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Last active August 16, 2021 17:47
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A closer look at managing Python's memory with PyO3.
//! The "gotchas" of unexpectedly long lifetimes
//! when managing Python's memory with PyO3.
//! See <>.
use pyo3::types::PyString;
use pyo3::{Py, PyResult, Python};
fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
// Initialize the Python interpreter.
// Example 1: GIL-bound references have the same lifetime as the GIL.
// (Or more precisely, the GILPool, if we use unsafe code as below.)
// Their memory is not released until the GIL is dropped.
Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
for _ in 0..10 {
// The lifetime of `hello` is bound to the lifetime
// of the GIL, `py`, and will outlive this loop.
let hello: &PyString = py.eval("\"Hello World!\"", None, None)?.extract()?;
println!("Python says: {}", hello.to_str()?);
// The Rust variable `hello` is dropped here,
// but its Python memory isn't released yet.
// At this point we have 10 copies of hello allocated on Python's heap.
})?; // Here the GIL is dropped and all 10 copies of hello are released.
// Example 1 Redux: We can acquire and release the GIL with each iteration
// of the loop.
for _ in 0..10 {
Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
let hello: &PyString = py.eval("\"Hello World!\"", None, None)?.extract()?;
println!("Python says: {}", hello.to_str()?);
})?; // GIL is dropped here and Python memory for `hello` is released.
// Exaple 1 Redux: Acquiring and releasing the GIL with each iteration might
// not be practical. We can achieve the same effect by separating the
// GILPool from the GIL, but this is unsafe so we will have to be careful
// not to trigger undefined behavior.
Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
for _ in 0..10 {
// Create a new GILPool. This is unsafe, be sure you read the docs
// and understand what you are doing!
let pool = unsafe { py.new_pool() };
// Shadow the original `py` with a shorter-lifetime token from the
// new pool. This will help prevent us from accidentally creating
// references using the original `py`, which would be one of the
// many ways to get undefined behavior from this code.
let py = pool.python();
// The lifetime of `hello` is bound to the lifetime
// of the GILPool, and will *not* outlive this loop.
let hello: &PyString = py.eval("\"Hello World!\"", None, None)?.extract()?;
println!("Python says: {}", hello.to_str()?);
// The GILPool `pool` is dropped at the end of this iteration,
// releasing the Python memory for `hello`.
// All the `hello` variables have already been released at this point.
})?; // The GIL is dropped.
// Example 2: GIL-independent references are released immediately on drop if
// we are holding the GIL, otherwise they are released when the GIL is
// reacquired.
// First let's temporarily acquire the GIL and obtain a GIL-independent
// reference to Python's heap. By GIL-independent we mean that the Python
// memory pointed to by `hello_py` will outlive this `with_gil()` closure.
let hello: Py<PyString> =
Python::with_gil(|py| py.eval("\"Hello World!\"", None, None)?.extract())?;
// Some time later in our program, let's temporarily reacquire the GIL and
// do something with the Python memory.
"Python says: {}",
// Now let's try to drop `hello`. We can drop the `hello` variable in
// Rust, but its Python memory isn't released yet. Why not? Because we're
// not currently holding the GIL, so we can't do anything to Python's
// memory right now.
// Briefly acquire the GIL again.
// Acquiring the GIL will automatically release `hello`'s memory.
// Since we don't need the GIL for anything else, we'll drop it right after
// we acquire it.
// Example 2 Redux: If we drop the `Py<T>` smart pointer *while* we are
// holding the GIL then the memory will be released immediately.
let hello: Py<PyString> =
Python::with_gil(|py| py.eval("\"Hello World!\"", None, None)?.extract())?;
// Using `Py<Pystring>::into_ref()` consumes `self`, effectively dropping
// `hello` while the GIL is acquired.
"Python says: {}",
// `hello` is dropped and its Python memory has been released.
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