamic_session
3 validates_as_url
3 migration_custom_column_types
3 selenium
3 rack-debug
3 acts_as_obfuscated
3 socket-debugger
3 simple_config
3 object_try
3 searchable_picklist
3 entrails
3 resque-multi-job-forks
3 profile_photos
3 acts_as_renderer
3 dm-migrations
3 flextimes
3 polyglot
3 cdn_asset_path
3 tasks
3 presentation_object
3 feed_fetcher
3 redcloth-formatters-plain
3 gibberish_db
3 pagination
3 rails-log-analyzer
3 configula
3 inplace
3 topfunky_power_tools
3 profiles_engine
3 acts_as_statemachine
3 acts_as_moderated
3 useful_finders
3 libxml
3 paypal_adaptive
3 proxy
3 has_markup
3 class_table_inheritance
3 lipsiadmin
3 various_extensions
3 view_preferences
3 acts_as_sourceable
3 uploadify_rails
3 configatron-rails
3 acts_as_csvable
3 acts_as_recognizable
3 authentication_engine
3 extlib
3 soft_validations
3 ruby_template_handler
3 pingback_engine
3 job_fu
3 RubyInline
3 active_model
3 sub_list
3 dm-core
3 loofah
3 easy-prof
3 i18n_db
3 checkbox_select
3 locale
3 ngmoco-cache-money
3 refinery_dialogs
3 multi_db
3 shared
3 tabs_helper
3 images
3 partioprint
3 socialite
3 mysql_migration_optimizer
3 has_comments
3 calendar_builder
3 enumerated_attribute
3 inherits_from
3 wmd_on_rails
3 permanent_records
3 launching_soon
3 geocode
3 app_bootstrap
3 attachment_fu_regenerate_thumbnails
3 currency_exchange
3 authlogic_haapi
3 bcurren-ssl_requirement
3 sort_alphabetical
3 session_lifetime
3 friendly-identifier
3 paths_of_glory
3 sports_engine
3 acts_as_relatable
3 ruby-net-ldap
3 verification
3 mash
3 data_objects
3 rails_stats
3 um-admin
3 fliqz4r
3 acts_as_paranoid_simpler
3 parallel_test
3 acts_as_modified_edge
3 acts_as_slug
3 authlogic_facebook_koala
3 Magento
3 bundled_resource
3 encoding-dot-com
3 simply_bdd
3 active_poll
3 shamus
3 permission_system
3 backtweets_helper
3 string_ext
3 moonshine_mysql_slave
3 terryblr
3 inaccessible_attributes
3 geo_ip
3 indicator
3 date_helper_ja
3 ActsAsCSVable
3 braintree_ruby
3 validates_as_phone
3 gibberish_translate
3 migration_concordance
3 weakling
3 photos_engine
3 time_comparisons
3 schema_defining
3 shippinglogic
3 symbolize
3 simple_navigation
3 rails_on_pg
3 lucene_query
3 mkd
3 resque_mailer
3 cachable_model
3 association_collection_tools
3 maruku
3 db_console
3 validates_proper_liquid_syntax
3 doc
3 soft_delete
3 link_to_with_prompt
3 injection
3 delegate_belongs_to
3 acts_as_restricted_subdomain
3 s3_swf_upload
3 has_threaded_comments
3 enumlogic
3 colorbox-on-rails
3 lighthouse-api
3 less_reverse_captcha
3 multisite
3 apn_on_rails
3 acts_as_attachable
3 crud_generator
3 all_fixtures
3 acts_as_recommendable
3 hash_extension
3 mailbuild
3 my_tasks
3 rack-cache
3 nokogiri
3 scalable_acts_as_taggable
3 acts_as_trackable
3 data_loader
3 application-config
3 roxml
3 acts_as_noteable
3 bubble_association_validation_errors
3 PayPalWPSToolkit
3 zong_api
3 copy_to_clipboard
3 cache_money_initializer
3 cover
3 xml_validator
3 can_has_permalink
3 solr_index
3 dj_mailer
3 nginx_config_generator
3 urls_engine
3 less_authentication
3 rflickr
3 gettext_localize
3 git_plugins
3 heywatch
3 exception_handler
3 auto_admin
3 paypal_sdk
3 static_record_cache
3 activerecord_basewithouttable
3 contact_form
3 adaptive_pay
3 yui4rails
3 vegas
3 portablecontacts
3 acts_as_related
3 deferred_js_include
3 acts_as_scoped
3 acts_as_licensed
3 request_logger
3 svg_web
3 rounded_corners_helper
3 SolveMedia
3 array_extensions
3 css_parser
3 larrytheliquid-will_paginate
3 rails-html4
3 conditional_caching
3 restful_authorization
3 polymorphic_include
3 rr
3 summary
3 deploy_and_deliver
3 content
3 set_names_utf8
3 method_cache
3 highline
3 smart_field_constraints
3 caching_presenter
3 css_asset_tagger
3 busy_ajax_jquery
3 gcal4ruby
3 daily_deal
3 number_format
3 sfauthtoken
3 debug_sql
3 rghost_rails
3 acts_as_archival
3 production_data
3 jquery-autocomplete
3 peeves
3 qti_exporter
3 99translations
3 mail_gorilla
3 has_calendar
3 has_uuid
3 authenticate
3 flaggings
3 mootools-on-rails
3 filtered_column
3 http_client
3 archive-tar-minitar
3 emailthing_collector
3 phone
3 sunspot_autocomplete
3 localized_language_select
3 view_driver
3 paperclip_hacks
3 current_request
3 simple_menu
3 custom_resource_name
3 lenio_capistrano_tasks
3 simple_ldap_authenticator
3 sortable_by
3 map_layers
3 page_cache_test
3 payments
3 dry_scaffold
3 zoned
3 acts_as_fulltext_indexed
3 zencoder-rb
3 swf_upload
3 prawn-core
3 openid_consumer
3 has_easy
3 better_validates_numericality_of
3 akamai_cache_controller
3 log_buddy
3 watirworld
3 sanitize_field
3 google_custom_search
3 searchgasm
3 enum_column
3 mkd_i18n
3 courgette
3 lumberjack
3 fbframework
3 javascript_testing
3 scheduler
3 color
3 bluefocus_extensions
3 acts_as_appable
3 visual_partial
3 sape_system
3 simple_rss
3 tree
3 alert_grid
3 nilify_blanks
3 cross_domain_authentication
3 filtered_column_code_macro
3 ruby-saml
3 acts_as_archived
3 inverse_of
3 mkd_website
3 selenium_poetry
3 date_extensions
3 recurly-client-ruby
3 redirect_love
3 acts_without_database
3 dump
3 quirkey_tools
3 excellent
3 rails_widgets
3 device_atlas
3 xilence
3 retardase_inhibitor
3 campaign-monitor-ruby
3 expiring_memory_store
3 safemode
3 acts_as_albumable
3 adzap-ar_mailer
3 javan-whenever
3 hirb
3 acts_as_featurable
3 adheres_to_policy
3 validates_uniqueness_of_with_concurrency
3 google_translate
3 0.2.2
3 acts_as_named_id
3 attr_locked
3 will_paginate_search
3 edgesoft_no_cookie
3 has_slug
3 object-factory
3 acts_as_contactable
3 jquery_grid_for_rails
3 i18n_helpers
3 in_place_editable
3 time_select
3 moonshine_heartbeat
3 gmaps_on_rails
3 rails-i18n-updater
3 acts_as_billable
3 rspec_response_enhancer
3 activescaffoldexport
3 labeled_form_builder
3 diacritics_fu
3 body_matcher
3 dashboard
3 sevenscale_deploy
3 unobtrusive
3 acts_as_lockable
3 scrumdoc
3 dirty
3 activeupload
3 multi_field_group_by
3 google_ad_sense
3 param_protected
3 open_flash_chart_2_plugin
3 factory_haml_rspec_scaffold
3 array_ext
3 acts_as_activitable
3 action-mailer-queue
3 boolean_datetime_attribute
3 asset_proxy
3 fancy_errors
3 media
3 qcontent
3 labelify
3 html5-helpers
3 syntax
3 social_feed
3 lastfm
3 sentient_user
3 telesign
3 has_and_belongs_to_many_with_deferred_save
3 kablame
3 acts_as_permalink
3 sns
3 vapir
3 resource_on_demand
3 minimalcart
3 active_record_helpers
3 acts_as_state_machine_hacks
3 rfacebook_on_rails
3 time_picker
3 ar_extensions
3 links_engine
3 fixture_builder
3 trigger_happy
3 deployment_recipiez
3 no_peeping_toms
3 acts_as_solr_reloaded
3 text_area_with_auto_resize
3 active_record_uuid
3 google-geo
3 authorize
3 new_relic
3 seed_fu
3 efficient-sql
3 extensionless_format
3 siesta
3 conventional_validations
3 acts_as_active
2 cache_fu_with_env_override
2 polonium
2 active_record_force_assignment
2 akismet
2 has_translations
2 jQuery-Tokenizing-Autocomplete-Plugin
2 canvas
2 fixture_generator
2 spreedly-gem
2 character-encodings
2 override_timestamps
2 tree_for_nested_set
2 sql_migrator
2 appconfig
2 simple_loc_compat
2 required_attributes
2 tog_picto
2 pretty_accessible_form
2 external_brain_sorter
2 redmine_rate
2 yaml_waml
2 require_options
2 rpm_contrib
2 dm-adjust
2 live_validations
2 exception_notifier_resque_failure_backend
2 interforce
2 navigation_mappings
2 mysql_helper
2 monster_api
2 evernote_thrift_api
2 platypus_activity
2 hey_sorty
2 rails_extensions
2 rsay
2 numeric-sequence
2 validates_kind
2 killer_questions
2 mkd_components
2 qtrace
2 filteur
2 unspecd
2 xmpp4r-simple
2 dm-couchdb-adapter
2 vpim
2 tor
2 exception2db
2 sluggable_finder
2 menu
2 webb_power_tools
2 taqq_engine
2 validates_as_uk_postcode
2 locamoda-acts_as_solr
2 active_record_base_without_table_edge
2 date_formatter
2 authlogic_generator
2 rcov
2 jquery_validate_form
2 inferred_routes
2 ryanlowe-easy_format
2 acts_as_importable
2 deployment_tasks
2 monitize
2 factory_girl_construct_proxy
2 pixily_billing
2 chomp
2 countries_and_languages
2 rails-widgets-jquery
2 query_extension_patch
2 has_one_autocreate
2 save_deleted_records
2 smart-meta
2 curb_openuri
2 acts_as_feed
2 swfcharts
2 astrails-user-auth
2 database_stats
2 lockfile
2 artifice
2 better_logger
2 news
2 conditions_builder
2 ShardTheLove
2 acts_as_unique
2 many-mailers
2 version_number
2 encrypted_attributes
2 resque-retry
2 namespaced_routes
2 word_breaker
2 account_client
2 fancy_box
2 validates_uniqueness_of_with_rename
2 ruby-cakemail
2 rur
2 five_sso_authentication
2 pixily_document_filters
2 attachment_fu_hack
2 marketing
2 subdomain-fu.git
2 resourceful_loader
2 has_many_edit
2 include_google_js
2 will_filter
2 2-3-stable
2 rzils_additions
2 creates_or_updates_associated
2 encapsulate_as_money
2 actionview-with_format
2 retryable_emails
2 dd_schema
2 premailer-rails
2 rquote
2 lolita_engines
2 integer_ext
2 resolver_registry
2 yahoo_bbauth
2 skydox_generators
2 csrf_killer
2 filter
2 will_paginate_extensions
2 HTML5lib
2 translation_db_engine
2 stack_deployment
2 attachment_processor
2 caroo_assertions
2 bloget
2 data_attributes
2 dm-aggregates
2 selenium_jelly
2 rollstream_security_grid
2 mongo-autoincrement
2 activeconfig
2 extend_hash
2 tracker
2 acts_as_nice_url
2 searchify
2 wikipedia-client
2 not_a_mock
2 resque_scheduler
2 resque_action_mailer_backend
2 sliding_sessions
2 robots_dot_text
2 dynamic_sitemaps
2 lukeredpath-session-timeout
2 officedrop_folders_tree
2 authlogic_ldap
2 blogs
2 find_location_by_ip-plugin
2 active_scaffold_ckeditor
2 multiple_domains
2 wiki_column
2 weather_forecast
2 quietbacktrace
2 rails-exception_notification-f9865f5
2 business_time
2 officedrop_affiliates
2 paperclip_multiple
2 timecop
2 imdb
2 cucumber_growler
2 static_content
2 chartr
2 stable
2 rendered_column
2 db_content
2 store
2 populator
2 attachment_fu_extensions
2 tabbed_navigation
2 argonaut
2 moonshine_xsendfile
2 terminal-table
2 test_unit_story_runner
2 aws_s3
2 ohm
2 yamler
2 verbal
2 acts_as_node
2 amf_controller
2 rubyforge_patch
2 lorem
2 hash_extensions
2 dev_mode_performance_fixes
2 bauer-mothership
2 virality
2 json-rpc-1
2 route_set_ext
2 repcoma
2 acts_as_localizable
2 acts_as_archived_delete
2 fancy_string
2 view_models
2 unicode_charset_filter
2 js-sound
2 in_place_collection_editor
2 has_flag
2 active_record_association_proxy_duck_typing_patch
2 notifications
2 firebug_rjs_errors
2 composite_primary_keys
2 spark
2 sms_toolkit
2 delayed_job.git
2 syslog_logger
2 alchemy_private_api
2 acts_as_activated
2 kintera
2 response_visualizer
2 activecrypto
2 dm-more
2 active_address
2 praxeon_core
2 paperport_integration
2 label_helpers
2 disqus
2 open4
2 has_backup
2 my_extensions
2 find_or_create
2 mysql_retry_lost_connection
2 dreamhost
2 custom_management
2 acts_as_versioned_2.1.1
2 enhanced_form_builder
2 ccc_rubycas_client
2 tkueue
2 has_friendly_name
2 sortable_fu
2 dm-validations
2 lead_gen
2 acts_as_link
2 action_mailer_stop
2 git_branch_configs
2 restful_rendering
2 obfuscate_id
2 activerecord-oracle-adapter
2 pixily_integrations
2 geokit-premier
2 inquiries
2 smart_form
2 email_events
2 divert_mail
2 binarylogic-searchlogic
2 simple_messaging
2 binarylogic-authlogic
2 datebocks_engine
2 completeness
2 rucksack
2 shoutpoint
2 ruby-aws
2 validates_email_and_url
2 dynamic_filtering
2 cookies_always_http_only
2 exception_textable
2 dd_patches
2 pl_private_api
2 static_record
2 subdomain_fu
2 dm-serializer
2 rghost
2 track_tests
2 validate_parameter
2 action_mailer_extensions
2 net-ping
2 api_routes
2 list_edit
2 random_alphanumeric
2 redis-session-store
2 elevated_form_builder
2 thin
2 string_to_utf8
2 sass
2 has_many_states
2 internaut
2 mmangino-facebooker-14454c7
2 behaviors
2 image_upload
2 active_record_custom_attributes
2 parallel
2 acts-as-taggable-on-steroids
2 form_extensions
2 xmlrpc_extensions
2 mpb_common
2 acts_as_sortable
2 javascript_events
2 cardmagic-contacts
2 searchables
2 authenticated_system
2 gpx
2 pixily_authentication
2 auto_link
2 net-ssh-gateway
2 hostname_routing
2 simple_reports
2 attachment_pow
2 bin
2 acts_as_wiki
2 filter_tests
2 db_util
2 contact_importer
2 postgresql_fixation
2 agnosticism
2 rspec_enhanced_profile
2 feedzirra
2 acts_as_hash_key
2 acts_as_changeable
2 custom_error_message
2 acts_as_preferenced
2 uses_connection
2 fix_you_some_address_bar
2 semantic_menu
2 base_62
2 validates_absence
2 buffered_logger_extension
2 formtastic_datepicker_inputs
2 activerecord_foreign_key_extensions
2 coverage_tasks
2 actionview-fields_for_with_template
2 acts_as_editable
2 dm-shorthand
2 admin_form_builder_extension
2 mephisto_converters
2 ar_user_keys
2 sql_display
2 flash_aliases
2 foxy_fixtures
2 better_serialize
2 mailfactory
2 ajax_will_paginate
2 railz_scout
2 dynamic_finders_with_belongs_to_names
2 nil_class_extensions
2 pixily_google_docs
2 exception_notification_2_3_stable
2 reverse_proxy_population
2 uservoice
2 rsolr
2 is_sociable
2 url_param
2 has_breadcrumbs
2 ap4r
2 dm-is-list
2 has_image
2 rfacebook_rails
2 json_rpc
2 ar-delegation
2 asset_manager
2 filter_logged_params
2 fu_fu
2 jqplot-rails
2 honeypot
2 calendardateselect
2 gnuplotrb
2 dm-rest-adapter
2 params_sanitizer
2 polyparent
2 sso-client-plugin
2 dm-cli
2 zit_cream
2 base_78
2 db_mappings
2 dm-ar-finders
2 google-geocoder
2 activerecord_extensions
2 fast_xs_monkey_patcher
2 open_uri
2 kyan
2 cms_base
2 is_rateable
2 user_mailer
2 isbn_validation
2 cvs
2 mysql_bigint_ids
2 paypal_report
2 debug-view-helper
2 subdomain_routing
2 auditable
2 static_gmaps
2 inherited_resources_pagination
2 simple_search
2 hpricot_scrub
2 acts_as_feeder
2 has_tokens
2 restful_query
2 mail_marketing
2 moneta
2 criteria_query
2 asynchronous
2 mailer_b64_headers
2 will_paginate_patches
2 hardmock
2 have_filter
2 passive_counter_cache
2 crufty
2 painless_png
2 dns_guru
2 validates_absence_of_html_tags
2 acts_as_changed
2 random_records
2 acts_as_archivable
2 rspec_on_rails_nested_scaffold
2 rack_bug
2 edgecast_assets
2 rtf
2 jquery-colorpicker
2 actionmailer_tls
2 google-spreadsheet-ruby
2 chef_cap
2 rails_patches
2 deferred_javascript
2 random_words
2 inherit_currency
2 modal-overlay
2 has_content
2 payment_gateway
2 fixture_sets
2 mojo_magick
2 tinymcehammer
2 savepoints
2 generators
2 clever_form
2 context
2 asset_hosting_with_minimum_ssl
2 wee_beastie
2 fileserver
2 taobao
2 preload_fixtures
2 Permalize
2 rscribd
2 acts_as_emailable
2 yaml_faqs
2 default_values_for
2 tagged_migrations
2 google_charts_quick
2 form_forms
2 acts_as_upload_column
2 validates_credit_card
2 assets
2 core_ext
2 thin_extensions
2 demeters_revenge
2 moonshine_resque
2 test_exemplars
2 dm-constraints
2 has_union
2 machinist_mongo
2 big_sitemap
2 render_test
2 rails-request_profiler
2 vortex_sdk
2 simple_cms
2 hash_money
2 styled_builder
2 moonshine_sysctl
2 percent_mobile
2 cache_enhancements
2 engines-helper
2 mileszs-ar_fixtures
2 broomstick
2 info_groups
2 hash_ext
2 solr
2 ultrasphinx_hacks
2 taskit
2 wiseleyb-active_merchant_testing
2 date_picker
2 acts_as_protected
2 deamon
2 heroku_deploy
2 non_blocking_lock
2 validates_inequality
2 sql_conditioner
2 optimizations
2 sometimes_undeletable
2 fiveruns_tuneup
2 flickr
2 possessiveate
2 gadgeteer
2 filterable_by
2 has_scope
2 json_builder
2 ssl_requirement_patches
2 nav_menu
2 login_user_engine
2 groups_engine
2 phonenumber
2 smart_session_store_hacks
2 athenaresource
2 phone_codes
2 behaveJS
2 roo
2 mp3_player
2 skype
2 facebooker-rails3
2 mobile_active
2 Foursquare
2 syslog_fix
2 background_fu
2 scope_controller_model
2 acts_as_revisable
2 enhanced_form_tag_helper
2 outoftime-sunspot
2 modern_savage_beast
2 async_job
2 view_utils
2 paperclip_url_support
2 office_drop_api
2 yui_compressor_fu
2 vim
2 fakefs
2 patches
2 shop
2 paperclip_attachment_migration
2 classy-inheritance
2 thincloud-action_mailer_tls
2 chris-auto_complete_jquery-9e3d217
2 us_state_plus_italy_select
2 tiny_mce.git
2 acts_as_syncml_node
2 rfgraph
2 has_sti_factory
2 load_once
2 breadcrumb
2 tog_conversatio
2 capistrano_cookbook
2 h2o
2 rforce
2 tmail_body_extractors
2 outlook_contacts
2 feed_me
2 integral_mailer
2 needle
2 rewardr
2 require_resource
2 external_brain_filter
2 acts_as_activity
2 search_scope
2 days_and_times
2 translatable_fields
2 open_flash_chart_extended
2 platypus_document
2 partially_valid
2 shopify_endpoint
2 google_chart
2 acts_as_fecha
2 acts_as_comparable
2 exportable2
2 htmltools
2 tributes_error_message
2 plugin_sync
2 oauth2_provider
2 twitter4r
2 acts_as_documentable
2 cache_dynamic
2 aaa_plugin
2 texier
2 rqrcode-rmagick
2 responders
2 blog_kit
2 awesome-usps
2 hashed_password
2 act_as_versioned
2 happy_paginate
2 acts_as_inheritable
2 blacklist
2 unobtrusive_javascript
2 active_report
2 random-key
2 acts_as_optionable
2 time_helper
2 async-observer
2 wristband
2 rest_facebook
2 canadian_provinces
2 setfire_migrations
2 grapher
2 has_many_hashes
2 superheroes
2 rhighlightjs
2 acts_as_static
2 accessible_association
2 act_as_formatted
2 payment_signature
2 searchable_attributes
2 date_format
2 friendly_polyglot
2 git-deployment
2 irpf
2 extra_utils
2 inaction_mailer
2 rillow
2 enumerable_constants
2 easycache
2 rails-mhs_format_helper
2 multi_site_routing
2 colour_picker
2 union_find
2 simulated_popup
2 toolbox
2 mailer_twitterable
2 float_extension
2 login_support
2 rest_easy
2 innoport
2 prevent_spam
2 has_details
2 enhanced_console
2 mobile_responder
2 acts_as_friend
2 actionmailer-ja
2 active_script
2 mail_form
2 crud_logging
2 dm-is-tree
2 destroy_bang
2 sprockets_rails
2 z_custom_benchmarks
2 rfacebook_test_mockup
2 easy_esi
2 local_cache
2 find_or_create_by
2 actionmailer-tls
2 html_pdf_reports
2 dynamic_session_expiry
2 dynamic_sifter
2 skip_stamp
2 rghost_barcode
2 google
2 acts_as_indexed_search_engine
2 rfacebook_fix
2 rb-et-xml
2 association_merger
2 datestamp
2 moonshine_astrails_safe
2 datawarehouse
2 postgres
2 beans_helpers
2 color-tools
2 rdoc_rails
2 view_fu
2 whiny_finder
2 recaptcha.git
2 acts_as_locatable
2 payroles
2 layout_params
2 to_indifferent_hash
2 gattica
2 sassdoc
2 warden
2 batch_jobs
2 akismet_on_rails
2 svn_asset_path
2 abilities_pilot
2 aafautorebuild
2 plexus_caching_fix
2 sugarcrm
2 shway_core
2 mod_has_details
2 shway_control
2 has_many_serialized
2 pullmonkey-open_flash_chart
2 mqueue
2 common-plugin
2 bacchanalytics
2 devise_autosigninable
2 validates-as-email
2 db_setup
2 public_shared_objects
2 handicraft_ujs
2 hobo-contrib
2 benchmarkforrails
2 activerecord-diff
2 acts_as_subscriber
2 sunspot
2 fudge_form
2 SystemTimer
2 svn_messages
2 acts-subversive
2 has_one_accessor
2 foreign_key_graph
2 png
2 swedish_pluralize
2 moonshine_multisite
2 vendor
2 smart_link_tags
2 layout_manager
2 restart_controller
2 sanitize_model_fields
2 technoweenie-masochism
2 geox
2 rolesystem
2 default_serialize_options
2 oauth_integration
2 has_machine_tags
2 enumerable_extensions
2 option_attrs
2 history
2 user_events
2 sanitize_html
2 footnotes_edge
2 rails-holidays
2 s3sync
2 formtastic_mod
2 locking
2 web_sg_form_builder
2 auto_escape
2 banned_word_checker
2 do_sqlite3
2 tei_parser
2 what
2 textile_helpers
2 css_inline
2 unopinionated_hash_from_xml
2 ya2yaml
2 white-list
2 exception_logger_jquery
2 auth_token
2 campaign_service
2 contact-info
2 resque_logger
2 jsvars
2 factory_designer_forms
2 magical_javascript_validation
2 thinking-sphinx-dogtime-overrides
2 try
2 cached-find
2 has_many_exclusive_conditions
2 dynamic_liquid_templates
2 acts_as_optionable_extensions
2 model_lookup
2 acts_as_uploaded
2 from_param
2 ebay_finding
2 mongrel_cluster
2 elemental
2 pixily_evernote
2 digital_money
2 ssl_asset_host
2 cuke_growler
2 aaap
2 data_migrations
2 ja_tiny_mce
2 stats
2 sprockets
2 twilio
2 states
2 db_backup
2 flaggable
2 contacts_rails
2 wice_assignment_lists
2 yajl-ruby
2 acts_as_good_speeler
2 time_machine
2 service_layer
2 hybrid_cache
2 iphonification
2 base_without_table
2 acts-as-readable
2 to_hash
2 feature_manager
2 improved_logging
2 configuration_registry
2 form_field_additions
2 mint
2 restful
2 resource_controller_extensions
2 canonical
2 pinc_misc_time_2.3
2 profanity_filter
2 modelling
2 daterange
2 mime_type_fu
2 undo_generator_plugin
2 resource_controller_respond_to
2 awesome_fields
2 intouch_mvc
2 paperclip_mimetype_fu
2 has_picture
2 memcache_fragments
2 acts-as-renderer
2 bsso
2 tramlines_ckeditor
2 timed_cache_fragment
2 eager_finder_sql
2 pre_fu
2 topfunky-calendar_helper
2 omniture
2 cg_generators
2 slugalizer
2 acts_as_customizable
2 i18n_attributes
2 duration
2 rfc822
2 cached_helper
2 rails_polymorphic_sti_hack
2 silverpop
2 at_time_now
2 thoughtbot-factory_girl
2 role_based_authorization
2 ruby-pivotal-tracker
2 activemerchant_patch_for_china
2 magic_numbers
2 amor
2 formacion
2 message_block_extensions
2 jeremymcanally-matchy
2 apotomo
2 integration_api
2 rails-active-form
2 time_calculations
2 has_bookmarks
2 praxeon_encrypted_record
2 security_card
2 in_dollars
2 braintree
2 cookie_requirement
2 health_check
2 liquor
2 postgresql_dd_fixes
2 parseexcel
2 active_hash
2 filtered_column_flickr_macro
2 objects_loaded
2 geonames
2 multi_field_date
2 model_extensions
2 prawn-handler
2 roll_serialization
2 dancroak-validates_email_format_of
2 capistrano_plugins
2 pulse
2 html_helpers_
2 acts_as_logged
2 has_attachments
2 generic_views
2 sandstone
2 paperclip_mogilefs_storage
2 tenda
2 safariwatir
2 userstamps
2 opensocial
2 validates_as_ip
2 simple_datepicker_helper
2 heroku
2 xero_gateway
2 simple_spam_filter
2 platypus_video
2 the_alan_parsers_project
2 emlz-mitt
2 rich_editor
2 ohloh_profile
2 hoptoad_notifier.git
2 squirrela
2 copyright_inserter
2 breadcrumb_trail
2 mongrations
2 custom_core_hacks
2 heroku_sass_and_cache
2 attribute_choices
2 german_string_handling
2 sortable_element_for_nested_set
2 dm-querizer
2 role_system
2 string_extension
2 acts_as_better_set
2 translated_attributes
2 flash_message_helpers
2 viewinheritance
2 http.rb.extensions
2 seed_migrations
2 simply_searchable
2 delayed_job_spawner
2 to_xml_fu
2 strong_passwords
2 delegates_attributes_to
2 string_class_ext
2 fast_calamp
2 swfupload_fu
2 active_merchant.git
2 capybara
2 progress_bar
2 acts_as_eav_model
2 fat_model_auth
2 common_validations
2 google-charts-on-rails
2 formatted_dates
2 readable_id_generator
2 storygen
2 dm-timestamps
2 acts_as_invitation
2 integration_common
2 to_boolean
2 lockdown
2 ryanb-nifty-generators
2 texticle
2 shadow
2 ryanlowe-save_or_raise
2 i18n_for_old_rails
2 uping_ext
2 tracer
2 unicode
2 uuid-schema-dumper
2 common_services
2 validates_non_offensiveness_of
2 shway_skeletons
2 webrick-webdav
2 php_serialize
2 aws-ses
2 model_generator_with_factories
2 fast_tests
2 mcll4r
2 althor880-activerecord-activesalesforce-adapter
2 no_cache
2 has_ratings
2 breadbox
2 push_with_attributes
2 moonshine_mongodb
2 a_gems
2 gdata
2 ohm-contrib
2 lexis_nexis_api
2 more_paginate
2 aaronchi-jrails
2 fuzzy_date_helper
2 lolita
2 booleanize
2 mod_timeline_fu
2 acts_as_translatable
2 opziona_apps
2 GM
2 mark_it_up
2 ruby_prof_request_filters
2 assert_elements
2 features
2 rapidmango_geo
2 germinate
2 lazy_pagination
2 number_to_words
2 flashdance
2 product_locator
2 acts_as_ferret_patches
2 lindo
2 db_rbac
2 busyajax
2 acts_as_selectable
2 javascript_test_autotest
2 google_ajax_api
2 acts_as_embargoed
2 browser
2 ccc_connexion_bar
2 harsh
2 yajl_rails
2 trixy_scopes
2 ruby_extensions
2 mhs-acts_as_xapian
2 javascript_templates
2 uncached
2 redmine_overhead
2 lucifer
2 colorpicker
2 acts_as_instant_state_machine
2 ABingo
2 scj_integration
2 seed
2 vesne_social_core_hacks
2 dm-types
2 fix_foreign_key_migrations
2 kplatform
2 monkey_party
2 canable
2 Apns4r
2 stock_market
2 scheduled_jobs
2 acts_as_filter
2 has_many_updater
2 statix
2 rails_2.3.5_hacks
2 acts_as_historical_parameter
2 dsc_integration
2 tm_syntax_highlighting
2 shalom
2 active_record_controller
2 action_mailer_view_paths
2 i18n_routing
2 active_record_ext
2 query_builder
2 paperclip_hack
2 UpdateHabtmAttributes
2 zendesk_remote_auth
2 universal_ruby_whois
2 mocha.git
2 combined_named_scope
2 service_definitions
2 active_support_extensions
2 globalize2_hacked
2 friendly_param
2 ar_enumerable
2 qype
2 seer
2 tooltip
2 csshttprequest-on-rails
2 spreadsheet-excel
2 fyi
2 session_reset_fix
2 holder_cms
2 cassandra_object
2 validate_spanish_account
2 google_map
2 mail_view
2 mysql_big_table_migration
2 swf_charts
2 miniauth
2 business_objects
2 tinder
2 has_types
2 wizard
2 flex_image
2 intercession
2 ar_multilingual
2 scheduled_job
2 newrelic_rpm_2134
2 proc_title
2 dm-is-state_machine
2 system-timer
2 prawnto2
2 mint_admin
2 debouncer
2 evil_action_view
2 param_types
2 drap_advert_client
2 rubigen
2 flare
2 partial_insight
2 rspec.git
2 wice_localization
2 nonfiction-deploy
2 active_resource_hack
2 protoui
2 cash_handler
2 clearance-facebook
2 goldberg
2 redcloth
2 lf_linkshow
2 moonshine_haproxy
2 rrrcov
2 toolbar_helper
2 mediacloth
2 semantic_attributes
2 dm-observer
2 xml_extensions
2 blogify
2 haml_i18n
2 custom_attributes
2 horde_s3
2 pdftohtml
2 multiple_domain
2 strips_white_space
2 cucumber-rails
2 vesne_social_core_plugins
2 worldpay-html-redirect
2 multi_bit_shift_helper
2 addresslogic
2 globalize_translator
2 formtastic_image
2 mkd_layout
2 nested_params_patch
2 assert_json
2 validates_constancy
2 fix_redhillonrails_core
2 tpl-formbuilder
2 class_generator
2 flag_fu
2 acts_as_phone_number
2 look-xss_terminate-ecc006a
2 acts_as_audio
2 active_resource_extensions
2 header
2 simple_pages
2 capistrano_transmit
2 tandem
2 ar_search
2 labeling-form-helper
2 auto_complete_extended
2 rails_association_hack
2 url_parser
2 ssl-requirement
2 paperclip.git
2 has_properties
2 spatial_adpater
2 remote_upload
2 acts_as_tag
2 authlounge
2 back_mark
2 acts_as_ltree
2 google_contacts_integration
2 railsgarden-has_draft
2 bgetting-hominid
2 case_insensitive_sugar
2 vdl2_view_dumper
2 wee_lightbox
2 contest
2 chatty-activeresource
2 dm-is-nested_set
2 calendar_helper_plugin
2 acts_as_groupable
2 sky_marshal
2 dimelo
2 brcobranca
2 carrierwave
2 restful_captcha
2 db_branch
2 remotable
2 rbroemeling-right_aws
2 acts_as_levelable
2 vanity_optional_collecting
2 praxeon_wiki
2 postgre_log_cleaner
2 mhs-no-peeping-toms
2 nanite-rails
2 user_component
2 pincdev_generic_test
2 design_studio_caching
2 assert_valid_asset
2 wrangler
2 ar_new_with_random_id
2 capistrano-deepmodules
2 negative_named_scope
2 plistifier
2 mapit
2 activemerchant_extensions
2 term-ansicolor
2 health_monitor
2 bank_link
2 string_uploaded_file
2 acts_as_favoriteable
2 provided_logo
2 filterable_resource
2 common_scopes
2 paypal_nvp
2 mh_common
2 academia_routes
2 recipes
2 tobi-delayed_job-e7661d3
2 rpdf
2 validates_order
2 ruby-debug
2 rubaidh-google_analytics
2 acts_as_notable
2 nokogiri_builder
2 sql_logging
2 google_analytics_for_mobile
2 openid_engine
2 hit_tracker
2 acts_as_archive
2 flexmock
2 will_paginate_liquidized
2 mysql_backup
2 last_updated
2 rails_ghost_form
2 has_preferences
2 ankoder_on_rails
2 amberbit-config
2 attachment_fu_old
2 rspec-hpricot-matchers
2 breadcrumbs_on_rails
2 rounded-corners
2 activerecord-errors-delete
2 rails_mysql_hacks
2 memory_logger
2 modalbox_confirm
2 acts_as_viewer
2 rails_tweaks
2 html4ify
2 ruby-efax
2 atom_import_export
2 zdennis-shoulda
2 betternestedset-patched
2 eycap
2 calendar_fu
2 gnupg
2 asset_attachment
2 acts_as_countable
1 constructor
1 loggers_galore
1 simple_salesforce
1 redinger-validation_reflection-v0.3.5-5-g7aa2b7b
1 thoughtbot-paperclip-6a10b35
1 encryption_fu
1 simple_object
1 locale_helpers
1 xapit
1 acts_as_provider
1 acts_as_format_versionable
1 rails_model_faker
1 pass_the_cap
1 wsr
1 viddler
1 extjs_filterable
1 instant_generator
1 com_score
1 acts_as_campaignable
1 list_engage_client
1 jq4r
1 daemonz
1 geokit-rails.git
1 acts_as_productable
1 kajabi_integration
1 mysped_deploy
1 api_management
1 acts_as_priceable
1 acts_as_background_solr
1 caches_constants
1 fam_ui
1 mime_types
1 dont_repeat_yourself
1 wice_ui_models
1 stats_pack
1 view_format_fallback
1 acts_as_scheduled
1 stump
1 gives_rating
1 configuration_file
1 spickermann_core_ext
1 jpmobile_device
1 active_scaffold_z_tac
1 acts_as_permissable
1 system_lock
1 multiblock
1 acts_as_localized
1 email_sanitizer
1 changet
1 acts_as_user_centric_item
1 robotfood_core_ext
1 mover
1 ucenter_plugin
1 ftp_client
1 heythisisnate-globalize
1 managed_templates
1 cap_db
1 traffic_cop
1 laml
1 zzz_active_acl
1 ca_blue_ridge
1 box
1 merb-param-protection
1 crafterm-comma
1 acts_as_sortable_letters
1 trabian_locator
1 photographable
1 acts_as_permalinked
1 paperclip_bridge
1 uses_file_storage
1 a_b_plugin
1 rspec_pending_until
1 passport_control
1 acts_as_marked
1 machinist_mongomapper
1 without_observers
1 crontab_builder
1 haml_encoding_patch
1 princely.git
1 gasohol
1 footnote
1 attachment_fu_with_rutils
1 acts_as_bloggable
1 import_btk
1 possessive_strings
1 has_many_statistics
1 whistle_blower
1 ruport
1 independent_migrations
1 ipl
1 smart_core
1 postload-ads
1 attachments_fu
1 acts_as_set_partner
1 youtube_model
1 sort_by
1 velocitometer
1 sitemapgenerator
1 performance_hacks
1 contact_us
1 shoulda_generator
1 saasramp
1 snogmetrics
1 acts_as_rightscale_versionable
1 hudson_report
1 appable_plugins
1 validates_registration_incomplete
1 spinvox
1 leaderboard
1 process_in_model
1 acts_as_discountable
1 attr_cloaked
1 simplesidebar
1 white_list_sanitize
1 admin_builder
1 gd3_mailer
1 apidocs
1 reviewable
1 reportage_photo_deliver
1 merry_resume
1 inheritable_attribute
1 bh_slideshow
1 feedbackmine-language_detector
1 imagerevolver-artists
1 jf_core_models
1 has_finds
1 bj_doppelganger
1 wvu_ad
1 price_column
1 acts_as_random_id
1 lc_api
1 texpand
1 acts-as-taggable
1 throttler
1 third_party_apis
1 mixpanel_client
1 gaston
1 acts_as_sti_parent
1 uses_user_permissions
1 rba_exchange
1 drap_visual_elements
1 pier-object_config
1 spreadsheet_helpers
1 account_service
1 firebug_rails
1 mongo_archiving
1 pier-acts_as_taggable_on
1 current_user
1 url_fu
1 sql_parser
1 has_quality_checks
1 day_names_to_weekdays
1 open_graph
1 dutchify
1 globalize_extension_1.2
1 external_account_service
1 selenium_on_hudson
1 less_magical_optimistic_locking
1 sweeper_generator
1 feedbacker
1 acts_as_postable
1 awesome_acl
1 exception_notification_ri
1 acts_as_normalized
1 crud_spec
1 ribeye
1 easy_navigation
1 patch_minder
1 my-mobile-fu
1 acts_as_historically_sluggable
1 sailing_networks
1 geo_map
1 capistrano-extensions
1 dynarch_calendar
1 acts_as_rubypants
1 acts_as_versioned_auditable
1 benalavi-blackbook
1 mephisto_thinking_sphinx
1 datebox_engine
1 auto_sanitize
1 ruby-progressbar
1 acts_as_sortable_table
1 date_slider
1 migration_assist
1 resource_hacks_plugin
1 dj_unprotected_create
1 smartphone
1 ruby_template
1 labelling_form_builder
1 redis_rb
1 apn_on_rails-0.3.0_monkey_patch
1 collecta_ruby
1 rest_responses
1 lackac-render_component
1 indaba_fu
1 rails_analyzer_tools
1 cached_asset_packager
1 redcloth_hacks
1 activerecord_basewithouttable_for_rails_2
1 foreign_key_associations
1 boneyard
1 diff-display
1 quartz_scheduler
1 acts_as_partitioned
1 x_webrat_hack
1 current_author
1 riotjs
1 acts-as-taggable-on-hacks
1 paperclip_hacked
1 desert_extras
1 set_schema
1 ryanlowe-acts_as_indestructible
1 multi_database_with_migration
1 augustl-live-validations
1 row_userstamp_migrations
1 has_embedded_assets
1 cacheable_flash_dj
1 lockable_queue
1 liboly
1 spelling
1 graph_fu
1 ofx-parser
1 invision_on_rails
1 realcrowd_twitter
1 rjs_confirm
1 netzke-basepack_new
1 thrift_client
1 activetime
1 profile_client
1 theme
1 smart_cache
1 extjs_feature
1 environment_flag
1 pretty_dates
1 blogage_captcha
1 ruby_patches
1 make_flagable
1 bookmark_fu
1 also_migrate
1 multi_json
1 nested_assignment
1 has_options
1 my_god_and_i
1 ajax_scaffold
1 modulo_nicedit
1 drop_all
1 platypus_section
1 clipboard
1 whois
1 tim-activerecord-diff
1 mem_cache_account_based_store
1 pa_stats_v2
1 slurp_fixtures
1 mattetti-ar-backup
1 has_information
1 lookup_models
1 big_brother
1 mislav-will_paginate-f169dcc
1 restful_controller
1 flash
1 active_search
1 mpb_partner_sites
1 activesupport_extensions
1 girlscout
1 label_helper
1 pikkle_collections
1 audit_logger
1 associated_named_scope
1 safe_sql
1 zentrum
1 dreambridge_layouts
1 winkwaves
1 facebooker_fix
1 timestamped_redis_queue
1 shout-bot
1 basic_video_editing
1 sitemap-builder
1 skybox
1 click-to-globalize
1 smart_cookie_store
1 i_candy
1 adamwiggins-redis-rb
1 modyo_places
1 foreign-fqdn-routing
1 tradeking_ratings
1 acts_as_responsible
1 pier-access_control
1 binarylogic-settingslogic
1 validates_as_uri
1 single_table_model_paths
1 cack
1 data_fabric
1 share-this2
1 gatekeeper_access
1 thoughtbot-clearance_evil_twin_hacks
1 pack_assets_in_dev
1 sluggable
1 rtui
1 cacheable_hash
1 simple_form_helper
1 macaddr
1 neighborly
1 moonshine_monit
1 swfchart
1 top_producer_leads
1 ssl_requirement_paranoid
1 apitizer
1 ruby-encoding-wrapper
1 attachment_fu_thumbs
1 simple
1 xml_magic
1 semi_daemon
1 beta
1 z_rubyamf
1 asset_filter
1 bsg_platform_service
1 irwi
1 merb-action-args
1 partitioned
1 gridzilla
1 unicode_strings
1 pg
1 session_keys
1 dynonamics
1 paranoia
1 ruby-dfp
1 resque-meta
1 validates_capatcha
1 utx_banner
1 modyo_google_maps
1 rabbit
1 date_splicer
1 life_motion
1 notify_if_invalid
1 tab_tab
1 quiver
1 rack-static_fallback
1 joshuaclayton-blueprint-css-28c8aa9ae2686442e00a5c7f46dfe2de76b3bd83
1 ukrainian
1 redhill_foreign_key_migrations
1 nested_transactions
1 auto_complete_id_for_admins
1 tiny_mce_submodule
1 yahoofinance
1 tolk_hacks
1 money_composed_of
1 better_sanitize
1 acts_as_fannable
1 paperclip_external_files
1 Dimma
1 basic_video_deliver
1 asset_trip
1 vst_signin
1 validate_me
1 smt_migration_fixes
1 xscio_plugin_community
1 annotate_models_with_index
1 acts_as_profane
1 six_ten
1 polish_places
1 role_requirement.git
1 __love_for_old_plugins
1 vbk
1 matchy
1 i18n_mildly_complicated_backend
1 shipping_consumer
1 petal_ruby
1 threaded_commentable
1 no_fuzz
1 simply_tabby
1 default_stylesheets
1 cache_block
1 landmarks
1 acts_as_activity_provider
1 acts_as_duplicate_finder
1 partner
1 count_from_query
1 camping_recipes
1 rails_resource_monit
1 redis_namespace
1 acts_as_content_item
1 social_network_independence
1 attr_protect_has_many_ids
1 site_broadcasts
1 acts_as_recoverable
1 xconfigs
1 softlayer
1 rails_changeset_7156
1 acts_as_obfuscated_id
1 sharepoint
1 dreambridge_subscription
1 michelson-lazy_high_chart
1 e164_tools
1 param_protected_modified
1 rack-oauth
1 zef_on_rails
1 find_or_create_by_params
1 vl_flexigrid
1 jobs
1 epublishing
1 db_tasks
1 rake_commit
1 hardwired_test
1 dbstring
1 google_staticmapper
1 attr_stripper
1 active_table
1 DhtmlCalendar
1 manual-test-script
1 test_unit_setup_and_teardown_callbacks
1 delithuanize
1 restful_authentication_with_email
1 iround_generators
1 zurb_core
1 braspag-rails
1 browser_details_helper
1 slim_image
1 versionize_utility_methods
1 adtech
1 named_attachments_redux
1 nice_page_titles
1 plugin_tests
1 dreambridge_file_references
1 rich_text
1 flockr
1 acts_as_media_file_manager
1 wp_app_config
1 acts_as_taggable_on_steriods
1 acts_as_calendar
1 sape
1 gui
1 change_view_paths
1 assetpackager
1 selenium-remote-control
1 routing_with_host
1 text_area_with_status
1 activerecordfallback
1 cam_delayed_job
1 track_changes_on
1 authlogic_api
1 acts_as_rated_rev4_ah
1 myspaceid-sdk
1 act_as_authenticated
1 dreambridge_content
1 admin_common
1 keyword_density
1 gd3_models
1 dyna_form
1 assert_fixtures
1 encrypted_password
1 migration_schema_support
1 haml_sass
1 before_assignment
1 mig_statistics
1 local_cdn
1 ruby-prof-rails-plugin
1 pier-acts_as_factable
1 prototype-facebox
1 unique_id
1 stylesheet_include
1 handicraft_helper
1 notification_system
1 time_ext
1 dom_id_for_models
1 cox_and_stuff
1 rubyist_aasm
1 community
1 detect_language
1 fluid_table
1 advanced_filter
1 swf_object_helper
1 wizard_flow
1 thor
1 amqp
1 active_scaffold_submodule
1 salesforce_integration
1 beanstreamy
1 acts_as_pingable
1 has_remote
1 notice_areas
1 exception_notification.git
1 norman-friendly_id
1 retrieve_column
1 audits_attributes
1 thorny-sun-prawnto-v2.0-0-g47e507e
1 merb-auth-more
1 acts_as_arbitrary_enumerable
1 story_generator
1 blackbird_rails
1 harukizaemon-restful_transactions
1 qpr
1 acts_as_main_image
1 accept_params
1 make_exportable
1 authlogic_oauth2
1 active_scaffold_localize
1 postgresql_cursors
1 trim_and_normalize
1 styckyd_custom
1 products_wizzard
1 uploadable
1 scaffoldtastic
1 gbarcode_maker
1 formtastic_jrails_autocomplete
1 has_attached_file
1 zurb_subdomains
1 block_helper
1 authorization_fu
1 has_extra_finders
1 cas_client_plugin
1 pdf_filler
1 presenting
1 legacy_schema
1 GeoRuby
1 acitve_rbac
1 aep_beast
1 capture_emails
1 xslt_render
1 picasa_album
1 drb_extensions
1 active_olap
1 ym4r_gm_hacks
1 deadlock_retry-899ec65
1 basic_video_data_collection
1 astrails-form-builder
1 copycopter_client
1 deployment_announcement
1 format_attribute
1 medwiz_support
1 prayer_request_systems
1 tag_hax
1 wiki_pages
1 duplicate
1 openurl
1 rails_dev_boost
1 memcached
1 feedsucker
1 auth_pam_adapter
1 bronto
1 acts_as_settings
1 01_http_url_validation_improved
1 facade
1 rails_sanitize
1 money-rails
1 brands_for_friends
1 rails_habitat
1 rhino1_7R2
1 has_extra_attributes
1 curbit
1 can_has_notification
1 with_public_id
1 nc_data_reflection
1 authlogic_connect_hacks
1 xss-shield
1 dreambridge_survey
1 progressbar
1 with_helpers
1 accounts_engine
1 plain_old_ruby_templates
1 av_no_error_description
1 moonshine_vsftpd
1 authologic
1 modyo_attachments
1 repeating_job
1 remarkable_activerecord
1 mbleigh-seed-fu
1 flexshop_base
1 nframe_form_builder
1 single_save
1 pier-base
1 patch_activeresource
1 scp_tools
1 schneider_radiant
1 jp-admin
1 acts_as_view_counter
1 text_extensions
1 unicode_override
1 xinuc-ekuseru
1 normalize_line_endings
1 constant-contact-ruby
1 sext
1 mephisto_authorize_net
1 validates_min_max
1 state_engine
1 tickets
1 bluefocus_auth
1 ngix_streaming
1 time_zone_utilities
1 pipeline
1 image_picker
1 easy_permissions
1 enumerations_mixin_hacks
1 spice
1 cached_by_name
1 custom-err-msg_0.2.0
1 enforce_limits
1 alerts_server_client
1 many_check_boxes
1 sortable_column_headers_patch
1 extended_form_helper
1 to_chart
1 nil_empty
1 paypal_express
1 fzero-jw-playr-hlpr
1 timeframe
1 search_paginate
1 Tag-Parser
1 cascading_css
1 response_logger
1 base_engine
1 campaign_assignable
1 fudge_protx
1 subwindow-negative-captcha
1 foreign_key_extensions
1 has_virtual_columns
1 hanging_chad
1 thread_pool
1 postgres_plus
1 autotest_customizations
1 raspell
1 rack-offline
1 blog_pingback
1 embedded_fu
1 active_merchant_doppelganger
1 has_collection
1 gritter
1 pm_calendar
1 validation_lib
1 bh_likes
1 mootoolsonrails
1 habtm_column_cache
1 payal_sdk
1 briandoll-greatest_common_factor
1 im_magick
1 calendar_date_select_submodule
1 indie_page
1 br_extensions
1 contact_directories
1 rexml
1 triggers_notifications
1 acts_as_choosable
1 simplyglobal
1 date_time_local
1 globalization
1 acts_as_widgetizer
1 rails3_disable_x_sendfile
1 apollo_fixes
1 indexable_arrays
1 plastic
1 belongs_to_enum
1 forgeos_core
1 active_enhancements
1 browser-logger
1 gotcha
1 file_attachments
1 valid_attributes
1 seleniumrc_helper
1 rubypants
1 wvanbergen-scoped_search-cd690fa042faea4fdb7ceea3dc3351df072b1ff9
1 dreambridge_actions
1 paperclip_
1 amazon_checkout_gateway
1 vuclip_api
1 alphadecimal
1 mobile_engine
1 email_address_fu
1 http_status_exceptions
1 insales_counter
1 mdarby-weekdays
1 paperclip_url
1 tb_generators
1 rails_i18n_routing_patching
1 preference_izzle
1 has_url_name
1 ruby-xslt
1 hobofields
1 rufus-lru
1 rspec-on-rails-matchers-github-ckozus
1 s3-swf-upload
1 acts_as_controlled_vocabulary
1 simple_reporting
1 autofind
1 allspark
1 ruby_parser
1 schedule_attribute
1 asbestos
1 static-map
1 registered_user
1 greybox
1 netrecorder
1 mephisto_tinker
1 zkontagent
1 midas-exception_notification
1 test_assertions
1 bronto_api
1 suppress_validations
1 active_scaffold_placebo
1 alertpay_nvp
1 demeter
1 associated_products
1 AssetHostingWithMinimumSsl
1 restfaul_authentication
1 enumerations
1 shared_model_methods
1 avatar
1 imagerevolver-checkout-dpm
1 selection_options_for
1 hhs_wcd_publisher
1 geoip_gem
1 permissive
1 client_validation
1 june-cms
1 pace
1 shell
1 observe_innovation_changes
1 hes_authorization
1 ajh-acts_as_soft_deletable-925c11d
1 onehub_delayed_job
1 never_forget_multipart
1 acts_as_immutable
1 money_to_words
1 fj_string_ext
1 ledger
1 ambition
1 highrise
1 cell
1 sql_util
1 new_validations
1 acts_as_notification_subject
1 wrs
1 attachment_fu_crop_imagescience
1 form_builder
1 project_file_generator
1 action_queue
1 complex_scripts
1 western_union
1 xisbn
1 custom_javascript
1 fcgallery
1 elfproef
1 pictrs-easy-translate
1 validate_kind_context
1 automatic_foreign_key
1 fancybox_helper
1 good_enough_nested_set
1 fantom_controls
1 active_record_faked_model
1 janitor
1 specific_xml_converter
1 alternate_resource_key
1 css_sprites
1 geom
1 be_located
1 action_link
1 calc_captcha
1 formtastic_multiple
1 foreign_domain_routing
1 xpertin_helper
1 acts_as_nested_set_patch
1 attribute_predicates
1 formomiljo_plugin
1 cigna
1 kfi_client
1 doc_merge
1 portal_routing
1 forward_to_a_friend
1 christianhellsten-sitemap-generator-9c1ee41
1 custom_rescue_templates
1 core_patches
1 good_enough_form
1 action_profiler
1 belongs_to_owners_tenant
1 dreambridge_location
1 form_fields_builder
1 holman
1 table_styles
1 yacomail
1 acts_as_cachola
1 acts_as_full_text_search
1 neocast_accordion
1 modshipper
1 push_client
1 redhill_core
1 active_yaml
1 time_to_s
1 sanitizable
1 simonmenke-bencoding
1 lazy_tester
1 has_many_photos
1 act_as_s3_list
1 acts_as_voteable_food52
1 ar_filter_chain
1 alexstaubo-mongrel_proctitle-cbd74c0
1 rflowplayer
1 scrivening
1 panel_related_links
1 column_layout
1 expire_on_restart
1 exportable_model
1 exact_target_rb
1 invitable
1 markcatley-responds-to-parent
1 rspec-active_scaffold
1 highchart
1 remarkable_thinking_sphinx
1 tradeking_cacher
1 swx_on_rails
1 arya-ar-deltas
1 funktional
1 annotation_models
1 summon
1 adapters
1 solr_background_save
1 acts_as_subscribeable
1 rails-language-select
1 mdd
1 acts_as_formula_evaluator
1 moonshine_imagemagick
1 tztime_hacks
1 hcfa1500
1 asset_path_rewriter
1 active_scaffold_config_list
1 switchable_smtp
1 migration_constraints
1 ambitious_query_indexer
1 linkwithicon
1 cache_money
1 schema_extensions
1 active_scaffold2
1 acts_as_image
1 modulo_noticias_2
1 actsassanitized
1 paginate_alphabetically
1 render-flash
1 cache_bar
1 rails_setup
1 ritms
1 presentation_layer_engine
1 render_with_pages
1 protected_clone_attributes
1 rng
1 transfer
1 rspec_on_rails_render_and_receive
1 holder_query
1 redmine_google_calendar
1 can_has
1 global_helpers
1 gadget_rendering_request
1 freighthopper
1 ministat-1.1.0
1 dt_flickr
1 vhost-generator
1 bookmarkaby
1 mixi_app_mobile
1 did_you_mean
1 report
1 auto_complete_hacks
1 lab_coat
1 rails-jquery
1 standard_failure
1 thrift_monkey
1 ryanlowe-audit_mass_assignment
1 openlaszlo_plugin
1 retrieve_resource
1 pikkle_shortcode
1 mapmaker
1 ssl_requirement_hack
1 tog_conclave
1 aws_sdb_proxy
1 heart_rails_express
1 acts_as_tyrant
1 topfunky-ruby-hmac
1 has_filter_timer
1 acts_without_table
1 technoweenie
1 media_embed
1 language_tokens
1 show_for_stonewall
1 ad_taily_template
1 typhoeus
1 mikamai_i18n_label
1 invalid_record_always_raises_exception
1 vertical-response
1 mephisto_mortgage_bot
1 morizon_form_builder2
1 amazon_mws
1 doodlekit_extensions
1 html_table_generator
1 remarkable_rails
1 gh-thinking-sphinx
1 pm_models
1 acts_as_cached_counter
1 ooyala
1 simple_xml_parser
1 act_as_fulltextable
1 special_fried_links
1 acts_as_seo
1 pyte
1 places_integration
1 protent_view_directory
1 001-queuety
1 compass-rns-client
1 modulo_noticias_lms
1 short_and_simple
1 in_place_editing_modified
1 quote_retriever
1 restful_helper
1 youtube_generator
1 has_relations
1 rsl-routing_tricks-546ea81a8c9927391142ec8d9caeebbbb5925d74
1 acts_as_starred
1 subdomain_localizer
1 acts_as_chimp
1 config_generator
1 amf_aliasr
1 im_captcha
1 should_pricot
1 brightbox-object-factory
1 fancy_forms
1 amazing_routing
1 repos
1 clear_empty_attributes
1 service_search_client
1 rtex_extended
1 pelaton_view_directory
1 modelful_url
1 desirable
1 addresschooser
1 validates_denormalization_of
1 survey_question
1 bricks
1 acts_as_feed_itemable
1 multilingual
1 c3sprites
1 cms_banners
1 timcharper-bundle-fu-8056fd05c7ee4f637eb6137d544e91065400daab
1 little_log_friend
1 test_unit_immediate_failures
1 as3
1 tof_utilities
1 demeure_facebook_connect
1 sequential_state_machine_mixin
1 sogrid_crawler
1 enum_column-plugin
1 rails_footnotes
1 moonshine_no_www
1 beast
1 billing_solutions
1 push_plugin
1 weekdays
1 CSV-Report-Generator
1 rubber
1 ar_dumper
1 acts_as_identity
1 compra_facil
1 utils
1 hyperactive_resource
1 login_restrictor
1 serialized_attr_methods
1 russian-576bc58
1 mislav-contacts
1 specify_macros
1 tequila
1 async_call
1 calendar_date_select_jquery
1 qoobaa-proxies-b1a6c09
1 binary_column_table
1 portlets
1 xscio_plugin_mass_import
1 hm_analytics
1 cucumber-slicer
1 justintv-apns
1 dependent_models
1 fusion_charts
1 filter_attr
1 xserve
1 clutch
1 use_helper_module
1 open_flash_chart_hacks
1 rubycas-client_hacks
1 election_result_extractor
1 cassava
1 custom_benchmarks
1 mediainfo
1 play_nice_xss_terminate
1 smooth_migration
1 bakery
1 flex-attributes_extended
1 rails3_before_render
1 display_by_letter
1 is_attachment
1 heroku-autoscale
1 google_rest
1 page_title
1 scrapi
1 is_widgetable
1 softvalidations
1 multipass
1 pier-comment_system
1 kontagent-facebooker-client-library
1 has_remote_fields
1 notifiable
1 yui_compressor_gold
1 spam_catcher
1 snowbrush
1 acts_as_requirement
1 modyo_cms
1 looking_for
1 pluggable_mongrel_webdav_handler
1 mig_cucumber_tasks
1 ape
1 system_util
1 current_controller
1 user_engine
1 juggernaut_gem
1 model_versions
1 liquid_markup
1 user_profile
1 gtatravel
1 activeauthentication
1 svn_tools
1 yahoo_spelling_search
1 thoughtbot-mile_marker
1 acts_as_exif
1 edge
1 cmservice_plugin
1 i18n_helper
1 asset_timestamping
1 ultrasphinx_extensions
1 jit_observer
1 server_remote
1 db_queue
1 rails_dojo_helpers
1 rails-concerns
1 gd3_page_watch
1 tiered-validation
1 validates_email_veracity_of_submodule
1 email_veracity
1 joey
1 tbcap
1 validates-constancy-rails-plugin
1 language_selector
1 custom_domains
1 bootstrap
1 flash_history
1 test_addiction
1 roar_collections
1 blue_ridge
1 lazy_response
1 spitfire_buttons
1 date_setter
1 domain_location
1 citation_importer
1 profile_areas
1 disable_logging
1 shopify_api
1 batch_processing
1 rails_404
1 profile_filter
1 model_auto_completer_fix
1 postmark
1 cogent_saikuro
1 route_append
1 rack-uploads
1 ringcentral
1 geos_extensions
1 acts_as_queryable
1 cascading_stylesheets
1 kropper_thumbs
1 rtxt
1 faceted_votes
1 translation_helper
1 meb_auth
1 activerecord_ext
1 auto_complete_moo
1 dry_mailer
1 url_recognizer
1 assemblage
1 subversion
1 RailsStore
1 linty
1 usps_countries
1 acts_as_spam
1 nvx-sds
1 authorization_apocalypse
1 citrix
1 timcharper-bundle-fu
1 xsf_cache
1 acts_as_searchable_attribute_of
1 ruby-yadis
1 acts_as_traversable_tree
1 worker
1 auto_scope
1 youtube_java_uploader
1 Currency-Convert-on-Rails
1 technoweenie-restful-authentication
1 has_posts
1 spacious
1 dj_core_ext
1 prophecy
1 acts_as_loyal
1 acts_as_conversable
1 mongo_session_store
1 timed_fragment_cache_before
1 acts_as_hashed
1 has_occurred_fields
1 auto-migrate
1 tab_view
1 async_processing
1 kml_parser
1 acts_as_serializable
1 action_view_hacks
1 naked_models
1 attachment_fu_cloner
1 acts_as_ordered_base_class_tree
1 base
1 modulo_blogs_lms
1 kontagent
1 context_on_crack
1 comatose.tar
1 coma_plus
1 acts_as_yaml_versioned
1 test_helpers
1 skinnable
1 factory_girl_attachment
1 ruby_bosh
1 imap_bounce_handler
1 datatables_helpers
1 blueprint-layout
1 knowledge_base
1 repify_facebook
1 merb-gen
1 lockable
1 denormalized_columns
1 active_engine
1 searchable_record_hacks
1 mislav_will_paginate_2.3.12
1 selenium-client
1 uhura
1 gyre_debug
1 facets
1 fclocations
1 anti_csrf
1 jrails_in_place_editing_heroked
1 nudge_views
1 energon
1 mint_localization
1 dismissible_flash
1 desg_validator
1 aegis
1 theworkinggroup-country_select
1 extra-data-remote-storage
1 adcopy
1 ar_find_bang
1 signature
1 acts_as_content_excluder
1 partial_annotation
1 validates_at_least_one
1 enum_id
1 user-agent
1 happy_mappy
1 catalog_lookup
1 mikamai_bj
1 liquid_extensions
1 nifty_generators
1 vehicle_factory
1 error_messages_on_fix
1 iceberg
1 acts_as_dfa_commentable
1 editor
1 modyo_profiles
1 rails-ja
1 email_api
1 bricklist2
1 spittle
1 tenant_attachment
1 scrum_abstract_scaffold
1 streaming_csv_builder
1 link_to_remote_with_conditions
1 watson
1 gucci_i18n
1 datetimespan
1 yaml_workaround
1 profilator_trunk
1 training_application_questions
1 acts_as_attacher
1 csv_runner
1 listerine
1 config
1 video_info
1 actionwebservice_persistent
1 javascript_named_routes
1 acts_as_period
1 menuer
1 canada_province_select
1 01_acts_as_poomvoom
1 targetable
1 fruit_captcha
1 slugs_are_bad
1 humangrid_globalize_extension
1 rails-fuzzy-search
1 ruby-openid-apps-discovery
1 capitalise
1 mogwai_client
1 binarylogic-searchlogic-1472bf7
1 acts_as_state_machine_doppelganger
1 acts_as_interactable
1 better_edit_in_place
1 has_activities
1 api_href_extensions
1 acts_as_dashboard
1 samedi_styles
1 consistency_check
1 change_control
1 scope-out-rails
1 acts_as_favorable
1 has_readonly_attributes
1 open_flash_chart_old
1 ar_legacy_support
1 geo_tools
1 attachment_fu_doppelganger
1 logging
1 wakachigaki
1 java_access_manager
1 school_picker
1 imagerevolver-forum
1 dsl_integration_tests
1 annotate_renders
1 wait_until_ready
1 type_indifferent_form_options
1 dancing_with_sprockets
1 type_attributes
1 iphoneification
1 validates_numericality_of
1 radiant_consumer
1 paperclipCF
1 services_safety_net
1 mobile_compatability
1 active_merchant_ft_debit
1 xscio_plugin_alba_layout
1 munin_manager
1 clear_default_values
1 youthline
1 jsonian
1 plugins_plus
1 trevorrowe-tinymce_hammer-f2528c2
1 basic_video_upload
1 podcast_series
1 ruby-plugnpay
1 dynamic_error_pages
1 identity_plugin
1 facebox-for-prototype
1 astrails-resource-controller
1 righterrors
1 acts_as_content_loggable
1 threaded_file_downloader
1 tmm1-amqp
1 xhtml
1 mm_acts_as_linkable
1 text-reform
1 resource_full
1 acts_as_monitorable
1 mailcar
1 wice_view_helpers
1 vuzitruby
1 custom_validation_messages
1 rpc_handlers
1 deprecate
1 webrat_extra_steps
1 acts_as_binary_mask
1 spec_server
1 ie_png
1 action_pack_extensions
1 harvester
1 trackable
1 devise_facebook_connectable
1 languages_switch
1 form_fieldset
1 sidebar
1 better_serialization
1 learning_cave_sets
1 numeric_spell
1 company_location
1 modulo_contenidos
1 helios
1 assert_changes
1 has_temporary_credit_card_storage
1 active_merchant_twin
1 sanitization_by_axe
1 zclassic_pagination
1 auto_complete_submodule
1 xscio_plugin_blog
1 easy_messages
1 sunspot_json
1 Lazy-high-chart-fix
1 acts_as_diffable
1 torpedo_oi
1 bark_messaging
1 discuz_auth
1 queenbee
1 acts_as_dag
1 easy_routing
1 activerecord_sequences
1 ginsu
1 dm-sweatshop
1 merry_cms
1 composable_builders
1 rdialog
1 dreambridge_moments
1 platypus_whiteboard
1 acts_as_user
1 daeltar-enum_field
1 minus_r
1 acts_as_survivor
1 durable_hash
1 boxie_ssl_requirement
1 has_attaches
1 mms_integration
1 active_matchers
1 memcache-store-with-delete_matched
1 thoughtbot-squirrel
1 acts_as_log_item
1 attachment_fu_composite_backend
1 handles_sortable_columns
1 safe_log_rotate
1 mbleigh-subdomain-fu
1 discount
1 remarkable_authlogic
1 xml-mapping
1 chronic_extensions
1 config_file
1 user_api
1 twitter_stream
1 postgres_sequence_support
1 dynamic_action_cache
1 makes_sense
1 yard_controller
1 exception_logger_hacks
1 content_cache
1 boling_for_batches
1 preferable
1 admin-task-lister
1 trace_those_deletes
1 cache_extensions
1 partial_debugger
1 compass-rms-client
1 searchable_association
1 collectiveidea_google_analytics
1 zaypay
1 localized_routes
1 jruby-rest-client
1 iso_3166_country_select
1 ar_fixes
1 action_pack_extension
1 haml_and_sass
1 iron_gate
1 tog_forum
1 mephisto_typography_helper
1 munun_on_rails
1 has_media
1 tog_vault
1 seven1m-flickr
1 merb_datamapper
1 gs_auth
1 mailchimp_fu
1 acts_as_scoped_globally
1 google_analytics_page_tracker
1 enumerated_values
1 gruff_template
1 grackle
1 syncer
1 acts_as_swishable
1 Ascii85
1 activerecord-basewithouttable-for-rails
1 pdf_report
1 link_sets
1 pramana
1 service_desk
1 run_tests_on_deploy
1 bolt
1 easytitles
1 es_extensions
1 acts_as_taggable_on_steroids_doppelganger
1 media_select
1 validates_attachment
1 title_case
1 eliotsykes-asset_fingerprint
1 atti-syndication
1 dlog
1 backup_contacts_import
1 postcode_scanner
1 validatates_attachment
1 mm_statistics
1 has_fields
1 strip_control_chars
1 snippets
1 has_specialties
1 pop_box
1 smartmonth
1 metapack_dm2
1 translation_fu
1 dynamiclistingshelper
1 textilizefu
1 shared_models_plugin
1 machine_sort
1 versioning_fu
1 ultrasphinx_doppelganger
1 groupon_plugin
1 tsig_api_on_rails
1 mysql_requirement
1 i18n_missing_keys
1 clxmlserial
1 checkable
1 account
1 acts_as_likeable
1 validates_as_vat_number
1 global_nav
1 incomplete_date
1 file_processor
1 bbva_gateway
1 bossman
1 postal_code_with_gtg_brick
1 acts_as_ad_tag_owner
1 haml-views-generator
1 rightcert
1 paperclip_dj
1 fudge_scaffold
1 databaseless_views
1 shouter
1 pm_tools
1 js_routes
1 rails_standard_library
1 yarfmp
1 fetches
1 nui
1 audit_mass_assignment
1 acts_as_nested_path
1 save_associated
1 aws_patch
1 admin_stuff
1 shocker_blocker
1 rackspace-ruby-cloudfiles
1 attr_enum
1 custom_select_tag
1 permalink_fu_with_aliases
1 aspchat
1 dinferie
1 contributors
1 accessible_form_helper
1 aaronchi-jrails-712ccd1
1 read_params
1 prince-ruby
1 acts_as_rankable
1 simplified_metatags
1 json_field
1 week_and_day_calculations
1 cancan_submodule
1 dream_emails
1 ciuchcia
1 better_rails_jqgrid
1 salted_encryption
1 abuse_client
1 acts_as_structured_taggable
1 save_without_callbacks
1 cogent_utilities
1 atomic_mailer
1 reject_if_missing
1 json_ext
1 linecache
1 archivable
1 app_behavior
1 acts_as_view_inheritance
1 acunote_shortcuts
1 acts_as_fulltext
1 attribute_assignment
1 jzip
1 ticket_system
1 inplacericheditor
1 minigis
1 lint_fu
1 time_freezer
1 routing_filter
1 data_feed
1 jquery-timeago
1 cms_news
1 mislav-will_paginate-e114c44
1 csrwire_analytics
1 contacto
1 tokenize
1 js.erb-auto-include-plugin
1 emu_auth_rails
1 javascript_spec
1 ambroseplugins
1 theme_citibank
1 acts_as_achieveform
1 action_mail_tls
1 fianet
1 should
1 prawn-svg
1 log_deleted
1 payoneer
1 rspec_fuzzy_matchers
1 pg_copy
1 asset_types
1 cubics
1 custom_scaffold
1 ab_testing
1 cheetah_mailer
1 google4r-checkout
1 sauron
1 has_small_picture
1 wrest
1 eventable
1 technoweenie-sentry-5ba4d7b1eb1ab3b32099fb993ae7b4e3549fced6
1 morizon_ar_mailer
1 non_content_columns
1 carrierwave_mongomapper
1 has_related
1 sms
1 mini_captcha
1 rake_file_locking
1 affiliate_networks
1 pessimistic_locking
1 generators_for_plugins
1 concern
1 front_end_framework
1 queue_for
1 model_auto_completer-modified
1 extended_xml_errors
1 acts_as_template_input
1 saml
1 mephisto_fuze
1 spix_search
1 validation_messages
1 has_a_unique_id
1 custom-authentication
1 killswitch_staging
1 partner-api
1 tabbed_panes
1 objectify
1 xtf-ruby-rails
1 memorize
1 access_rules
1 active_record_errors_extras
1 version_master
1 Snapshot
1 polish_vocative
1 rate_city
1 partial_validation
1 cloud-files-asset-sync
1 merb-cache
1 portfolio_event
1 asset_packager-hacks
1 mosaic_core_legacy
1 ruport_monkey_patch
1 after_commit.git
1 ringpop
1 listings
1 list_for
1 builtin_data_injector
1 restfulauthentication
1 extended_logging
1 security_manager
1 milton
1 fckeditor_on_rails.git
1 endicia4r
1 technoweenie-acts_as_paranoid-b0a5d2b
1 restful_in_place_editing
1 acts_as_favourite
1 liquid-markup
1 auditing_ui
1 rack-rewrite
1 jobster_skinnables
1 namecase
1 url_validation_improved
1 sc
1 captchator
1 friendly_url
1 auth_imap_adapter
1 ugo2_helper
1 platypus_issue_tracker
1 scan_and_target
1 rspec_spinner
1 html_attributes
1 rest_link_fallback
1 resque-status
1 file_column_on_steroids
1 serialization_extensions
1 freeimage-ffi
1 has_privileges
1 webget_ruby_secure_random
1 paymentech
1 upcoming_event_sets
1 email_template_handler
1 grandrapids
1 attachment_fu.git
1 journalist-client
1 acts_as_payment
1 mmx_subdomains
1 acts_as_publicly_taggable
1 fiveruns-dash-rails
1 app_constants
1 jasmine_action_view_bridge
1 activ
1 parsers
1 dasherizing_builder
1 link_share
1 public_attributes
1 association_aggregator
1 geonames-rails
1 merb-slices
1 sporkal_external
1 test_responds_to
1 itransact_gateway
1 rweather
1 query_timeout
1 script_scheduler_client
1 current_instance
1 bookmark_url_to
1 music_stores
1 gemtracker
1 life_weight
1 ezpay
1 flickraw
1 sms_global_gateway
1 identifications
1 pier-alerts
1 acts_as_geocoded
1 feedback_widget
1 rujitsu
1 acts_as_tritonn
1 to_rss
1 jasper-rails
1 wp_on_rails
1 image_importer
1 search_model
1 geo
1 eup_utils
1 be_taggable
1 white_label_tools
1 modyo_oauth
1 attachment_fu_ftp
1 column_as_array
1 3233sdfasdf
1 acts_as_multi_tenant
1 jobster_validation
1 ajax_error_handlers
1 rails_where
1 fragment_caching
1 responsys
1 webkit-mobile-fu
1 rb-lightbox-plugin-read-only
1 has_calculator
1 faraday
1 json_template
1 acts_as_analytics
1 ac_comms
1 compound_models
1 ascii85
1 active-record-presenters
1 racaptcha
1 routing_fix
1 wice_core_extensions
1 acts_as_rejectable
1 has_blocked_words
1 life_intake
1 flashing-rails
1 json_fields
1 validates_unlike
1 markdown_templates
1 large_will_paginate
1 aaa_gems
1 wp_authentication
1 accountable
1 util
1 method_timer
1 prototypeui_plugin
1 hi5_sso
1 six-guid
1 spec_voodoo
1 truncate_table
1 zipcode_data
1 identity-map
1 RailsViz
1 translation_helpers
1 bangin_finders
1 exception_growler
1 calendar_maker
1 modyo_events
1 prawn-shapes
1 acts_as_lists
1 filter_table
1 mephisto_rss
1 permalink_fu_hacks
1 job_client
1 stashed_hash
1 activescaffold-active_scaffold-19d43bf
1 open_id_simplified
1 date_punches
1 full_validates
1 acts_as_multilingual
1 nds_rails_core
1 jeremydurham-custom-err-msg-aabc108
1 defunkt-acts_as_textiled
1 postgres_complex_types
1 finder_enhancments
1 flex_date
1 acts_as_suspended
1 rss_parser
1 active_merchant_changes.patch
1 fetlife_custom_validations
1 show_me_the_mailers
1 pinc_misc_time
1 petsizes
1 plm-accounts
1 mislav-will_paginate-ba754cd
1 v1.0
1 gerrit
1 factory_man
1 tradeking_app_monitor
1 fckeditor_on_rails
1 acts_as_quickbooks_interface
1 rails_file_column
1 aaroue_config
1 rails-system-settings
1 acts_as_highlight_item
1 yahoo_oauth
1 simile_timeline
1 deletion_fu
1 short_id
1 rails-breadcrumb-trail
1 doverfr
1 newgem
1 multiline_inspect
1 cj4r
1 nono-HTML-Truncator
1 dstools_debugger
1 gilenson
1 quick_sprites
1 bmusic_shared
1 rest
1 acts_as_content_anchor
1 multifarious
1 sexy_scaffold
1 search-api
1 tab_menu
1 ruby-tools
1 validates_as_time
1 content_item
1 frame_slider
1 table_builders
1 maptastic
1 josevalim-rails-footnotes
1 mysped_backup
1 yaml_mass_insert
1 bhu_fu
1 rotten_lutefisk
1 acts_as_sortable_tree
1 inside_sales
1 myspace
1 attachment_fu_patched
1 timeline
1 authlogic_altnet
1 nostore
1 mail-templates
1 mislave-will_paginate
1 rougecardinal
1 dj_whiny_protected_attributes
1 rails-slimbox
1 grosser-rpx_now
1 redbox_submodule
1 pending_test
1 active_record_extras
1 greenstat
1 fooplugin
1 viget_deployment
1 dotdumper
1 static_localize
1 acts_as_simply_configurable
1 good_enough_form_builder
1 searchable_resource
1 aaa
1 liquid_validation
1 humangrid_core
1 multisite_fu
1 mephisto_ads
1 averto
1 has_followings
1 fastercsv_gem
1 prawn_template_handler
1 rails_extension_helpers
1 fiveruns_manage
1 trifecta
1 ActiveRecordExtensions
1 open_id_authentication_for_google
1 net-flickr
1 time_helpers
1 authentifikator_trunk
1 mmmenu
1 patshaughnessy-paperclip
1 skaes-time_bandits
1 webcms
1 app_behavior_resource_html
1 basic_haml_generators
1 cute_admin_theme
1 merb-more
1 piklib
1 delayed_job_tracer
1 restorm-tracking-server
1 blogage_feed
1 web_address
1 spam_protection
1 worldview
1 galleria
1 systemu
1 xbackbone
1 _svn
1 modyo_themes
1 criterion_aec
1 yahoo_map
1 acts_as_shop_centric_item
1 semantic_form_builder_hacks
1 after_transaction
1 denormalize
1 paginate
1 tinymce
1 merb-assets
1 user_stats
1 will_paginate_submodule
1 associated_save
1 autorevo_extensions
1 geojson
1 groupon-analytics-client
1 css-dryer
1 domain_templates
1 to_b
1 i18n_views
1 slicehost_recipes
1 gawing_voteable
1 m14n
1 vorago_scaffold
1 Bertg-i18n_action_mailer
1 mixpanel
1 tog_wall
1 rakeserver
1 mephisto_paged_article_list
1 hit_it
1 platypus_article
1 flexshop_admin2
1 apply
1 enum_from_hash
1 records_sequence
1 ruby_tube
1 capex_deploy_to
1 exlibris
1 rails-twelve-hour-time-plugin
1 zwo_tasks
1 invoice
1 dragondiapers
1 hoptoad_bunny_notifier
1 socky_plugin
1 session_stamp
1 primeshare
1 croppable_paperclip
1 guidify
1 rtranslate-modified
1 patientslikeme-migration_helpers
1 ar_money_method
1 interceptor
1 novelys_hacks
1 dib-generators
1 pluralize
1 mysped_analytics
1 purzelrakete-blackbook
1 internally_versioned
1 swf-header
1 gilboa
1 duckpipe
1 vw_extensions
1 restflection
1 otp_merchant
1 merb_routing
1 flash_upload_fix
1 barometer
1 restresource
1 seven_minute_abs
1 imedo_extensions
1 chronos
1 kete-tiny_mce-v0.1.4-0-g7d57095
1 metadata
1 activescaffoldlocalize
1 acts_as_sparing_writer
1 create_or_update_by
1 login_logger
1 activerecord_binary_serialization
1 eventbright
1 url_shortener
1 resourceful_parenting
1 localytics_core_ext
1 bossman-gem
1 access
1 ttg_acts_as_taggable
1 first_aid
1 jkraemer-acts_as_ferret-2a9969a832fa6eb6dc34a962173edfa84e1e8783
1 model_preferences
1 static_gems
1 googleajax
1 link_to_remote_if
1 hmac-sha1
1 validates_for_action
1 user_defined_fields
1 indie_login
1 zendesk-captcha
1 pier-workflows
1 xstats
1 acts_as_whatever
1 db-charmer-addon
1 rooster
1 symitar
1 css_tab_menu
1 scripps
1 report_template
1 modyo_feedback
1 page_views
1 postgres_arrays
1 ar_result_calculations
1 factories-and-workers
1 zurb_platform
1 expreem_connector
1 rspec-instafail
1 s3_swf_upload_plugin
1 gtadmin
1 cap-git-integration
1 gravatar_tag
1 freeform_admin
1 econtext_payment_sdk
1 ext_on_ready_queue
1 delayed-job
1 power_cryptography
1 mysql_not_null_string
1 server_status
1 active_pdf
1 ys4r_sm
1 realtime
1 acts_as_addressable
1 shared_model_modules
1 embedded_items
1 styled_inputs
1 dingus
1 paperclip_s3_reprocessing
1 badoumba_tools
1 seo_routing
1 resource_api
1 xhtml_content_type
1 aa3
1 acts_as_denormalized
1 yp_single_sign_on
1 db_to_fixtures
1 squeejee-search_sniffer
1 cainlevy-recordselect-14bbb80
1 forgeos_cms
1 event_logger
1 village
1 0.1
1 does_auto_untaint
1 qichunren_plugin
1 parallel_specs_doppelganger
1 if_core
1 site_engine
1 dirty_dependent_attr
1 schema_name_support
1 herzio_core
1 polymorphy
1 milky_captcha
1 resque-lock-timeout
1 core_environment
1 i18n_scope_by_controller_action
1 qlb
1 analytics_service
1 stateless_wizard
1 consider_all_requests_local_for_whitelist
1 postgres_timezone
1 delayed_emails
1 acts_as_union
1 additional_attributes
1 omniauth
1 prx_form_helper
1 lipsum
1 px_announcements
1 acts_as_google_search
1 collectiveidea-delayed_job-b983b7e
1 diff_reader
1 mislav-will_paginate-e548631f89b00c46c7cabd4196d29a12c65c6106
1 simple-daemon
1 encryptable
1 oauth_authenticator
1 quantcast
1 file_upload
1 ruby-msn
1 ruby_amf
1 flash_text_editor
1 background_cache
1 mephisto_recent_delicious_posts
1 capistrano-shared-recipes
1 airflow
1 roart
1 event_attribute
1 external_assetssl_service
1 url_check
1 events
1 flash_player_helper
1 dnsruby
1 editorkicker
1 will_paginate_twin
1 seleniumao_rc
1 searcher
1 should_pass_w3c_validation
1 v2.0.3
1 retry_block
1 acts_as_showcased
1 contacts_importer
1 watchman
1 columbus
1 thinking-sphinx_dj
1 flag_inappropriate
1 jquery-ui-rails-helpers
1 regionarrow
1 delmonte
1 duff_export
1 xtreme_application_kit
1 benchmark_monkey_patch
1 swoodoo
1 reportz
1 easy_fields
1 general_upload
1 inyourface_database
1 netpay
1 validates_as_sanitized_html
1 ggrkvhx_shared
1 hydra
1 whitespace_trimmer
1 cert
1 aaroue_ldap
1 xslt_processor
1 tradeking_recognia
1 timely
1 acts_as_money_mixin
1 weighted_random
1 jp_address
1 default_scope
1 correct-format
1 iui
1 after_commit_callback
1 generic_rails
1 js_include_file
1 aaroue_html_validation
1 faq
1 rack-mobile-detect
1 rrdtool
1 simple_state_machine
1 url_store
1 vesne_social_core_places
1 video_converter
1 extract_url_content
1 moonshine_memcache
1 reports
1 model_level_security
1 fertilizer
1 vic_tests
1 acts_as_bitly_url
1 sickpea
1 trustcommerce_subscription
1 unknown_attributes
1 ffaker
1 lagan
1 acts_as_tasteful
1 MapQuest-Directions-Ruby
1 bedycasa_polyglot
1 railesque
1 paperclip-extended
1 strict_white_list
1 admin_scaffold
1 pikkle_core_ext
1 day_and_time
1 versioned_urls
1 assetify
1 stream_publisher
1 crm_web_to_lead
1 px_news
1 ruby-fpdf
1 data_migration2
1 georuby
1 acts_as_od_remote
1 mattetti-mimetype-fu-31347a8
1 Empact-validates_email_veracity_of-b43de6eb07f53f2fe467f2b4e3c030281eadba23
1 sexy_permalinks
1 plexus_pay
1 render_exceptions
1 belongs_to_rolled_up_obj
1 sans_articles
1 sc-zero-sql
1 atomparser
1 lmp
1 design
1 iso639
1 round_fields
1 test-spec
1 tagging
1 flyerhzm-rfetion
1 jruby-ldap
1 jeroenj-geo_ip-665a32b
1 ruby-mp3info
1 desert
1 acts_as_cart_statused
1 ecommerce
1 attr_enumerated
1 custom-xml-serialization
1 simple_file_attachment
1 open_id_authentication_heroked
1 genderize
1 paperclip_extended
1 google_extensions
1 use_engine
1 frontend_common
1 acts_as_gamedata
1 varz
1 autotest
1 rails_utils
1 preload_associations
1 rails_utils2
1 folders
1 active_record_error_style
1 aws_resource
1 listingshelper
1 acts_as_taggable_tree
1 errata
1 Shopify-active_shipping
1 qdq_data_collection
1 flex_find
1 hyphenated_controller_routes
1 jchupp-is_paranoid
1 relevance_tools
1 memoryprofiler
1 mephisto_erb_templates
1 login_system
1 rails-auto_complete-7b18f05
1 tag_class
1 chart
1 rank_fu
1 modulo_central_reservas
1 ap_fixes
1 acts_as_solr_patched
1 kyero_seo_presenter
1 versionnable
1 text_cleaner
1 acts_as_state_machine_overrides
1 manage_fixture
1 error_messages_on
1 money_gem_evil_twin_hacks
1 properties_fu
1 jar_fetcher
1 site_meta
1 has_translation
1 has_tiny_mce_image
1 acts_as_noticeable
1 attachment_fu_ext
1 save_drafts
1 hilabs-plugin
1 erubis_template_handler
1 ext2
1 live_chats
1 paypal_country_select
1 acts_dateable
1 postgis_adapter
1 heroku_tasks
1 belongs_to_auditing
1 annotatedtimeline
1 rspec-custom-matchers
1 popcrit
1 gigbot_models
1 acts_as_prioritized
1 cache
1 rate_fu
1 attachent_fu_validates_attachment
1 validanguage
1 maintenance
1 toolbar
1 wellness
1 acts_as_hashable
1 noths-activemerchant
1 rbook
1 restful_authentication_i18n
1 pipeline_deals
1 maintain_sequence
1 terserrble
1 video_upload
1 html_menu
1 aaroue_gump
1 textilize_fu
1 test_injector
1 restful-authentication-i18n
1 js_compressor
1 limelight_summarizable
1 plugin_hacks
1 action_mailer_tls7
1 rio
1 superformtastic
1 acts_as_segregated
1 onehub_monkey_patches
1 wycats-moneta
1 acts_as_scorecard
1 ext
1 percipio
1 active_sheet
1 03_akaibo
1 buttonshelper
1 simple_nav
1 cas_server
1 kaiburr
1 mixins
1 berk-will_filter-86f5751
1 safe_attribute_update
1 astounding-mtik
1 modal_box
1 ajax_form
1 analytical
1 http-access
1 is_encrypted
1 gmaps_tools
1 acts_as_taggable_on_steroids_hacks
1 outlet_mixins
1 fixture-scenarios
1 freeform
1 recent_activity
1 assaf-uuid
1 ParseTree
1 active_singleton
1 andand
1 active_event
1 context_tooltip
1 finch
1 sphinxsearchlogic
1 exception_notify
1 nice_form_helper
1 encryptor
1 randomizable
1 riv
1 suggestion_box
1 queue_system
1 norwegian
1 canonicalize
1 amexpub_multi_selector
1 authlogic_mongomapper_monkey_heroked
1 found_rows
1 wp_logging
1 active_cart
1 model_with_image
1 map_simple_api
1 fu-fu_patch
1 mydonor_norm
1 webymize
1 apmbundle
1 flash_fixes
1 facebook_app_creator
1 iap
1 to_fcsv
1 garlandgroup-acts_as_editable_for_a_limited_time
1 capistrano_recipes
1 activedelicious
1 observational
1 rack-contrib
1 epic_userstamp
1 Localization
1 utf8_fix
1 calculated_attribute
1 rspec_plugin
1 is_relatable_to
1 models_to_utc
1 humantime
1 fixjour
1 clean_rexml_exception
1 identity_verification
1 active_sdo
1 bookmarkable
1 railsforce
1 flexshop_suppliers
1 is_archived
1 analytics
1 mephisto_secure_contact
1 i18n_custom_backend
1 rspec-integration
1 merb-mailer
1 pg_drop_all
1 has_modifications
1 has_property
1 portal_integration
1 user_event_logger
1 shortcode-url
1 haddock
1 amazon_efficient
1 quiz_sets
1 httpclient_patch
1 semantic_form_builder-modified
1 users_plugin
1 ga_calculator
1 partner_images
1 factory_girl_doppelganger
1 videoclip
1 s3-backup
1 auth
1 muness-migration_sql_generator-9e64872
1 grizzly_attachments
1 blogage_messaging
1 scaffold_admin_resource
1 respond_glue
1 unique_constraint_migrations
1 percentize
1 blame
1 smartsprites
1 admin_tool
1 whodunnit
1 nested_params_parser
1 client_update
1 gh-translate
1 acts_as_product
1 will_timezone
1 acts_as_price_tag
1 jquery-ui-datepicker
1 idwccf
1 jchupp-csv-mapper
1 backend_markup
1 dashboxes
1 short_bus
1 mongo_liquid_templates
1 polymorphic_enhancements
1 postgresql_fk_plugin
1 picasa_ruby
1 attache_inline_image
1 moderator
1 maps_to
1 asset_mint
1 devise_invitable
1 multi_database_transactions
1 redhillsonrails_core_patch
1 flexible_rails
1 diversion
1 find_like
1 modyo_routes
1 validates_absence_of
1 batchbook
1 sanitized
1 observation_car
1 puny_mce
1 validates_in_future
1 timcharper-calendar_date_select
1 db_refresh
1 haml_i18n_heroked
1 stub_fixtures
1 assert_invalidates
1 happy_mapper
1 imagerevolver-shipping-price-based
1 flash-message-conductor.git
1 log_management
1 acts_as_nylon
1 jeweler
1 hash_xml_convert
1 feeds_parser
1 globalize_extension
1 extension_utilities
1 proper_textile_newlines
1 api_resource_01
1 textile_editor
1 pst_timestamps
1 has_translated_fields
1 autoexpire
1 nice_url
1 sageone
1 modulo_aa_lms
1 validates_virus_free
1 kmaps_engine
1 composed_of_validation
1 acts_as_natural_key
1 chrobot
1 general_monitor
1 hash_conversions
1 p2_info
1 ui
1 mig_cap_recipes
1 internal_shopify_app
1 will_sort
1 cautious_power_tools
1 pdf-reader
1 rails-acts_as_tree
1 sanitize_attributes
1 custom_home
1 hot_cookie_auth
1 tradeking_idc_news
1 autospec
1 jnunemaker-twitter-2571cd8
1 dependant_caching
1 merb-core
1 api_resource
1 case_data
1 activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter
1 cropped_thumb
1 seamlessdbpool
1 hoboyui
1 spitfire_meta_tags
1 restrict_params
1 greycsv
1 acts_as_paranoid_hacked
1 mailroom
1 spicycode-rcov
1 mint_javascript
1 bigindex
1 pikkle_schema
1 mondial_relay
1 active_resource_configuration
1 Ext.ux.touch.Rating
1 attr_accessible_block
1 net_addr
1 railsgarden-nilify_blanks
1 Fixtures-Import
1 acts_as_altnet_tree
1 geography
1 calendar_for
1 phone_fields
1 find_or_initialize_resource
1 google4r
1 fuzzy_date
1 activity-api
1 FacebookSearch
1 host_routing
1 active_record_sql_exporter
1 settings_manager
1 asset_engine
1 apirunner
1 centralized_products
1 acts_as_premoderatable
1 ensures_immutability_of
1 gtalk
1 s3_rake_backup
1 compact-flags
1 acts_as_redis_counter
1 acts_as_pictureable
1 pd_country_select
1 test_enhancements
1 ruby-debug-base
1 factory_analytics
1 jeremymcanally-context
1 make_permalink_from
1 next_steps
1 system_sampling
1 sphinxing-think
1 restricts_word_length
1 vacuum_cleaner
1 evil_render
1 lock_down
1 xls_for_rails
1 fixture_builder_doppelganger
1 count_with_joins
1 bounce-email
1 acts_as_trilhos
1 joshmh-globalize2
1 ipipi
1 Device-Aware
1 google_geocode_accuracy
1 xd_actionbar
1 scoped_find
1 karmi-localized_country_select
1 reportage_photo_upload
1 acts_as_recommended
1 v2v_core
1 skimble_acts_as
1 steam
1 has_many_viewers
1 binarylogic-searchlogic-v2.4.14
1 if-suite-helpers
1 logical_tabs
1 tag_client
1 xmlsimple
1 memcached_store
1 video_scraper
1 wz_bangmang
1 flexshop_wholesale
1 sexp_processor
1 globalize-for
1 convex
1 acts_as_sphinx_sortable
1 raul-translate_routes
1 constrained_api
1 german_formats
1 has_participants
1 multi_site
1 action_throttler
1 hungrymail
1 erubis_rails_helper
1 magic_enum
1 faceoff
1 linkstorm_tasks
1 cache_with_tags_store
1 zimbra_sync
1 feedback_nib
1 acts_as_reviewable
1 campaign_monitor_party
1 business_day_interval
1 tradeking_relish
1 security_system
1 alter_table.git
1 spitfire_flash_messages
1 nested_select
1 resque_ext
1 digest_authentication
1 magic_multi_connections
1 formatted-dates
1 warden-password-upgrade
1 franck_asset_packager
1 acts_as_message
1 1saleaday_monkey_patching
1 namespaced_models
1 dubit_platform
1 mirekrusin
1 nosecone
1 acts-as-slug
1 relates-to
1 relaxdb
1 ipl_widgets
1 system_status
1 barkley_restful_authentication
1 localized_country_select-hacks
1 marconi
1 acts-as-taggable-on-ls-custom
1 rxml_fixes
1 ebay_finder
1 japan_sns
1 mislav-will_paginate-3d531e1
1 picasa_on_rails
1 faster-builder
1 active_record_object_yield
1 meantime_filter
1 filth
1 display_messages
1 theme_bt
1 english
1 has_password
1 application
1 02_request_routing
1 register_api
1 Simple-nicEdit
1 thoughtbot-paperclip-f44ede70f849acf3ae3403cc1d5e1439fa0fac91
1 acts_as_metable
1 dynamic_methods
1 minus_mor
1 geokit-rails_doppelganger
1 access_log_fu
1 routes_tricks
1 date_validator
1 ruby_gettext_extractor
1 beanstalk-messaging
1 prbbldap
1 fixture
1 us_state_select_plugin
1 controller_validators
1 moonshine_multi_server
1 modulo_sites
1 mephisto_vehicles
1 active_scaffold_new
1 fusioncharts
1 comment8
1 acts_as_labelable_on
1 net_scaler_remote_ip
1 single_access_allowed
1 ach
1 cached_model_plugin
1 crb
1 equipe_renders
1 modulo_minisite
1 filemanager
1 xss_bareback
1 has_view_state
1 db_free_solr
1 markdown_editor
1 coffee-haml-filter
1 xdxf_dictionaries
1 facebook-select
1 ruby-geonames
1 tagga
1 acts_as_mongo_rateable
1 cms_admin
1 mongomapper_accessible_block
1 backgroundy
1 has_emails
1 urlize
1 vesne_social_core
1 acts_as_quizzable
1 theme_szoba
1 create_automatically
1 snap_up
1 is_sphinxed
1 clickatell-mass
1 find-all-by-date-range
1 minimalist_authentication
1 ignore_nil
1 unobtrusive_errand
1 easy_http_cache
1 server_config
1 shindig
1 money_attributes
1 ruby2ruby
1 pm_db
1 justlanded_core
1 cached_relationships
1 admob_gem
1 extrovert
1 validates_fullwidth_length_of
1 insight_document
1 entity_tools
1 exifr
1 acts_as_vivid_nested_set
1 authlogic_captavia
1 migration
1 adserv_client
1 S3Client
1 apns
1 deploy
1 acts_as_question_board
1 attachenebt_fu
1 site
1 has_flexiblefields
1 px_helpers
1 jquery_tabs
1 fousa-limit-permalink-fu-d1f9996
1 acts_as_cyclable
1 acts_as_ordnance_survey
1 princeling
1 acts_as_contextable
1 composite_associations
1 prawn-qrcode
1 hub2
1 dx_rptw_service_client
1 keymaster
1 classified_listings
1 multilingual_ferret_tools
1 zoo_keeper
1 language_select
1 blogage_caching
1 exposure
1 monstra_api
1 searchapi
1 collectivex_on_rails
1 funnel
1 pager
1 has_foreign_language
1 modyo_recaptcha
1 custom_validation
1 validates_decency_of
1 dreambridge_identity
1 dj_favorite_system
1 site_helpers
1 newrelic_rpmold
1 dojo
1 dt_datum
1 js_authenticity_token
1 exportable
1 boss_client
1 handset_detection
1 devise_aleph_authenticatable
1 lolshare
1 acts_as_seoable
1 render_flash
1 rubyweather
1 rservices_client
1 chrome
1 globalize_for
1 yammer4r
1 qas_rails
1 acts_as_visited
1 dreambridge_in_place_controls
1 mdown_handler
1 emi_resource
1 fix_postgresql_referential_integrity
1 henrik-validates_url_format_of
1 xscio_document_converter
1 spreadsheet_excel
1 lp_on_rails
1 sb_web_search
1 ar_search_field
1 mephisto_symitar_login
1 validates_as_postal_code
1 imagerevolver-product-packages
1 edi_translator
1 text_formats
1 aleph_connector
1 geokitrails
1 static_asset_descriptor
1 fetcher_hacks
1 revo-mobile-fu
1 tradeking_utils
1 conjugate_graticule
1 attachment_fu_with_swfupload
1 modyo_promotions
1 trigger_dumper
1 dreambridge_access
1 GeoAPI
1 2000-2005-adapter
1 acts_as_hermes
1 activerecord_connection_compression
1 local_auto_complete
1 currencyconverter
1 rails_settings
1 xscio_plugin_mailstorage
1 rewrite_rails
1 nifty-scaffold
1 rights_and_roles
1 mephisto_stanford
1 in_place_jquery_timepickr
1 row_paranoid_migrations
1 endicia
1 ttf-ruby
1 error_swallowing
1 media_collection
1 api_versioning
1 ar_enumerations
1 i18n_extensions
1 nice_password
1 hijacker
1 observable_controllers
1 active_accounting
1 Pretty-Buttons
1 sprocket_express
1 rboard
1 firebug
1 ec2_targets
1 acts_as_sequenced
1 simple_authentication
1 formtastic_association
1 test_log_destroyer
1 env_specific_migration
1 newrelic-rpm-cd1ad8d
1 validates_textile
1 acts_as_notifier
1 acts_as_mediciones
1 yaml_db.git
1 somatics_generator
1 acts_as_single_submit
1 asset-version
1 riden_fly
1 yaml_attribute
1 acts_as_guardian_auth
1 ruby-gnupg
1 returns_generators
1 dj_message_validations
1 catalog_search
1 authenticated
1 authlogic_vkontakte
1 sexify_active_record
1 ematters_payments
1 mpcp_importers
1 acts_as_purchasable
1 timedcachedfragment
1 uses_mysql_uuid
1 diff
1 image_gallery
1 hello_json_builder
1 delayed_job_stats
1 geoip_extensions
1 ins_stub
1 datebalks
1 yaml_for_rails
1 kgb_engines
1 track_changes
1 attach
1 hash_factory
1 acts_as_amountable
1 active_record_dom_methods
1 pm-xtf-base
1 rails-widgets2
1 white_list_for_models
1 js_image_cropper
1 life_challenge
1 andre-geokit
1 fauxparse-numb3rs-cd63849f8ed5d0618665715eaba5f61754b90db7
1 make_resourceful_with_pagination
1 forms
1 ipns
1 belongs_to_synchronisation
1 utx_info
1 acts_as_state
1 mantis_import
1 acts_as_wordable
1 monkey_plot
1 gigbot_resource
1 ludicast-yaml_db-d518a1a
1 validates_no_association_data
1 acts_as_rateable_hacks
1 boolean_attributes
1 semantic-attributes
1 cookie_crumbs
1 death_and_taxes
1 eabe_db_tools
1 realytics
1 soundex_find
1 rkas
1 respondus_soap_endpoint
1 user_info
1 activerecord_constraints
1 worldpay_html_redirect
1 wice_signed_hash
1 inject
1 skip_validations
1 ntalbott-query_trace-e8a6b49
1 video_transcoder
1 acts_as_rssable
1 api_versioning_01
1 sapna-wall
1 ezmobius-ez-where
1 worker_queue
1 memnon
1 extensions_by_dan
1 simple_uuid
1 active_scaffold_patches
1 ingemar-model_authorization
1 backgrounded
1 has_winners
1 deep_merge
1 open_office_processor
1 lms_course_manager
1 mongoid
1 geokit_rails_ext
1 acts_as_detailable
1 qad
1 Recent-Updates
1 philister-s3
1 pubsub
1 xml-sax-machines
1 youtube-oauth
1 sms-toolkit
1 blank_object
1 no_route_format
1 aacms
1 impontact
1 rails_custom_error_pages
1 model_conductor_controller
1 daemon
1 slug_bug
1 agents
1 stats_fu
1 google-product-search
1 journaled
1 deliver_later
1 annotate_motels
1 request_header_logging
1 smurf.git
1 picturable_with_flickr
1 genome_authentication
1 simple-captcha
1 acts_as_tree_breadcrumbs
1 session_store_stuff
1 isotope
1 rerails
1 assoc_finder
1 winston-google_visualr-df0ab1c
1 arid
1 action_mobile_messenger
1 moonshine_cijoe
1 activity_fu
1 feed
1 BackOffice
1 cache_fu_hacks
1 be_helpful
1 identifiable
1 yet_another_login_system
1 classic_forms
1 vsltravel
1 commons
1 roar
1 daemon-spawn
1 fb_sessions
1 set-notation-helper
1 markupencoder
1 mac
1 feedvalidator
1 youtube
1 acts_as_txn_log
1 restful_responses
1 guided_process
1 sort_it
1 vacancy_areas
1 acts_as_sitemapped
1 liquid_validations
1 dependent_records
1 html_sanitizer
1 chili_calendar
1 has_many_versions
1 jquery_edit_in_place
1 has_seo_id
1 silence_health_logs
1 queryset
1 lucky
1 acts_as_batchable
1 titly
1 lazy_assets
1 models-to-sql-rails-plugin
1 redirect_development_emails
1 tradeking_activity_feed
1 invariant_test_data
1 rack-throttle
1 comment_areas
1 wiki_titles
1 cms_user
1 01_enumerations_mixin
1 acts_as_cropped
1 translation_scope
1 handset-detection
1 raptor
1 acts_as_registrable
1 funnel_cake
1 acts_as_network_hacks
1 task_exception_notifier
1 coto_solutions
1 devise_saml_authenticatable
1 transaction_hooks
1 aloette_core
1 rubiety-nilify_blanks
1 igogo_uploader
1 pim_auth
1 mephisto_locator
1 has_unique_id
1 rwid
1 google_adsense
1 docomo_emotion_helper
1 acts_as_state_machine_git
1 office_converter
1 BlueCloth_1.0.0
1 acts_as_thumbnail
1 isbn-tools
1 textile_toolbar
1 validates_email_format_of_dj
1 css_file_sanitize
1 votable
1 epublishing_bnp
1 users_api_plugin
1 google_ajax_libraries
1 cap_server_configs
1 power_tools
1 serialized_form
1 oops
1 webrat-0.6.0-tka
1 highgroove-scout_rails_instrumentation
1 httpconfig
1 money_fu
1 poormans-trends
1 authoriser
1 rails_test_helpers
1 additive_fixtures
1 tournaments
1 date_calculations
1 datetime_toolbocks
1 http_test
1 acts_as_locked
1 jammit_hacks
1 ruby_on_gchart
1 jrailsenvy
1 contextual-serializer
1 active_record_hash
1 green_cliff
1 parse_user_agent
1 web_tracker_helper
1 license_key_manager
1 modulo_localizacion_2
1 platypus_package
1 require_api
1 sql_safety_net
1 uuid_schema_dumper
1 acts_as_infinite
1 pbaapi
1 validates_as_phone_number
1 ansi837
1 v2_basic_video_data_collection
1 vst_libs
1 suckerfish
1 acts_as_content_flaggable
1 pusher
1 personalise_site
1 failable
1 partial_cache
1 rails_lightbox
1 enhanced_content_for
1 petal_migration_helpers
1 merry_url
1 codevader_matchers
1 42he_bsdsprites
1 snippets-last
1 media_asset
1 virtual_date
1 chli
1 timestamped_boolean
1 magic-enum
1 scalable-captcha
1 mysql_multi_insert
1 mimetypes
1 big_columns
1 wurfler
1 mig_clx_client
1 dump_to_fixture
1 mosaic_core
1 pluron_performance_fixes
1 iso3166_countries
1 obfuscate
1 attribute-permissions
1 pl_analyze_db
1 rails-open_id_authentication
1 rb_2.0
1 listing_table
1 devbar
1 facebook_focker
1 merb-auth-slice-password
1 VuGA
1 mephisto_product_wizard
1 html5_helpers
1 actsaswizard
1 validates_uniqueness_across
1 localbacon_faker
1 rspec_matchers_robotfood
1 xhtmlize
1 electro
1 resource_definitions
1 openrain-action_mailer_tls
1 validates_ranking_of
1 rosetta_queue
1 marketplace
1 woulda
1 bedycasa_enum
1 rails_honeypot
1 url_to_object_embed
1 old_spokt_api
1 tabbed_interface
1 habtm_checkboxes
1 fejo_string_extensions
1 later_dude.git
1 with_bodywork
1 log_analysis
1 sms_interface
1 beanstalkd
1 model_localization
1 postgresql-cursor
1 property_configuration
1 account_engine
1 will_paginate_link_to_remote_renderer
1 file_wrapper
1 has_conversations
1 kajabi_widget_custom_text
1 seo
1 pge_epay
1 scenes
1 franck_acl9
1 ds_security
1 acts_as_samedi_service
1 nc_deployment
1 send_to_friend
1 reportable_client
1 sb_browser_detect
1 orderable_by
1 modulo_scorm
1 core_extendors
1 null_object
1 auto_mailer
1 redleaf_extentions
1 immutable-attribute-plugin
1 nulayer-acts_as_immutable
1 levinalex-base32
1 credit_card_validator
1 acts_as_universally_unique
1 makes_events
1 acts_as_introspectable
1 authlogic_idtsso
1 make_possessive
1 compass-ams-client
1 option_tags_will_disable
1 smart_observer
1 jessedearing-html5_rails2_plugin
1 model_factory
1 yahoo_search_api
1 solr_runner
1 l10n-datetime
1 memcache_action
1 kakutani-jrails_in_place_editing
1 jquery_autocomplete_helper
1 request-routing
1 mephisto_event_calendar
1 flexshop_email
1 uken_search
1 shared_views
1 active_token
1 restful_auth
1 account_history_logger
1 kt
1 ruby_prof
1 spree
1 pg_type_conversion
1 negatize
1 fletcher
1 zylon
1 uuidtools_gem
1 html_tag
1 supress_nil_attributes
1 delegated_scope_methods
1 moonshine_ordered_hash
1 x-rails-google-vis-hack
1 modal_dialog
1 timed_cache_proxy
1 auto_complete_plugin
1 active_scaffold_1.1.0_rc1
1 counted_as
1 dragonwell
1 ror-akismet
1 cute_admin
1 browscap
1 google_maps_rails_v3
1 acts_as_boolean_with_null
1 loadable_from_lookups
1 smileize
1 formtastic_date_range_picker
1 zenengine
1 has_versions
1 documentation
1 cached_assets
1 rateit
1 clean_url
1 thl_integration
1 merb-exceptions
1 weighted_tagging
1 rails_changeset_6485
1 user_generated_content
1 field_restrictions
1 formtastice_image
1 rails_datamapper
1 microformats_helper
1 modulo_ratings_2
1 alloy
1 xml_email_delivery
1 authlogic-oid
1 column_with_identity
1 chron
1 acts_as_todoable
1 sharethis_fu
1 use_master_db
1 tnt_service
1 acts_as_markup
1 acts_as_alertable
1 acts_as_completable
1 yui
1 selenium-server
1 secure_model
1 scams_models
1 substruct
1 core_eng
1 will_paginate_r436
1 javascript_helpers
1 rails_debug
1 newrelic_rpm_doppelganger
1 wfm
1 bulksms
1 mysql_sets
1 acts_as_tag_on_s
1 zanox
1 filter_fu
1 freeform_newsletter
1 email_spec
1 gnumarcelo-campaigning
1 kitchen_sink
1 decisiv_event_logger
1 ruby-units
1 code-migrations
1 add_css_form_class
1 fusion_chart
1 kajabi_widget_tags
1 rack-geoip
1 account2
1 mephisto_mailbuild
1 local_times
1 spritecloud
1 paginate_extras
1 caching_test_helper
1 language_parcer_toolkit
1 esomnie_monkeypatches
1 methodmissing-scrooge-951c1eb
1 dailydashboard
1 acts_as_mergeable
1 pl_date_helper
1 wired_for_change
1 spanish_time_parse
1 encrypted_id
1 searchable_record
1 branch_cap
1 warden-magic
1 cap_crontab
1 has_view_count
1 ec2ilizer
1 long_decimal
1 thorny_form
1 form_fu
1 mikamai_paperclip
1 tamoyal-simple_time_select
1 cascading_js
1 e9s
1 raw_active_resource
1 mondial_relais
1 date_flag
1 acts_as_commercial_content
1 rambler_top
1 acts_as_anonymous
1 basecamp_import
1 bleak_house
1 bioiq
1 encrypted
1 mail_archiver
1 acts_as_overrideable
1 cache_test_depreated
1 pdftk_hacks
1 cockpit
1 ClashAPI
1 role_fu
1 a_b_testing
1 haml-edge
1 magic
1 identity-matcher
1 iphone_interface
1 nextbus
1 rack_cache
1 yml_view
1 serialize_with_hash
1 movement_tracker_canada
1 pa_helpers
1 astral_consts
1 bankgiro
1 paypal_nvp_api
1 code_migrations
1 tabbed_view
1 sir_cache_a_lot
1 rets-client
1 0_xss_terminate
1 acts_as_custom_fieldable
1 constantize_attribute
1 simple_ordering
1 vesne_social_core_routes
1 zvent-gem
1 fences
1 smart_date
1 easy_flashes
1 asset_hosting
1 dhtmlcalendar
1 linguist
1 ordered_error_messages
1 cainlevy_recordselect
1 zach_shipping
1 fixturesreader
1 calendar_date_select_all_day_time
1 pdfrender
1 establishes_contexts
1 sap_auth_provider
1 fanfeedr
1 acts_as_state_pattern
1 dsmpus-client
1 utc_xml
1 elevated_accounts
1 auto_complete_with_scope
1 crypto
1 movieman
1 cookie_flags
1 sso_filter
1 sphincter
1 litmus_event
1 serialized_procs
1 auth_net_arb
1 has_haiku_attachments
1 s3curl
1 daily_summary
1 redi_search
1 grit
1 denominator_production
1 panic_mailer
1 has_security_image
1 google_language
1 ymrw_gm
1 open_flash_chart_json
1 geokit_locales
1 am_charts
1 sparkart-clique_id
1 acts_as_expensable
1 sortable_list
1 newreplic_rpm
1 permutation
1 grip
1 dateable
1 fraktal_geoip
1 fcmaps
1 mysql_set_support
1 content_filter
1 actionmailer_i18n
1 action_cache_extensions
1 tobi-liquid
1 cerealize
1 validates_associated_bubbles
1 hpricot_test_helper
1 private-messages
1 xtreme_scaffold
1 ar_json_support
1 bucky
1 acts_as_inactivatable
1 attr_pre_processor
1 pseudo_cursor
1 acts_as_moderateable
1 centro_riot_macros
1 mail_thingie
1 acts_as_stripped
1 braintreeps-active_merchant-35e7918
1 covalence
1 file_magic
1 search_system
1 mp3splt
1 mail_logger
1 rails_environment
1 tank_engine
1 permission_checker
1 m_queue
1 basic_video_render
1 commission_junction
1 igc_plugin
1 whereabouts
1 grid
1 astral_promos
1 ninja_generators
1 gemcutter
1 bizobj
1 session_expire
1 test_by_migrations
1 modyo_ckeditor
1 clearance-admin
1 campaignmonitor
1 modyo_mobile
1 acts_as_url
1 buildable_from
1 acts_as_endorsable
1 cellact
1 platypus_event
1 active-expando
1 acts_as_taggable_extended
1 einstein_ldap
1 form_builder_helper
1 acts_as_metric
1 active_record_profiler
1 runt
1 acts_as_solr_search
1 handsoap
1 geokit_old
1 mailsynchronizer
1 ajax_search
1 acts_as_subset_manager
1 has_more
1 localization_scopes
1 convertible_to_csv
1 icon_links
1 twitter_app
1 active_record_tracker
1 validation_js
1 tolerant_cgi
1 patientslikeme-campaign_monitor
1 has_visibility_control
1 clots
1 contactable_attributes
1 front_end_framework_2
1 squawk
1 threat_level
1 maruku_template
1 ambethia
1 marshal_db
1 store_as_json
1 mongo_liking
1 fly
1 element_repository
1 realtime_validation
1 acts_like_set
1 stale_object_destroyer
1 quiet_build
1 rb-lightbox
1 twortex
1 default_templates
1 ncr-background-fu
1 active_record_userstamp
1 jabberish
1 rails_dev_boost_concerned_with_fix
1 json_renderer
1 latest_restful_authentication
1 active_record_random_find
1 escargot
1 life_bucket
1 s3_uploader
1 restful_workflow
1 restclient
1 ie_conditionals
1 loaded_plugins
1 paperclip_attachment_remover
1 auth_pop3_adapter
1 effective_scaffold
1 dcusa
1 add_remove_item_table
1 simple_content
1 rspec_controller_macros
1 merb-helpers
1 acts_as_role
1 multi-taggable
1 aasm_for_select
1 flexshop_products_and_brands
1 acts_as_search_engine_optimised_id
1 rb-brill-tagger
1 is_msfte_searchable
1 endless_page
1 cm
1 csv_item
1 paypal_pro
1 aaroue_resource_client
1 case
1 verbose_migrations
1 lastfm-client
1 has_state
1 openpgp
1 acts_as_boolean
1 bookshelf_signin
1 mileszs-wicked_pdf
1 wfrmls_rails
1 diggr
1 attribute-views
1 active_merchant_rgate
1 validation_clusters
1 rails_changeset_6786
1 flexshop_pricing_gbp
1 acts_as_flaggable_rp
1 kennon-paperclip
1 eb_nested_set
1 large_hadron_migration
1 validate_model_step_by_step
1 action_event
1 us_states_form_options
1 attr_denormalized
1 dyna_tabs
1 mig_constraints
1 multi_parameter_attributes
1 stripped_attributes
1 flex-attributes
1 rack-sprockets
1 classy_inheritance
1 puret
1 nifty_kooaba
1 bitchin
1 browser_helpers
1 p2p_client
1 event_subscriptions
1 header-authentication
1 convert_office
1 intergalactic_flash
1 acts_as_invitable
1 content_for_once
1 act_as_geocodable
1 acts_as_kontactable
1 validates_email_varacity_of
1 jamesgolick-enum_field
1 ffmpeg
1 billing
1 combustible
1 intra_modules
1 cscotta-aws_fps-6dc004c
1 totally_truncated
1 subdomain_account
1 atti_single_sign_on
1 examples
1 restaurants
1 count_von_count
1 per_deployment_migrations
1 ninja_authentication
1 tb_common_tasks
1 activerecord-odbc-adapter
1 my_ruby_rails
1 paramselectshelper
1 cas_client
1 gcalapi
1 scrum_doc
1 brendanlim-mobile-fu
1 orderedhash
1 ebay4r
1 has_team_logs
1 gogo_cache
1 rightscale_core_ui
1 specific_helper
1 vdream_helpers
1 Swirrl-Taskit
1 pinds_utils
1 firephp_rails
1 create_multiple_from
1 recursable
1 subtitle
1 ronald-calendar_date_select
1 akismet_party
1 session_expiry
1 make_history
1 make_resourcesful
1 graybook
1 meta_tags_fu
1 simple_newsletter
1 cached_method
1 acts_as_filtered
1 recent_updates
1 accept_format
1 contacts_synchronisation
1 merb-haml
1 remit
1 act_as_aliased
1 restful_easy_messages
1 shared_config
1 kajabi_widget_search
1 stored_parameters
1 round_numbers
1 kyte
1 escort_mission
1 pimp_my_files
1 html_engine
1 routing_fixes
1 mirai_app_config
1 stoplight_status
1 dole
1 acts_as_polymorph_taggable
1 default_value
1 squeeze
1 instant_app_mailer
1 render_errors
1 with_3rd_party
1 errake
1 separate_date
1 trevorrowe-tinymce_hammer
1 tradeking_pivotaltracker
1 spell_checker
1 vorago_simple_access_control
1 active_record_self_sql
1 porthos
1 geospatial_associations
1 rocket_gate
1 acts_as_user_activity
1 picky-color
1 awesome_nested_set_hacks
1 webster
1 cam_scheduler_job
1 paperclip_polymorphic
1 do_mysql
1 redleaf_hobo_tweaks
1 class_extensions
1 protocol_helpers
1 sru
1 formularize_model
1 submenu
1 custom_cache_store
1 airport_information_widget
1 file_icons
1 ci_auth
1 aws_fps
1 active-record-jdbc-mysql-master-slave
1 has_a_prettyurl
1 symbolic_accessor
1 hoptoad_notifier_session_hack
1 xhtmldiff
1 six-query
1 capistrano_system_setup
1 simple_acl
1 acts_as_secured
1 browser_profiler
1 subscriptions_service_client
1 admin_tool_client
1 classified_listing_extensions
1 moonshine_denyhosts
1 historical
1 flvtool2
1 model_enhancements
1 custom_ar_extensions
1 acts_as_fu
1 controller_enhancements
1 lemur_tokenize
1 validates_email_address_of
1 multiple_asset_hosts
1 mappable
1 sword_client
1 restful_authenticati
1 flvtool2-multicut-version
1 mail-queue-read-only
1 stasi_observer
1 softshell_core_engine
1 iq_migration_extensions
1 collectiveidea-delayed_job-695d259
1 paperless-email-ops-api
1 mano
1 tlsmail
1 enum_attribute
1 data_image
1 prevent_destroy
1 stop-usertime
1 x_ar_sendmail_hack
1 blueprint
1 class_diagram_generator
1 jqmodal
1 facebook_graph
1 shoot
1 purler
1 bgov_service
1 hoptracker
1 pdfkit
1 life_chore
1 luhn
1 acts_as_followed
1 acts_as_label
1 date_finder
1 kestrel-client
1 prawn_format_doppleganger
1 future_parent
1 yui_compressor
1 paper_trail_
1 voiceover
1 accounts
1 nginx
1 admin_area
1 authenticatable
1 editing_in_place
1 signal_id
1 acts_as_binary_data
1 postgresql_quick_count
1 simple_fields
1 acts_as_mongo_taggable
1 authentifikator_production
1 jqgrid
1 endicia_api
1 calendar_engine
1 fpdf
1 heroku_asset_caching
1 dreambridge_categories
1 userstamp_edge
1 api_cache
1 spitfire_liquid_extensions
1 advanced_editor
1 authlogic-engine
1 oracle_index_patch
1 default_find_options
1 acunote-template_inliner
1 mikamai_country_select
1 can_decorate
1 shared_data_plugin
1 active_link_to
1 shared_models
1 advertisable
1 rails3_acts_as_paranoid
1 migrator
1 dri
1 campaign_fu_lite
1 error_messages_for_all
1 stamped
1 acts_as_geolocalable
1 franck_paperclip
1 google_places
1 mephisto_alerts
1 bigbro
1 Yahoo-Buzz-to-Google-Adsense-Ads
1 rfacebook-casttv
1 extended_fragment_cache
1 ruby-plsql
1 dead_simple_reports
1 signed_params
1 queso-ym4r-gm
1 has_locale_column
1 simple_signature
1 pdftk
1 faster_fixtures
1 will_paginate_ext
1 srushe-validates_as_uk_postcode
1 exceptional.git
1 tog_activity
1 url2coordinates
1 public_suffix
1 trabian_calculators
1 acts_as_placed_on_timeline
1 fulfill
1 yelp
1 laziness
1 acts_replaceable
1 quick_settings
1 partner_location
1 notahat-machinist
1 etiquetes
1 postgres_lowercase
1 calendars
1 fbml_tab
1 scripts_calendarilaboral
1 rpm.git
1 acts_as_demographic
1 activity_plugin
1 mod_proxy_ssl_helpers
1 mephisto_polls
1 aaroue_exceptions
1 rspec_model_macros
1 acts_as_photo
1 oboe_fu
1 gmap_cluster
1 deadlock_detected
1 yaacl
1 Shopify-active_merchant
1 image_tag_silent_alt
1 company_scrubber
1 reporter
1 theme_parentia
1 paperclip_submodule
1 automated_rollback_migration
1 via_protocol
1 channel_advisor
1 attachment_fu_updated
1 magic_meta_methods
1 has_find_pending_status
1 batchrun
1 s3-upload
1 resources_controller_extensions
1 dictionary
1 register
1 will_paginate_2.3.6
1 version
1 core_eng_land_shark
1 trendword
1 pier-message_system
1 rack_changes
1 legacy_migrations
1 has_content_actions
1 tiny_mce2
1 ansi_style
1 pay_point
1 nibbme_tsp
1 validates_ip_address
1 ride_the_fireeagle
1 frontends
1 exception_logger_extensions
1 maxmind_party
1 traveltainment
1 ch_delocalize
1 describe
1 truncator
1 system_snapshot
1 act_as_custom_cached
1 bu_cookie
1 remote_test_helper
1 find_by_criteria
1 maildir
1 mephisto_ncuf_surveys
1 db_switch
1 dirty_fields
1 outoftime-noaa
1 bible_library
1 acts_as_days_distinguishr
1 acts_as_published
1 uniquify
1 schema-definition
1 acts-as-redirected
1 webrat_doppelganger
1 delegate_with_default
1 metatag
1 acts_as_answerable
1 model_virtualizer
1 web_analytics
1 enforce_column_limits
1 z1_i18n
1 browser_requirements
1 ecomm_merchant
1 likeable
1 mousetrap
1 mongo_mapper_acts_as_tree
1 aaronh-chronic
1 peteonrails-vote_fu
1 moonshine_bak
1 bulk_editable
1 actionview_helpers
1 webyastws
1 memcache_client
1 acts_as_commendable
1 foxy_id
1 eons_error_message
1 video_fu
1 resource-admin-controller
1 centralized_resources
1 monitor_attributes
1 pay_response
1 url_history
1 action_embedding
1 Putsinator
1 facebook_sig_validator
1 is_sphinx_searchable
1 potato_helper
1 hatena_bookmark_api
1 will_alpha_filter
1 paginate_resources
1 beboist
1 deep-cloning
1 vortex
1 scopegroup
1 rack-oracle-sso
1 deep_nesting
1 authlogic_yougolf_auth
1 solr_on_rails
1 memcheck
1 fso
1 cassandra
1 fsp
1 announcements
1 rake_commit_tasks
1 acts_as_kudoable
1 acts_as_categor_hacked
1 acs_html_validator
1 datatables_controller
1 mmangino-facebooker-1202efb
1 tradeking_ibd_news
1 amexpub_cap_deployment
1 netzke-core
1 common_tasks_engine
1 scripts_compres
1 exception-notifier
1 img_gravatar
1 wv_response_cache_timeout
1 model_logger
1 eachday_rails_patches
1 lazy-loader
1 deep_cloning.git
1 xinuc-ekuseru-dde9acb
1 jt
1 phrase_assembler
1 descriptive_tests
1 accounting_system
1 ar-extensions_hacks
1 octo-rails
1 newrelic_rpm_new
1 ie6_png_fix
1 jquery_ui_datepicker
1 linguistics
1 model_helper
1 polymorphic_validation
1 neato-assertions
1 menu_engine
1 healthz
1 acts_as_unmodifiable
1 keyword_tool
1 cacheable
1 imagerevolver-checkout-sim
1 acl2_ownership
1 exrep
1 tog_bookmarks
1 acts_as_topical_content_0.1.0
1 Ziya
1 trufina-upsell
1 captcha_validateable
1 mephisto_rate_tables
1 needy-controllers
1 munger
1 acts_as_truncatable
1 user_monitor
1 fmb
1 jmaki_core
1 power_adapter
1 custom_xml_serialization
1 dsboulder-query_reviewer
1 mp3info
1 tracktor
1 gimme
1 hobosupport
1 flasher
1 dreambridge_model
1 imagerevolver-core
1 litmus_queue
1 liquid_height
1 content_negotiation
1 pathfinder_common
1 period_selection
1 search_do
1 linkedinapi
1 ys_application
1 redmine_shane_and_peter_design
1 translte_columns
1 malgini_core
1 silent-postgres
1 pengwynn-linkedin
1 continental
1 acts_as_ranked
1 namegen
1 active_rbac
1 wagn
1 pj_data_collection
1 validate
1 acts_as_assetable
1 solvemedia
1 spike
1 action_button
1 rails_daemons
1 RGhost-Rails
1 ubas_client
1 acts_as_transcribable
1 acts_as_listing
1 search_engine
1 z1_ar_fixes
1 aardvark_shared
1 wk_news
1 memcachedb-client
1 peepserver-macosx
1 mangam_core
1 super_shuttle2
1 imobile
1 elevated_financials
1 na_timezones
1 highrise_api_builder
1 dynamic_packager
1 mephisto_google_cse
1 rb-lightbox-plugin
1 fnando-mail_queue
1 cache-contrib
1 fudge_front
1 better_assets
1 connected_select
1 attachment_fu_validation
1 recent_dump
1 allow-subscriptions
1 behavior
1 google-charts-for-rails
1 pedro-delayed_job
1 open_flash_chart_of
1 session_cookie_backport
1 acts_as_wizard_hacks
1 spitcart
1 counter_cache_with_conditions
1 shelving
1 ipc_gateway
1 system_settings_hacks
1 session_consistency
1 ms_core_extensions
1 mephisto_weather
1 wv_string_extensions
1 neato_forms
1 color_selector
1 image_bundle
1 molauth
1 act_as_addressable
1 stimpack
1 validates_existence_of_uri
1 integer_limits
1 nadir
1 minified_cache
1 app_engine_mailer
1 bakcground_fu
1 jscalendar
1 application_security
1 auditable-actions
1 csl_tools
1 rjsassertions
1 acts_as_graph
1 ioffer_active_record
1 schneider
1 farm_girl
1 smart_paginator
1 marker
1 est_common_validators
1 clearly_caching
1 bettenjagd_core_ext
1 geokit_hacked
1 activerecord_yaw
1 joint
1 rx_caching
1 nzn_relations
1 acts_as_serialized_json
1 secure-action-plugin
1 write_permission_for
1 berk-tr8n-a04b7dd
1 wk_importer
1 active_record_reflection_matchers
1 acts_as_attached_image
1 newsfeed
1 court_room
1 audio_column
1 lp_online
1 mobile
1 safe_active_record
1 locatable
1 ruby_gmap
1 fxxl_common
1 role-requirement
1 tim-activerecord-diff-1a0503e
1 postscript07-constrain-c1e5c306f9ab9a34baf099bc0e388868603c3854
1 thoughtbot-hoptoad_notifier
1 acts_as_browseable
1 kaltura_fu
1 ellipse
1 pony
1 simplified_fk
1 fixture-replacement-git
1 starable
1 lilypad
1 zmo_factory
1 fusionator
1 pios
1 autotest_with_payment_server
1 volusion
1 url_column
1 tabloid
1 juggler-ruby-rc4
1 collectiveidea-acts_as_audited-de6031f
1 auto_tags
1 online_stores
1 north_blog
1 belongs_to_users_tenant
1 active_domain
1 depedent_protect
1 tra_spawn
1 ssi
1 good_behaviour
1 acts_as_cached_find
1 acts_as_status_changable
1 sound_mix
1 breeds
1 acts_as_array
1 glucose
1 sayso_extensions
1 turntable
1 cap_gunn
1 tokencolumn
1 oauthable
1 mass_deletable
1 activerecord_proxy_deprecation_fixes
1 readable_test_names_runner
1 number_recognizer
1 fixie_whitelister
1 acts_as_views_count
1 authz
1 jferris-mocha
1 acts_as_blockable
1 cruise-rake-task
1 recurly
1 feedparser
1 svn_logs
1 adjust_loglevel
1 offer_rotator
1 selenium-ide-extensions
1 acts_as_taggable_with_account
1 backfire
1 liquid_twin
1 rails-auto_complete
1 active_merchant_testing
1 fedex_old
1 stencil
1 bir
1 Standardista
1 jnunemaker-validatable
1 host_requirement
1 ranged_find
1 pim_common
1 time_rng_selector
1 compressed_column
1 forum
1 dsmo-api-library
1 mephisto_dinkytown
1 habtm_acts_as_list
1 fastgettext_gettext_aliases
1 acts_as_watchlist
1 auth_logic_user_session_helper
1 acts_as_mailable
1 xinha
1 redcloth_template
1 html_encoding
1 modesty
1 sparkboxx
1 amadeus
1 bbcode
1 message_boards
1 kasket
1 linkedinapi_linkedinapi
1 default_attribute_value
1 memcache_extensions
1 service_activities_client
1 oauth-active-resource
1 row_timeline_migrations
1 ssl_requirement_with_diff_domain
1 campaigning
1 extended_caching
1 fb_shared
1 wysiwyg
1 yandex_metrika
1 globalized
1 blogs_attachments
1 paperclip-autosizer
1 content-packs
1 haml_edge
1 02_conXu
1 exception_notification_with_ignore
1 activeext
1 power_reviews
1 handler
1 acts_as_georestricted
1 has_many_relationships
1 quality
1 xml_camelizer
1 neocast_tabset
1 creditsafe_getdata
1 activity_publisher
1 acts_as_profanity_filter
1 kaching
1 spitfire_semantic_form_builder
1 auto_complete_fu
1 sortable_find
1 bigrecord
1 ultrasphinx_eager_loading
1 serialize_hash
1 validation_groups
1 trashed
1 easymessages
1 wvanbergen-adyen
1 microsession_fallback
1 multi_helper
1 hierarchical_auto_complete
1 gigbot_me
1 acts_as_content
1 pgq
1 nedap_extentions
1 seeded_random_finders
1 ac_feeds
1 animotion
1 monkey_patches
1 consumable_sequence
1 fractional
1 fancy_admin
1 thoughtbot-shoulda-d326673
1 acts_as_tag_on_submodule
1 scaffy
1 embedded-actions
1 rack-openid
1 v2_basic_video_voiceover
1 visit_valve_double
1 engines_config
1 kbm_services
1 webform
1 ubiquitous_logger
1 notifications_sender
1 cents_conversion
1 helper_lib
1 fleximage_jruby
1 i18n_multi_locales_validations
1 humanize_attributes
1 chris-auto_complete_jquery-9e3d2175df86cf34dbc2f4d9264724c8b507f277
1 embedit_ruby
1 ienders-tastymenu
1 simple_format
1 is_commentable
1 msilav-will_paginate
1 prawn-chunk
1 mysql_foreign_keys
1 bfo_report
1 rspec-on-rails-matchers-with-mocha
1 gossip
1 redbus
1 scope-out
1 portfolio
1 feed_reader
1 treat_empty_string_as_nil
1 validates_difference_of
1 a1m_gate
1 tabs
1 pikkle_logging
1 browserized-styles
1 paperless-payment-api
1 user_logger
1 rails-attribute_searchable
1 newsdesk-translate-93c06de
1 dreambridge_profile
1 rack-test
1 has_choice
1 conditions
1 modyo_networks
1 es_restful_twin
1 moonshine_mmm
1 acts_as_catagorizeable
1 stringgable_shortcuts
1 verify_migrations
1 validates_text_content
1 modyo_products
1 noaa
1 tag_cloud_helper
1 scribd_fu_hacks
1 scripts_informeseconomics
1 exception_notification_git
1 resource_types
1 service_storage_client
1 ruby-iso4217
1 crisp_filtered
1 tattler
1 aaroue_bool_utils
1 redis-store
1 message_div_helpers
1 foff
1 starling
1 payment
1 agi
1 file_store_clear
1 acts_as_translator
1 px_gallery
1 project_publisher
1 cronedit
1 eventbrite
1 facebooker_doppelganger
1 barkley_role_requirement
1 importers
1 bauer-points
1 strano
1 foreign_attr_european_date
1 testimonial_areas
1 c3po
1 rails-twelve-hour-time
1 virtual_aliases
1 performance_caching
1 image_resize_fu
1 mmx-deals
1 ruberion_server_tools
1 as_fixes
1 panel_html
1 rubyamf_quickly
1 manage_wiki_tags
1 tripfilms_search_client
1 tokens
1 tagcloud
1 better_migrations
1 default_classes_for_form_inputs
1 acts_as_complainable
1 jobster_reports
1 gzolets
1 acts_as_relation
1 x_awesome_nested_set_hack
1 deployment
1 jquery-in-place-edit
1 login_engine
1 acts_as_polymorph
1 associations_preload
1 widgeditor
1 colored
1 seoinspector
1 modulo_clima
1 ajax-upload
1 readbin
1 adjunct
1 settings_in_hash
1 twittery
1 active_link_helper
1 an_acl
1 rfeedparser
1 dbadmin
1 plugin_migrations
1 acts_as_hash
1 open_flash_chart_lazy
1 exception_notification-f9865f5
1 modulo_google_news_2
1 cementos
1 timestamped_booleans
1 simple_oauth_authentication
1 site_tracking_extension
1 tagcow
1 acts_as_labeled
1 raising_finders
1 staff_zones
1 format_date
1 cars
1 rails_iui
1 plist
1 message_gateway
1 nzn_moderation
1 universal_navigation
1 jquery4r
1 timber
1 templates
1 javascript_routes
1 templater
1 video_uploader
1 safe_distance_of_time_in_words
1 timestamp
1 field_of_membership
1 euro_rails
1 yaml_model
1 select_with_include
1 ruby_hacks
1 centro_tools
1 koo_search
1 is_networkable
1 become_contestable
1 columnize
1 flexshop_orders
1 marketing_fu
1 couchrest
1 blavosync
1 penthera_core
1 tr8n
1 page_flow
1 i18n_rspec_generators
1 badass_in_place_editing
1 multibloget
1 mysql_time_zone_offset_formatter
1 minimal-cart
1 ardebug
1 jquery_rails_ujs_helper
1 aws_cloudfront_secure
1 tradeking_idc
1 compartmentation
1 feature_system
1 mongomapper
1 zippy
1 localized_conv
1 event_manager
1 subdomain-fu_evil_twin_hacks
1 titlepage
1 acts_as_default
1 potty_mouth
1 imagerevolver-frames
1 spec
1 clearance_auth
1 cucumber_watir
1 paperclip_on_akamai
1 acts_as_state_machine_hacked
1 em_rake_tasks
1 xiaonei
1 order_system
1 wddx
1 lordbishop
1 is_csv_importable
1 nzn_reports
1 mephisto_videos
1 load_tester
1 improved_mysql_schema_dumper
1 blogage_localization
1 comatose_engine
1 activity_stream
1 integration_upload_plugin
1 validates_proper_sass_syntax
1 acts_as_user_stamp
1 temporal_attribute
1 center_location
1 rbench
1 notification_system.orig
1 tender
1 pumpkin_report
1 rad_cloth
1 shadowbox
1 acts_as_first_geocodable
1 i18n_localize_core
1 acl5
1 thermometer
1 validations_error_codes
1 acts-as-list
1 arms-api
1 factory_services
1 platypus_application
1 bespin-on-rails
1 clipart_rescuer
1 day_questions
1 ranked_tags
1 batches
1 dreambridge_social
1 jtv_grid
1 volga
1 acts_as_integration
1 rotunda
1 heroku_to_s3_backups
1 has_occupations
1 m_admin
1 growl_notify
1 tsig_api
1 rails-output-compression
1 betty
1 net-https-wrapper
1 ms_community
1 associate
1 thinking-sphinx-raspell
1 nileshtrivedi-gupshup
1 full_on_errors
1 thoughtbot-clearance
1 system_nameable
1 credit_safe
1 cached_values
1 log_attributes
1 heroku_fix
1 comma_parser
1 thin_ext
1 zendesk-captcha-34ab18c
1 rc4_models
1 acts_as_cached_tenant
1 magic_translation
1 scriptaculous-js
1 rspec_hpricot_matchers
1 file_sets
1 dynamic_forms
1 css-sprites
1 controller_helpers
1 html_trace
1 legacy
1 active_sms
1 many_to_many
1 d50_form
1 daemon_generator.git
1 sendsmaily_api
1 spot_swap_editor_methods
1 uken_lang
1 attachment
1 active_resource_instance_authentication
1 gravatar_cache
1 magick_mailer
1 scripts_informes
1 intense_debate_comments
1 flexshop_promotions
1 low-pro-for-jquery
1 friendship
1 ym4r_gm_makalu
1 passive_record
1 sqlserver_datetime_fix
1 rest_in_place_editor
1 modulo_chat_lms
1 tweetsavr
1 flexonrails
1 active_post
1 spiffy_attributes
1 authlogic_gravity
1 has_properties-not-localized
1 completeness-fu
1 model_bars
1 remarkable_extensions
1 meta_programming
1 attr_serializable
1 dogwood
1 astrails-spec-helpers
1 acts_as_textile
1 active_billing
1 activerecord-attribute-fakers
1 mpx
1 simplest_auth
1 xing-alter_table
1 wv_symbol_extensions
1 pier-finder
1 scripts_calendarispersonals
1 messaging_engine
1 mephisto_contests
1 action_mailer_logger
1 rsl-stringex-7ed6c34
1 geoip_extension
1 git-deploy
1 defunkt-cache_fu
1 rapleaf
1 zj
1 beacon
1 ext-direct
1 cached_rescue
1 resque-lock
1 lbooker
1 will_paginate_github
1 conduit
1 spawner
1 garlandgroup-acts_as_follower
1 active_merchant_patch
1 flexshop_catalogues
1 static_assets
1 mailer_whitelist
1 youtube_g
1 uppercase_hex
1 jquery_rails_slideshow
1 transavia
1 merry_menu
1 domain_manager
1 account_scope
1 current_for_request
1 ftt_utilities
1 merb-auth
1 pool
1 ftp_tools
1 tchandy-railswhere
1 news_fetcher
1 crony
1 joshmh-globalize2-d4023fb
1 activescaffoldtools
1 validates_email_format_of_patch
1 almost_uuid
1 acts_as_resource
1 aaglobalize
1 authlogic_validation
1 my_exstensions
1 multimodel_forms
1 simple_date_select
1 rails_tooltip
1 rcalendar
1 serialize_and_respect_dirty
1 04_globalize2
1 auto_dealer
1 acts_as_error
1 remote_uploads
1 ticketmaster_scraper
1 brightspark_mapping
1 defensio_rails
1 has_pages
1 juggernaut-jquery
1 yodlee-api
1 harvest
1 chained_scope
1 ledermann-rails-settings
1 renumber_migrations
1 prototip
1 paperclip_validations
1 platypus_translation
1 eager_loading_fix
1 oliver-twist
1 real_time_relevance
1 activerecord-postgresql-arrays
1 Ruby-Sugar
1 quickbooks_integration_plugin
1 open_wfe
1 acts-as-favorite-updated
1 besides
1 site_tracking
1 rspec_multi_matchers
1 moonshine_ds_tools
1 zlather
1 konvenit_plugin_production
1 customer_service_bot
1 pdf_generator
1 custer
1 janfri-mini_exiftool
1 letsgetpanda
1 estesexpress
1 hash_with_methods
1 country-list
1 authlogic_api_key
1 country_and_state_fu
1 content_source_filter
1 authlogic_submodule
1 Ruby-WordNet
1 lookup
1 wfss_shared_models_engine
1 tog_archive
1 yardstick-ssl_requirement-8d70106
1 netsuite
1 sishen-rtranslate-0140160f721a27861f66d3b72937fec92bcdd96c
1 data_table
1 editable-image
1 bulk_insert
1 rspec_formatter
1 domainy
1 acts_as_capitalized
1 zeta_test_runner
1 restful-authorization
1 harukizaemon-stripper
1 rchardet
1 rexport
1 activerecord_cache_validators
1 themeable
1 tweets
1 clara_auth
1 validates_as_social_security_number
1 email_processing
1 dumpimp
1 config_hu_extension
1 cadillac_edge_deploy
1 user_auth
1 nzn_site_updates
1 eenet_patches
1 genome_toolkit
1 jrails_ahah
1 will_paginate_acts_as_searchable
1 muscache
1 rental_applications
1 tag_models
1 extract_hash_tags
1 file_repository
1 friendly_format
1 detailed_form_error_messages
1 cacher
1 time_diff
1 static-gmaps
1 preit
1 configuration_manager
1 model_mapping
1 internationalization
1 retryable
1 trap_door
1 rutils-2d439cd
1 virtual_associations
1 links
1 multigeo
1 time_keeper
1 find_threaded
1 jf_jsa_models
1 scripts_marcatges_targetes
1 acts_as_partner
1 acts_as_product_summarizer
1 date_quarter
1 acts_as_localeable
1 acts_as_solr_sortable
1 each_activerecord
1 newrelic_fixes
1 pagsegurorails_v0.21
1 unfuddle
1 social_media_integration
1 chriseppstein-compass
1 fix_cant_convert_string_to_hash
1 radgost_tree
1 profilator_production
1 caerus_form_builder
1 acts_as_human
1 benchmark_for_rails
1 cap_tasks
1 ruby_chouette
1 amexpub_cf_cms_handler
1 paperclip_with_unified_table
1 osif
1 nzn_messages
1 Ext.ux.touch.ListPullRefresh
1 validation_stadia
1 mephisto_activity_log
1 remarkable_acts_as_taggable_on
1 fusion_charts4r
1 crumby
1 slug_support
1 wv_active_record_extensions
1 eportfolio_areas
1 hyves_api
1 acts_as_multivalue
1 odin
1 jquery_tablesorter
1 technoweenie-acts_as_paranoid
1 couchrest_rails
1 saikuro
1 oracle_in_limit
1 debugging
1 act_as_realcrowd
1 acts_as_paranoid_hacks
1 www-favicon
1 mimetype-fu.git
1 asset_validator
1 created_by
1 mysql_failover
1 mephisto_leadfusion
1 acts_as_censored
1 hide_attribute
1 wv_action_controller_extensions
1 basic_video_subtitle
1 rcurrency
1 association_pagination
1 migration_foreign_keys_support
1 tutorials
1 gmoney
1 embedded_url
1 active_resource_xml_stripper
1 softshell
1 service_concurrency_prevention
1 warden-facebook
1 morizon_form_builder
1 pier-hierarchy
1 outright_cap
1 ofc2
1 thinking_sphinx_old
1 deprecation_aware
1 string_utilities
1 portfolio_extensions
1 find_list_select
1 mhs_deployment
1 nothing_to_see_here_move_along
1 acts_subversive
1 is_translated
1 simple_notification
1 asset_dependencies
1 textile_template
1 mephisto
1 hardmerchant
1 sofatutor_extensions
1 vanity
1 fixer
1 universal_time
1 trouble_ticket
1 oauth2
1 ruby-api-wrapper
1 xtf-ruby
1 deliver_to_developer
1 jpmobile_emoticon_filter
1 date_time_format
1 time_dsl
1 month
1 ujs_sort_helper.git
1 scrum_scaffold
1 strongbox_sentry
1 trackify
1 testable-logger
1 truvo_data_collection
1 erecept
1 migration_buddy
1 modyo_jquery
1 merb-auth-core
1 dj_audit_trail
1 iptc_format
1 service_pubsub_client
1 details_table
1 modified-exception_notification
1 enumerable
1 ersatz
1 markdown_fu
1 countries
1 sms-fu-forceload
1 argument_checker
1 activescaffold_export-41e6dab-xn
1 acts_as_paranoid_protect
1 spritifier
1 acts_as_vershuned
1 recode_legacy_database
1 cached_submodules
1 fiveruns-dash-ruby
1 if_single_sign_on
1 handydandy
1 default_media_assignable
1 cnvrtr
1 optionizer
1 email_marketing
1 couchrest-rails
1 multipart-post
1 modyo_tags
1 machinix_moonshine
1 model_formatting
1 coupa_engine
1 stats_engine
1 hexmotive
1 active_team_site
1 cackle_shim
1 caching
1 pier-model_changes
1 has_many_intersecting
1 googleanalytics
1 html_field
1 ssl_requirement_submodule
1 tagged
1 onehub_announcements
1 maestro_activity_engine
1 acts_as_paranoid_1_1_4
1 select_typed_rows
1 enhanced_memcache_store
1 mail_templates
1 enhanced_date
1 pm_platform
1 mini_magick-1.2.3_hacks
1 coded_attr_fu
1 dummy_store
1 webrat_story_steps
1 bakery_api
1 bortissimo_generators
1 ldc-recipes
1 to_fastercsv
1 auto_presenter
1 lbuilder_1
1 paperclip-gridfs
1 wv_array_extensions
1 xscio_plugin_sales_support
1 xscio_plugin_wiki
1 soveran-ohm
1 trike-rake-tasks
1 personal-domain-routing
1 model_utils
1 acts_as_signup_gift
1 01_conxu_conference
1 data_warehouse
1 pa_stats
1 paperclip_fixtures
1 rails-google-visualization-plugin
1 spec_goodies
1 check_form
1 Empact-validates_email_veracity_of-b43de6e
1 modulo_contacto
1 perform_later
1 netflix_catalog
1 expiring_models
1 mephisto_ncuf
1 unity
1 attachment_fu-validations
1 rack_upstream_identification
1 shopping4r
1 social_bookmark
1 better_error_message
1 kontent
1 academico_core
1 acts_as_zoom
1 my_regular_expressions
1 active_merchant_gateways
1 content_formatter
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1 shared_local
1 acts_as_traceable
1 enkoder-rails
1 expiring_action_cache
1 badges
1 image_preloading
1 thinking-sphinx-1.3.16_hacks
1 comatose_ancestors
1 microsites
1 newsletter_sets
1 has_metadata
1 analytics-integration
1 modulo_foros_lms
1 acive_merchant
1 can_download_from_backstop
1 searchable_by
1 rate_limiter
1 mongo_translatable
1 redis_1_0_7
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1 sms_sendable
1 merge
1 dj_slug_fu
1 open-sesame
1 fancy_migrations
1 stocktwits_paypal_adaptive
1 confu
1 normalize_url
1 to_arid
1 thorny-sun-prawnto
1 maccman-juggernaut_plugin
1 mbmail
1 platform_attributes
1 x_translate
1 es_shared
1 smarter_auto_link
1 geotaggable
1 notamock
1 rspec_model_generator_with_factories
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1 grape
1 validates_belongs_to_presence_of
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1 rb_core_extensions
1 harukizaemon-titleizer
1 form_validations
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1 slenderize
1 look-xss_terminate-3627dbb
1 to_currency
1 money_extender
1 has_advanced_filter
1 has_db_array
1 remote_table
1 browserwar_plugin
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1 ptb-geokit
1 localized_currency_select
1 tracks_from
1 modporter
1 geokit_cache
1 seopener
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1 paperclip_removal
1 modyo_paginate
1 gawing_attachable
1 DJ_NOTES.txt
1 thoughtbot-paperclip-c978c49
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1 payroll_hero
1 tvseer_engine
1 lab
1 d1_toolbox
1 newrelic-rpm-e6ad266
1 rails_changeset_7005
1 error_handling_form_builder
1 subdomainz
1 sitealizer
1 ruby_fixtures
1 acts_as_commented
1 ulib
1 live_validation_for_rails
1 style_squad
1 yury-classifier-da7c0f7
1 acts_as_state_machine_patch
1 modyo_translations
1 selectlogic
1 image_galleries
1 attribute_in_dollars
1 belongs_to_data_source
1 spam_service
1 delayed_jobs
1 shp_integration
1 scratch_cms
1 sort_helper
1 gwo_on_rails
1 tsearch2
1 global_collect_gateways
1 google_news
1 acts_as_readonly
1 is_attachable
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1 nilify
1 grouped_scope_twin
1 legacy_enum
1 acts_as_rated_hacks
1 moderated_versions
1 limodesk
1 acts_as_linked
1 posting
1 wld
1 kill_bill
1 railsxls
1 secure_gate
1 acts_as_dictionary
1 register_alias
1 feed_publisher
1 kropper
1 tragence_config
1 lemonade
1 calendar_helper_2
1 google_mobile_map
1 interspire
1 blogage_auto_formatter
1 xapit-sync
1 acts_as_referenceable
1 play_by_play
1 reg_ru
1 voltron
1 brazil_date_input
1 nedap_timezone
1 modulo_eventos_lms
1 tog_blueprint
1 content_localization
1 preserve_bang_comments_smurf
1 mocha_fixes
1 control_center
1 permalink_fu_hack
1 scrobbler
1 validates_as_dni
1 acts_as_referential
1 store_front_generator
1 blog
1 localized_flash
1 case_insensitive_finder
1 xrails
1 novations
1 paperclip_img_dimensions
1 flex_fields
1 technoweenie-acts_as_versioned
1 default_scope_backport
1 acts_as_json
1 i18n_fallback
1 healthvault
1 application_configurator
1 fiveruns-dash-activerecord
1 sales_on_rails
1 basic_video_voiceover
1 ruby-git
1 custom_matchers
1 flat_filer
1 acts_as_calculable
1 helpful_requires
1 ruby-jwt
1 visitor
1 headshot
1 cas_authenticator
1 wested_cap
1 sweepy
1 proxies
1 communications
1 mole
1 change_logger
1 gcms
1 has_status
1 apikey
1 rails-fast-sessions
1 oauth-wrap-ruby
1 game_dsl
1 subscriptions
1 prawnto.git
1 moth_generators
1 mephisto_harland
1 starbox
1 imagerevolver-physical-products
1 semantic_navigation
1 acts_as_edgy
1 versionable
1 fogbugz-api
1 nested_models
1 swf_chart
1 confirmation_field
1 i18n_js
1 harukizaemon-cascading_javascripts
1 ext-mvc-rails
1 newrelic-rpm-39938d5
1 couponsinc
1 easy_fckeditor
1 asset_host_backport
1 xtreme_recipes
1 comment_fu
1 acts_as_model_with_international_domain_name
1 acts_as_uk_address
1 date-performance
1 black_hole_cache
1 strengthens_a_users_relationship
1 easy_object
1 google_currency
1 acts_as_mappable
1 fam_fam_icons_on_rails
1 view_mapper
1 boleto
1 plugins
1 ahe-2dc_jqgrid
1 has_many_schemata
1 fleximage_i18n
1 click_and_send
1 princess
1 modulo_comments
1 scriptaculous_helper_fix
1 octazen
1 loops
1 chc_hci
1 presentation_on_demand
1 is_archivable
1 sparkart_memcache
1 beuno_addons
1 railhead_handlersocket
1 unduplicator
1 paperclip_gridfs_fork
1 service_merchant
1 kludge
1 mephisto_tag_cloud
1 liquid_plugin
1 hudson_shuttle
1 logistics
1 app_stats
1 html_and_text_email
1 firstdata
1 sport
1 jactiverecord
1 mailru_auth
1 access_control
1 upcoming
1 technoweenie_restful_authentication_7de04a5595ddf0cac5e556ecc83dbe2afd1130e9
1 sef_url
1 hotkey
1 active_record_subclass_constructors
1 jquery
1 postal_code_validation
1 list_editor
1 alere
1 ubertor
1 relative_path
1 oauth2_provider_rails2
1 paymentech_gateway
1 stuffing
1 rack-rescue_missing_routes
1 policy_ninja
1 needy_controllers
1 acts_as_comparable2
1 ltd
1 validates_uri_format_of
1 financial_math
1 acts-as-tiny-url
1 Exception_Logger
1 mbleigh-subdomain-fu-18511eb
1 deliver
1 rtx4r
1 request_cache
1 share_fu
1 short_url
1 validatable-custom-err-msg
1 autovision
1 itext-rb
1 neocast_ui
1 javascript_generator_enhancements
1 fb_tools
1 findable
1 email_direct_mailer
1 subclass_constructors
1 ambethia_recaptcha
1 html_tables
1 quality_validations
1 acts_as_internet_postable
1 white_list_hacks
1 els_models
1 shoulda_routing_macros
1 pdf-inspector-helper
1 rails_quality
1 doubleclick
1 mms_engine
1 flipper
1 console_update
1 duplicate_migrations
1 can_has_one_replacement
1 ultratrace_monkey_patching
1 activity_management
1 jobber
1 extract_at_replies
1 js_include
1 need_help
1 attr_lazy
1 pg_rets
1 wikipedia_api
1 attachment_fu_fu
1 ar_find_by_list
1 pg_corrupt_session_fix
1 mass_assignment
1 mundo-pepino
1 polymorphic_association
1 has_defaults_improved
1 xmlconnect
1 js_namespace_framework
1 sql_like_helpers
1 validates_email_format
1 session_scrubber
1 acts_like_git
1 safe_link
1 device_farm
1 blackhole_store
1 sql_filter_chain
1 liquid_db_views
1 resque-data-warehouse
1 nature_auth
1 support_tables
1 restful_common_permission_checks
1 intuit
1 duplication_validation
1 fancy_time
1 gibbon
1 modal5
1 assert_acceptable
1 routable_messaging
1 modulo_events_2
1 remote_snippets
1 rails_changeset_9099
1 aaroue_scaffold
1 fluent_extensions
1 acts_as_sti
1 redzone
1 accepts_flexible_dates_for
1 search_terms
1 webiva_net
1 require_user
1 acts_as_enum
1 kayak_search
1 shortcuts
1 mapstraction-rails
1 rail_sql_views
1 multi_address_sender
1 rcov_task
1 dan-hivelogic-enkoder
1 verticalresponser
1 memcached_pages
1 pyramid
1 v_paypal
1 memcache_store_with_delete_matched_and_amex_remote
1 better_reports
1 google_chart_qrcode
1 acts_as_analystics
1 zachinglis-crummy
1 gtin
1 Superfeedr-PubSubHubbub-Rails-Plugin
1 acts_as_vcard
1 dunce-cap
1 edge_state_machine
1 action_mailer_verp
1 backup
1 classify
1 acts_as_translatable_model
1 svg-graph19
1 genevate_fulltext_index
1 piggy_back
1 log_cabin
1 with_global_scope
1 rails_cache_wurfl
1 oembed
1 blogs_text_editor
1 i19n
1 rails-exception_notification-for-rails2.3.5
1 ie-specific
1 factory
1 acts_as_cached_locally
1 acts_taggable_on_steroids
1 S3
1 currency
1 mysql_startup_config
1 paperclippolymorphic
1 multipart_resource
1 abimporter
1 hoptoad_logger
1 faster-xml-simple
1 typography
1 auth_ldap_adapter
1 schedulable
1 twfy
1 prefix-logger
1 omghax-acts_as_state_machine
1 sanitize_this
1 require_transactions
1 external_asset_service
1 chrono_parser
1 messagebot_mailer
1 esomnie_fiscal_calendar
1 fogbugz-ruby
1 acts_as_key_id_cleaner
1 v2_media_collection
1 lead_service
1 gravatar_helper
1 will_paginate-hacks
1 informant
1 acts_as_taggable_mods
1 take_rdv
1 kickvideo
1 cached_resource
1 netzke-basepack
1 action_parameter_cache
1 gold-record
1 restful-authentication-with-email
1 simple_mode_search
1 serialized_attributes_hacks
1 commify
1 downtime
1 has_magic_columns_fork
1 db_mass_insert
1 kajabi_widget_recent_comments
1 wine_raq
1 mock_resourceful
1 s3_rake_tasks
1 acts_as_multisite
1 bookies
1 database_git_proxy
1 railscrumb
1 triplef-redirect_routing
1 go_shuttle
1 mindshare
1 has_degrees
1 mini-magick
1 cdn
1 distillery
1 acts_as_fixed_case
1 registration_captcha
1 acts_as_permissionable
1 acts_as_decryptable
1 layout_resource_client
1 brilliant_helpers
1 clientperf
1 justinfrench-formtastic
1 zerigo
1 encryption
1 ipayment-rails
1 dcpud_deployment
1 ar-enumerable
1 localized_select
1 positive_integer_fu
1 bundle_better
1 klesh_swfupload
1 notifikator_production
1 convert_attachment_to
1 quickbooks_exporter
1 translated_columns
1 kicker
1 dt_forums
1 smart_url
1 kml_feed_helper
1 has_many_dynamic_attributes
1 sort_by_field
1 spec_ui
1 who_at
1 penny
1 hp
1 bookmarker
1 af_runtime
1 workflow_state_machine
1 view_test
1 minty_rails
1 acts_as_grid_filter
1 acts_as_zircon
1 franck_globalize2
1 expiring_cookie_store
1 launcher
1 rbac
1 previous_changes
1 lightwindow_helper
1 acts_as_mortal
1 routing_redirect
1 version_attributes
1 activescaffold-active_scaffold-444715a
1 micro_babel
1 evri_rpx
1 blacklight
1 track
1 acts_as_songpicker
1 calendar_iterator
1 tm_plugins
1 panel_related_articles
1 ajaxful_rating
1 acts_as_breadcrumbs
1 decisiv_currency
1 acts_as_annotated
1 fssm
1 pier-features
1 record_identifier
1 event_trigger
1 domainatrix
1 has_many_tenses
1 publicable
1 hash_ext_fast
1 localite
1 take_photo_shoot
1 paisano
1 transl8
1 stored_file
1 other_id
1 railmail2
1 rico
1 mhartl-catch_cookie_exception
1 textarea_resizer
1 rails_open_id_authentication
1 trans_handler
1 lowpro
1 mlk_system_logging
1 kokopelli
1 mydonor_service_shared
1 xgrid_support
1 acts_as_chaz
1 license_key_utils
1 fimops_authentication
1 thincloud-action_mailer_tls-495d6f2
1 delegate_temporal
1 rails_env
1 suture_form_builder
1 acts-as-price-tag
1 has_associated_products
1 belongs_to_user
1 x_accel_redirect
1 unobservant
1 mysql_lost_connections
1 auto_complete_id
1 evil_twin
1 niceness
1 customerengine
1 fast_session
1 citation_parser
1 mysped_appbar
1 acts_as_impedimentable
1 autoserialize
1 iain-http_accept_language
1 multipart_form_remote_tag
1 utf8_plugin
1 dreambridge_forms
1 bentostore
1 authlogic_openid_heroked
1 ribeiro-acts_as_filterable
1 site_branding
1 foundry
1 valdation_reflection
1 label_service
1 scoped_model
1 queuety
1 acts_as_phoney
1 backstop_common
1 rack-ssl
1 acts_as_callback_skipper
1 transaction_support
1 delayed_job_extras
1 composite_keys_fixes
1 fruitfly
1 category
1 conditional_routing
1 deprec
1 super_shuttle
1 acts_as_eventable
1 activerecord_association_extensions
1 pm_viral_tuning
1 act_as_hierarchy
1 autocap
1 vst_models
1 delayed_job_archiver
1 googlemaps
1 ship
1 core_eng_survey
1 3
1 smartparser
1 civic_duty
1 order_fu
1 map_by_method
1 contacts_importer_hacks
1 idt_legacy_models
1 imagerevolver-carousel
1 mobile_discovery_extras
1 can_search
1 nzn_user_statistics
1 tecnh-zanox
1 api_attributes
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