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Last active October 4, 2023 04:56
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Save berak/788da80d1dd5bade3f878210f45d6742 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
east text detection, java flavour (@Zappyford, corrected)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.*;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfByte;
import org.opencv.core.Scalar;
import org.opencv.core.Size;
import org.opencv.dnn.*;
import org.opencv.dnn.Dnn;
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
import org.opencv.utils.*;
public class SimpleSample {
static {
public static void main(String[] args) {
float scoreThresh = 0.5f;
float nmsThresh = 0.4f;
// Model from
// You can find it here :
Net net = Dnn.readNetFromTensorflow("c:/data/mdl/frozen_east_text_detection.pb");
// input image
Mat frame = Imgcodecs.imread("nantext.png");
Imgproc.cvtColor(frame, frame, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2RGB);
Size siz = new Size(320, 320);
int W = (int)(siz.width / 4); // width of the output geometry / score maps
int H = (int)(siz.height / 4); // height of those. the geometry has 4, vertically stacked maps, the score one 1
Mat blob = Dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 1.0,siz, new Scalar(123.68, 116.78, 103.94), true, false);
List<Mat> outs = new ArrayList<>(2);
List<String> outNames = new ArrayList<String>();
net.forward(outs, outNames);
// Decode predicted bounding boxes.
Mat scores = outs.get(0).reshape(1, H);
// My lord and savior :
Mat geometry = outs.get(1).reshape(1, 5 * H); // don't hardcode it !
List<Float> confidencesList = new ArrayList<>();
List<RotatedRect> boxesList = decode(scores, geometry, confidencesList, scoreThresh);
// Apply non-maximum suppression procedure.
MatOfFloat confidences = new MatOfFloat(Converters.vector_float_to_Mat(confidencesList));
RotatedRect[] boxesArray = boxesList.toArray(new RotatedRect[0]);
MatOfRotatedRect boxes = new MatOfRotatedRect(boxesArray);
MatOfInt indices = new MatOfInt();
Dnn.NMSBoxesRotated(boxes, confidences, scoreThresh, nmsThresh, indices);
// Render detections
Point ratio = new Point((float)frame.cols()/siz.width, (float)frame.rows()/siz.height);
int[] indexes = indices.toArray();
for(int i = 0; i<indexes.length;++i) {
RotatedRect rot = boxesArray[indexes[i]];
Point[] vertices = new Point[4];
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
vertices[j].x *= ratio.x;
vertices[j].y *= ratio.y;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
Imgproc.line(frame, vertices[j], vertices[(j + 1) % 4], new Scalar(0, 0,255), 1);
Imgcodecs.imwrite("out.png", frame);
private static List<RotatedRect> decode(Mat scores, Mat geometry, List<Float> confidences, float scoreThresh) {
// size of 1 geometry plane
int W = geometry.cols();
int H = geometry.rows() / 5;
List<RotatedRect> detections = new ArrayList<>();
for (int y = 0; y < H; ++y) {
Mat scoresData = scores.row(y);
Mat x0Data = geometry.submat(0, H, 0, W).row(y);
Mat x1Data = geometry.submat(H, 2 * H, 0, W).row(y);
Mat x2Data = geometry.submat(2 * H, 3 * H, 0, W).row(y);
Mat x3Data = geometry.submat(3 * H, 4 * H, 0, W).row(y);
Mat anglesData = geometry.submat(4 * H, 5 * H, 0, W).row(y);
for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x) {
double score = scoresData.get(0, x)[0];
if (score >= scoreThresh) {
double offsetX = x * 4.0;
double offsetY = y * 4.0;
double angle = anglesData.get(0, x)[0];
double cosA = Math.cos(angle);
double sinA = Math.sin(angle);
double x0 = x0Data.get(0, x)[0];
double x1 = x1Data.get(0, x)[0];
double x2 = x2Data.get(0, x)[0];
double x3 = x3Data.get(0, x)[0];
double h = x0 + x2;
double w = x1 + x3;
Point offset = new Point(offsetX + cosA * x1 + sinA * x2, offsetY - sinA * x1 + cosA * x2);
Point p1 = new Point(-1 * sinA * h + offset.x, -1 * cosA * h + offset.y);
Point p3 = new Point(-1 * cosA * w + offset.x, sinA * w + offset.y); // original trouble here !
RotatedRect r = new RotatedRect(new Point(0.5 * (p1.x + p3.x), 0.5 * (p1.y + p3.y)), new Size(w, h), -1 * angle * 180 / Math.PI);
confidences.add((float) score);
return detections;
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jbgruenwald commented Aug 27, 2019

Thanks for this script. Which OpenCV version are you using?

Unfortunately my IDE doesn't find the type MatOfRotatedRect in line 56. I guess that's a class in org.opencv.core, right? It also doesn't find Dnn.NMSBoxesRotated (line 58).

I'm using OpenCV 3.4.2-0:


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berak commented Aug 27, 2019

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Chr3is commented Sep 19, 2019

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GokulNC commented Apr 24, 2020

Hi @berak,
When I tried to check the confidences by printing the confidencesList, I see that almost all the confidences are above 0.99 .
Could be this be an issue with how the Mat scores is being processed?
Or am I the only one facing the issue? (I'm using OpenCV 4.3.0)

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rcd27 commented Feb 4, 2021

Thank you very much for this gist (however need to upgrade it to detect more stuff).
You can use implementation("org.openpnp:opencv:4.3.0-3") dependency. This allows you to call OpenCV.loadLocally() without any needs to installing opencv to your system.
This is the result I have:

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