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Igor Bedesqui bdsqqq

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palmamartin / vesper-dark-color.json
Last active February 1, 2024 11:00
Vesper theme for Zed
"$schema": "",
"name": "Vesper",
"author": "Rauno Freiberg",
"themes": [
"name": "Vesper",
"appearance": "dark",
"style": {
"border": null,
type Props<TagName extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | void = void> = {
as?: TagName;
children?: React.ReactNode;
attributes?: Attributes<TagName>;
export type Attributes<TagName = void, O = void> = Omit<
(TagName extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
? JSX.IntrinsicElements[TagName]
export const chaosTestStrings = (): void => {
const textNodes = getAllTextNodes(document.body);
for (const node of textNodes) {
const textNodeLength = node.textContent ? node.textContent.length : 0;
if (node.textContent === null) {
if (node.parentElement instanceof Element) {
if (node.parentElement.dataset.originalText === undefined) {
alii / use-throttle.ts
Created July 7, 2021 00:14
export function useThrottle<T>(value: T, limit = 1000) {
const [throttledValue, setThrottledValue] = useState(value);
const lastRan = useRef(;
useEffect(() => {
const handler = setTimeout(() => {
if ( - lastRan.current >= limit) {
lastRan.current =;
whoisryosuke / dynamic-refs.jsx
Created May 3, 2021 21:07
ReactJS - Dynamically create Refs for children using useRef hook and createRef - @see:
const {
} = React;
const data = [
text: "test1"
itsMapleLeaf / validation.ts
Last active July 6, 2022 20:05
validation take 2
type ValidatorResult<T> = { type: "valid" } | { type: "invalid"; error: string }
type ValidateFn<T> = (value: unknown) => ValidatorResult<T>
type Validator<T = unknown> = {
validate: ValidateFn<T>
parse: (value: unknown) => T
is: (value: unknown) => value is T
Merott /
Last active November 12, 2024 12:19
Expose Tailwind colors as CSS custom properties (variables)

This is a simple Tailwind plugin to expose all of Tailwind's colors, including any custom ones, as custom css properties on the :root element.

There are a couple of main reasons this is helpful:

  • You can reference all of Tailwind's colors—including any custom ones you define—from handwritten CSS code.
  • You can define all of your colors within the Tailwind configuration, and access the final values programmatically, which isn't possible if you did it the other way around: referencing custom CSS variables (defined in CSS code) from your Tailwind config.

See the Tailwind Plugins for more info on plugins.

kapulkin / pyodide.html
Last active March 5, 2021 13:56
Pyodide sandbox: Loading csv file into numpy aray
<input type="file" id="fileInput" onchange="handleFiles(this.files)"/>
<div id="pyodide"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
self.languagePluginUrl = "/python/"
YuCJ / pureSplice.js
Last active April 2, 2022 02:36
A pure version of Array.prototype.splice(). It will return a new array rather than mutate the array.
* A pure version of Array.prototype.splice
* It will return a new array rather than mutate the array
* See:
* @param {Array} array The target array
* @param {number} start Index at which to start changing the array
* @param {number} deleteCount An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove
* @param {any} items The elements to add to the array, beginning at the start index
* @returns {Array}
JobLeonard / canvas.js
Last active July 29, 2023 01:44
A react component that wraps and autosizes a canvas element
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
import { debounce } from 'lodash';
// A simple helper component, wrapping retina logic for canvas and
// auto-resizing the canvas to fill its parent container.
// To determine size/layout, we just use CSS on the div containing
// the Canvas component (we're using this with flexbox, for example).
// Expects a "paint" function that takes a "context" to draw on
// Whenever this component updates it will call this paint function
// to draw on the canvas. For convenience, pixel dimensions are stored