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Last active November 30, 2020 08:25
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Accessible interactive maps (draft)

Accessible interactive maps (draft)

Update: blog post

Now an actual, real life blog post:


  • This is a work in progress :)
  • Comments and suggestions welcome
  • Not had an accessibility audit, so can’t confirm this will meet WCAG
  • Based on previous experience and projects with Swirrl and ONS, and training/advice from GDS and DAC


  • Keep things simple
  • Use vectors so you can zoom without losing quality
  • Do user research to decide if you really need a map
  • If you need map, does it need to be interactive (or is a static map enough?)

Content available elsewhere

  • Make sure all important content that is available in the map, is also available via another accessible route (e.g. a nearby data table or spreadsheet download)
  • Interactive maps require JavaScript so having the data available when JS isn’t available is important for progressive enhancement too
  • Break content down into multiple pages rather than having a single mega-map that contains everything (this will also help to keep the map simple)
  • Consider associating the nearby content with the map, using ARIA attributes (e.g. aria-describedby)
  • Avoid complex interactive maps if you don’t need them (e.g. a static inline SVG might be enough in some cases)
  • It may be impossible to make the interactive map accessible to assistive technology like screen readers, so consider hiding it with aria-hidden="true"

Interactive foreground elements

(E.g. labels, points, polygons and polylines)

  • Interactive polylines (e.g. rivers or roads) should be thick enough (e.g. 4px) and high contrast enough to see (e.g. dark colour on a light background map)
  • Interactive elements must be thick enough to click on (e.g. add a clickable label nearby if line is thinner than about 40px)
  • We can probably be lenient with these rules as long as users can zoom in and out
  • If elements are not interactive, they should have a different visual treatment (e.g. black and white text without an underline)
  • Make sure interactive elements (e.g. labels, points, polygons and polylines) have affordance (E.g. underline label text so they are obviously clickable)
  • Add clear hover style for interactive elements (e.g. change in weight (line thickness), tint (colour darkness), mouse cursor (changes to pointer))
  • Ability to pan and zoom with mouse
  • Ability to pan and zoom with keyboard (e.g. visible buttons)
  • Ability to enable/disable pan and zoom (e.g. panning/zooming only works when a key is pressed or when user uses 2 fingers to swipe), so that users don’t get inadvertently trapped in the map when they try to scroll or swipe past it


  • Don’t use colour alone to convey meaning (e.g. directly label things where possible or use a legend/key if direct labelling is not possible)
  • Consider using shading patterns to help e.g. cross hatching
  • Use colours that are high contrast enough to read (e.g. avoid light greys)
  • Check the colour combinations work in greyscale


  • Check maps works at small sizes
  • Check map works with touch interfaces
  • Intercate touch gestures (like pan and zoom) may be difficult for people with people with less dexterity


  • Ability to skip maps components completely, so they don’t become keyboard traps
  • Ability to keyboard navigate main interactive bits of map (e.g. zoom, full screen, pan buttons)
  • Clear focus style for any interactive element

Background tiles

  • Turn off any background layers you don’t need (e.g. hide roads if you don’t need roads)
  • Make the text legible (e.g. increase size and contrast of labels for towns and cities)
  • Choose background tiles that don’t contrast too much with the foreground (the labels, points, polygons and polylines that are rendered on top)


  • Wrap the map in a <figure> so we can take advantage of <figcaption> to give the map a label, and <footer>to wrap small print, copyright info, related links etc
  <h2>Map title</h2>
  <p>Map description</p>
  …Map stuff here…
  <a>Download data</a>
  <p>Other small print</p>



Further reading

Services with maps

Helpful for prototyping

Todo list

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