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Last active April 26, 2016 15:49
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  • Save bellerbrock/4df7f4397549646ff0199e068a151ffe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bellerbrock/4df7f4397549646ff0199e068a151ffe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ssh production@
cd /export/prod/jbrowse_cassavabase/current/data
sudo mkdir cassava_example
cd cassava_example/
sudo mkdir data_files
cd data_files/
sudo ln -s /export/prod/public_cassava/Manihot_v6.1/ .
cd ../
sudo ../../bin/ --fasta data_files/Manihot_v6.1/assembly/Mesculenta_305_v6.fa
sudo mv data/* .
sudo rm -r data
sudo ../../bin/ --fasta data_files/Manihot_v6.1/annotation/Mesculenta_305_v6.1.cds.fa.gz --trackLabel CDS --key CDS with# alternative splice variants --seqtype dna
sudo ../../bin/ --gff data_files/Manihot_v6.1/annotation/Mesculenta_305_v6.1.gene.gff3 --trackType CanvasFeatures -trackLabel genes --clientConfig '{"description" : "note,description", "label" : "note,name,id" }' --metadata '{"category" : "mRNA"}' --out ./
sudo ../../bin/ --gff data_files/Manihot_v6.1/annotation/Mesculenta_305_v6.1.gene_exons.gff3 --trackType CanvasFeatures -trackLabel exons --clientConfig '{"description" : "note,description", "label" : "note,name,id" }' --metadata '{"category" : "mRNA"}' --out ./
cd ../../
sudo emacs jbrowse.conf
add the following to the end of the file:
url = ?data=data/cassava_example
name = cassava_example
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