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Created April 4, 2023 09:30
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#include <ArduinoMotorCarrier.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_BNO055.h>
#include <utility/imumaths.h>
uint16_t BNO055_SAMPLERATE_DELAY_MS = 50;
Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(55, 0x28, &Wire);
//Variable to store the battery voltage
#define MIN_BAT_V 8
int batteryVoltage;
// Constants
float ujoint_to_head = 22;
float bjoint_head_offset = 12;
float bjoint_head_x3_offset = -10;
float head_width = 45;
float servo_base_width = 45;
float servo_base_ujoint = -50;
float arm_length = 60;
float ujoint_height = 42;
float height_offset_servo_ujoint = -10;
float servo_arm_length = 14;
int receive_config = 0;
double pitch_offset = 0;
double yaw_offset = 0;
double rotate_pitch_vector_new_x1(float pitch_angle, double old_v_x1, double old_v_x2, double old_v_x3) {
return (cos(pitch_angle) * old_v_x1) + (sin(pitch_angle) * old_v_x3);
double rotate_pitch_vector_new_x2(float pitch_angle, double old_v_x1, double old_v_x2, double old_v_x3) {
return old_v_x2;
double rotate_pitch_vector_new_x3(float pitch_angle, double old_v_x1, double old_v_x2, double old_v_x3) {
return ((-1 * sin(pitch_angle) * old_v_x1) + (cos(pitch_angle)*old_v_x3));
double rotate_yaw_vector_new_x1(float yaw_angle, double old_v_x1, double old_v_x2, double old_v_x3) {
return (cos(yaw_angle) * old_v_x1) + ((-1 * sin(yaw_angle)) * old_v_x2);
double rotate_yaw_vector_new_x2(float yaw_angle, double old_v_x1, double old_v_x2, double old_v_x3) {
return (sin(yaw_angle) * old_v_x1) + (cos(yaw_angle) * old_v_x2);
double rotate_yaw_vector_new_x3(float yaw_angle, double old_v_x1, double old_v_x2, double old_v_x3) {
return old_v_x3;
int calcServoOnePos(double angle_x2, double angle_x3) {
double ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x1 = ujoint_to_head - bjoint_head_offset;
double ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x2 = head_width / 2;
double ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x3 = bjoint_head_x3_offset;
//Serial.print("Original Vektor: ");
//Serial.print(", ");
//Serial.print(", ");
double pitch_v_x1 = rotate_pitch_vector_new_x1(angle_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x1, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x3);
double pitch_v_x2 = rotate_pitch_vector_new_x2(angle_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x1, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x3);
double pitch_v_x3 = rotate_pitch_vector_new_x3(angle_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x1, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x3);
double rot_v_x1 = rotate_yaw_vector_new_x1(angle_x3, pitch_v_x1, pitch_v_x2, pitch_v_x3);
double rot_v_x2 = rotate_yaw_vector_new_x2(angle_x3, pitch_v_x1, pitch_v_x2, pitch_v_x3);
double rot_v_x3 = rotate_yaw_vector_new_x3(angle_x3, pitch_v_x1, pitch_v_x2, pitch_v_x3);
//Serial.print("Pitch and Yaw rotated new Vektor: ");
//Serial.print(", ");
//Serial.print(", ");
double gegen_kat = rot_v_x3 - height_offset_servo_ujoint;
double projected_hypo = sqrt((arm_length * arm_length) - (gegen_kat * gegen_kat));
double topview_gegen_kat = rot_v_x2 - (servo_base_width / 2.0);
double calc_shift = sqrt((projected_hypo * projected_hypo) - (topview_gegen_kat*topview_gegen_kat));
double new_servo_x1_pos = rot_v_x1 - calc_shift;
//Serial.print("New Servo x1 Pos: ");
double constrained_servo_x1_pos = constrain(new_servo_x1_pos, servo_base_ujoint - servo_arm_length, servo_base_ujoint + servo_arm_length);
//Serial.print("Constrained Servo x1 Pos: ");
double mapped_servo_x1_pos = map(constrained_servo_x1_pos, servo_base_ujoint - servo_arm_length, servo_base_ujoint + servo_arm_length, 0, 180);
//Serial.print("Mapped Servo x1 Pos: ");
return mapped_servo_x1_pos;
int calcServoTwoPos(float angle_x2, float angle_x3) {
double ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x1 = ujoint_to_head - bjoint_head_offset;
double ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x2 = -1 * (head_width / 2);
double ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x3 = bjoint_head_x3_offset;
//Serial.print("Original Vektor: ");
//Serial.print(", ");
//Serial.print(", ");
double pitch_v_x1 = rotate_pitch_vector_new_x1(angle_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x1, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x3);
double pitch_v_x2 = rotate_pitch_vector_new_x2(angle_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x1, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x3);
double pitch_v_x3 = rotate_pitch_vector_new_x3(angle_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x1, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x2, ujoint_bjoint_1_vector_x3);
double rot_v_x1 = rotate_yaw_vector_new_x1(angle_x3, pitch_v_x1, pitch_v_x2, pitch_v_x3);
double rot_v_x2 = rotate_yaw_vector_new_x2(angle_x3, pitch_v_x1, pitch_v_x2, pitch_v_x3);
double rot_v_x3 = rotate_yaw_vector_new_x3(angle_x3, pitch_v_x1, pitch_v_x2, pitch_v_x3);
//Serial.print("Pitch and Yaw rotated new Vektor: ");
//Serial.print(", ");
//Serial.print(", ");
double gegen_kat = rot_v_x3 - height_offset_servo_ujoint;
double projected_hypo = sqrt((arm_length * arm_length) - (gegen_kat * gegen_kat));
double topview_gegen_kat = rot_v_x2 - (-1* (servo_base_width / 2.0));
double calc_shift = sqrt((projected_hypo * projected_hypo) - (topview_gegen_kat*topview_gegen_kat));
double new_servo_x1_pos = rot_v_x1 - calc_shift;
//Serial.print("New Servo x1 Pos: ");
double constrained_servo_x1_pos = constrain(new_servo_x1_pos, servo_base_ujoint - servo_arm_length, servo_base_ujoint + servo_arm_length);
//Serial.print("Constrained Servo x1 Pos: ");
double mapped_servo_x1_pos = map(constrained_servo_x1_pos, servo_base_ujoint - servo_arm_length, servo_base_ujoint + servo_arm_length, 0, 180);
//Serial.print("Mapped Servo x1 Pos: ");
return mapped_servo_x1_pos;
void setServoPosition(int angle_x2, int angle_x3) {
//Serial.print("Got new Orientation Data: ");
//Serial.print(", ");
//Serial.println("Angles in Radians: ");
double angle_x2_rad = (angle_x2 * 1000.0) / 57296.0;
//Serial.print(", ");
double angle_x3_rad = (angle_x3 * 1000.0) / 57296.0;
int servoOnePos = calcServoOnePos(angle_x2_rad, angle_x3_rad);
int servoTwoPos = calcServoTwoPos(angle_x2_rad, angle_x3_rad);
//Serial.print("Got new Servo Position Data: ");
//Serial.print(", ");
void setup() {
while (!Serial);
/* Initialise the sensor */
if (!bno.begin())
Serial.print("Ooops, no BNO055 detected ... Check your wiring or I2C ADDR!");
while (1);
//Establishing the communication with the Motor Carrier
if (controller.begin())
Serial.print("MKR Motor Carrier connected, firmware version ");
Serial.println("Couldn't connect! Is the red LED blinking? You may need to update the firmware with FWUpdater sketch");
while (1);
// Reboot the motor controller; brings every value back to default
//Take the battery status
float batteryVoltage = (float)battery.getConverted();
Serial.print("Battery voltage: ");
Serial.print("V, Raw ");
void loop() {
//Take the battery status
float batteryVoltage = (float)battery.getConverted();
//Reset to the default values if the battery level is lower than MIN_BAT_V
if (batteryVoltage < MIN_BAT_V)
Serial.println(" ");
Serial.println("WARNING: LOW BATTERY");
Serial.println("ALL SYSTEMS DOWN");
while (batteryVoltage < MIN_BAT_V) {
batteryVoltage = (float)battery.getConverted();
while (Serial.available() > 0) {
receive_config = Serial.parseInt();
// int pitch_angle = Serial.parseInt();
// int yaw_angle = Serial.parseInt();
if ( == '\n') {
// setServoPosition(pitch_angle, yaw_angle);
//int servo_one_angle = constrain(pitch_angle, 0, 180);
//int servo_two_angle = constrain(yaw_angle, 0, 180);
imu::Vector<3> euler = bno.getVector(Adafruit_BNO055::VECTOR_EULER);
/* Display the floating point data */
if(receive_config == 0) {
Serial.print("X: ");
Serial.print(" Y: ");
Serial.print(" Z: ");
} else
if(receive_config == 1) {
pitch_offset = euler.z();
yaw_offset = euler.x();
receive_config = 2;
} else
if(receive_config == 2) {
Serial.print("New Servo Pos: ");
Serial.print(euler.z() - pitch_offset);
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.println(euler.x() - yaw_offset);
} else if (receive_config == 3) {
setServoPosition(-1*(euler.z() - pitch_offset), (euler.x() - yaw_offset));
//Keep active the communication between MKR board & MKR Motor Carrier
//Ping the SAMD11;
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