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beerriot / altimeter-reading.lua
Created February 20, 2017 22:17
Beer IoT (Part 4) example code: Altimeter Reading
addr = 0x53 -- Default I2C address
reg_pwr_ctl = 0x2D -- Power control register
pwr_ctl_on = 0x08 -- Active measurement mode
reg_x0 = 0x32 -- X0 register
length = 6 -- Bytes for a full measurement
-- Power up
-- ADXL345 starts in an idle mode; activate it
beerriot / altimeter-posting.lua
Created February 20, 2017 22:18
Beer IoT (Part 4) example code: Altimeter Posting
now = -- time that we took the reading
-- "f" is "floating point type
-- port, time, type, value
he.send("x", now, "f", x)
he.send("y", now, "f", y)
he.send("z", now, "f", z)
beerriot / 2021-late-jan-early-feb.csv
Created February 6, 2021 21:11
Starlink ping success data
YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM_US_CENTRAL samples total_ping_drop count_full_ping_drop count_obstructed total_obstructed_ping_drop count_full_obstructed_ping_drop count_unscheduled total_unscheduled_ping_drop count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop init_run_fragment final_run_fragment run_seconds_1 run_seconds_2 run_seconds_3 run_seconds_4 run_seconds_5 run_seconds_6 run_seconds_7 run_seconds_8 run_seconds_9 run_seconds_10 run_seconds_11 run_seconds_12 run_seconds_13 run_seconds_14 run_seconds_15 run_seconds_16 run_seconds_17 run_seconds_18 run_seconds_19 run_seconds_20 run_seconds_21 run_seconds_22 run_seconds_23 run_seconds_24 run_seconds_25 run_seconds_26 run_seconds_27 run_seconds_28 run_seconds_29 run_seconds_30 run_seconds_31 run_seconds_32 run_seconds_33 run_seconds_34 run_seconds_35 run_seconds_36 run_seconds_37 run_seconds_38 run_seconds_39 run_seconds_40 run_seconds_41 run_seconds_42 run_seconds_43 run_seconds_44 run_seconds_45 run_seconds_46 run_seconds_47 run_seconds_48 run_seconds_49 run_seconds_50 run_seconds_51 run_
beerriot /
Last active March 25, 2022 15:55
UnderCurrents Radio Playlist Table

The bookmarklet below restyles the UnderCurrents Radio Playlist from a flat, one-line-per-field list, into a basic table.

To install the bookmarklet:

  1. Create a new bookmark (to this page is fine)
  2. Edit that bookmark
  3. Change its name to something like "UnderCurrents Radio Playlist Table"
  4. Change its linked address to this:
javascript:(function(){var s = document.createElement('style'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); s.innerText = 'div.entry-content div.sqs-block-content p:nth-child(n+2){display: inline-block} div.entry-content div.sqs-block-content p:nth-child(4n+2){width: 10%} div.entry-content div.sqs-block-content p:nth-child(4n+3){width: 20%}div.entry-content div.sqs-block-content p:nth-child(4n+4){width: 50%} div.entry-content div.sqs-block-content p:nth-child(4n+5){width: 20%}'; document.head.append(s);})();