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Last login: Sat Apr 21 23:12:22 on ttys002
cd "/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.19/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac"
sh "/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.19/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/" -project="/Users/kirschner/projects/udemy_unreal/BuildingEscape_03/BuildingEscape/BuildingEscape.uproject" -game
harleywinks:~ kirschner$ cd "/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.19/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac"
harleywinks:Mac kirschner$ sh "/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.19/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/" -project="/Users/kirschner/projects/udemy_unreal/BuildingEscape_03/BuildingEscape/BuildingEscape.uproject" -game
Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files...
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/ActorComponent.h"
#include "PositionReport.generated.h"
UCLASS( ClassGroup=(Custom), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent) )
// Copyright Larry Kirschner
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/ActorComponent.h"
#include "PhysicsEngine/PhysicsHandleComponent.h"
#include "Components/InputComponent.h"
#include "Grabber.generated.h"
Candidate modules for hot reload:
Launching UnrealBuildTool... [/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.19/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe BuildingEscape -ModuleWithSuffix=BuildingEscape,7250 Mac Development -editorrecompile -canskiplink "/Users/kirschner/projects/udemy_unreal/BuildingEscape/BuildingEscape.uproject" ]
Warning: Starting HotReload took 0.0s.
CompilerResultsLog: New page: Compilation - Apr 29, 2018, 3:29:57 AM
CompilerResultsLog: Running Mono...
CompilerResultsLog: Setting up Mono
CompilerResultsLog: /Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.19/Engine /Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.19/Engine/Binaries/Mac
CompilerResultsLog: Using 'git status' to determine working set for adaptive non-unity build.
CompilerResultsLog: WARNING: Failed to read makefile: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
beatthat /
Last active May 24, 2021 22:07
setting ICT Learning Sciences dev on Apple M1

Most ICT Learning Sciences apps run on a mix of python and node-based microservices.

Currently, the supported way to get the development envs working is to run them all in Rosetta, mac's x86 emulation env.

To make this actually work, you must make sure XCode and Rosetta are installed before you start installing any other dev tools--brew and pyenv in particular.

These are the steps:

  1. Setup a copy of Terminal that runs in x86 by default, following these instructions: