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Last active December 21, 2017 20:15
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Bennett - Capstone Concept

Capstone Concept - BENNETT

Problem Statement #1

Have you ever gone to therapy and had a hard time remembering what you want to work on? Do you ever feel like your feelings are a mystery to you? The Feelings Tracker is here to help! This app will help you remember to check in with your feelings, and also collect and synthesize that data to help you keep track of how and what you feel, where, and when. This app will help you identify clearly what makes you happy, what makes you sad or frustrated, and hopefully inspire self-reflection and personal growth!

MVP Feature Set

  1. Feelings check-in
    • User submits regular checkins
    • Basic form is just a feelings word
    • optional text box for more information - self reported triggers, how much you've eaten/drunk, how much you slept, etc.
    • Also tracks location and time of check in.
  2. See your data
    • provide basic data visualization/sorting in graph or table form
  3. Some kind of login - not real authorization

Potential Additional Features

  1. Better, more visualiztion:
    • have a map for what you feel where
    • little icons for weather
    • basically a dashboard with all kinds of sorted data
  2. Customization:
    • sends you push notification reminders, you can set interval/frequency/random?
    • add specific questions to your checkin form to track - did you take your meds? Have you gone to the gym?
  3. Other things to track:
    • weather, based on time and location (api?)
    • health data? (from fitbits, apple health, etc) like how much sleep you got, when/what you ate, how many steps/if you worked out
  4. Share with healthcare professionals:
    • a good, secure way to give your therapist access to the information
    • integration with therapy apps like Talkspace
  5. Machine Learning?
    • once the app gets to know you, it can start suggesting things based on what it knows about you.
    • ((this is not something that's actually going to happen...))

Draft Technology Choices

  • React Native
  • Rails backend
  • Google Maps API, and OpenWeatherMap API
  • some kind of add in for charts/graphs

Additional Content, diagrams, wireframes, etc.

My wireframes are on paper.

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Thoughts on MVP:

  • Authentication is hard and annoying, especially if you want to do a totally separate front-end and a back-end. I'd most likely discourage you from including auth in your MVP because there are a lot of other more interesting things that you can do as part of your MVP.

Thoughts on tech stack:

  • I think there are ways we can simplify this depending on what you want this to do. My initial thought is that you could do everything or most everything in the front-end (React app) along with using a Firebase database solution. I don't really see a strong need for a separate Rails app in that case.
  • Mongo is most likely not an appropriate solution for you as it is not relational so you wouldn't really be able to (easily) associate a user's information with that same user's feelings.
  • If you want to learn Django, I would encourage you to do that for your full-stack choice rather than trying to do a separate front end as well. Otherwise I think it would be way too much.
  • I like the idea of D3 but would probably say "nah", especially if none of the data viz stuff is going to end up in your MVP.

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