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Created October 8, 2018 09:06
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% Behinger version
% taken and adapted from ept_TFCE
% Licence from original:
% Copyright(C) 2012 Armand Mensen (14.12.2010)
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
function [Results,Info]= be_ept_tfce_diff(cfg,D)
% [res,info] = be_ept_tfce_diff(struct('nperm',800,'neighbours',nb),data);
% data should be difference values with Subject x Channels x Times
cfg = finputcheck(cfg,...
{'E_H', '', [], [0.66 2];...
if(ischar(cfg)); error(cfg);end
%% Set Defaults
if ndims(D) == 2
warning('found only two dimensions, I assume you have only a single channel')
D = permute(D,[1 3 2]); %add an empty third dimension
if size(D,2) == 1
display('only a single channel found, setting neighbours to empty')
cfg.neighbours = [];
if isempty(cfg.neighbours)
if isempty(cfg.chanlocs)
error('please specify the chanlocs in your config')
display('Calculating Channel Neighbours...')
cfg.neighbours= ept_ChN2(cfg.chanlocs);
%% Create all variables in loop at their maximum size to increase performance
maxTFCE = zeros(cfg.nperm,1);
%% Calculate the actual T values of all data
display('Calculating Actual Differences...')
T_Obs = mean(D,1)./(std(D)./sqrt(size(D,1)));
T_Obs = squeeze(T_Obs);
% check for non-zero T-values (will crash TFCE)
if max(abs(T_Obs(:))) < 0.00001
error('T-values were all 0')
TFCE_Obs = ept_mex_TFCE2D(T_Obs, cfg.neighbours, cfg.E_H);
%% Calculating the T value and TFCE enhancement of each different permutation
display('Calculating Permutations...')
%parpool% 4 CPUs (8 threads but that doesnt help us much
for i = 1:cfg.nperm % Look into parfor for parallel computing
Signs =[-1,1];
SignSwitch = randsample(Signs,size(D,1),'true')';
SignSwitch = repmat(SignSwitch, [1 size(D,2) size(D,3)]);
nData = SignSwitch.*D;
T_Perm = mean(nData,1)./(std(nData)./sqrt(size(nData,1)));
T_Perm = squeeze(T_Perm);
TFCE_Perm = ept_mex_TFCE2D(T_Perm, cfg.neighbours, cfg.E_H);
maxTFCE(i) = max(abs(TFCE_Perm(:))); % stores the maximum absolute value
progressbar(i/cfg.nperm); %Progress Bar
%% Calculating the p value from the permutation distribution
display('Calculating P-Values and Saving...')
% add observed maximum
edges = [maxTFCE;max(abs(TFCE_Obs(:)))];
[~,bin] = histc(abs(TFCE_Obs),sort(edges));
P_Values = 1-bin./(cfg.nperm+2);
% Save test information in single structure
c = clock;
Info.Comments = ['TFCE analysis conducted at ', num2str(c(4)), ':', num2str(c(5)), ' on ', date];
Info.Parameters.E_H = cfg.E_H;
Info.Parameters.nperm = cfg.nperm;
Info.Electrodes.ChannelNeighbours = cfg.neighbours;
Results.Obs = T_Obs;
Results.TFCE_Obs = TFCE_Obs;
Results.maxTFCE = sort(maxTFCE);
Results.P_Values = P_Values;
display('All done!')
[min_P, idx] = min(Results.P_Values(:));
[Ch, S] = ind2sub(size(Results.P_Values),idx);
max_Obs = Results.Obs(idx);
display(['Peak significance found at channel ', num2str(Ch), ' at sample ', num2str(S), ': max-t-val(', num2str(size(D,1)-1), ') = ', num2str(max_Obs), ', p = ', num2str(min_P)]);
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