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Benjamin Kay benkay86

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benkay86 /
Created March 14, 2024 02:31
convert a cifti dense label (dlabel) file to a different volume space

Volume Space Conversion

The Problem

A collaborator shares some fMRI data with you in a file called other.dtseries.nii. You try to parcellate the data and get this error:

wb_command -cifti-parcellate \
  other.dtseries.nii \
  parcellation.dlabel.nii \
benkay86 /
Last active August 16, 2021 17:47
A closer look at managing Python's memory with PyO3.
//! The "gotchas" of unexpectedly long lifetimes
//! when managing Python's memory with PyO3.
//! See <>.
use pyo3::types::PyString;
use pyo3::{Py, PyResult, Python};
fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
// Initialize the Python interpreter.
benkay86 /
Created February 22, 2021 18:17
Receiving a borrowed type as either borrowed or owned in Rust
// In Rust, if you are going to access some data without mutating it you
// typically express this with a borrow `&`, for example:
// ```
// fn readonly_access(s: &str) {
// println!("{}", s);
// }
// ```
// Sometimes when designing an API you have decided not to mutate some data but
benkay86 /
Last active March 18, 2021 19:42
Rust iterators and streams over globs with a uniform error type.
//! Tools to enhance [`glob::glob()`]. Provides a [`GlobIterError`] type that
//! enumerates over [`glob::PatternError`] and [`glob::GlobError`] with a
//! corresponding [`GlobPathIter`] as a drop-in replacement for
//! [`glob::Paths`]. Also provides a [`GlobPatternIter`] for iterating over
//! paths matching multiple glob patterns.
//! Note that the underlying glob crate does not support asynchronous pattern
//! matching. This module provides [`UnboundedGlobPathStream`]
//! and [`UnboundedGlobPatternStream`], which use [`super::sidestream`] to do
//! blocking operations on a separate thread.
benkay86 /
Last active February 11, 2021 16:43
Sidestream collects items from a wrapped stream (or iterator) into a queue on a separate thread.
//! Module for creating sidestreams. A sidestream is a stream over another
//! stream or an iterator. The items from the enclosed stream or iterator are
//! collected into a queue on a separate thread. An optional count parameter is
//! incremented as each item is queued. The items are asynchronously dequeued
//! by the enclosing sidestream. Each item is ready to be dequeued as soon as
//! it is yielded by the enclosed stream or iterator; the sidestream does *not*
//! wait for the collection thread to join. This pattern is useful when you
//! need to know the total number of items in a stream, e.g. to display progress
//! when processing an iterator over a list of files. It is also useful for
//! converting iterators into asynchronous streams.
benkay86 /
Last active February 7, 2021 02:15
Write an output file in comma-separated value (CSV) format asynchronously using Rust and tokio.
//! Module for CSVOutputWriter, which writes a single unit of data to an output
//! sink using the comma separated value format.
use tokio::io::{AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt};
use std::ops::Deref;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
/// Type alias for a type that implementes AsyncWrite and is synchronized by a
/// mutex. For example:
benkay86 /
Created January 29, 2021 21:04
Replacement for structopt::clap::Error to override from_args() and avoid calls to std::process::exit().
//! Custom error type to replace [`structopt::clap::Error`].
//! By default [`structopt::StructOpt::from_args()`] calls `exit().``
//! By default [`std::process::exit()`] does not unwind the stack.
//! This is bad:
//! Use [`OptsError`] like this to override `from_args()` and avoid calls to
//! `std::process::exit()`:
//! ```ignore
//! #[derive(StructOpt)]
//! #[structopt(...)]
benkay86 /
Last active May 29, 2023 03:47
Attach an indicatif progress bar to a stream, similar to indicatif::ProgressIterator.
//! [Indicatif]( is a wonderful progress
//! bar for terminal applications. It already works in a multi-threaded
//! environment. The [`indicatif::ProgressIterator::progress_with()`]
//! combinator conveniently attaches a progress bar to an existing iterator.
//! This module provides [`ProgressStream::progress_with()`] for attaching a
//! progress bar to a [`futures::stream::Stream`].
//! Note that the unit tests in this module use [tokio]( for
//! a testing runtime, but the rest of the code does not depend on tokio. You
benkay86 /
Created January 29, 2021 02:17
Flatten an iterator of results with discarding errors
//! The default [`Result::into_iter()`] produces an iterator which yields `None`
//! on `Err`, effectively ignoring/discarding errors. For example:
//! ```
//! let v: Vec<Result<Vec<Result<i32,i32>>,i32>> = vec![
//! Ok(vec![Ok(1), Ok(2), Err(3)]),
//! Err(4),
//! Ok(vec![Ok(5), Ok(6)]),
//! ];
//! let v: Vec<Result<i32, i32>> = v.into_iter().flatten().flatten().collect();
benkay86 /
Created April 23, 2020 18:04
Simple dynamic DNS script for OpenWRT using Dreamhost API
# Simplified script for using Dreamhost as a dynamic DNS provider.
# Works on openwrt, but must have ssl support.
# You will probably need to install libustream-openssl and ca-certificates.
# You may need to edit IP detection lines for your specific configuration.
# You could use cron to schedule it to run hourly:
# crontab -e
# 0 * * * * /root/
# Don't forget to enable cron!