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Created March 23, 2020 10:00
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function tvm_showObjectContourOnSlice(configuration)
% Copyright (C) Tim van Mourik, 2015, DCCN
%% Parse configuration
volume = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_Volume');
%no default
roi = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_ROI', '');
%no default
slice = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_Slice');
%no default
vertices = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_Vertices');
%no default
faceData = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_Faces');
%no default
sliceAxis = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_Axis', 'z');
%no default
colorRange = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_ColorLimits', []);
contourColours = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_ContourColors', {'y', 'r', 'g', 'b'});
%no default
rotation = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_Rotation', '');
% ''
colorMap = tvm_getOption(configuration, 'i_ColorMap', []);
%create a figure, possibly invisble, if it's only used for saving, not
% @todo the figure() lines have been removed such that it behaves more like
% a regular matlab image function and you can choose to call a figure
% first.
if isempty(roi)
roi = zeros(size(volume));
switch sliceAxis
case {'x', 'coronal', 1}
imageData = squeeze(volume(slice, :, :));
imageData = permute(imageData, [2, 1]);
roiData = squeeze(roi(slice, :, :));
roiData = permute(roiData, [2, 1]);
dimension = 1;
xDimension = 2;
yDimension = 3;
case {'y', 'sagittal', 2}
imageData = squeeze(volume(:, slice, :));
imageData = permute(imageData, [2, 1]);
roiData = squeeze(roi(:, slice, :));
roiData = permute(roiData, [2, 1]);
dimension = 2;
xDimension = 1;
yDimension = 3;
case {'z', 'transversal', 'transverse', 'horizontal', 3}
imageData = squeeze(volume(:, :, slice));
roiData = squeeze(roi(:, :, slice));
dimension = 3;
xDimension = 2;
yDimension = 1;
axis square;
error('Invalid Axis');
switch rotation
case ''
set(gca, 'YDir', 'normal');
case {'left', '90'}
set(gca, 'YDir', 'normal');
imageData = permute(fliplr(imageData), [2, 1]);
roiData = permute(fliplr(roiData), [2, 1]);
case {'right', '-90'}
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
imageData = fliplr(permute(imageData, [2, 1]));
roiData = fliplr(permute(roiData, [2, 1]));
case {'180', 'OneHundredAndEeeeeeighty'}
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
if isempty(colorRange)
colorRange = [min(imageData(:)) - eps(), max(imageData(:)) + eps()];
imagesc(imageData, colorRange);
% Make a truecolor all-red image.
red = cat(3, ones(size(imageData)), zeros(size(imageData)), zeros(size(imageData)));
h = imshow(red);
set(h, 'AlphaData', 0.4 * roiData);
%draws the vertices close to the slice
for i = 1:length(vertices)
for j = 1:length(vertices{i})
switch rotation
case ''
case {'left', '90'}
vertices{i}{j} = [1 + size(volume, 2) - vertices{i}{j}(:, 2), vertices{i}{j}(:, 1), vertices{i}{j}(:, 3)];
case {'right', '-90'}
vertices{i}{j} = [vertices{i}{j}(:, 2), 1 + size(volume, 1) - vertices{i}{j}(:, 1), vertices{i}{j}(:, 3)];
case {'180', 'OneHundredAndEeeeeeighty'}
vertices{i}{j} = [1 + size(volume, 1) - vertices{i}{j}(:, 1), 1 + size(volume, 2) - vertices{i}{j}(:, 2), vertices{i}{j}(:, 3)];
drawCrossSection(vertices{i}{j}, faceData{i}{j}, slice, dimension, xDimension, yDimension, contourColours{i},size(imageData));
if ~isempty(colorMap)
end %end function
function drawCrossSection(vertices, faces, slice, sliceDimension, xDimension, yDimension, colour,imagesize)
faceVertices = vertices(faces(:), sliceDimension);
faceVertices = reshape(faceVertices, size(faces));
%the faces on the border have one or two vertices on the one side, the
%other(s) on the other side of the border.
borderliners = faceVertices < slice;
borderline = find(sum(borderliners, 2) == 1 | sum(borderliners, 2) == 2);
faces = faces(borderline, :)';
borderliners = borderliners(borderline, :);
borderliners(sum(borderliners, 2) == 2, :) = ~borderliners(sum(borderliners, 2) == 2, :);
beginPoints = vertices(faces(borderliners'), 1:3);
endPoints = vertices(faces(~borderliners'), 1:3);
endPoints = permute(reshape(endPoints', [size(beginPoints, 2), 2, size(beginPoints, 1)]), [3, 1, 2]);
edges = bsxfun(@minus, endPoints, beginPoints);
lineCoordinates = bsxfun(@plus, beginPoints, bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@rdivide, slice - beginPoints(:, sliceDimension), edges(:, sliceDimension, :)), edges));
remove_ix = lineCoordinates(:,xDimension,1)<=0 | lineCoordinates(:,xDimension,1) > imagesize(2) | lineCoordinates(:,yDimension,1)<=0 | lineCoordinates(:,yDimension,1) > imagesize(1);
lineCoordinates(remove_ix,:,:) = [];
quiver( lineCoordinates(:, xDimension, 1), ...
lineCoordinates(:, yDimension, 1), ...
lineCoordinates(:, xDimension, 2) - lineCoordinates(:, xDimension, 1), ...
lineCoordinates(:, yDimension, 2) - lineCoordinates(:, yDimension, 1), ...
'ShowArrowHead', 'off', ...
'AutoScale', 'off', ...
'Color', colour);
end %end function
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