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Last active August 28, 2019 13:55
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  • Save ben-albrecht/41899592d49b6576f4389cdfcd5df4c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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" Add this to your vimrc to get a warning before opening files that will take a while to load in vim.
" This includes: binary (non-ascii, non-utf) files and certain filetypes (csv, tsv)
augroup bigfiles
" Clear the bigfiles group in case defined elsewhere
" Set autocommand to run before reading buffer
autocmd BufReadCmd * silent call PromptFileEdit()
augroup end
" Prompt user input if editing an existing file before reading
function! PromptFileEdit()
" Current file
let file = expand("%")
" Whether or not we should continue to open the file
let continue = 1
" Skip if file has an extension or is not readable
if filereadable(file) && (IsNonAsciiFile(file) || IsBlacklistedFile())
" Get response from user
let response = input('Are you sure you want to open "' . file . '"? [y/n]')
" Bail if response is a 'n' or contains a 'q'
if response ==? "n" || response =~ "q"
let continue = 0
if (winnr("$") == 1)
" Quit if it was the only buffer open
" Close buffer if other buffers open
if continue == 1
" Edit the file
execute "e" file
" Run the remaining autocommands for the file
execute "doautocmd BufReadPost" file
" Return 1 if file is a non-ascii file, otherwise 0
function! IsNonAsciiFile(file)
let ret = 1
let fileResult = system('file ' . a:file)
" Check if file contains ascii or is empty
if fileResult =~ "ASCII" || fileResult =~ "empty" || fileResult =~ "UTF"
let ret = 0
return ret
" Return 1 if file is blacklisted, otherwise 0
function! IsBlacklistedFile()
let ret = 0
let extension = expand('%:e')
" List contains ASCII files that we don't want to open by accident
let blacklistExtensions = ['csv', 'tsv']
" Check if we even have an extension
if strlen(extension) == 0
let ret = 0
" Check if our extension is in the blacklisted extensions
elseif index(blacklistExtensions, extension) >= 0
let ret = 1
return ret
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