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Ben Albrecht ben-albrecht

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ChplVdebug: ver 1.4 nodes 1 nid 0 tid 1 seq 69707713484.000 1590189707.713558 0.081259 0.004699
DIR: $CHPL_HOME/test/chplvis
Tablesize: 86
fname: 0 <unknown>
fname: 1 <internal>
fname: 2 $CHPL_HOME/modules/internal/ChapelBase.chpl
fname: 3 $CHPL_HOME/modules/internal/ChapelStandard.chpl
fname: 4 $CHPL_HOME/modules/internal/PrintModuleInitOrder.chpl
tar -xvf chapel-1.21.0.tar.gz
cd chapel-1.21.0
source util/setchplenv.bash
make -j 64
# Source a file if it exists
function source_if_exists {
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
. "$1"
# Returns whether the given command is executable or aliased.
function _has() {
return $(which $1 >/dev/null )
" Add this to your vimrc to get a warning before opening files that will take a while to load in vim.
" This includes: binary (non-ascii, non-utf) files and certain filetypes (csv, tsv)
augroup bigfiles
" Clear the bigfiles group in case defined elsewhere
" Set autocommand to run before reading buffer
autocmd BufReadCmd * silent call PromptFileEdit()
use BlockDist;
proc main() throws {
var D = {1..8};
var distD = D dmapped Block(boundingBox=D);
var A: [distD] int;
// Test array (from
A = [5, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 4, 2];
use LinearAlgebra;
type eType = real;
config const N = 8;
proc asum1(a : [?asize] ?T) : T // can overflow
return + reduce abs(a);
import sysconfig
# Prints [1] if built with --enable-shared, [0] otherwise
proc lcs(a: string, b: string): string {
var lengths: [1..a.size+1, 1..b.size+1] int;
for (i, x) in zip(1..a.size, a) {
for (j, y) in zip(1..b.size, b) {
if x == y {
lengths[i+1, j+1] = lengths[i, j] + 1;
} else {
lengths[i+1, j+1] = max(lengths[i+1, j], lengths[i, j+1]);
< Consult the `Netlibs LAPACK <>`_ site, and the `Netlibs <>`_ and `Intel <>`_ LAPACK documents for that information.
> Consult the `Netlibs LAPACK <>`_ site, and the `Netlibs <>`_ and `Intel <>`_ LAPACK documents for that information.
< The LAPACKE types ``lapack_int``, ``lapack_float``, ``lapack_double``, ``lapack_complex_float``, ``lapack_complex_double``, and ``lapack_logical`` are not defined at all, but rather are replaced by the types :type:`c_int`, :type:`real(32)`, :type:`real(64)`, :type:`complex(64)`, :type:`complex(128)`, and :type:`c_int` respectively.
> The LAPACKE types ``lapack_int``, ``lapack_float``, ``lapack_double``, ``lapack_complex_float``, ``lapack_complex_double``, and ``lapack_logical`` are not defined
# Rebind PREFIX to backtick: `
unbind C-b
set -g prefix '`' ; bind '`' send-prefix
# Default shell = /usr/local/bin/bash (for OS X)
if-shell "uname | grep -q Darwin" "set-option -g default-shell /usr/local/bin/bash"
# OS X specific attempt to copy/paste with clipboard
set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l bash" # or bash...