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Created June 17, 2011 22:22
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Grasshopper File and Geometry Export Script
import System
import System.Collections.Generic as SCG
import Rhino
import scriptcontext
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
from Rhino.FileIO import FileWriteOptions, FileReadOptions
def addRhinoLayer(layerName, layerColor=System.Drawing.Color.Black):
"""Creates a Layer in Rhino using a name and optional color. Returns the
index of the layer requested. If the layer
already exists, the color is updated and no new layer is created."""
docLyrs = scriptcontext.doc.Layers
layerIndex = docLyrs.Find(layerName, True)
if layerIndex == -1:
layerIndex = docLyrs.Add(layerName,layerColor)
else: # it exists
layer = docLyrs[layerIndex] # so get it
if layer.Color != layerColor: # if it has a different color
layer.Color = layerColor # reset the color
return layerIndex
def layerAttributes(layerName, layerColor=System.Drawing.Color.Black):
"""Returns a Rhino ObjectAttributes object for a rhino layer with an optional color."""
att = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes()
att.LayerIndex = addRhinoLayer(layerName, layerColor)
return att
def deleteLayer(layerName, quiet=True):
"""Deletes a layer by Name. returns nothing."""
layer_index = scriptcontext.doc.Layers.Find(layerName, True)
settings = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectEnumeratorSettings()
settings.LayerIndexFilter = layer_index
objs = scriptcontext.doc.Objects.FindByFilter(settings)
ids = [obj.Id for obj in objs]
scriptcontext.doc.Objects.Delete(ids, quiet)
scriptcontext.doc.Layers.Delete(layer_index, quiet)
def bakeMany(listOfThings, objectAttributes=None):
if not objectAttributes:
objectAttributes = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes()
for thing in listOfThings:
# move from specific to broad
if isinstance(thing, Rhino.Geometry.Point3d):
scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddPoint(thing, objectAttributes)
elif isinstance(thing, Rhino.Geometry.Point):
scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddPoint(thing.Location, objectAttributes)
elif isinstance(thing, Rhino.Geometry.Curve):
scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddCurve(thing, objectAttributes)
elif isinstance(thing, Rhino.Geometry.Surface):
scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddSurface(thing, objectAttributes)
elif isinstance(thing, Rhino.Geometry.Brep):
scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddBrep(thing, objectAttributes)
elif isinstance(thing, Rhino.Geometry.Mesh):
scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddSurface(thing, objectAttributes)
elif isinstance(thing, Rhino.Geometry.Hatch):
scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddHatch(thing, objectAttributes)
elif isinstance(thing, Rhino.Display.Text3d):
scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddText(thing, objectAttributes)
print '''Unrecognized object type: %s''' % type(thing)
def deleteAll():
"""Deletes everything in the current Rhino scriptcontext.doc. Returns nothing."""
guidList = []
objType = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.AnyObject
objTable = scriptcontext.doc.Objects
objs = objTable.GetObjectList(objType)
for obj in objs:
for guid in guidList:
objTable.Delete(guid, True)
def exportFile(filePath,
'''Export a file.'''
opt = FileWriteOptions()
opt.FileVersion = version
opt.WriteGeometryOnly = geomOnly
opt.WriteSelectedObjectsOnly = selectedOnly
return scriptcontext.doc.WriteFile(filePath, opt)
def exportLayers(layerNames, filePath, version=4):
'''Export only the items on designated layers to a file.'''
# save selection
oldSelection = rs.SelectedObjects()
# clear selection
# add everything on the layers to selection
for name in layerNames:
objs = scriptcontext.doc.Objects.FindByLayer(name)
guids = [obj.Id for obj in objs]
# export selected items
exportFile(filePath, version, selectedOnly=True)
#clear selection
# restore selection
if oldSelection:
print 'exported %s' % filePath
# main script
if FilePath and DoExport and GeometryTree and LayerNames:
numBranches = GeometryTree.BranchCount
if numBranches == len(LayerNames):
for i in range(GeometryTree.BranchCount):
layer = LayerNames[i]
if LayerColors and i < len(LayerColors):
color = LayerColors[i]
color = System.Drawing.Color.Black
att = layerAttributes(layer, color)
branchData = GeometryTree.Branch(i)
bakeMany( branchData, att )
exportLayers( LayerNames, FilePath )
for lay in LayerNames:
print '''Please ensure that there is one data tree branch
per layer name.'''
if DoExport:
print '''Something is missing. Please make sure you input
a valid file path, a data tree of geometry (one branch per
layer), a list of layer names (one per branch), and that
you have entered 'True' into the 'DoExport' input.'''
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