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Last active April 26, 2019 11:32
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Replication and further analysis of Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone: How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental Debt in the Euro Countries? by Sebastian Koehler and Thomas König
#This code is the replication and further analysis of paper "Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone:
#How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental Debt in
#the Euro Countries? by Sebastian Koehler and Thomas König
# Replication of Euro 11 by using the author's code with minimal editions
#### Let's begin with defining some predictors:
pred <- names(scdata)[c(#
7, # pop65+
8, # pop15-
#9,# unemployment (1)
#10,# system
11,# yrcurnt
12,# allhouse
13,# legelec
14, # pluralty
15, # pr
#16, # checks
#17, # fri
#18,# GDP growth
#19,# growth in multi factor productivity
#20,# labor productivity annual growth
#21, # health expenditure/GDP
22,# GDP expenditure approach
#23,# tax revenue %GDP (general)
24,# taxrev %GDP, no Social Security
#25, # CO2 emissions
#26, # FDI
#27, # GDP growth
#28,# Gini index
#29,#,# Inflation (Consumer Prices)
#30, # Poverty
#31,#, # unemployment (World Bank)
##32, #Population
#33,#, #openness (PWT)
34,#,# openness (expenditure)
#35, # Expenditure on Families %GDP
#36, # PolconIII
#37, # PolconV
38, # Potrafke ideology
39, # Majority margin
#40, # Herfindahl Index Government
41, #lag debt/gdp (RR)
42#,# Rae Fractionalisation index (government)
#43 # Rae Fractionalisation Index (total)
#### define countries used for synthetic control group
contr <- sort(unique(scdata$ccode[is.element(scdata$country,setdiff(scdata$country,c(Euro12,"Euro 11","Slovenia")))]))
#### The following countries have to be excluded due to data constraints (missing values)
contr <- setdiff(contr, c(1111,2222,70,155,225,269,290,310,316,317,349,355,360,366,666,732,sort(unique(scdata$ccode[scdata$eu==0 & scdata$oecd==0]))))
#### Show countries that are available for Synthetic Greece
country <- sort(unique(scdata$country[scdata$ccode %in% contr]))
#### Generate Synth object (debt/gdp ratio) to be used to run the analysis
sdata <- dataprep(foo = scdata[scdata$ccode %in% contr | scdata$country == "Euro 11",],
predictors = pred,
dependent = names(scdata[6]),
unit.variable = "ccode",
time.variable = "Year",
treatment.identifier = 0,
controls.identifier = contr,
time.predictors.prior = c(1983:1998),
time.optimize.ssr = c(1983:1999),
unit.names.variable = "country",
time.plot = 1983:2010
#### Run the synthetic control analysis:
synth.out <- synth(data.prep.obj = sdata, method = "BFGS")
#### calculate output gaps from the results
gaps <- sdata$Y1plot - (sdata$Y0plot %*% synth.out$solution.w)
synth.tables <- = sdata, synth.res=synth.out)
#### Plot the Path of the Debt to GDP ratio for the Euro11 and the Synthetic control
path.plot(synth.res = synth.out,
dataprep.res = sdata,
Ylab="Debt/GDP (Nominal)",
Legend=c("Euro 11","Synthetic Euro 11"),
Legend.position="bottomright", abline(v=1999,lty="dashed")
#### Plot the gap of the Debt to GDP ratio for the Euro11 and the Synthetic control
gaps.plot(synth.res = synth.out, dataprep.res = sdata,
Ylab= "Gap in Debt/GDP (percentage points, 1983-2010)", Xlab="Year",
Main=NA, abline(v=1999,lty="dashed"))
#### extract Country weights from Synthetic control
a <- cbind(synth.tables$tab.w[,1],synth.tables$tab.w[,2])
row.names(a) <- synth.tables$tab.w[,2]
#### Plot Country weights
### Time placebo test for Euro 11 (it is mentioned in paper but there were no figures thus we decided to test for robustness)
pred <- names(scdata)[c(#
7, # pop65+
8, # pop15-
#9,# unemployment (1)
#10,# system
11,# yrcurnt
12,# allhouse
13,# legelec
14, # pluralty
15, # pr
#16, # checks
#17, # fri
#18,# GDP growth
#19,# growth in multi factor productivity
#20,# labor productivity annual growth
21, # health expenditure/GDP
22,# GDP expenditure approach
#23,# tax revenue %GDP (general)
24,# taxrev %GDP, no Social Security
25, # CO2 emissions
#26, # FDI
#27, # GDP growth
#28,# Gini index
#29,#,# Inflation (Consumer Prices)
#30, # Poverty
31,#, # unemployment (World Bank)
##32, #Population
#33,#, #openness (PWT)
34,#,# openness (expenditure)
#35, # Expenditure on Families %GDP
36, # PolconIII
#37, # PolconV
38, # Potrafke ideology
39, # Majority margin
#40, # Herfindahl Index Government
41, #lag debt/gdp (RR)
42#,# Rae Fractionalisation index (government)
#43 # Rae Fractionalisation Index (total)
#### define countries used for synthetic control group
contr <- sort(unique(scdata$ccode[is.element(scdata$country,setdiff(scdata$country,c(Euro12,"Euro 11","Slovenia")))]))
#### The following countries have to be excluded due to data constraints (missing values)
contr <- setdiff(contr, c(1111,2222,70,155,225,269,290,310,316,317,349,355,360,366,666,732,sort(unique(scdata$ccode[scdata$eu==0 & scdata$oecd==0]))))
#### Show countries that are available for Synthetic Greece
country <- sort(unique(scdata$country[scdata$ccode %in% contr]))
#### Generate Synth object (debt/gdp ratio) to be used to run the analysis
sdata <- dataprep(foo = scdata[scdata$ccode %in% contr | scdata$country == "Euro 11",],
predictors = pred,
dependent = names(scdata[6]),
unit.variable = "ccode",
time.variable = "Year",
treatment.identifier = 0,
controls.identifier = contr,
time.predictors.prior = c(1983:1991), #changing the treatment time to 1991 (cannot do earlier due to missing data)
time.optimize.ssr = c(1983:1991), #changing the treatment time to 1991 (cannot do earlier due to missing data)
unit.names.variable = "country",
time.plot = 1983:2010
#### Run the synthetic control analysis:
synth.out <- synth(data.prep.obj = sdata, method = "BFGS")
#### calculate output gaps from the results
gaps <- sdata$Y1plot - (sdata$Y0plot %*% synth.out$solution.w)
synth.tables <- = sdata, synth.res=synth.out)
#### Plot the Path of the Debt to GDP ratio for the Euro11 and the Synthetic control
path.plot(synth.res = synth.out,
dataprep.res = sdata,
Ylab="Debt/GDP (Nominal)",
Legend=c("Euro 11","Synthetic Euro 11"),
Legend.position="bottomright", abline(v=1999,lty="dashed")
# Replication of donor countries by using the author's code for Euro 11
# Replication does not exactly match to the paper (still proves te same tyor of causal relation)
# This difference might be due to difference prediction variables between Euro 11 and donor countries
# Without seeing the original code, it is hard to predict the exact cause of the small difference.
pred <- names(scdata)[c(#
7, # pop65+
8, # pop15-
#9,# unemployment (1)
#10,# system
11,# yrcurnt
12,# allhouse
13,# legelec
14, # pluralty
15, # pr
#16, # checks
#17, # fri
#18,# GDP growth
#19,# growth in multi factor productivity
20,# labor productivity annual growth
21, # health expenditure/GDP
22,# GDP expenditure approach
#23,# tax revenue %GDP (general)
24,# taxrev %GDP, no Social Security
25, # CO2 emissions
#26, # FDI
#27, # GDP growth
#28,# Gini index
29,#,# Inflation (Consumer Prices)
#30, # Poverty
31,#, # unemployment (World Bank)
##32, #Population
#33,#, #openness (PWT)
34,#,# openness (expenditure)
#35, # Expenditure on Families %GDP
36, # PolconIII
#37, # PolconV
38, # Potrafke ideology
39, # Majority margin
#40, # Herfindahl Index Government
41, #lag debt/gdp (RR)
42#,# Rae Fractionalisation index (government)
#43 # Rae Fractionalisation Index (total)
#### define countries used for synthetic control group
contr <- sort(unique(scdata$ccode[is.element(scdata$country,setdiff(scdata$country,c(Euro12,"Euro 11","Slovenia", "donor countries")))]))
#### The following countries have to be excluded due to data constraints (missing values)
contr <- setdiff(contr, c(1111,2222,70,155,225,269,290,310,316,317,349,355,360,366,666,732,sort(unique(scdata$ccode[scdata$eu==0 & scdata$oecd==0]))))
#### Show countries that are available for Synthetic Greece
country <- sort(unique(scdata$country[scdata$ccode %in% contr]))
#### Generate Synth object (debt/gdp ratio) to be used to run the analysis
sdata <- dataprep(foo = scdata[scdata$ccode %in% contr | scdata$country == "donor countries",],
predictors = pred,
dependent = names(scdata[6]),
unit.variable = "ccode",
time.variable = "Year",
treatment.identifier = 1111, #(1111 is the donor countries code)
controls.identifier = contr,
time.predictors.prior = c(1983:1998),
time.optimize.ssr = c(1983:1999),
unit.names.variable = "country",
time.plot = 1983:2010
#### Run the synthetic control analysis:
synth.out <- synth(data.prep.obj = sdata, method = "BFGS")
#### calculate output gaps from the results
gaps <- sdata$Y1plot - (sdata$Y0plot %*% synth.out$solution.w)
synth.tables <- = sdata, synth.res=synth.out)
#### Plot the Path of the Debt to GDP ratio for the Euro11 and the Synthetic control
path.plot(synth.res = synth.out,
dataprep.res = sdata,
Ylab="Debt/GDP (Nominal)",
Legend=c("Donor countries","Synthetic donor countries"),
Legend.position="bottomright", abline(v=1999,lty="dashed")
#### Plot the gap of the Debt to GDP ratio for the Euro11 and the Synthetic control
gaps.plot(synth.res = synth.out, dataprep.res = sdata,
Ylab= "Gap in Debt/GDP (percentage points, 1983-2010)", Xlab="Year",
Main=NA, abline(v=1999,lty="dashed"))
#### extract Country weights from Synthetic control
a <- cbind(synth.tables$tab.w[,1],synth.tables$tab.w[,2])
row.names(a) <- synth.tables$tab.w[,2]
#### Plot Country weights
# Further analysis on France
pred <- names(scdata)[c(#
7, # pop65+
8, # pop15-
#9,# unemployment (1)
#10,# system
11,# yrcurnt
12,# allhouse
13,# legelec
14, # pluralty
15, # pr
#16, # checks
#17, # fri
#18,# GDP growth
#19,# growth in multi factor productivity
20,# labor productivity annual growth
21, # health expenditure/GDP
22,# GDP expenditure approach
#23,# tax revenue %GDP (general)
24,# taxrev %GDP, no Social Security
25, # CO2 emissions
#26, # FDI
#27, # GDP growth
#28,# Gini index
29,#,# Inflation (Consumer Prices)
#30, # Poverty
31,#, # unemployment (World Bank)
##32, #Population
#33,#, #openness (PWT)
34,#,# openness (expenditure)
#35, # Expenditure on Families %GDP
36, # PolconIII
#37, # PolconV
38, # Potrafke ideology
39, # Majority margin
#40, # Herfindahl Index Government
41, #lag debt/gdp (RR)
42#,# Rae Fractionalisation index (government)
#43 # Rae Fractionalisation Index (total)
#### define countries used for synthetic control group
contr <- sort(unique(scdata$ccode[is.element(scdata$country,setdiff(scdata$country,c(Euro12,"Euro 11","Slovenia", "France")))]))
#### The following countries have to be excluded due to data constraints (missing values)
contr <- setdiff(contr, c(1111,2222,70,155,225,269,290,310,316,317,349,355,360,366,666,732,sort(unique(scdata$ccode[scdata$eu==0 & scdata$oecd==0]))))
#### Show countries that are available for Synthetic Greece
country <- sort(unique(scdata$country[scdata$ccode %in% contr]))
#### Generate Synth object (debt/gdp ratio) to be used to run the analysis
sdata <- dataprep(foo = scdata[scdata$ccode %in% contr | scdata$country == "France",],
predictors = pred,
dependent = names(scdata[6]),
unit.variable = "ccode",
time.variable = "Year",
treatment.identifier = 220, #(220 is France country code)
controls.identifier = contr,
time.predictors.prior = c(1983:1998),
time.optimize.ssr = c(1983:1999),
unit.names.variable = "country",
time.plot = 1983:2010
#### Run the synthetic control analysis:
synth.out <- synth(data.prep.obj = sdata, method = "BFGS")
#### calculate output gaps from the results
gaps <- sdata$Y1plot - (sdata$Y0plot %*% synth.out$solution.w)
synth.tables <- = sdata, synth.res=synth.out)
#### Plot the Path of the Debt to GDP ratio for the Euro11 and the Synthetic control
path.plot(synth.res = synth.out,
dataprep.res = sdata,
Ylab="Debt/GDP (Nominal)",
Legend=c("France","Synthetic France"),
Legend.position="bottomright", abline(v=1999,lty="dashed")
#### Plot the gap of the Debt to GDP ratio for the Euro11 and the Synthetic control
gaps.plot(synth.res = synth.out, dataprep.res = sdata,
Ylab= "Gap in Debt/GDP (percentage points, 1983-2010)", Xlab="Year",
Main=NA, abline(v=1999,lty="dashed"))
#### extract Country weights from Synthetic control
a <- cbind(synth.tables$tab.w[,1],synth.tables$tab.w[,2])
row.names(a) <- synth.tables$tab.w[,2]
#### Plot Country weights
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