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Brad Dougherty bdougherty

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gavinmn / KeyboardAttachedView.swift
Created August 20, 2024 02:38
Attach a view to the keyboard with interactive dismissal support
// ContentView.Swift
// KeyboardAttachedView
// Created by Gavin Nelson on 8/19/24.
import SwiftUI
import UIKit
lpar /
Last active August 14, 2024 02:53
Rules for Bouncer app to block SMS spam from Democratic campaigns

I got tired of SMS spam from political campaigns. I found an app called Bouncer for iOS which lets you create your own filtering rules to move SMS into a junk folder, but that seemed like hard work.

So I tried various paid services that claimed they could stop SMS spam, some of which claimed they used AI. None of them worked as well as Bouncer plus a few rules I wrote myself. In addition, Bouncer runs entirely on the device, unlike several of the commercial systems, so your messages aren't sent to some random server somewhere.

Happily Bouncer can import and export rules as JSON, so here are mine. It has been several weeks since spam texts made it to my message inbox; the rules caught four on Thursday.

As an aside, SMS spam is supposed to be illegal without consent, and I've been careful never to give my number to any political campaign. But political campaigns get around the law by having banks of humans copy and paste the spam and s

// ==UserScript==
// @name @chaoticvibing Twitter Blue Nerd -
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @grant none
// @version 1.9.2
// @author @chaoticvibing - GH @busybox11
// @description 11/9/2022, 11:45:28 PM
// @updateURL
samthor / eventlistener-signal-support.js
Last active January 21, 2025 06:15
Polyfill/code for the signal argument to addEventListener
// This is part of the blog post here:
// ...and can be used to detect/polyfill the `signal` argument to addEventListener.
// Note that at writing, 86%+ of active browsers already support it:
// ...but that 92% of browsers support `AbortController` and signal.
// So there's 6% of total browsers which will fail silently when adding the `signal` argument.
// Eyeballing it, this is mostly Safari 11-15 and Chrome 66-90. These snippets can help with those targets.
struct ContentView: View {
@State var selected: Bool = false
var body: some View {
.frame(width: 900, height: 400)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem {
Button(action: {}, label: {
zhuowei / safariinject.m
Last active October 22, 2021 17:15
Restores old tab bar in Safari 15.0 (16612., 16612)
// Restores old tab bar in Safari 15.0 (16612., 16612)
// clang -fmodules -shared -Wall -Os -o libsafariinject.dylib safariinject.m
// If SIP off:
// DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=$PWD/libsafariinject.dylib /Applications/
// If SIP on, you can demo this by manually removing Safari's code signing signature, but many
// features (eg saved logins) won't be readable by the resigned app:
// cp -a /Applications/ ./
// codesign --remove
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
dhh / tracker_blocking.rb
Last active June 30, 2024 14:35
Current list of spy pixels named'n'shamed in HEY, as of April 23, 2020
module Entry::TrackerBlocking
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_many :blocked_trackers
email_service_blockers = {
"ActiveCampaign" => /lt\.php(.*)?l\=open/,
"AWeber" => "",
tigt / git-branch-to-favicon.js
Created March 18, 2020 21:10
Creates an SVG string that can be used as a favicon across different Git branches. Actually getting this into the browser is sadly project-specific.
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
const { createHash } = require('crypto')
const invertColor = require('invert-color')
const branchName = execSync('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD')
const hash = createHash('sha256')
const color = '#' + hash.digest().toString('hex').substring(0, 6)
const invertedColor = invertColor(color, true)
tomhicks / plink-plonk.js
Last active November 12, 2024 19:08
Listen to your web pages